Am I wrong here?

Author: TheRealNihilist


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(0.47) "if we take some horrifying depressing scenario like Joe Biden"

Is Michael supposed to be a Democrat as in someone who opposes the Republican party? This seems to me like he forgot to mention Trump. If Joe Biden is horrifying depressing then Trump must be the devil. 

(1.02) "Pete Buttigieg represents generations defining reassertion of failed hegemony and failed ideas" 

This will be more important later on since he gives examples. 

(1.26) "Pete Buttigieg's record on race is not the product of somebody who didn't use woke terminology or needs to be educated on certain policy sets. This is somebody who actually has been involved in issues with regards to race policing, gentrification and here has an attitude on education that shows that he clearly sincerely and horrifyingly wrongly diagnosed things"

If it wasn't clear this is an Ad hominem. This is not an attempt at genuine discussion instead this is loaded in before people have seen the clip. It is another thing saying this after the video but it is another thing saying it before. This is bad because viewers don't actually know what he says so you are pretty much printing this in before it is started, meaning you are starting people off with a negative idea of him instead of allowing them to see it first. 
(1.59) Video starts "the kids need to see evidence that education is gonna work for them"

Does anyone find this problematic?

(2.06) "yeah because you're motivated because you you believe that at the end of your educational process there is a reward, there's a stable life, there's a job and there a lot of kids especially lower income minority neighborhoods who literally haven't seen it work. There isn't somebody they know personally testifies to the value of education"

Please find me what he said that was bad. 

(2.33) "I mean it's amazing people that some people could be following me be this delusional"

Pretty much attacks his own supporters who found that not a bad statement to make.

(2.39) "He is speaking about people... I mean I don't know the broader context of this question is so I won't make it you know let's say people from any community that are experiencing poverty and a lack of social mobility right"

Pretty much made an opinion without knowing the broader context of the clip. As a journalist you don't think it is your job to find out relevant information? I guess they really dislike Pete so much that they are willing to do anything to berate him without knowing the context of the clip. Ellipses were added for the stutters. 

(3.05) "I just heard a clip of Sam Harris saying something like this"

Anecdote and making it seem like phony intellectual Sam Harris is comparable to Pete. Phony because of his philosophy which can be seen with his book called the moral landscape. Great video here

(3:14) "so the point is that the reason that people are having trouble at school and having trouble at school and having trouble moving up a ladder is because the entire economic and political is stacked against them on a material level not because they don't have positive role models"

So my question would be why can't it be both? This also hints that he think racial problems don't exist, only economic problems do so we can assume that he wants socialism and denies racial injustice versus wealth injustice.

(3:33) "you don't go to a very wide variety of circumstances and background and you don't actually meet incredible well-read highly educated people"

So basically he is saying Pete hasn't met anyone educated. This is a straw man. Pete didn't say he hasn't met educated people, he is saying minorities don't have role models that have succeeded through education. I am saying educated people because anyone goes through variety of circumstance and has a background.

(3:43) "that we're confusing testing and accreditation with intellectual acumen.. they absolutely they might have overlap in some cases but they are absolutely not the same thing"

Basically an attack on the institutions we use to define who is qualified in saying what. If you don't think so how do we define who is an intellectual on a topic? My standard would be their accreditation and if yours isn't then your basically just like Michael Brooks as in science is a liar sometimes but for any institution we hold to define who is qualified or not. The link shows what phony intellectuals would do in order to suit their agenda. Michael wants socialism therefore screw truth only if it conforms to my worldview and I will debate or wiggle around to find anything to make sure people agree with me not what is.

(3.56) "education does not solve poverty, poverty is a resource and distributional problem"

??????? So basically when we see earnings of people with higher forms of education, they are all lies. Link
Sure education intrinsically does not solve poverty but you can say intrinsically this medication that 99% of the time works inherently doesn't completely help. This is a bad take from someone who people look up and just shoving this out without prefacing it. 

(4.04) "this is a scam that conservatives and neo-liberals have been running for decades which is that we can de-industrialize, totally hack the safety net, we can have no public provisions for housing and healthcare that are real substantive and sustainable, we can red-line people, we can racially discriminate against them, we can box in resource (?) then... we need to terrorize the teachers and teachers unions but we just need somebody to see somebody from their neighborhood get educated and do well. I'll tell you this I know for a fact that you can hear countess stories of people from different backgrounds saying I actually do know X Y or Z person who did do quote unquote all of the right things you're supposed to do. They did get degrees, they did do this and now they're basically swimming in debt"

The hate-boner is real. If it wasn't clear he was a socialist, I don't know what else I would need to tell you. Nice also at the end giving us an anecdote in the face of something we have evidence for.

(5.00) "that's by far the larger number"

Confirming his anecdote to be larger than actual data on this topic. Guess truth only matters if it conforms to his worldview.

(5.05) "what kind of disgusting system do we have to be in that when you finally do meet I mean if you go to a private college or an Ivy league Campus or even some good state university campuses, you will meet people who are like upper-middle class usually white not always but always up or middle-class if not rich and they're normal people. They're not dumb, they're not brilliant and they're there and there's a lot of them there and they look and live in certain neighborhoods and they got paid, they got trained and certain ways to take certain tests you know recommendations (?) and then you will met somebody from you know like Appalachia or an inner city or somewhere like that is not racially geographically represented and you'll meet them and you're like oh that person is a fucking genius usually and lucked out because they had one guidance counselor like literally had absolutely astoundingly above-average talent and then had several lucky breaks so basically all this is doing is I mean it sounds like boring stupid pablum but really what it is is systemic and aggressive victim blaming and there's nothing in this guy's record that I have seen that would attest otherwise to any policy views."

I can't believe I wrote this much and I can't believe I did this entire thing. Anecdote yet again.  

(6.38) "that's a 25 second clip so maybe the rest of the debate will come out and say, we need to get jobs, we need to get healthcare, we need to deal with policing, we need to deal with racism"

It is a 25 second clip what do you expect, him to lay out every single policy proposal?

(6.49) "this is very much something that you need to sort of add in today's world because there's a million different clips floating around of people"

What? You played into this culture yet here you are complaining about it. You could've refrained from the retweet and this video and waited until you had the full context but you choose to do this. 

(7.53) "there's more lines of evidence that Pete Buttigieg racist than black people don't support him because they're homophobic."

Well given this link. Black people are 79% Christian as in a Religion who states it is morally wrong to be gay. It might not be fear of gay people but I think my claim is easier to make than Pete is a racist because of this one clip vs one quote from the bible

TheRealNihilist's avatar
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TheRealNihilist's avatar
Basically Michael Brooks is a socialist, likes anecdotes and compares Pete Buttigieg to Sam Harris. 
HistoryBuff's avatar
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HistoryBuff's avatar
I'm not the biggest fan of michael brooks. I think he does tend to generalize and read too much into things. I don't think he makes the best arguments in this clip. But in the broader sense, I agree that Butigieg is terrible.
TheRealNihilist's avatar
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TheRealNihilist's avatar
So you condemn his use of anecdotes, ad-homs and him as a journalist only using 25 seconds of a clip to make a judgment? 

Who is a better preacher of what you like?