Instigator / Pro

Gender Is Not a Social Construct.


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After 3 votes and with 13 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Gender is not a Social Construct, but the titles which we give the two sexes. I challenge anyone who disagrees.


"gender itself is the naming of the two sexes"
'sex' is the naming of the two sexes. Words are just names for concepts, that's how language works. You say 'age' to describe someones age, and 'sex' to describe their sex.


No. There are currently major semantic issues as society adapted wrongly and incoherently to gender vs sex.

They kept the sex terms for gender and have not yet understood what is asked or not. I am not going to engage in that debate because currently in English we don't even have a singular version of they/them that isn't as dehumanising as 'it' so I'd rather stay away from it.


So are you agreeing that there are only two genders then?


The problem is that currently on official documents 'male' and 'female' are the gender options. Even if 'other' is added, the problem is male and female aren't meant to be genders, man, women, gentleman, lady etc are genders.


I'd actually like to debate a similar topic with you on this.

There are only two real human genders: male and female. The rest are not genders but expressions of gender dysphoria.


the debate is done if you wished to vote. it's unrated anyways

shame this was unrated, caught me by surprise.


I did put a right URL but you had to scroll past an elephant article to get to the lion one.

Use this URL, I'll correct in next Round.


I wasn't complaining about him, I was just wondering if he was going to respond.


RM doesn't pump out rounds. He actually stops to think about things and makes sure he's arguing from the right angle before he even starts writing. It's actually one of the things about him that I admire most and something that I need to work on myself. I've put myself in bad corners by posting the first argument that comes to mind.

As friendly advice, if you're going to complain about opponents taking a while to post, maybe don't give a week for arguments.

Is this guy going to make another argument?


"either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions."


Once again, the only point I'm making is that your definition of "sex" is wrong. I'm not claiming anything about humans


But there isn't any alternate means of reproduction in humans.


But there isn't any alternate means of reproduction in humans.


The only thing I'm SAYING is that your definition is factually incorrect in that "most other living things" inherently DO NOT HAVE SEX or sexual characteristics. And that's just bacteria. I'm not even going into plant reproduction. It would be accurate to say that MOST VERTEBRATES have sex divided into male and female, and probably even most animals, but I would draw the line for anything else.

I am not referring to intersex disorders or "mutations", but to ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION. These are perfectly normal and in fact male/female sex binary is easily outnumbered by other forms.


If you are going to say that some living things don't have those categories, then you're saying that since in some cases some animals are born without gender, that means that it is a normal thing in other animals too

Thats like saying if a human is born with only one arm, then it is a normal biological thing in humans to have one arm, but no it isn't, it's a mutation.


Your definitions have put you at a disadvantage in this debate. That is, your description of gender describes it as a social construct--not to mention the clear distinction it creates with biology.

'Sex as its defined in the dictionary is," either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans AND MOST OTHER LIVING THINGS are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions."'
The vast majority of organisms reproduce asexually (via mitosis rather than meiosis).