Instigator / Pro

Nobody is accepting of homosexuality.


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After 1 vote and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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One week
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Contender / Con

Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.

****I'm bringing this back to your attention. I think and have optimism we can be honest with one another and I think many of us are smart.

The topic statement and everything to back it up in context is true.

I will start with an excerpt taken from somebody supposedly against the statement but was in much agreement based on what they said. They just didn't realize or look at it as such because often times we're numb and desensitized to what words and concepts amount to.

The excerpt is as follows :

"is sexual intercourse necessary for reproduction? The answer may seem intuitive yes, but once you think about it for a second the answer is obviously no. Sperm and an egg are necessary, the obvious alluding is simple, have the male ejaculate in a tube or something else that's tight and insert it into the female. "

Text says think about. We're both advising you to think about it. The characteristic of each has a function/role and or mission. That mission may not coincide or parallel to that of a person. What happens when I refuse your mission because I got my own? *******

Focus there , add the remaining text as put before for context.

This is like a chapter 2 and an idea taken from another debate topic.

It was mentioned in that description about no one denying heterosexuality according to their anatomical setup and design, namely according to their body.

No person accepts homosexuality. That's absolutely no person as in their body accepts homosexual behavior.

It works the same way with food and medical care. I'll break down the scenarios and analogies as the debate proceeds on.

Now I understand that there's probably confusion already.
What do I mean, nobody accepts it?

What about the law? What about society as a whole, the festivities and celebrations?

Isn't this an indication of acceptance?

I guess it comes down to what's meant by "accept" or "reject".

To be sure you're really paying attention to what you are reading and that you're reading it all, the context has been specified to what the topic is getting at.

Now there could be some fundamental problems as anticipated. If you as a person have a particular belief regarding the nature of sexuality and sex disregarding biology, then it's futile of you understanding this topic altogether.

But in any event, you may learn something dealing with biological blueprint. I would have to say that is a start.

So if you disagree and say that some do accept homosexuality in all aspects 100 percent, batter up,step up to the plate.

For questions and advice , please send a message .

Blamonkey stats
Eloquence 100
Speech 100
Knowledge 100

Mall stats
Confusion 100


I mean - same


lol well I am Here for it :)


I think Blamonkey is trying to make a statement now, lol


again? do try to use simpler language if you're trying to inform Mall. He didn't seem to understand your complex constructive the last time.

Lol saying "no body is accepting of homosexuality" to make some dumb ass point about how BODIES are not "accepting" of homosexuality is pathologically stupid and also false. My female body is perfectly accepting of sexual activity with other female bodies. And my mind, being inextricable from my body (brain) also accepts homosexuality. This is an incredibly useless topic that nobody will accept to debate because it's low hanging fruit that's too easy to win, based on some really poor and weak attempt at playing semantics. Yawn.

I do agree with you guys when something is non-controversial. It's just the truth and a hallelujah and amen to that.

I've stopped taking Mall's debates out of principle... something about low-hanging fruit.


Based on your challenge that no one accepts your debate, therefore, your resolution is true [your post #4, and in the description] is about as lame [Danielle's sentiment in #3, and I share it] as the statement, "Anyone who reads this sentence is a fool." You just read it, didn't you? Do believe the statement? Is it true?
The same answer belongs to your challenge.


"Yes there are no takers. The topic statement is indeed true ."
This came across as gloating to me.
Ultimately, every time you put forward a topic so vapid, vague, or non-controversial that no one accepts it, you fail. The point of DebateArt is not being right or uncontested about things. No one is posting topics like "π is 3.14..." that are obviously true. There is no Debate and there is definitely no Art in this topic. It better serves the purpose of the site to argue for the wrong position, as long as you do it well and learn something along the way.

Yes there are no takers. The topic statement is indeed true .

This is yet another incredibly stupid framing of an incredibly stupid debate topic. There's no clear resolution which is why the instigator has to spend so much time explaining what they mean (and still did a very poor job). It looks like he's saying you need a sperm and egg to procreate which has nothing to do with the topic he proposed. Lame.

We see eye to eye. No takers on this topic, you all can concede that the topic statement is true.


And taking my statements and trying to argue that they mean what he wants them to mean... its maalll.. You're still wrong. That statement supposes that heterosexuality isn't necessary for human reproduction, nothing of what you think