Instigator / Pro

Anime Debate | The Boruto hate needs to stop. It's a good series.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I would prefer my opponent be someone who is apart of the Boruto hate train and is at the same time up to date on Boruto, since there are tons of people who still complain about it over 100 episodes in.

My side will be explaining the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a good series and it should not receive all the hate it unfortunately gets.

My opponent's side will be to lay out a compelling argument about Boruto: Naruto Next Generations being a bad series. The person who accepts the debate could qualify as "It's okay, but not that good" or something like that but preferably someone who just hates the series overall. The more hate you have over it, the more compelling your arguments will be.

**For anyone who hasn't seen Boruto, this debate MAY contain spoilers. So read at your own risk**
If this does have spoilers, it could be minor ones.

The best of luck to my opponent.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

So, I haven’t seen either series, and have not watched much of any anime; so I’m coming at this from an entirely clean slate.

The first problem : is that I don’t know what the resolution is. Is it that Boruto is a good series? Or that the hate for it isn’t deserved? Its not clear, and no one tries to spell it out for people reading.

The second problem, is regardless of what the resolution is - neither side helps me by explaining how I should weigh or judged what makes a series “Good”.

This debate is near impossible to summarize accurately there are too many points, and too many references to a variety of points that I can’t really appreciate not having seen the series. While I’m reading, I can pick out the main threads, but it’s hard to recall draw much in the way of concrete conclusions on each minor point.

There was a lot of points made that didn’t really tie in with the resolution at all - it wasn’t clear how things like the hair colour recessiveness shows me how the series was validly hated. It’s really important for the debaters to never lose site of the resolution (at least for the purposes of Voting!)

Con points out that the series relies on gimmicks that were anachronistic, with less nuanced charters. That it was based from a series that was also a let down, and not great, that a character has more screen time than needed.

Pro argues that most of the hatred is based upon the prior series clouding or setting incorrect expectations for the series; though con claims its coasting on the popularity of the previous story.

There was much more to it than this, lots of counter explanations on minor points, that the gimmicks are okay, that they were Anachronistic: but due to no objective standard of good - there’s not much I can really weight even if I came down and decided one side was accurate.

The comparison con makes is probably the best and most relatable argument: buddy/angel - that the series isn’t standalone and it is coasting on the popularity of another series and another character, that Naruto appeared too much, and

The first few rounds were difficult to really parse: but with some of the points of agreement from R3 onwards it starts to get a bit easier.

The main construct that came out was that pro argues that the hate is coming from its ties to Naruto - and that is unfair. Con argues that being tied to Naruto was intentional; that you can’t tie the series to an older one - then expect it not to be judged by those standards.

This gives me almost an agreed standard between the two that leans me towards con.

Together with the explanation of gimmicks, that characters look the same and the villains and hero’s are less nuanced; I can surmise that at probably fair that Buroto wasn’t as good as the previous series - something that pro somewhat acknowledges.

The issue here, is that con suggests that the series should be tied together as they are billed that way: and presents some comparative claims between the two that pushes me in that direction.

It’s difficult to weigh anything else without either a standard to vote on, or comparisons against a standard. Both sides were mostly untethered and were arguing particular objective opinions. I would say con does a little better to try and set down objective criteria that pro; but the only argument that gives me an objective reason to come down on either side is the con argument about Naruto.

As a result, arguments to con.

Next time, I would encourage both sides to be more objective. To qualify their arguments against a standard that voters can measure in order to get a better vote.

Maybe someone who had seen any of the series mentioned could have made a better verdict: but I can only vote based on what’s provided here.

I can be sure that both sides appeared to have really enjoyed this debate.