Instigator / Pro

Build the Wall


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 5 votes and with 13 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

1st round: Pro waives, Con presents opening arguments.
2nd round: Pro presents opening arguments, Con presents rebuttals and any new arguments.
3rd round: Pro presents rebuttals and any new arguments, Con presents rebuttals; no new arguments.
4th round: Pro presents rebuttals; no new arguments, Con waives.


Thanks :)

really good video about the topic at hand


My bad, I fixed it.


Removing your vote to fix vote.


Pink freus voted against the side he meant to vote for.


You votebombed double not against it


>Reported Vote: Our_Boat_is_Right // Mod action: Not Removed

>Points Awarded: 2 points to Con for sources

>Reason for Mod Action: Troll debates are not moderated, per the site voting policy guidelines. No moderation action is appropriate on this vote.


>Reported Vote: Omar2345 // Mod action: Not Removed

>Points Awarded: 3 points to Con for arguments

>Reason for Mod Action: Troll debates are not moderated, per the site voting policy guidelines. No moderation action is appropriate on this vote.


wait did i miss something where it said "rap battle" it got me completely off-guard lolol


To earth, maybe.

"'Cause I'm living proof, and so are all of my kind that illegal immigration is a nightmare to which we are blind," Is RM an illegal immigrant?


>Reported Vote: Alec // Mod action: Removed
>Points Awarded: Tie
>RFD: Good arguing on both sides..
>Reason for Mod Action: To award a tie the voter needs to analyze the debate and explain why it should be a tie.



"My rap is inferior." That's like admitting defeat. Have some confidence!! D:

I might have to place a vote on this.


As for conduct, raps force you to be aggro. Look at his rapping in R2 and general tone.


Okay, his stat for aliens (his 12 mill, mine 11.1 mill) ends up being negated as being relevant to his case as I prove they pay take (8/11.1 ratio) and they create far more jobs than they 'take' net-benefit to the nation. Also when they take jobs they do them very well but that's not the point I was making.

When he talks obamacare, I explain that hillary and bernie has a single payer system and furthermore that Trump's 'fuck the poor pull all funding' way of dealing with it has literally caused the poor to have no way to seek healthcare at all without maybe pulling off somethign to be in debt for many decades to come.

I explain how Trump's own grandfather was essentially a borderline legal alien who was allowed in as at his time it was still the mentality that immigrants build the nation etc.

In fact he has 0 points against the feasibility issue. If it's never ever going to get the funding by any legal means necessary, how is it ever going to get built? This is a debate about it actually being built not just 'should it be'. I specifically highlight how impossible getting said funding is in my R1 rap with stats and multiple sources.

You can do those things.


Would you like me to lay out where I rebuke all his points and where he fails to address mine?


Would you like me to point out his poor conduct?

I might vote for Pro because his arguments were easier to understand. You also said, "kiss my ass" in your argument. This is poor conduct.


Because it lets me flex and fill up the gaps of an otherwise simple 'there's no money, it's not worth it' case. I have won regardless.

I'm not saying this in a rude way, but why are you guys rhyming your arguments?

we smear-campaign you with*

'with' was missing.

but watch as what you hurl fails,**

the 'you' was missing

minions not minios*