Instigator / Pro

Polygamy should be legalised if marriage is still present in the society in question.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 9 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information

This is the link for his 5th piece of evidence. It will download as a pdf.

Do what you want. If your vote is justified correctly, it will stay up. Am I supposed to grovel at your feet or something? Lmfao.

What email are you referring to? You mean a comment here? That isn't included in your RFD evaluation. Read the rules.

I'm counting threatening emails sent to your opponent as conduct violation. So one side of this debate is starting 1 point down already.

wow what an interesting debate topic

Well, no one could deny that you have a very diverse taste in music


You are an intelligent, fabulous, stylish, exotic gem among thousands of rocks


I am superior to you. I find things out without the other spoonfeeding me the answer. Stop talking down to me or interrogating me. I know who everyone is here from Romanii to the admin. I am superior to all of you, even if you know more, because I am on a whole other level of thinking and operating. A league out of your range.

Who is spacetime from ddo?


The sad part is I realised who he was by his putrid racism against me for appearing to be a Gypsy.

Masturbation-phobe Catholic?

do you know who REF was on DDO?


REF, Zeichen, Spacetime

^ 3 most recent examples of tragically terrible clique behaviour. I don't care what you say, you are not just guilty by association, you incite and encourage the shit that happens always putting fuel to the fire.

Then we have the half outliers like Wylted, Drafterman and Zarroette (if you don't know who she is on here, you're out of touch).

All three have conducted themselves abhorrently but each less consistently bad than the former three.

Bsh1 was a clique member but he also was always one who treated me with respect, as was whiteflame so I don't really consider either as proper clique members. They are like Mafia members who have good relations with even enemies of the Mafia on a day to day basis. They never indirectly were ever cruel to me.

That's about it. The others who are clique and haven't been terrible here are inactive to be that.

Who here is in “the clique”, if anything it seems like DDO social status has pretty much been wiped clean, even a lot of the ddo people who came over are now using different account names


I am proud of being that, considering the types in the clique (still evident by how they carry themselves on this site other than bsh1 which has uncliqued himself very proficiently and I'm proud of him for his progress).

Fair enough haha...I find your perspective interesting because you’re basically an outsider (no offense but you were banned for most of the time) who also knows basically everything that happened on DDO


I meant whiteflame not bluesteel (corrected now)


I am relying on a lot of your jury nullification structure in your debate vs whiteflame to structure my case vs blamonkey.

You are great at debating when you want to be, but at forums and that side of the site you are among the dirtiest of the dirty.

What do you think about me as a debater?

I think before that I’ll focus on researching polygamy for our debate haha


Okay, I want you to put as much effort as you put into that tragedy of a 'book' and dig up something that actually matters; Mikal's behaviour and display of gratitude (display by action not bullshit words) after the site saved him from poverty. I want you to catalogue his acts, time-frame them and measure the magnitude of positive vs negative acts he did post-gofundme to the community of DDO and especially to the members who had donated to him the most (other than B idk if you can still dig that part up in terms of second place etc). Please do that, then you will see that his behaviour is entirely like someone who had tricked the shit out of everyone and not someone who gave a shit anymore.

There are a lot of office jobs that pay ~$30k which in a lot of places in the country would make one lower middle class, at best. Not every low paying job is difficult or demanding, and even people who make a good wage can make poor financial choices. Mikal spending a lot of time on DDO isn’t evidence that he faked his financial crisis


Office job crybaby waaa waa I am poor, get lost with that.

I know how people who are starving, need money ACTUALLY NEED NOT WANT are when you give it to them. He would never EVER be how he was when made president of the site. Especially not with B as his vice president, that would never EVER be how much gratitude and responsibility was felt.

Don't think for a single fucking second I owe him a shred of respect, especially not if it was him who wrote the part about me, instead of you. I do not appreciate him one tiny, minutia of emotional respect. I respect B more than him for multiple reasons. At least B is brave and a genuine narcissist (genuine narcissists are better than semi narcissists because genuine narcissists actually work hard and get things done even though they over-parade what they do, I know because I am one and that's also how I am certain B is one too). Mikal is a straight up scumbag in every sense of the term. I can say that because Mikal isn't on DA so I can say whatever I want about him on here unless it's hate-speech against his race or something like that. He is everything a human should not be, even as a debater the way he got to #1 is pure filth. Bluesteel being alpha vote mod for like 90%+ of his climb is NOT A COINCIDENCE. :)

I grew up extremely middle class, so I definitely don’t have any idea what it’s like to be poor. I’ve been extremely blessed

And idk man. It just seems thin. Did he even say he was working double shifts (I don’t remember and couldn’t find the thread) What if he was out of work? And I don’t think you’ve ever worked an office job. Lots of office jobs that don’t pay that well nonetheless have tons of down time. Not everyone who is working class or poor is doing back breaking manual labor. It just seems like really thin evidence, I can completely buy that Mikal was strapped for cash and in danger of defaulting on his mortgage or missing rent and getting kicked out while also having a lot of free time


How could he afford a full-time package of 3G? Back then it was more expensive than now even though now it's 4G because over time the idea of full-time Mobile/cell Internet has increased in competitors and quality per dollar spent.

How could he have that much down-time? I frankly think you grew up rich but if you didn't, I don't think still you know what 'poor' is. I do, not because I was particularly lower class but because my parents both were (my dad worked his ass off to ensure his kid(s) grew up middle class). I don't think you know what little 'spare time' someone working that job has. The only thing you can think about or do in a break is to stuff your face with some cheap food and rest your aching muscles, THIS I know because I worked as a dishwasher for a restaurant among other jobs (first official job was in a charity book store but that sounds much less strenuous than it actually was and was also only a summer job duration, I was the guy who lifted things and moves chunks of books from the front to the back etc and am not built the strongest). Anyways, I know what that is like, there's no way to debate well and long-term. It would actually be a waste of money to spend on a mobile/cell phone that wasn't basic as well as on Internet package on top of that. I have known what that life is even as I was because my parents raised me poorer than we really were in the sense of how much they bought me as presents etc. They raised me to value money and to truly know that even though money is that valuable, family matters more (my dad didn't raise me on the latter parts, that was my mother's doing and also my dad's extended family but he himself was and is quite materialistic but I understand why, considering how he grew up and what he lacked).

I don’t remember the specifics of the story but you could definitely use DDO that much while working a full time job, especially if that job had a lot of down time. It just seems like really thin evidence and I don’t like how you assert it as fact. You’re always talking about how people on ddo mistreated you, but aren’t you mistreating Mikal by saying he’s a scammer who should be in jail with no evidence?

Yes, I don't care much. I love that B got conned and I hate the rest of it but don't give much of a shit. I've donated time and effort, not just money to a guy in Kenya that my family and I helped get off drugs. I know what is real charity, fuck off with this sob story of a psychopathic fraud.


I do strongly believe bluesteel was conned, not an accomplice. I wouldn't be surprised if he is that rich but I would then wonder why he didn't donate much and why he asked others. Not that I care.


As someone who now has the time on his hands to spend on a site like this to achieve the rate and win amount he got, I know first hand; there is no way in hell to debate that proficiently, vote rally that strategically and debate against that many people at once during his stampedes... If you're struggling for cash IRL and have to work double shifts just to feed yourself the next two days.

But Mikal not telling everyone his entire life story and Imabench being mean to you months later isn’t proof that the entire thing was a sham. And I’m not going to say what he does but it’s extremely unlikely that bluesteel would need to scam DDO out of 600 bucks or so. He probably makes that in a few days

So about the debate, are you cool with me attacking your case in R1? Or we can make the first round for acceptance only as three rounds of debate is usually enough. Just let me know

Cannot comment on who the sociopathic B is

B is obviously Imabench

B is not bluesteel.

The proof is all circumstancial, including holes in his story of how he ended up in poverty. I spotted it immediately but I also know that holes in a story are common for most humans as they aren't as smart as me with remembering even their own life.

Then I saw what he did to B(I call him B as I can't criticise things about a DA user). B clearly was not in on it for many, many reasons. The idea he'd fake that quantity of donation as well as the aftermath... Not to mention how close the timing of his rage filled abuse of me on FB was to the aftermath of him realising Mikal had humiliated his run for DDO presidency, made not just him (B) look like a joke but spat in the face of someone who donated that much money to him and beat B at his own game of conning and playing people... I felt genuine pity for B in hindsight. It really must have felt like mental torture to him to realise he'd given that much money to someone who deserved the poverty they feigned because of what a disloyal cunt they were to the person and community that saved them from said poverty... There is also more clues but I can't be fucked to type them out.

Hey RM, what structure do you prefer for this debate? I was planning on using my first round to make my case and then attack yours, but I want to make sure you’re okay with it

O fck me, 30k characters per argument lol. This is gonna be brutal

Was the Mikal thing actually a fraud btw? What makes you so sure? Bc I never saw any evidence of that

I don't care. It is like me asking REF why he thinks I'm a mod-cock-guzzling sycophant. Insults don't need good reason to be harsh.

Unlike him, I know why I am insulting your story and why I have blocked you.

I am not interested in the reason why you wrote it. I am not interested in the reason why Bossy wrote it. I am even less interested in the reason why the only attempted and successful Fraud of DDO history who belongs in prison, possibly alongside bluesteel, who went by the name Mikal, wrote it.

Interesting, I had mostly forgotten about that incident until you brought it up. Debatability and I were really close at that time so our fake fight had to be really vicious for people to believe it. Most people seemed to find it funny or just stupid after it was revealed to be fake

Hey now, you can’t fairly review it if you haven’t read the entire book, especially ddo Burger King which is legendary

Esocialbookworm and that guy Dennybug really were affected by it.

I don't think it PTSD affected many people's trust in you or her other than those two but everyone basically learned to never trust you lowkey whereas to those two I think it brutally affected their ability to like you, trust you and enjoy trust in any member they weren't super tight with.

Anyway, I can't truly know how it affected them, I found it pathetic. I don't care about the other parts. The Wylted part was a complete tryhard humour shambles that I think neither Max nor Wylted will remotely find funny nor relevant to either of their nature. Then again both of them are [things I can't say due to CoC] so maybe they'll enjoy it.

Other than the part with you in it, what do you think was the worst part?

And that’s interesting (re: debatability), no one ever mentioned to me that it bothered them. I think if I lost friends on DDO it was for being really obnoxious about my support of Trump more than anything

It was utter shit. Accuracy 1/10

Quality 0/10

You think you're a lot funnier than you actually are. I never said it and frankly RM saying it will never be taken as relevant opinion but you never were remotely funny. You lost more friends than you impressed by the deception involved with that week long fake beef with debatability. She lost more friends than you. People don't like being lied to, no matter how impressive the act.

You really don't realise how low some of us think of you. I'm the only one with the guts to say it to your face.

Actually you’re right, I 100% should have given Mikal part of the credit for ddo high school since we both wrote parts of it, I simply forgot

Did you read the entire “book”? I’m honestly interested in your full opinion. I would ask you to PM me but you’ve blocked me so I can’t

Also when do you think your arguments will be ready?


I couldn't give less of a shit what your intent was with that story nor about how you conduct yourself in this debate. Frankly I hope you do abuse me and stop pretending to be the great guy you act like on pm and to yourself in the mirror. You may find it a good laugh and fun but you took full credit for what was in that story whether or not Mikal gave you the content. Mikal isn't even mentioned as an assistant author or anything. I don't like one fucking bit of the oh-so-tiny half page about me and I don't like how you wrote about some other users either.

I have no intention of abusing you or this debate, this is a good topic and I’m looking forward to it


Maybe you should bypass CoC some more by writing vile abuse about someone on a story you link to on-site but since the story is off-site you get away with it again.

This time try and make it factually accurate though.

Thanks for making the debate, I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot and am excited
