Instigator / Pro

Wrick-It-Ralph Should Bring Back His Elephant Profile Picture


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


Something to consider in future would be a moderation-lite option for debates like this.

I def think the elephant pic should be back

I am actually going to suspend moderation on this debate temporarily until Virt and I can talk more about this ruling. I am starting to second-guess my original position.


>Reported Vote: Oromagi // Mod action: Removed

>Points Awarded: 3 points to Con for arguments, 1 point to Pro for conduct

>Reason for Decision: Informal debate, original subject
ASIDE: I'm not sure I like seeing two debaters discussing another debater's profile choices. The dynamic was very readable, even enjoyable here but it also gives me visions of much uglier versions. I prefer that metabates like this one become rarer as we progress.
Pro's got a real turd of a thesis here- full on subjective, no authority, no stakes.
Pro leads with an appeal for continuity, Con argues that the change is made, therefore any new change is less continuity.
Pro admires Ralph's previous pic as simple and meaningless. Con awesomely, succinctly demonstrates that Ralph's previous pic was complex and meaningful.
Con blows off R2, R3
"OH! MY EYE! " (thud)
Pro virtually played rabbit to Con's coyote, Arguments to Con.
Conduct to Pro for Con's forfeit.

>Reason for Mod Action: Before Virt or I moderated any votes on this topic, we discussed whether this should be a troll debate or not. We determined that seemingly non-serious topics could still have serious argumentative content. While I am open to reconsidering my ruling on this, for now, we will treat the debate as moderatable. Your vote fails to contain any weighing analysis and so has been removed. Conduct was fine.


That's funny because I was wondering myself if this would count as a troll debate or not. Good to know. I thought it seemed serious at first but it's hard to call.


Vote Reported: Dr.Franklin // Mod Action: Removed

Points awarded: 4 points to pro for arguments and sources; 2 points to con for sources.

RFD: Con forfeited and did not rebuttal points in last round. Yet con used a source

Reason for mod action: This debate is borderline as to whether or not this is a troll/non-troll debate. As such, the default is to moderate votes. That being said, the voter fails to meet the standards set by the COC. While the conduct point is sufficient, arguments and sources are not. In order to award arguments, the voter must Survey the main arguments and counterarguments presented in the debate Weigh those arguments against each other (or explain why certain arguments need not be weighed based on what transpired within the debate itself) Explain how, through the process of weighing, they arrived at their voting decision with regard to assigning argument points. Sources are also not sufficient. Mere appeals to quantity are not sufficient to justify awarding sources point.

The voter should review the COC here:


sure, obg crys "scrybog"


I'm assuming that they'll have cyborgs for children?


Welp ok lol


I recuse myself from voting since I have a horse in this race.

"OI! Magro!"

I like AI groom- "The AI Groom for the human bride"



room gai

groom AI

gram oio


Nice anagram. I like it.

nonmarital Adam




Lol thanks?? I got that nickname when I was like 4 or 5 xD


Deep races.
Deer paces.
Deers Pace.
Deer Space.
Reed Space
Reeds Pace
Seed Pacer
I could probably come up with more. But damn man your name is anagrammatical as hell!




Dust and Ashes
Dustan Dashes
Du Stand Ashes
Du Stand As He 's

Now an anagram.
Sand The Suds

Dash and sutes

Man those are hard.


It is quite versatile


Lol your username can go sooooo many places xD


I am now trunkandtusk




Plot twist...I change my avatar to an elephant

Got my lawn chair.


This is just a silly debate lol

And yes you should, I never look at RM debates or Type1 debates, etc., but I'll always look at DustandAshes debates and Virtuoso debates, observation is everything


A. There are no "split-second decisions" on this (or most other) site You also shouldn't look at a debate just based on who is debating it.
B. There was probably plenty of underlying meaning in his Elephant avatar. I don't have a raven just cuz I like ravens.

lol I agree


We're discussing Ralph's elephant here, so make sure you hurl a different one


It's not merely an elephant. It's a chess piece that's used in some variants of chess. The one I used it in was metamachy and my own home brewed chess, which people are welcome to play me in at roll20 if anyone ever ends up on there. I don't go on there much except to play the variant with my wife. Spoiler alert, I'm an extremely boring home body. :)


It seemed to me that it wasn't just an elephant, but perhaps I'm mistaken about that.

Let him decide his own profile picture.


Wow, a whole topic for me. Thanks!! But I'm gonna rock this for a while. Maybe I'll do elephant throwback month later this year, lol.