Instigator / Pro

Abortion should, in most cases, be illegal.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 18 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I will have my opponent make the first arguments in their first post.

My argument will be that in all cases except for when the life of the mother is put in unusual risk by a pregnancy, abortion should be illegal.


I don't think you are left wing enough. Given that I think the best side is the left that comes with what I personally believe.

Try to actually or do a more effective job at creating a foundation. Have it then make other things confirms the foundation. If you can't make it confirm the foundation your foundation is flawed. I haven't personally done this because I am lazy but I am sure it would work for people who wanted to truly know if there foundation is good. This is under the assumption foundations are good which I think they are.

What I try to do when arguing is with every single claim I made is support it with evidence an explanation. I can't believe English was helpful but it was. Without it my formulation would be awful.

Chrome is better than Opera.
The measurement I am using is booting times.
X videos states upon multiple different states that Chrome shows to be the most consistent with, without plugins and when trying to open previously close windows.
With this information I can conclude that Chrome's boot times are better. This is helpful because it reduces the time taken to get on the platform which means I am quicker to access websites.

Something like that should be fine. If you even attempt what I said here I am sure you would be okay. If you need clarification just ask or tell me how I am wrong or something.


I used to be more right wing then I am now. I don't think the problem is my positions.


I would say the problem is more with the positions you hold while also how you got there used in a debate. Those arguments you used against me in the death penalty were really bad. I think you should either decide to change your positions or improve your arguments for your existing positions. What I would say pick better positions then improve your arguments but I ain't you.


Don't be so down, what a losing streak tells to me is that you aren't just noob sniping.

You're branching out, trying new topics, and taking on more challenging and capable opponents.

If you're losing it's no big deal, I recently just really lost my first debate ever between DDO and DART that wasn't a concession.

Screw-ups happen, what matters is you examine the previous mistakes you made and learn from them.

In my case, I was a bit too cocky and I didn't take my time with my arguments and rushed.


I need a break from debates for a while. I'm on a losing streak.


It might be interesting to have a debate between two pro-life people on the definition of human life. Hit me up if you're interested.


Yeah, I like to have the maximum character limit. It means that although I'll never use that many characters, I'll never have to consolidate what I want to say in order to stay within the limit or even cut points out entirely. I can unpack anything as much as I think it needs to be. Of course, I still need to be cautious about rambling.

I knew it was easy win


Yeah especially for an abortion debate.

I'm rooting for Patmos.


I don't think the victory, if it exists, would be easy.


Patmos is like Luke Skywalker, after Con's argument Pro just rubs it off his shoulder


Easiest W

easy win to Pro as always

What's the matter? Done masturbating over the songs I post?

what a trash song

Definitely. RM accepting your debate is a victory times two because he thinks he's good.

Easy win, easy life.

Until today, that is. ;)

easy win to Pro

That is a very high character limit...


I'm pro life beyond 6 weeks. A fertilized egg isn't human, but a fetus with a brain and a heartbeat (which happen at 6 weeks) is a human.