Instigator / Pro

Viruses can't exist.


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After 2 votes and with 10 points ahead, the winner is...

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Three days
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

To prove that viruses don't exist. Answer these logic questions -
1. How did the first person to see a virus know that it was a virus without any references as to what a virus looks like?
2. How do viruses find their host if they have no legs, arms, eyes, ears, brains, sense of touch or means of locomotion?
3. How can something that is dead, suddenly come to life?
4. How can viruses survive in the atmosphere and sunlight without any walls for protection? (very fragile)
5. How does a entity (virus) that kills its host pass on its genes and what does it gain by killing the host?
6. If viruses are proteins, then why don't small insects like ants find them and eat them all?

I am such a terrible debater that you forfeited 2 debates which were IDENTICAL (or at least one was, the other allowed a new angle for me to counter you with) to the one you already had with me. Yeah, I must be so shit for you to forfeit every single Round twice over.


rational idiot via whiteflame
Your language is full of violence and alpha male revenge. Thus, you will never make a good debater because you need a cool head to be a good debater.


So, you admit that diet plays a role in health. That's one baby step in the right direction. Now, you have to assess to what degree does nutrition play in maintaining a healthy and disease free body? My understanding is that you won't get leaky gut syndrome if you eat a paleo or normal human diet. Thus, if you don't get leaky gut, then, as a reward, you wont get disease. Thus, one baby step at a time and you have come around to logical thinking like me. lol


Acknowledging the existence of viruses does not mean we dismiss or undercut the importance of basic nutrition.

It's clear to anyone who sees our debates and the forfeits, who the little bitch is and who the alpha dog in the pound is. I needn't specify and incriminate myself in a flame war.


To Rational madman via whiteflame (blocked)
Like Mohammad Ali, you have been punched once too often. You are now half brain dead. lol


Of course you don't understand how the human body works so you wouldn't know why a person dies from stroke at a tender age of 52. Its all about what garbage that you pour down your throat. The more garbage, the sooner you will depart. Thus, most Hollywood stars burn the candle at both ends and eat terrible diets which leads to an earlier than expected death. Elvis Presley. Dead at 42. Too many hamburgers. He had 50 pounds of minced meat in his gut when he died.of heart failure.

Unlike Ramshutu, I put you in the dirt so hard that you are too terrified to type a single letter more, let alone word or sentence, in the other 2 debates we're having on the subject. Don't you dare even think to talk to me that way again, I am not some filth beneath your shoe; I am a fucking champion.


You are not educated. I don't know why you keep commenting on science issues when all you have is kindergarten knowledge of the subject. Note - You can't create a virus. What you can create are toxic chemicals like DDT which cause polio, ebola and zika 'so called viruses'. Its just a legal loop hole so that governments and pharmaceutical companies can make money out of suckers such as yourself. And they also avoid going to jail at the same time. Perfect!

Viruses exist.

You don't even know the true conspiracy, Somebody. Of course viruses exist because how else could the government have then created some of the diseases to make us dependent on their vaccines?

It's not wrong to believe in conspiracy theories; it's wrong to not fully comprehend them and make our side seem like idiots. People like you give conspiracy theorists a very idiotic image and I am not happy about it. Viruses absolutely exist, that is how the entire virus-creation conspiracy evolved. You are misrepresenting the case you're trying to make so severely that you're on the opposite side of it that neither conspiracy-theorists nor mainstream sheep believe in.

Do you want to know who agrees with you? African Pagans who think a witch doctor is going to save them and who are dying of AIDS, Ebola and Malaria. I wonder if they keep doubting viruses how long they will last. Do you want them to be wiped out? That is a horrific thing to wish, I want to inform them and also make clear that Paganism actually supports science as it's Christians and Muslims who are anti-science; we are their rivals ideologically.


Happy to do it.


Upside down donkey? That's... a new one. Don't think Luke Perry died because he believe in germ theory. As for those 11 criteria, a) you presented that for the first time in the final round, b) you never justified why all 11 criteria are necessary to validate any electron microscope image, c) even if this was a requirement, as I explained in my RFD, it's not required for Con to win. You keep trying to foist the burden of proof onto Con when it's up to you to prove the resolution true: viruses can't exist. He didn't have to prove anything except that there is some uncertainty regarding their existence, and he did far more than that.

No one here or elsewhere is arguing that vaccination protects you against all illness, though I'm getting the impression that you really don't care what we actually think.


I don't want you to give me any points because you are just an upside down donkey who knows nothing about anything.


Luke Perry dead at 52. Another person who believed in germ theory bites the dust very early. lol You two won't be far behind! lol


Con didn't provide the 11 criteria that are required for scientific proof. Thus, his case was not proved by any stretch of the imagination. Thus, both him and yourself will have to suffer a life of constant illness and disease because you believe in germ theory. lol Thus, justice will be served by the natural order of things. I would suggest you eat as much ice cream, cakes, soft drink, lollies and junk food as you can because your vaccination shots will protect you against all disease. lol Nitwits! lol


Thanks for taking the time to vote. I know that must have taken a while. I appreciate it.


Vote report: oteske // mod decision: removed
points awarded: all 7 points to con
Rfd: The Pro didn’t provide sources, and tried to change the rules for the debate.
Reason: The vote fails to meet the COC standards


So............ that means that you must be that person.

This seems less like a debate over an equal-sided issue and more like one person not being educated about science.


Oh yeah, I forgot one more criticism. Your writing style stinks. Its the writing style of a 5 year old. Its very disjointed, bad diction, no flow, no story line, no real life anecdotes, no logic, no respect and most importantly almost unreadable. lol


Your smart - alec - You should take his advise about computer viruses. Its the sneaky way to win which would suit your style and its probably your only real chance of winning. lol


Sure, that’s the argument I could make - I can’t stand semantic trickery like that when it’s clearly not what the instigator implied they were intending to debate.

It's not just biological viruses that exist, but computer viruses do as well.