Is 42 The Answer to Everything{ Revised 4/23/2021

Author: ebuc


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Pi-Time absolute and time dilation{ Lorentz contraction } Revised 4/23/2021

Thinking about my truncated Pi explorations might be related to time dilation ---ergo length contraction-- I tried something new and it led to 42.
1} 66.40 28 14 34 52......Absolute { cosmic } Pi-Time value
2} 24.35 22 7 27 55 7….this is my re-normalization value of Pi^4{ XYZ + time } / 4
3} 42.05 05 41 58 95..... subtraction resultant from 66.4…is 42 the answer to everything?.....

Here is the background that is associated with and led to the resultant above.

In the following I use Pi values that only go to 10th position on irrational side of decimal place. Overall positions include one or two positions on rational side of decimal place, so twelve is total overall positions to be considered –for the most part--  in the following speculative explorations.
1} Pi = 3. 14 15 92 65 35…… 89 7 93 23 84 62 64 33 83 2 7 95…7 occurs in  overall 14th place/position…..,
2} Pi^2{ 2D } =9.86 96 04 40 05……25 17 10 62 25
…7 occurs on overall 15th position….
3} Pi^3 {XYZ-3D } =31.00 62 7 66 77 6…..4 11 48 95 09 95 39 11 80375…..
…7 occurs in  overall 7th position...62 is twice…00 minimizes relevance to 62 7 66…
...repetition of prime number 31 goes out to 7 places 33 33 33 1 is 6 + 1 places ergo 7 places and is itself a prime number in each subsequent iteration..
4} Pi^4 {XYZ + time } = 97.40 90 91 02 28….65 82 12 53 74 63…
……7 occurs overall 19th position on irrational side….
….97.40 9090 96 divided by 7 = 13.91 55 84 43 18….28 57 14 28 57….
…7 falls in overall 15th position on irrational side…13.9 is close to 14…
… we see 55 and take note of Fibonacci number 55…..
5} Pi^4 { XYZ + t } / 4 = 24.35 22 7 27 55 7……
..this latter above is my re-normalization approach  and I likened it to Feynman’s{?}  renormalization process to get rid of  all their infinite value resultants ….that could not be dealt with…ergo a truncation process to get rid of the infinite value and have   to a finite value to deal with…..

….7 occurs on overall 7th,  9th  and 12th positions…just after our next noting of 55 ergo Fibonacci number…. 
5} Pi^4 { XYZ + t } minus the Pi^3{ XYZ-3D } 66.40 28 14 34 52 …..and 66.4 is my  cosmic absolute, Pi-Time value…..
…28 and 14 both divide rationally by #7…..
6} 66.40 28 14 34 52 minus 24.35 22 7 27 55 7= 42.05 05 41 58 95 and that #42 is Douglas Adams { Arthur Dent Great Computer } ‘answer to everything’ resultant, that, I wonder --and began exploring to see-- if it has even the most most abstract association to  time dilation ergo Lorentz contraction….
7} 6 * 7 = 42  and 42.05 05 41 58 95 is shy ---4.94 94 58 41 05--- of Fullers consideration of prime number 47 being the cause of all superficially appearing randomness { dust } of Universe, and #47 being the first prime number beyond the 45 degrees of trigonometric limit to create everything of Universe.
…note: flip 45 four times to get 360 degree whole….

8} 42.05 05 41 58 95  minus 18 = 24.05 05 41 58 95 and I wonder if this 18 is representative of top half of time dilation { orentz contraction } limits?.... 
…..8a}  and 24.05 05 41 58 95 minus 18 = 6.05 05 41 58 95 and I wonder if this representative of lower end of time dilation { Lorentz contraction }?
……8b} Recalling that, the Vector Equilibrium { 4D/VE } ---aka cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron--- represents zero { 0 } via balance between has 24 chord/edges { embracing } and 24 radii {radiant } when constructed from four great circle planes, --circular hexagons--  that define it,
9} ergo  I see a scenario unfolding here regarding time dilation { Lorentz contraction } as follows starting with 66.4 { Pi-Time } and  ending at 6.05 05 41 58 95 as minimal time dilation {Lorentz contraction } limit;

…9a} 66.4 as cosmic absolute Pi-Time that we can never attain  i.e a most pure ergo most refined absolute truth---   and as an irrational, it complements our off-center { irrational process above } as Spirit-2{ observed time } physical reality { quantised and quantified } occupied space.
…..9b} prime number 49 { 7 * 7 }  ---and lets call that 7 axi * 7 axi or 7 axi subsets { 56 or 83 minus 14 redundant great circle planes  ergo 73 primary planes LINK
7 *  73 = 5,329 however, this pathway is very speculative and unexplored by me currently  so do I do not place much emphasis or significance here, yet,

….9c} and prime number 47 as Fullers  speculative …’cause of all seemingly random-ness of Universe’ aka God, that, for now, I will call the top { maximum } occupied Space association to 42 { speed-of-radiation } and above that is, 
Metaphysical-3{ spirit-3 } Gravity (  ) and,
 Metaphysical-4 { spirit-4 } Dark Energy )(, 
Note 1:  Fuller liked to remind the reader that Universe ergo God is always off-center i.e. never at exact zero balance aka equilibrium --or true vacuum--- ergo, we began with transcendental Pi and used truncated values to 10th irrational side and we currently end with an irrational resultant, that, is not irrational, as we find with the 7-gon polygon ---128.571 internal angle of 7-gon--  rather, is closer to pure/symmetrical  rational whole six { 6 } as presented in process above as 6.05 05 41 58 95.
Note 2: above I mention the Vector Equilibrium{ VE } as 4D and this should not be confused with prior places above that are are XYZ + time as 4D.  The VE four dimenstion is four diametrically opposing triangular spatial planes, that, coincide with the VE’s four great hexagonal planes that define it.
And those four planes are in 60 degree corridination to each other not XYZ. And those four planes are defined by a tetrahedron when its four planes contract to define a zero volume tetrahedron, that, results in a VE. See LINK
Note 3:  it seems strange that 42 would be the answer to everything, because, Fullers approach would have 45 degrees of he trigonometric limit being the basis for incorporating all occupied space that exists.
So if of my above is correct, how is it 42.05 05 41 58 95   is the top end of physical reality ergo time dilation{ Lorentz contraction } and,
6.05 05 41 58 95. Is the bottom end limit?
Note 4: it was my arbitrary decision to subtract 18 from 42.05 05 41 58 95   ergo the difference between top end and low end limits is exactly 36 and just happens to coincided with 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks of Universe.

Note-5: I could not find a reference to time dilation{ Lorentz contraction } in Synergetics.  I did find the following  graphic LINK in Synergetics and wonder if it could some how be spatial association or representative of  my positive and negative time dilation considerations via Pi.

zedvictor4's avatar
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The answer to everything should be 0.
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Hi Zed.  Fuller would have us believe, that, the 4-fold Vector Equilibrium { VE/balance/24 chords-24 radii } is the zero place of Universe,  and I paraphrase Fuller here....' the VE is the empty theater --with its 25 Great Circle Railroad tracks--- awaiting any audience of motion '........

The VE contains quasi{ not-stablilized }-version of the 5-fold icosahedron, which can be seen when the VE contracts. See B, on right side, in graphic in this  Link

However, be clear also, that, the 5-fold icosahedron contains five overlapping sets of the VE via the icosa's 10 great circle planes. See LINK

My approach in this thread involves truncation of transcentendtal Pi and Pi involves any circle,  great bisecting plane of a polyhedron, or not.

Universe is never static i.e. all of occupied space Universe's parts are always in motion. Never static, never in perfect equilibrium or perfect vacuum.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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it is, what a genius
fauxlaw's avatar
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Some think the answer to everything is a 44. I don't, but, there it is.
Athias's avatar
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Let's give it a try:

2 + 2 = 42

Nope. Wait...

If we express this as f(x) = x +2

f(x) = 4

We replace the f with 4, it would be 4(2) = 2 + 2. Wait... Wait...

Remove the parentheses and...:

42 = 2 + 2

Dude, you just blew my mind!
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Ok, this is rich { deep } and I dont recall noting this following scenario at any time in all of my explorations of the Vector Equlibrium etc.

So I posted this grahic LINK in Synergetics, right? That I thought some how maybe could be related to time dilation-Lorentz contraction, and I briefly mentioned to be considered as four of them each on its axis of the VE's four primary axi of the its diametrically opposing  surfacing triangles.

So tonight I went back to  the value of Pi^4 = 97.40 90 91 03 40.......02437236440332688705

But since that was 4D was inferred by me to be  four spatial dimensions, I never did much with it, until now.

97.40 90 91 03 40 / 24.35 22 7 27 55 7 = 4.00 00 00 00 04 i.e. four of the above linked grpahic ---ergo four hexagons of the cubo-octahedron/Vector Equlibrium.

I.e. we take the above Linked to graphic, that I'm now going to refer to as four,  dilation-contraction  axi, and we apply in four  4.00 00 00 00 00 04 times, in 60 spatial coordination, as in accoordance with the 4-fold, VE/cubo-octahedron.

we envision a graphical that Ive never envisioned before.  Truly sorry I'm not a graphic technician cause I would love to see those four as 60 degree coodinated,VE-Time-Lorentz axis set.

So yeah, this in of itself does not produce a whole lot of SHAZAM! revelation, however, there is something about it, that perks my curiousity.  Fullers first book was 4D Time-lock and he had to get Einstiens permission before it  would be published.

Omni-directional Time-dialtion/Lorentz contraction?  Seriously, why not?  Did anyone ever say that Time dilation-Lorentz contraction is only a linear operation?

So we see maximal contraction {bottom end limit? } --ergo 6.05 05 41 58 95-- as each of the VE's surface 8 triangles, and,

the maximum expansion of its four great hexagonal planes a---ergo
42.05 05 41 58 95. 

So yes this is a little or a lot differrent than my former, and more linear approach, but hey, I'm still exploring possibilities of what we can attribute to what, specifically.  So in this latter above, the maximum time dilation-lorentz contraction does not take place at one and or the the other of the Time dilation axis, rather,

it takes place at cosmic zero equlibrium of four hexagons.

Four 42.05 05 41 58 95's balance with eight 6.05 05 41 58 95's????

Well maybe balanced is'nt the correct word, since 8 * 6.05 05 41 58 95 = 48.404332716.

I am tired so these resultants dont jump out at me and go Holy Mackeral or Holy Cow!  Maybe there is a synergetic effect I'm not considering ex 2nd powering of one the above values, as in 2nd powering of E = mc^2. I dunno. Just exploring

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..." To make more sense of this, let's review quickly what Special Relativity establishes.

.....Special Relativity tells us that a moving frame of reference has its spatial dimension shortened in the direction of motion relative to the stationary observer, and, has its time dimension slowed down relative to the stationary observer.

.....These effects are known respectively as "length contraction" and "time dilation".

.....Here on earth, we don't notice these effects in everyday life because we are going far too slowly. Length contraction and time dilation only become significant when you are traveling close to the speed of light. The speed of light is very fast (300,000 km/s or 670,000,000 mph), far faster than any speed that a typical human experiences relative to the stationary observer.

...Note that the key phrase is "relative to the stationary observer". Relative to itself, a reference frame is at rest and experiences neither length contraction nor time dilation. An astronaut on a speeding spaceship does not see his own rulers shortened nor his own clocks running slow. Rather, it is the man on the ground who sees the rulers on the spaceship shortened and the spaceship's clocks running slow."....

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More clarification of time dilation/Lorentz contraction. Previously I attempted to make clear that this dilation-contraction is a linear procedure

....." Special Relativity tells us that a moving frame of reference has its spatial dimension shortened in the direction of motion relative to the stationary observer, and, has its time dimension slowed down relative to the stationary observer.

.....These effects are known respectively as "length contraction" and "dilation ...".

That web site also stated dilation-contraction only mattered at near speeds-of-radiation, however, we know that in a lesser gravitational field ---i.e i. higher altitudes away from gravitational mass of Earth--- that, clocks run faster ergo time dilation. { LINK } 

Is there a visual process we can assign to this dilation-contraction? See bottom of this page for the assigned values

Previously I presented the  the tri-topes { tetrahedron } =  6.05 05 41 58 95 at the outer perimeter end of any one of the four axi, in VE 60 degree orientation to each other, with four hexagons of VE as sort of nucleus or the end resultant if al four tetrahedra{ tri-topes? } were to go through the transition to commonly shared four hexagons as VE aka 4D { 4 spatials or powers } by Fuller, as is the the tetrahedrons four surface openings in 60 degree 4D orientation to each other. Ok? Good.

So 'faster speed' {  or acceleration } and 'gravitational field' appear to be equilvalents.  Ok? Good.

Time ergo motion and speed was Fuller 5th power/dimension as spin.

Previously I presented the obsever as the outer tetrahedral { tritope? }.  Well observer and observed are also known as a 'frame-of-reference', however, be clear that they both are in Universe as an occupied space ergo  not outside of  Universe as a Metaphysical-1 concept/intellect/mind.

Scenarios for frames-of-reference regarding the four axi of opposing surface tetrahedra{ tritopes? } infolding at outer permeter and unfoldinolding as inner VE { 4 hexagons }.

1} the outer perimeter tetrahedron { tritope ? } is the infolded observer, that,

...........observe's VE{ see 10 great circles of icosahedron LINK } as maximally expanded { released/unfolded } speed-of-radiation or

...1a} or as if in various states of lesser graviatioan field ergo clocks running faster as octa-tope, pentatope or the 4D VE{ maximal expanded release }.

H,mm, better stop there as that is plenty for a start and maybe the best scenario available ---I dunno--  within the context of the parameters of Synergetic garphic I'm considering and hope others will consider.

Bottom of page:
Values under consideration as related to the Synergetics graphic here LINK

Outer perimeter and infolded tetrahedron { tri-tope? } value is 6.05 05 41 58 95 --mininmal infoldment--

Next more expanded { ufolded } is a 5-gon { octa-tope? } is  24.35 22 7 27 55 7 --media--

Next more expanded { unfolded } is the 6-gon { penta-tope? } is 42.05 05 41 58 95 medial---

And the most expanded { unfolded } is the VE { 14-gon } is 66.4 or some approximation near that ---maximal---.

437 days later

ebuc's avatar
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P^3{ XYZ } =............ .............................31.00 62 7 66...
Pi^4 { XYZ-d or t } = .............................97.40 90 91 03 40 02
Pi^4 divided by 4  = ............................24.35 22 7 27 58 50 06 renormalization process
Pi^4 minus Pi^3 { XYZ } =.................... 66.40 28 14 43 40 02 Cosmic Pi-Time

66.4 minus 24.35 22 7 27 =................. 42.04 77 27 3 = 7.00795455

..... { 42.04 77 27 3  divided by 6 = 7.00 79 54 55......

Ok, but why divide by 6?

 Because of the Cosmic Hexa-god, that, comes in three formats:

 1} the 3D, 4-fold Vector Equilibrium{ equanimity } --aka cubo-octahedron },  that is defined by its four, bisection, hexagonal great planes and is Synergetics Operating System of Universe/God,

2} my  invaginated,numerically sequential, 2D lattice, that, has seemingly only 3 overlapping and nucleated, hexagons, and,

 3} my 2D lattice an be expressed as a 3D tube, and a tube that comes back to meet itself is a torus, and this means the 3 hexagons are really four nucleated hexagons, 0/12, 3, 6, 9 whereas in 2D the  0 and 12 are at opposite ends ---0 3 6 9 12.... and seemingly make the nucleated count 5, not 4.

I think 6 is a fundamental in linear set of numbers, that, we can associate to our reality. Ex 36 kinds of quark is 6 * 6.

 ....1aA}  At the fundamental fermionic matter  level we have three kinds quarks  quarks and three anti-quarks, ergo 6, before all the combinations them via charges etc.

...1B} at fundamental, fermionic matter level, we have three kinds of electron and three kinds of anti-electron ergo 6,

....1C} at fundamental, fermionic matter level we have three kinds of neutrino  and three anti-neutrinos ergo 6.

......1D} at fundamental space level, we have XYZ, and in Synergetics we have two primary sets of 3-fold symmetry of tetrahedron, i.e. tetrahedron and tetrahedron inside-outed, ergo 6 sets of as positive and negative tetrahedron,

......1E} what we dont see with 1D above, is this inside-outing is going inside the truncated di-pyramid with one of more of its nucleations oscillating pulse to both sides of the mid-girth triangular plane, or so I surmise, as this is a reflection of the sine-wave pattering photons self propgation through space ergo via the di-pyramid torus of Gravity-Dark Energy.

FLRW's avatar
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Well, William Jefferson Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. 
ebuc's avatar
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SO FLWR, your saying that grants Bill some kind of cosmic status, and maybe he should become president of The Milky Way or something?
FLRW's avatar
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True dat.