Instigator / Pro

Access to and the distribution of health-related services ought to be handled by the free market.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

Round 1: Opening Arguments
Round 2: Rebuttals
Round 3: Rejoinders
Round 4: (Double) Rejoinders
Round 5: Closing Arguments.


1. This debate will not be restricted to juxtapositions of private and public health insurance. Arguments for health insurance, however, may be submitted.

2. Since the proposition over which we argue is normative, moral arguments may be submitted.

3. This debate will primarily focus on the economics of the issue.


Round was forfeited just as I was posting my argument. I concede this debate to you. When I have more time to invest in this debate, I'll challenge you directly (of course if you're still interested.) Until then.

Now, if you all wouldn't mind, I would like to get back to my debate with RationalMadman. Please keep the comments relevant.

This is not about free speech. I can't restrict your speech; hence, I'm appealing to your sense. This isn't "tangential" either. It's an attack on my character, which in and of itself is at one's discretion had omar2345 decided to address me directly (and preferably in a less formal venue) but it's poor decorum in subjects of debate.

Second, I never "unblocked" you. The behavior you exhibited in DDO was very much like omar's behavior here. (They weren't just "heated debates"; you'd follow me into other debates where you weren't involved and attack my character.) Thus, I blocked you there, and I blocked you here. Granted, you haven't trolled me here, so if you want to start anew and wipe the slate the clean, I'm perfectly fine with that. You are n now unblocked.


The sad part is, that he would be an amazing debater if he wouldn't hand wave so much. That was my main problem with him on DDO. I'd write a 2 paragraph explanation with math and details to support them and he would just say "irrelevant" without a single elaboration.


He can't take criticism nor someone who actually calls him out for his bad faith acting.


Okay. Have a topic at mind. Make sure I agree with it then create the debate.

Lol. Athias blocked me. I'll block you as well. Just so show the same treatment back to you. All I have to do now is also become a bad faith actor. The thing is I have standards and I won't stoop that low to give you what you deserve. A taste of your own medicine. Hopefully someone else shames you for the fraud you are.


I have AP Chem to study for so I don't have time to do a full fledged debate. Maybe this summer?

I agree with that to an extent. But surely tangents happen. I would agree that at a certain point, it becomes more productive to move the conversation, but I think it's fair that the comment section has more 1st amendment going on if you catch my drift ;)

Also, I think it's slightly immature that you unblock me long enough to tag me and then reblock me. I literally never sent you a single message or comment before you joined this site so why are you blocking me? It's not like I'm trolling or stalking you, lol.

We did have some heated debates, but that's a silly reason to block someone.

But it's your prerogative I guess.

Seclusion = Echo Chamber


Please don't indulge as Wrick put it, the "thick tension." I would ideally like the comments section to consist of commentary relevant to the subject matter (and the three of you should feel free to weigh in at your leisure.) If there's a particular member who wishes to troll this section, let him do it by himself.


I rather debate him on a topic that he thinks he can beat me then I will beat him.


I'm not instigating, but you two should word fight :)


So is that a yes or no?


Perhaps I would. I have learned my lesson not to engage with you tho.


I don't know why feelings over facts thinks he can win an argument when this site values facts over feelings.




So what if I was talking about you but did not put you in as a receiver?
Would you respond to it?


That sentence doesn't even make sense.

the tension is thick in this room


So if I was talking about you wouldn't respond to it?


Didn't I ask you to debate me or did that also slip out of your memory?


I think you two should have a debate on public vs private healthcare.


I never even tagged you or was talking to you in the first place. You proved my point by trying to start wars in the comments. I'm done here.


Is this what it has come down to? You not being able to comment back. Oh well. I should expect no less from a conservative.


ok bud


>>Don't engage with omar. He is a petty teenager who gets paid to start wars in the comments.

You are really the same but I can't blame it on you because on your DDO it says you are 15. I think it would be fair to insult you if you stay this bad at making arguments when you turn 18. Calling me a petty teenager when you are also one. Wars? That only happened once.

>> He is a psychotic liberal who attacks people who disagree and agrees with using physical violence against free-speech conservatives.

You should watch American Psycho when you are old enough to not get scared of women, blood and horror elements. I say justified not agree with. There is a difference. I hope you understand that.


>>I don't know of that which I've done to warrant such discourtesy from you

You argue in bad faith. I know it would show in this debate if you go into the realm of public vs private healthcare.

>>Attack my character again, and I will block you. Have a nice night, sir.

I just have. Block me because I can't stand you. The better people know what you are the easier it is to dismiss your points.


Don't engage with omar. He is a petty teenager who gets paid to start wars in the comments. He is a psychotic liberal who attacks people who disagree and agrees with using physical violence against free-speech conservatives.


I don't know of that which I've done to warrant such discourtesy from you, but I'm not a psychiatrist so I won't feign psychoanalysis. I leave you with this: post comments that are relevant to the subject matter. Attack my character again, and I will block you. Have a nice night, sir.

To RM:

Just to know your opponent:
He argues in bad faith. Uses data that does not support his claim. Is an anarchist and uses complex words to try get a simple point across. I could list more but to simply make an argument that is supported by evidence would win you this debate. He won't concede on any point because he is incapable of changing his mind.
If you want evidence of this exact same debate with an actual competent debater just type the title of this debate on DDO to really see what kind of person you are dealing with.
Good luck. Not like you need it for him.