Instigator / Pro

On Balance, the Potential Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles outweigh the Potential Harms


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

For my first instigation on this site, I thought I would create a debate in the CARS category seeing how there are 0 debates in that category now, like that class nobody signs up for.

I propose that the potential benefits of autonomous vehicles are manifest, including improvements in human safety, improvements in transportation costs following improvements in transportation efficiency, and an opportunity for meaningful mitigation of environmental costs in mass transportation.

1st round is reserved for flattery (not required) and acceptance only.
2nd round Pro argues benefits Con argues costs (Con is free to address Pro's argument).
3rd round is for counterarguments, questions, and requests for clarification.
4th round is for replies and answers. No new questions. No new arguments.
5th round is for conclusions and voter appeals.

Acceptance = agreement that any forfeit = automatic loss/end debate

I'm requesting friendly and sincere participation: acceptance of this debate acknowledges that failing on either count is subject to consideration under conduct in voting.


well he is top of the pops. You’re prettty up there yourself.

I don't like RM partly because he is arrogant. He thinks he is a demigod.


We should give RM props for so much participation when he's also top of the leaderboard. Most folks would tend to become very picky about what debates they grab once they are at the top. RM clearly believes in the competitions of the Free Market & good on him. I for one am thankful that his time is divided while he debates me.

How does RM manage 8 debates at once?

After some light skimming, I don't know who I'll vote for, but I must thank con for that entertaining game theory. ... I doubt this problem cyn be accurately mapped with standard game theory, due to the problem of evil.


Thanks for the offer but I think are harms and costs are reasonably synonymous in this context

'harms' and 'costs' are interchangeable in this debate in my opinion, if you say I changed the word tactically, I'll alter the word to 'harms' but it will be the same 4-step process I offer.


Making the case now, be warned that it is a passionate one made to move the audience, I am going to combat you with emotion just as much as fact and you should not be prepared for me forfeiting or coming in weak.


Do you remember this? I do. My first loss.


Precisely the sort of Neo-Luddism I’m seeking to assuage, Ragnar.

Do you want to get Maximum Overdrive? Because that's how you get Maximum Overdrive!


Sorry con for spoiling your arguments.


I agree with your position on self driving cars. I support the right to these. I believe they are more beneficial to society in general since they reduce accident rates by about 90%.


Alec's & Blamonkey's interest are, of course, also welcome however much diminished in honor by their inferior positions on the leaderboard. I'm not, you know, not honored by your interest so much as I'm much more honored, obviously, by Ratman's deigning to advise my humble little offering.

I'm trying to become #1.

Blamonkey will be king for a few days on my estimation


Thx, Ratman. As king of the board, your interest is most welcome.


Con is 100% correct but Pro will 100% win. Once you realise how corrupt those up-top are and how easily they will cover up the assassination of anyone they want dead with a 'glitch accident', it will make you sick to your stomach. Until you realise that (and no, you can't prove it as they control search engines and evidence) then you're left in the dark and hope for the best in handing them the reigns.