Instigator / Pro

Will more socialization benefit society?


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 12 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Pro: Benefit

Con: Harmful

Due to the nature of this topic, I do not have to prove why anything is moral, You have to prove to me why it is immoral. I will be providing a few reasons why more socialization would be moral however the BoP rests mostly on pro. However, before we begin I would like to define Socialism and the Redistribution of wealth.

Socialism: A state at which they redistribute wealth which is used for the collective good.

Redistribution of Wealth: Redistribution of income and redistribution of wealth are respectively the transfer of income and of wealth (including physical property) from some individuals to others by means of a social mechanism.

Tiwaz is banned from participating in this debate due to him continually pulling red herrings, dodging questions and points, and attempting to character assassinate several people.

If he accepts he completely forfeits the debate.

Cause you didn't make a good argument and now winning is a formality, when winning is easy it makes debating boring.


What's your point? I don't have time to spend hours formulating an argument that I can state in around an hour.

Considering my win-loss ratio on DART and on DDO, my strategy seems to be doing ok.

I don't expect you to spend hours on an argument and neither should you.

If I did misrepresent points, bring it up in the debate however it's my choice how long I need to spend on an argument, if I can make a good argument in an hour I don't see the problem.

I read your arguments upwards of ten times, researched for 2 pomodoros (1 hour) and spent 4 pomodoros (2 hours) writing while simultaneously researchibg my response. I showed your arguments a lot of respect


Debating for this long, I can comprehend arguments pretty fast. And great if I did miss comprehend issues bring it up in the debate.


You published your argument 49 minutes after I published mine. It probably takes an hour just to really digest what I said in the debate, and another couple of hours to devise a competent response. Please take your time. From what you wrote it is clear their is some comprehension problems on your side. Reread what I wrote, check my sources. Go for a walk so everythibg can settle in and resonate with you. This is incredibly disrespectful to write a response before you even give yourself a chance to comprehend what was discussed so far


Alright here you go, there are also sources stating the same thing if this one doesn't work again.

Okay still need washington post link but found the stat you forgot to cite here


Your washington post link is broken. Can you post it in the comments so I can check your citation


Forgot to bring up a few arguments concerning the questions and how they're important, I'll add them to the next round as they're pretty important. My apologies.


" The reason that cities are more liberal is that they gain a lot more for voting liberal. Government spending on roads, public transportation, etc is much more popular in cities than in rural areas for obvious reasons."

- Not true, if this was the case than educated states like Oregon, Vermont, and Colorado wouldn't be voting liberal.

Also, this analogy fails since people in rural areas also have benefited from government spending.

Do you seriously not believe people in rural areas need to be kept up roads or healthcare benefits?

" Give me specifications for quantifying this bias and I can look into it in the next few days. Do I look at reasons for voting and say they are insufficient?"

- Look at votes by liberals with votes that are biased.

Finding insufficient votes doesn't prove a bias, plenty of votes by both sides are insufficient.

Personally, this would be the best way however on such a small website without statistical data nor studies this is rather hard to back up as evidenced by Dr.Franklin who gave up and conceded.

If you have a low ratio on the site, it's your fault not a " liberal bias "

" . However, again, these "statistics" could be caused by biased votes that support liberals. "

- You have to actually prove that to be true.

" Again, I'm not arguing that everyone votes for their own side. I'm arguing that they tend to vote for people with similar opinions."

- Not true at all, the more likely reason that I backed up earlier with evidence is that liberals are generally more educated and have better arguments.


So you're for fair trade, essentially? I agree with you. The general answer is:let them sell at a loss, our consumers benefit. It is rather short-sighted, because their monopolies will overcharge substantially


Well Omar and boat's debate was apolitical. They weren't arguing on a specific political issue, so political bias didn't really apply.

The reason that cities are more liberal is because they gain a lot more for voting liberal. Government spending on roads, public transportation, etc is much more popular in cities than in rural areas for obvious reasons.

Give me specifications for quantifying this bias and I can look into it in the next few days. Do I look at reasons for voting and say they are insufficient?

Also, it could be that they are debating worse. However, again, these "statistics" could be caused by biased votes that support liberals. Again, I'm not arguing that everyone votes for their own side. I'm arguing that they tend to vote for people with similar opinions.

I am for Laisse Faire capitalism if other nations are behaving ethically. Unfortunately China does things like sale televisions at a loss so American companies can't compete, which is why America does not have any TV manufacturers. They attempted the same thing with Solar panels until Trump shut that down to save American companies


Alright, thanks for answering the questions, are you going to take this debate seriously because looking at a few debates lead me to believe you don't take debating on the site seriously and just troll.

Oh and another question, I assume you're an economic nationalist correct?


I won't answer the questions in the debate, but since you are curious I will answer them here.

- What's your position on the minimum wage?

That it should be abolished, but I think wages are close to the market rate now so not that important but it could be in the future.

- What's your position on mass immigration and illegal immigration?

I am mostly opposed to them. I have no problem with legal immigration, as far as mass immigration it is usually harmful to the society and particularly women left behind mass migration so it should be avoided.

- What's your opinion on the redistribution of wealth?

Other than a basic minimum income, it should be avoided.

- Are you a conservative or anarcho libertarian?

Closer to libertarian, and libertarians are usually pro government not anarchist.


Has he even conceded a single point?
If not is there point carrying on.
If yes try and make analogies using the thing he conceded on.
Just call him a coward for not accepting (Don't have to but you can if you want to).


" The bias is that the liberals are doing all the voting. They find other liberals' arguments more agreeable. Common sense."

- If this was the case then explain how in a lot of instances the liberals generally vote for the side that has the best argument as evidenced by omars debate with boat and Dr.Franklins debate. Among several other debates.

" You said that smarter countries are more liberal, that more urbanized places are more liberal, and that they are more educated. You were calling (at least most) conservatives dumb."

- Less educated doesn't necessarily mean dumb personally.

Yes, people in less urbanized areas are generally dumber than people in urban areas however we need to also remember the conservatives in urban areas.

However considering urban areas are generally more liberal and unurbanized areas are more conservative, ok fine conservatives are generally dumber than liberals.

" Even if that were true, you are saying that the entire reason for the disparity is just that we have worse debate skills and are less educated? That sounds incredibly ignorant and generalizing."

- Statistics are statistics.

This hypothesis is most likely true and is a better explanation than a " liberal bias " as the bias isn't backed up by evidence at all.


No, Alec is formidable. I'm just saying that instead of being maybe 4th place, those extra debates pushed him to 1st.

The bias is that the liberals are doing all the voting. They find other liberals' arguments more agreeable. Common sense.

The two debators I were referring to were the low ratio hated "liberals"

You said that smarter countries are more liberal, that more urbanized places are more liberal, and that they are more educated. You were calling (at least most) conservatives dumb.

Even if that were true, you are saying that the entire reason for the disparity is just that we have worse debate skills and are less educated? That sounds incredibly ignorant and generalizing.

Let's wrap this up in 1-2 more comments.


" Yeah, most of those studies that show disparities are very misleading. Once they take into account the circumstances of each shooting, sentence, or whatever you choose, the difference is either highly mitigated or disappears entirely."

- I merely did this to demonstrate a point, how are they misleading?

" I'm not saying that liberals are the problem. In terms of active members on the site, the majority of them are liberal. Most of the consistent voters are liberal. Perhaps that is conservatives' fault for not voting more. I know I should."

- If you admit this, then where is the bias than?

" Alec got really high up because early on he did a lot of "all guns should be banned debates".

- More character assassinations, Alec still faced off against worthy opponents and did topics about other issues.

" I would have to look into those two specific debators. They could be trolls or children for all I know."

- They were Ramshutu and Ragnar both of which top debaters on the site and liberals who voted for Dr.Franklin

". Economic and social "liberalism" is correlated with intelligence. Economic liberalism is defined as the ability to enter into voluntary transactions and enjoy "the fruits of their labor"."

- No statistic nor study to back this up.


- NEVER stated all conservatives are dumb.

My point is that the reason why they are lower on the leaderboards is that conservatives are generally less educated and therefore less skilled at debating.

I find this hypothesis more likely than a leftist bias on the site for the reason why conservatives can't pull ahead on the leaderboards.


It depends on your "intelligence" point. The smartest people tend to be libertarian types. Economic and social "liberalism" are correlated with intelligence. Economic liberalism is defined as the ability to enter into voluntary transactions and enjoy "the fruits of their labor". This is more of what conservatives believe. On the other hand, social liberalism is also correlated with intelligence, which is something they don't believe in.


Yeah, most of those studies that show disparities are very misleading. Once they take into account the circumstances of each shooting, sentence, or whatever you choose, the difference is either highly mitigated or disappears entirely.

I'm not saying that liberals are the problem. In terms of active members on the site, the majority of them are liberal. Most of the consistent voters are liberal. Perhaps that is conservatives' fault for not voting more. I know I should.

Alec got really high up because early on he did a lot of "all guns should be banned debates". It is similar to "Socialism is completely evil". It is hard for the opponent to win because it starts them on a radical position. It was really smart of him. If I cared about moving up, I would create a bunch of debates similar to that.

I would have to look into those two specific debators. They could be trolls or children for all I know.


Ok bye you're a coward and have no argument.


There is no " liberal bias ", generally conservatives make poor arguments and are generally uneducated as evidenced by statistics that show that generally, the more educated states are the more urbanized liberal states and the more socialized countries.


" The point wasn't guilted by association, it was that people cite biases all the time, but it is difficult to believe."

- Actually, bias's are provable.

Surveys and statistical data have done a fine job of doing so.

Racist bias can be proven with statistical data such as policies.

Homophobia could be proven with statistical data such as hate crime statistics.

Neither of you has provided substantial evidence for me to believe DART is biased, therefore there is nothing me nor the mods can do about it.

" Just because you provided one example doesn't prove anything. What a pathetic attempt at "citing" your point. "

- I've provided numerous examples of Alec winning against liberals and people voting for Dr.Franklin as well as basic facts to debunk the " bias ".

For a website with only 200 people, this is the best I can do. The BOP is on you guys, not me.

" My point is that in close debates, they will generally choose people who they initially agree with. If you think that these voters are 100% objective every time they vote, you are quite mistaken."

- I ask again, can you provide me several examples of this occurring to back up your point?

Voters don't remain 100 % objective every time, I agree and it is a problem.

However, you guys are acting as though there is a liberal bias implying liberals are the problem.

Which is a poorly constructed hypothesis neither of you has backed up.

If there is a bias, then explain how Alec a conservative who makes good points was on the # 1 spot and has consistently remained on the top 10.

Explain how two liberals voted for Dr.Franklin

Explain how on DDO two liberals being billsands and backwardseden have poor ratios and one of which being backwardseden is hated.

Not to mention several other liberals on the site who have poor ratios.


Difficult to prove*


The point wasn't guilt by association, it was that people cite biases all the time, but it is difficult to believe.

Just because you provided one example doesn't prove anything. What a pathetic attempt at "citing" your point. How do I prove my side? Show an example of a liberal voting for a liberal? My point is not that liberals vote for liberals every time. My point is that in close debates, they will generally choose people who they initially agree with. If you think that these voters are 100% objective every time they vote, you are quite mistaken.


I made my point so bai


No, it isn't if you aren't going to address my counter-arguments than they still stand thus I will not be buying your conspiracy theory and character assassinations made.

If this is how you debate in actual debates than it isn't a " liberal " bias that's making you lose.


I don't want to address them,is that fine?


Ok, so you're dodging my critiques and my questions.

Great argument I am convinced.


Look, i made my claim and supported it, that's it.


By not responding to my arguments?


No, I'm proving my point,that's all


Ok so are you going to address my question and critique of it?


200th comment!

""Con goes off on a tangent with the police officers comparison"
Really, biased"

That was my original argument


Ok, how is dodging my arguments supporting your original argument?


No,Im supporting my original argument.


Ok, so you're just going to ignore my question and critique of your evidence.


It's biased though


Just because it's a liberal viewpoint doesn't mean that is clouding his judgment.

Not to mention, how about the rest of the vote?

Very clearly you and bmdrocks21 have no actual substantial evidence to back up your poorly constructed hypothesis.


It is a liberal viewpoint and is against Boat


How does that make him bias?

You were going off on a tangent which in his view hurt your argument.


Everybody just noob-snipes

"Con goes off on a tangent with the police officers comparison"

Really, biased


Firstly, ok why are the leaderboards " shit ".

Secondly, ok that's a pretty hefty vote. It doesn't appear to be biased in any way so can you please point out how it's specifically bias?



That's not enough, the leaderboards are shit and Alec needs to stop obsessing over them.


This also isn't including the times where he faced off against smart opponents and lost.


Going onto your poor character assassination against Alec, this is nothing short than a baseless attack made against him.

Alec has noob sniped, but so has every other person on the top leaderboards.

He HAS faced off against capable opponents and won such as,

Virtuoso ( who is a liberal )


Rational Madman ( who is a liberal )

I am finding this conspiracy theory hard to believe when Alec has won against two smart liberals on the site.


BUT again you still haven't provided evidence that they only vote liberal

Correlation doesn't equal causation


Because if they are liberals, then they vote liberal