Instigator / Pro

Chess > Board Game Of Your Choice


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 5 votes and with 9 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Chess is my favorite board game. Let's see yours's.

CHESS = a board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a chequered board on which each playing piece is moved according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible ( checkmate ).

1. No new arguments are to be made in the final round.
2. Definitions are agreed upon and are not to be contested.
3. Rules are agreed upon and are not to be contested.
4. Sources can be hyperlinked or provided in the comment section.
5. A breach of rules 1-5 should result in a 1 point penalty.
6. No Kritiks.
7. Bones cannot participate (Due to me being sick of losing elo XD)
8. A breach in rules 6-8 should result an instant loss.


PRO: Will argue that Chess is the best board game out there.
CON: Will argue that another board game is better.

R1: Opening Statements.
R2: Rebuttal and Defense
R3: Closing Statements.


My point isn't to make you feel bad, it's criticism which should be able to help you grow.

Oh just had an idea for if doing this again and someone mentions the Netflix movie: twist such around using sexy chess clips from said movie, thereby giving the audience a reason to prefer Chess (I do strongly prefer chess, but I do my best to check my feelings at the door when reviewing a debate).


Now you're just making me feel bad 😔


He even outright lied about firstly the relative popularity of Go (in the 'Eastern' or mainland Asia it's extremely popular, just as respects as Chess is if not more so) and secondly, Chess tournaments last days, hours at a time, idk where he got the idea it's 90 mins max.

At the point of writing my Round 2 I got too bored to continue. He'd even violated the Kritik rule but explaining that would be a drag and just anger him while maybe also angering voters. His entire case is that popularity can kritik absolutely all other elements of a board game's value, that is his core case.

To be honest though, I have no idea how or why but I think I am finally becoming a less argumentative person. As in, I am changing as a person even IRL. I've begun to understand that proving someone wrong is a largely taxing and futile task if you can't prove them wrong with results/actions. If I have to explain to you why you are wrong and can't quickly 'show' you then far more often than not what will ensue is a waste of my time and energy and even worse can leave you respecting me and my outlook less than before.

Here is a round by round development of my analysis...

Pro: Chess is old and popular.
Con: Go is also old.

Pro: Chess is popular.
Con: Chess would have died if not for Covid and Netflix.

Con: Chess is not the "ultimate logic board game" (pro did not make that claim, as much as he probably should have). This is because Go has vastly more possible moves, resulting in it being much harder; and subsequently better AI's are developed for it.

Pro R1: Chess is old and popular.
Con R1: Go is also old.

Pro R1: Chess is popular.
Con R1: Chess would have died if not for Covid and Netflix.

Con R1: Chess is not the "ultimate logic board game" (pro did not make that claim, as much as he probably should have). This is because Go has vastly more possible moves, resulting in it being much harder; and subsequently better AI's are developed for it.
Pro R2: Never spoke so highly of chess, and some replies to the comment section? Then an assertion that complexity marks an inferior game... Ah the complexity of the AI means players aren't able to learn from it as well with a YouTube blogger a source (seriously, this is against an explanation of chess computers using brute force instead of on the spot learning which Go computers use).

Pro R1: Chess is old and popular.
Con R1: Go is also old.

Pro R1: Chess is popular.
Con R1: Chess would have died if not for Covid and Netflix.

Con R1: Chess is not the "ultimate logic board game" (pro did not make that claim, as much as he probably should have). This is because Go has vastly more possible moves, resulting in it being much harder; and subsequently better AI's are developed for it.
Pro R2: Never spoke so highly of chess, and some replies to the comment section? Then an assertion that complexity marks an inferior game which takes longer to play... Ah the complexity of the AI means players aren't able to learn from it as well with a YouTube blogger a source (seriously, this is against an explanation of chess computers using brute force instead of on the actual learning which Go computers use).
Con R2: Forfeiture.
Pro R3: Extend... (while new arguments were not allowed, expansion of the computer point to put the chess point into the lead would have been ideal)
Con R3: Forfeiture.

Kinda disappointed that RM forfeited two rounds. When I saw the debate's resolution my first thoughts were on Con bringing up Go and RM did just that.




Of course RM picks a game that few people know about.


>Reported Vote: Intelligence_06 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: conduct to con
>Reason for Decision: forfeiting most of the rounds is not something to do in a debating match.
>Reason for Mod Action:

The voter scored points to the inverse of their own analysis. The vote has been removed to enable them to revote at their discretion.


Well, it seems like I have voted incorrectly. I think it would be just to remove my vote in place for a better one.


You voted for the wrong person, I think. RM = CON, Deadfire = PRO. RM forfeited most the rounds, so you should have given PRO the conduct point.


Chess is the ultimate logic game. Logic is a skill that belongs in every other skill

Checkers is better only cause I'm too lazy to memorize all the piece's moves.

Nope. Monopoly.

Chess unreliable represents war in the past that doesn’t make sense now because we have tanks and stuff.

Monopoly actually represents normal-day capitalism. At least better than Chess representing anything.


Fair enough. I'll find a way to outmaneuver you


There is no rule saying I need to say the board game, if you accentuate the logic of Chess, I'll agree with your points and push for the board game Go.

If you accentuate the popularity of Chess, I'll probably take Monopoly or could even troll and go for snakes/chutes and ladders.

If you decide to go all-round and mention how Chess has even starred in movies, I'll disagree with your points, I'll go for the game of Risk and explore how much more it's affected the world than Chess.

This resolution and the ruleset don't box the opponent into anything that Pro isn't himself further boxed into, which makes this a secure win if I try my best as I'm also sure something like this will actually get votes and be worth my time and effort.


Fair enough, give me some time to make a argument. Also, mind telling me your board game?


Then it should be easy for you


I thought you were bored of formal debating.....