Instigator / Pro

THBT: Abortion is, on balance, immoral.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

THBT: Abortion is, on balance, immoral.

Bones = Abortion is, on balance, immoral.
Contender = Abortion is, on balance, moral.

Abortion = a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus.
Moral = A behavior, conduct, or topic that is based on valid principles and/or foundations

1. No Kritik.
2. No new arguments are to be made in the final round.
3. The Burden of Proof is shared.
4. Rules are agreed upon and are not to be contested.
5. Sources can be hyperlinked or provided in the comment section.
6. Be decent.
7. A breach of the rules should result in a conduct point deduction for the offender.


Yes you can take it to that comment section. You can aid him, i really don't care.


Do I have your permission to take this comments spat to the comments of you-and-Benjamin's debate? Firstly to avoid derailing Bones' debate and secondly so you realise I am holding back so far to not aid Benjamin mid-debate.

I already know that men respond more visual to sexual stimulus, yet that's that. Sexual stimulus, this does not deny the data that women are just as picky as men looks wise, and more so financially and other ways.


Theres not an objective measure of attractiveness, no. Yet its really not that subjective, there's studies proving this. Most people are attracted to the same people. Have you heard of the golden ratio? looks are not that subjective.

There is a correlation between being ugly and having an averagely lower income. The statistics I used take into account a person's starting socio-economic starting place, their education, etc. especially on the suicide rates for shorter men in Sweden.


The same way that you can pretend there's an objective measure of attractiveness is how I can 'pretend' that males are more looks-oriented than women are when it comes to intimate relationships.

It's actually why males are more responsive to pornography even after female-friendly porn exists and why females are much more responsive to the literature of that sort. If you want, try to fact-check me on this and study the psychology of each sex (since we're sticking to biology, 'gender' is actually the wrong term here).


It's not true that men are more look-oriented than women. It's equal, actually. Just because you've seen pretty girls with "ugly" guys does not mean she thinks they're ugly. How can you say men are more looks-orientated than women when the only thing most men deem necessary for a woman to not be looks-wise is being overweight? If you're 5'4 or below, 95% of women will not date you. I'm here simply to talk about the blackpill objectively. What incels do with that knowledge is not something I think about when I'm debating it. I'd agree that being sexist because of these statistics is wrong. We have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors because most men did not reproduce. Women are objectively more selective and picky than men. You can disagree with that, but you'd be objectively wrong.


Firstly, I think you're undermining disgusting incel culture is. I genuinely have got no issue at all with people who want to get laid and for whatever reason struggle to. I have an issue when it's just furious men who are actually (almost) homicidal with rage and they feel women are filthy look-seeking monsters when really us guys are the much more look-oriented pricks in the dating arena, be real with me it's true.

I'm not that looks-oriented but you and I both agree there is something called unattractive, sexually speaking where you can be great friends with that woman/man but they aren't gonna be somebody you fuck and have a long term relationship with as a spouse. I am not saying you're evil for that aspect but what level of rage, resentment and blame will this go to?

Furthermore, this seems to go WAY beyond dating for you. I don't want to help Benjamin too much with the debate, so I will go quiet for now but the biggest flaw in your case is correlation =/= causation especially with the wealth/rank, I'll explain the rest when the debate is too far in for Benjamin to mimic my rebuttals.


What would you say is the weakness in my blackpill argument?


You are the only debater I have ever seen who uses the animal-foetus dynamic to defend the position, other than myself (and I tend to stick to that informally not in the debating arena).

I like what I see from you in this debate, less so in your 'black pill' debate.