Instigator / Con

Government Benefits


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

Now I suppose a general description of the rules.

(1.) BOTH sides have a burden to prove their positions. (I have noticed this kind of burden swinging in far too many debates. It is a tactic to merely win a debate, not to find truth.)
(2.) Sources are NOT everything. (Something that is also misunderstood is the nature of facts. Facts are NOT automatic guarantees that what you say is true. Facts can be: 1. Wrong 2. Misinterpreted 3. Misapplied to your argument. Lastly you can have a fallacious argument, which is one consisting of logical fallacies, such as contradictions that are unable to be defended by mere facts)
(3.) Basic etiquette. (No character/ad hominum attacks, ...etc)

In this debate I will be defending the side that government benefits are a bad idea to say the least. To clarify what “government benefits” are, I have used the government term found at ( ) To sum it up, it comprises of all of the supplemental subsidies our government gives out including Food, Healthcare, Housing, and Financial Assistance.

I would like to weigh this debate based on two main values:
1. Purpose of our Government
2. Freedom
My opponent may use other Weighing Mechanisms, but I request a debate of the WM should this be the case.

Here is a clarification of the burdens:
For side Pro (For Government Benefits): To support (build evidence on) and defend Government Benefits.
For side Con (Against Government Benefits): To support (build evidence on) and defend against Government Benefits.
We will have three rounds and 3 days each to post.

To Truth!

Let’s not let government live our lives and take our hard-earned labor. Instead we must stop preventing the poor from climbing their own ladder as we give them a helping hand with the extra time we have not paying self-serving bureaucrats. The trick played by the socialist is that socialism is justified because the individual is selfish. If this were true then government, composed by the smallest most power-hungry group of individuals, should be avoided at all cost. Government benefits are no different.

And so my friends, don’t let the name fool you. Government Benefits only benefit one thing: The government.

To Truth!

Voting Issue: The Individual

a. Collective First Mentality
It is crucial that remember the individual is the highest good that most be protected at the maximum. Rational Madman agrees here as well, but argues against the individual. This is done by assuming the individual must be harmed by taking from his own life, in order to benefit others. This, however, is a collective mentality first, which must violate the individual. The impact is that the very idea of government benefits immediately violates this most important value.

b. Government Benefits Violate Individuality
Government benefits do not benefit the one being violated nor the one who is thought to be helped. The person stolen from loses the choice of what to do with a large portion of his own labor. Opportunities are taken from him, his own path forward made that much harder. The same is for those who are supposed to benefit from this. How do we harm the poor the most? By paying them to stay poor. (This is all too well known by the war on poverty here in the US). It is equally bad to take and subsidize against pursuing opportunity. The individual made to bend to the wishes of government. The only individuals not tampered with are the tampers, those on the top making the very decisions individuals should be making for themselves. When you scroll through life, remember that you are your final leader and that anyone attempting to replace you and decide for you what you do with your own efforts, are evil. No matter what they say they will achieve, they must not seek to replace you in your life.

Note to all: I just missed the deadline. Please see my final argument here:

“Underlining most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself” -Milton Freedmen

I want to touch on a few thing from Rational Madman's last post and then recap the debate.


“This debate was about government benefits in all nations”

Even though I originally intended to debate restricted to the US, my arguments can be applied to any country because it considers a matter of general truth. The United States remains a crucial example and is best understood by us Americans and so most relevant.

“Pro is now fighting a different case, saying that government benefits don't work, rather than that they are immoral.”

You can have both. I think things that are immoral also end in bad results.

“there is strong correlation between having elements of socialized care for the poor, in a mixed economy (that is fundamentally capitalist but with socialist elements that stop the poor 'rotting away with no help or safety net') and being high in many categories of national success.”
The key phrase here is “fundamentally capitalist.” In order to attribute the success of the western world to socialist policies, you must ignore the very foundation of freedom from which it relies. It is really the prosperity from the free market that you are praising, not the socialist policies that feed on it. Without the free market, there is no prosperity. But can you say the same without socialism? This is because, of course, that taking is not giving. You do not help your neighbor by stealing from his neighbor. Government benefits are exactly that, taking from some Americans and giving to a select few. It seems that this basic idea has been missed by Rational Madman, but I hope to hear about it in his closing remarks. I want to take a look back to contention 2:


Why not? :)




Hello RationalMadman! How are you these days?


It is U.S XD, I guess I assumed that one. Also you can defend, and attack, as general or specific as you wish. The floor is yours.

To Truth!

Also are we only talking about US please clarify


Can you make the description say on net balance so pro doesn’t have to say every single benefit is amazing and awesome