Instigator / Pro

Budgies are cute


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 12 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


Either of you; if you disagree with the vote, don't complain to me; I can do nothing to a submitted vote; I would not do it anyway simply by your complaint, even if I could. Go to a Mod. You do so by reference to the debate [copy/paste its URL] and PM a Mod with your complaint, requesting my vote be removed. The Mod will review and render judgment.


"Con notes in his R1: "Pro notes that he and many people think budgies are *beautiful*, not merely cute. He has not proven that Budgies have traits that are common to youthful or childish animals." MY RFD advised the bad choice to add adjectives to your original elements of "childish, youthful, and delicate," particularly when, in R2, as my RFD recognized, you argued that, "Childishness, youthfulness and delicateness are not requirements for being called cute." You tanked your own argument.".

But was this argued or brought up by Con? If not then surely that is a black mark against Con.. Though unless Pro argued this, that is also not worthy of expressing an opinion on.. And those appear to be your arguments, not arguments made by either of the debaters. It would require a seperate debate with yourself to establish that your opinions are correct. They may actually not be.. Also whilst a forfeiture may not be an automatic argument loss, perhaps had the party that forfeited, had not forfeited, then those points might have been raised and Pro might have had the chance to respond to those points.. The fact that we will never know should not reflect more badly on the person that did not forfeit and there is no reason to offer any benefit of doubt to the person that did.. But regarding the conduct point, you somehow managed to state that Con had forfeited, and that Pro had somehow handed the conduct point back by making some kind of violation. So should this not be a tie considering it is in your opinion one violation each? How did you manage to conclude that Pros violation was any more serious than Cons forfeiture?


So you felt like I declared victory when I literally didn't, and then you punished me for that? I only stated that my evidence was sufficient to conclude that budgies are cute, I didn't override boundaries for fairness as I have done before. My arguments were unrebutted, as I explained in R2 that PRO's R1 claims don't rebut my arguments, he merely challenged me to provide more evidence.

The adjectives being a part of the definitions isn't my choice, it's the choice of society that creates words and gives them meaning. In R1, I cited an official definition and showed why budgies fall under that definition. In PRO's R1, he made claims about my BoP that contradicted the definitions, essentially adding his own criteria for cuteness. My arguments aren't contradictory or self-defeating. I simply explained that I didn't have to provide more evidence, but did it regardless because I love budgies.


Your R3: "My opponent has forfeited, leaving my argument unrebutted." Con rebutted your argument in his R1, and R2, demonstrating your own wandering argument, as I said in my RFD. And, as I said, the Voting policy allows a single forfeit, yet you declared a forfeit [I took that as a declaration of victory] ignoring that Con had an additional round left to enter. I call that a premature call of victory, because Con did have a remaining round to offer rebuttal.. So what if he forfeited R3?

Con notes in his R1: "Pro notes that he and many people think budgies are *beautiful*, not merely cute. He has not proven that Budgies have traits that are common to youthful or childish animals." MY RFD advised the bad choice to add adjectives to your original elements of "childish, youthful, and delicate," particularly when, in R2, as my RFD recognized, you argued that, "Childishness, youthfulness and delicateness are not requirements for being called cute." You tanked your own argument.


Thank you for voting.

Also, I pay you respect for viewing the pictures and thinking budgies are cute.


Would you care to vote? I don't think it would take too much time.


Welcome to the website and all its dirty ways.



Your critique of my R3 conclusion is absurd. I simply stated that my evidence was sufficient to conclude that budgies are cute. I did not declare victory, lest you think that every debater in every argument's conclusion declare victory merely by concluding that their case is correct given the evidence they provided. In other words, you are giving CON the conduct point for a crime I didn't commit, and if I did then every other debater always commits the same crime. Your conduct point awarding is unfair.

Also, your granting of argument point to CON is also nonsensical. CON makes no argument, and you use your own reasoning to conclude that my argument is contradictory. You are not analysing a debate, you are acting as the CON party should have acted during the debate. My R1 evidence was enough to conclude that budgies are cute, and you simply ignore all of the evidence I provided. Nope, your vote is not fair at all.


Oh, I see.
-No argument for CON.
-No sources for CON.
-CON barely wrote anything.
-CON forfeited.
-PRO's R2 arguments went unrebutted, and his R1 evidence not disputed.
-PRO's case being correct by definition -- the very definition of cute uses as an example a puppy, which signalises that subjective opinion is enough to call something cute. Thus by mere budgies being the most popular bird in the world proves they are cute. This argument is made and not rebutted.

Seems like the debate to vote CON, doesn't it?


I swear this debate contains more definitions than the actual dictionary.


Seeing semantical monsters like this, I don't know what to think.


Budgies are actually not from hell, they are from Australia.

Bop on pro, be careful


What the hell are "budgies"?


Your back as usual