Instigator / Pro

Morality Can Only Be Objective If God Exists


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After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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One month
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Contender / Con

I want to begin by thanking MagicAintReal for agreeing to debate this topic with me. In this debate I will be defending the following proposition:

1. If objective moral facts exist, then God exists
2. Objective moral facts exist [not in dispute]
3. Therefore God exists

Morality: principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
Objective: moral facts are true independent of human opinion, evolution, religious tradition, or culture.
God: the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

For the purposes of this debate, the term "God" will be defined broadly as to include the general attributes (ie: omnipotence, omniscience) commonly associated with Judeo-Christian monotheism. That is to say, this debate is not about a specific religious tradition. I am not defending the Bible or the Qur'an.

1 - Opening arguments
2-3 Rebuttals
4. Conclusion

1. No forfeits
2. Citations must be provided in the text of the debate
3. No new arguments in the final speeches
4. Observe good sportsmanship and maintain a civil and decorous atmosphere
5. No trolling
6. No "kritiks" of the topic (challenging assumptions in the resolution)
7. For all undefined resolutional terms, individuals should use commonplace understandings that fit within the logical context of the resolution and this debate
8. The BOP is evenly shared
9. Rebuttals of new points raised in an adversary's immediately preceding speech may be permissible at the judges' discretion even in the final round (debaters may debate their appropriateness)
10. Violation of any of these rules, or of any of the description's set-up, merits a loss

As per my opponent's request Ethang5, Raltar, and Death23 cannot vote on the debate

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

The reason I am not giving either side sources is that while Con only uses his for providing definitions of things, Pro only uses his to credit others for theories... Which is basically saying that neither side actually used sources to reference facts or give validity to put-forth statistics or any such thing. You may think that Con used sources better but he was only clarifying points and expanding on his rant, he was not actually proving anything correct in and of itself that is key to the case. I will explain why in later stages.

Pro wins the debate because Con never ever, not even hinting at it, explains what is the reason for which we should have homeostasis as the basis of morality. On top of that, Pro explicitly causes Con to fail via encouraging Con time and time again to fall flat by pointing out how even eating vegetables can be (and is) evil under Con's regime. This means that Con's moral framework is proved to be ridiculous and that it's then up to Con to no longer be able to say 'well I'm obviously giving a reasonable morality system' but now has to explain why the ridiculousness of it is justified by a supreme basis other than God. Con is constantly on a backfoot as the only way to win this debate as Con is to break rule 6, meaning this was an autoloss trap from the get-go that Con fell into.

Without a supreme, unquestionable and insurmountably intelligent entity being the source of morality, there is ALWAYS the flaw of the source of morality being taken into question as means to negate said morality system altogether. The only way to overcome this is to prove your system to be subjectively less ridiculous and more overall sensible a moral system than the opponent's. The issue here is that this debate is angled such that the only way for Con to win would be to Kritik from the angle that 'only' is refuted since even with God the morality would be subjective to all involved.

Con keeps reexplaining how, if we assume irrationally that homeostasis is a valid objective foundation for moral framework, that we then can have objective morality without God and keeps framing his argument as 'this can work' and not 'this does work and is objectively the right and wrong thing to do without us subjectively assuming that death or ending homeostasis is inherently evil or wrong'.

Because of this, Con could not ever meet his BoP. Con didn't actually fail due to lack of skill, he had no way to succeed in the first place.

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3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Wow, what an intense debate! And these intense votes, I don't know if I can top those. But I will try.
Con used Biology Online, the NLM, Cambridge University, and Oxford Dictionary to support Con's points of what homeostasis is, why H2O2 is poisonous, how and why there's consciousness to consider in Con's case, and definitions that negate the god in the resolution respectively. All of the sources are credible upon me checking them and solidly substantiate Con's case and rebuttals particularly on those points I mentioned. Pro used A scientific American Blog, which is an apologist website, Union of Concerned Scientists, a wiki page about the NAP, merriam webster, NASA, and 3 books to show a mismatch with what we think is our choice and what we actually choose, that atheism cannot account for free will, that driving cars is causing climate change, that Con's case is like the NAP, a definition for command, more climate change data, and various faith-based arguments respectively. The problem with Pro's sources is that the CARM website lacks any real credentials or reliability and upon reading is extremely biased and opinionated, and since Pro used this to show that an atheist cannot explain free will and Con did explain free will, I have to take an actual atheist's example of how free will works over a clearly anti-atheist website which also shows this site's lack of reliability on the matter of atheistic free will. Pro also sourced wikipedia for the NAP and as Con clearly states later, the NAP is irrelevant to Con's case, so Pro ends up using another source that didn't go to any length to chip away at Con's case, which was the intent of the source. Also, while I do find the union of concerned scientists and NASA reliable sources, Pro used these to show an activity that Con pointed out was not really moral or immoral because it didn't involve behaving towards others, so while Pro was trying to come up with a morality example to present to Con, Pro used his sources to substantiate a moot point unrelated to the resolution of morality. Since some of Pro's sources were questionable and didn't exactly substantiate Pro's case or rebuttals, Con's sources reign supreme for their credibility and effectiveness in the debate.
Pro has to show two things.
1. Morality can be objective.
2. Objective morality necessitates god's existence.

#1 Is clearly agreed to by both debaters, it's just that Pro thinks morality is based on god's commands and Con thinks morality is based on the "homeostatic principle."

#2 Is not substantiated by Pro but vigorously challenged by Con.
The god in this debate is defined as the creator and ruler of the universe, and as far as I see it, nothing in Pro's entire debate mentions the universe, how it was created or what it was created by. I can't tell that god exists or how god's existence is related to objective morality from anything Pro posts at all, and Con challenged that the universe was not created to which Pro said "I'm going to ignore the K." The argument is not a K, it's a direct attack on one of the burdens of Pro, to show that god must exist for objective morality to exist, and since god is the creator of the universe and Con pointed out that the universe was not created so there was not a creator of the universe and Pro clearly states he's ignoring it and both debaters agree that objective morality exists, I have to accept that the resolution is dead here for Pro.
Also it seems Con went to great lengths to ask Pro to name moral actions not reducible to the homeostatic principle, and Pro failed to do this the entire debate. It makes me have to believe that all moral actions are reducible to the homeostatic principle and since Pro only talks about immoral actions, I have to take from this debate the only real moral action mentioned which I think was giving your child water instead of hydrogen peroxide to which Pro never responded and it seems like homeostasis is the exact reason I would give my kid water instead of a poison, not a universe creator.
I don't read this debate and think, "you know why I don't harm or mistreat people?...a creator and ruler of the universe, that's why"
I think like most people, I'm going to remember how our homeostasis is affected by people's actions not whether or not a universe creator makes those actions moral or not.
Pro never refuted that the homeostatic principle accounts for all moral actions, which means that morality is objectively measured by homeostasis, and Pro never refuted that the universe was not created, so objective morality exists and given Pro and Con's performance, god is not required for this objectivity.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)