Would You Join This Religion?

Author: Reece101


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Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
This is just a rough concept I was playing around with.   

The religion is called Triune of Fate.

The Triune of Fate consists of three androgynous/hermaphrodite deities:

The deity of mischief and joy, also known as the god of future.
(Depicted as an adolescent).

The deity of beauty and nature, also known as the god of present.
(Depicted as middle aged).

The deity of wisdom and reflection, also know as the god of past.
(Depicted as elderly).

To worship all three and to pay your respects, you have to at least once a week:
  •  Make someone laugh from joy.
  • Give a compliment of sincerity.
  • Improve ones life by giving advice.

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Does this religion allow you to have 5 children with 3 different wives?  I know Christianity does.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Like the Norns or Fates. They are all females though because women are usually associated with fate due to weaving.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
There are people who think religion is just some fancy club you choose to join and even ought to join if those around you believe(d) in it while you grew up. These people don't for one second genuinely adhere to their religion and while they are not fundamentalists, they're a different kind of problem and you can't address that problem without getting cancelled these days because, you're potentially called racist but at least called prejudiced.

For instance, if I point out the sexism and severe homophobia present in Islamic culture and religion, all it takes is the Muslim individual I'm debating with to say 'but I am not sexist or a homophobe' to then put me in a position where they can play the prejudice card if I push further. Similarly, all religions can do this as almost all religions are considered to be things you're born into that are a part of your identity, rather than things you believe genuinely and can defend against critique.

Therefore, the answer to your question is no, I wouldn't join it. I gain nothing from pretending to and am too intelligent to join a religion I don't believe in for any reason other than superficial gain (I can't fool myself into thinking I believe in it just because my family and/or friends do, I am too smart to fall for my own self-deceit).

Religion should be based on ideas clashing, instead it's very much based on nonsense traditions as opposed to genuine outlooks on reality and morality. It then becomes very precarious as you can't attack the religion without being seen as a (racist) bigoted prick who is prejudiced against the culture and particular hymns, dances and dresses they have. 

Even in today's more secular world people haven't yet separated religion from their own racial, national and/or cultural identity. I want to see religion as an idea you believe in, not some set of traditions you and your friends and family carry out and sing about once a week (or even five times a day) because that has zero bearing on whether your god is real and whether your moral code is the one to follow. 

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
While I agree with your statements I also feel there are cultural aspects to religion that might draw one in and should not be completely discounted. Especially if part of that religious worship involves ancestor veneration you certainly would want to practice in your own culture or at least include your own culture in that practice.
EtrnlVw's avatar
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I'll start with a simple concept people often overlook in regards to "religion", perhaps spirituality depending upon the structure of said propositions. To "join" a religious system is basically like becoming a member of some form of idealism that separates itself from others, and many times it matters not whether that membership is just a superficial game or a genuine connection to a system of ideals one truly accepts as a life guide.

So when I look at the structure of what you are offering I'm simply weighing whether or not there is anything worth looking in to in terms of application. I personally don't give a shit about joining membership to play political games or church politics. If I like the structure of what you are offering I'll apply it but I have no need of being a part of a system that divides itself from other lovers of God. Application (to me) is the only real form of worship or reverence, and if there is something worth applying to better oneself or others to me it is a form of spirituality. 

Now...considering we're just playing hypotheticals (what if's) I'll give you credit for creating a system of religious structure simply worth applying. I really like your three stipulations I think they would be worth applying just as a good form of goodness towards mankind. Of course, one really has no need to join a religious group to apply these things but it's nice to create a system that holds people accountable so they don't stray away from good deeds.

I'm not so sure about the name "Triune of Fate"....sounds a tad dark to me lol. Perhaps Triune of Life or Triune of Unity, something along those lines. I also think you did a good job of creating a clear depiction of attributes that God could hold, however if we want to get deep here there is always the reality of duality. If we look at it in that light you're missing some things in terms of a complete system of thought. At some point someone is going to inquire about the nature of the dark side of life.
The reason I tend to like this topic of yours is because it shows a side of you that may be inclined to explore ideas about God using your own intuitions. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
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Does this religion allow you to have 5 children with 3 different wives?  I know Christianity does.
Hmm - so a criteria to join a religion has something to do with sex? Interesting that your mind goes there. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
There are people who think religion is just some fancy club you choose to join and even ought to join if those around you believe(d) in it while you grew up. These people don't for one second genuinely adhere to their religion and while they are not fundamentalists, they're a different kind of problem and you can't address that problem without getting cancelled these days because, you're potentially called racist but at least called prejudiced.

For instance, if I point out the sexism and severe homophobia present in Islamic culture and religion, all it takes is the Muslim individual I'm debating with to say 'but I am not sexist or a homophobe' to then put me in a position where they can play the prejudice card if I push further. Similarly, all religions can do this as almost all religions are considered to be things you're born into that are a part of your identity, rather than things you believe genuinely and can defend against critique.

Therefore, the answer to your question is no, I wouldn't join it. I gain nothing from pretending to and am too intelligent to join a religion I don't believe in for any reason other than superficial gain (I can't fool myself into thinking I believe in it just because my family and/or friends do, I am too smart to fall for my own self-deceit).

Religion should be based on ideas clashing, instead it's very much based on nonsense traditions as opposed to genuine outlooks on reality and morality. It then becomes very precarious as you can't attack the religion without being seen as a (racist) bigoted prick who is prejudiced against the culture and particular hymns, dances and dresses they have. 

Even in today's more secular world people haven't yet separated religion from their own racial, national and/or cultural identity. I want to see religion as an idea you believe in, not some set of traditions you and your friends and family carry out and sing about once a week (or even five times a day) because that has zero bearing on whether your god is real and whether your moral code is the one to follow. 

Interesting insights. Yet I disagree.  While much of what you have elucidated to is possibly correct, there is also an element of cynicism to your words. 

Religion is not a fancy club. And from my perspective it ought not be. Yet there are many who would say otherwise. 

Pointing out what you perceive to be faults of a religion - no matter what it is - is going to give them reason to call you bigoted.  Sexism and homophobia, or tolerance and relativity of ethics, or love and hate, or revelation or niceness, or science or not are all based in people's beliefs.  And in our particular cultural generation some are accepted and some are not. In the next generation things might well reverse again.  Pointing out that we disagree is not conducive to truth. It is only likely to lead to division. 

I wouldn't join either but for none of the reasons you give. 

Religion should not be based on anything but the truth. It has nothing to do with the clash of ideas. That is what philosophy is about. Religion might have philosophical components but it is not based on the clash of ideas. Not all traditions are nonsense - elements of cynicism on your part. Why do you want to attack religions? What an arrogant thing to want to do. 

You might like to see religion as an idea you believe in. Many people including me - don't see it as an idea. For me religion - if that is the correct word - is about a relationship with the maker of the universe and reality. It goes far beyond an idea. It actually is about truth. 

Secularism can't divorce itself from religion because it is religious.  It might lie and try to deceive itself that it is not religious. Yet - religion really is a different word for worldview.  It is the way we see the world.  Religions mostly tend to see it through the eyes of its perception of a deity or deities and how they brought this universe into existence or even how they were brought into existence by something else. The secular worldview simply omits a reference to a deity and somehow thinks this makes it non-religious. It might fool itself. But the rest of the world and every other worldview remains unconvinced. 

I like traditions. I think having a tradition for the sake of a tradition is silly. Yet also to delete a tradition because you can't think why it exists is also silly. 

Meaningfulness is helpful. Sometimes we lose the meaning because it becomes so familiar we fail to hold onto its meaning. This is why in the OT the Jewish culture not only repeated their traditions but always explained why they did it - so they did not lose its meaning in the tradition and ritual itself.  

We have just celebrated Halloween in Australia - I don't know why. It is an American tradition not an Aussie one. But it is becoming more popular because it is more and more commercialised and as Australia becomes more like America in culture. But it is not our tradition. But it might become one. Christmas will remain. Not in the way it has historically been celebrated - now it is more about presents and family time. Once upon a time Good Friday was sacred. No sport no newspapers. Now it is considered just another opportunity for people to make money and play sport, No longer sacred. Anzac Day on the other hand has become very sacred. They still play sport. But no divisive talk is allowed. We all have to be respectful for those who have fallen.  

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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The problem is is you think it should be sacred for everyone because it's sacred for you and your religion. Good Friday means absolutely nothing to me. And I'm not sure why you feel every single human being on the planet should have to stop what they're doing that day so it can be sacred for you. Halloween is actually very sacred for me and there is a whole spiritual practice done the same day as traditional cultural practices are done. So I can set up an alter and do a ritual on Halloween and then pass out candy and not feel like anything's not being held sacred because I'm holding it sacred. In my home, in my life, between me and my gods, Halloween is sacred. That should be what Christian holidays are for you. I know plenty of Americans who do all kinds of sacred traditions Christmas Eve and Christmas Day that honor Christ and honor his Father and then open presents. Because a holy day and a holiday are not the same thing. And Halloween is not American. Halloween comes from Europe it is a European tradition that has expanded to the European colonized areas. There's also a huge commercial component to it. But you don't have to engage in any part of that you don't want to but forbidding others then becomes tyranny.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Good Friday means absolutely nothing to me. And I'm not sure why you feel every single human being on the planet should have to stop what they're doing that day so it can be sacred for you. 
This comes under traditions linked to the culture that happens to have the religion, as opposed to the religion itself, which is a distinction few bother to make.

The traditions are just that, if some find it sacred then that's the part that's linked to them finding a certain religion's teachings to be true. That's where discussion should be had but which is taboo to have. Either they are correct and we are all disobeying their god or they are wrong and are obeying an imaginary entity, which is only considered a problem once someone thinks that god or the supreme entities want them to harm others and/or themselves.

What we have is people like yourself saying that what is sacred to some can just be left alone by others and I agree, I will leave alone the halloween and good friday but actually there comes to be a problem when a nation that has a lot of expats, like UAE, blackmails everyone in the nation to (at least in public) adhere to Ramadan fasting. Even for the Muslims, there are problems. It is known to have caused severe accidents on the road due to already-malnourished taxi drivers living on barely any wages having to not drink even water from sunrise to sunset (and that's extremely long there). When circumcision is forcefully done to a baby/toddler we say it's okay because we are being rude bigots to say no, except that there are sects based on African Islam (Sudanese in particular but others too) that practise(d) female circumcision and there were Muslim residing in nations it was outlawed abusively taking their 14 year old daughter or whatever to undergo female genital mutilation and played the 'bigot' or 'prejudiced' card when and if any investigation took place from the nation they flew back to reside in after having mutilated their daughter off-shore. Obviously it's worse on the females for physical reasons but where and when can we challenge anything? What is or isn't the real Islam? Who decides and how do we challenge that without attacking an ethnicity and instead only their religious ideology?

There is also a severe amount of subtle blackmail (or overt) involved with many religions but undeniably Islam. If you leave Islam, especially as a female, you are treated so badly you probably won't believe it unless you've directly come across it in documentaries or from people you know. I am talking about a family arranging to murder their own daughter, niece etc simply because she wants to pursue further education and didn't want to marry some older, probably abusive, guy when she was barely legal (often underage). They call this 'honor killings' and we are told we're bigots and assholes if we question if such a religion and ethos with all the things aforementioned and more to worry about, should be truly introduced to Western cultures. 

What they tend to do is say 'Christians have been just as bad' which is why as someone who sees the flaws of both Christianity and Islam, I don't quite understand that argument. It's so taboo to even dare challenge people on the darker side of their religion and its practises, let alone concrete teachings.

I could type more, a lot more, however I'll leave it at that because honestly I am fed up of the left-wing pandering to such far-right ideologies and don't want to be seen as some far-right bigot myself because of cancel culture. 

To be clear, I'm not only having an issue with Islam, I just find it full of many overt, severe issues. I am saying if your religion is correct, if your god is the real god and if your moral code is what you believe is right, why is it I can't get a concrete answer on certain things? I am not saying I judge one adherent based on what another does, I'm saying I'd like discussions to take place on what is and is not that religion without it being taboo to dare say a word about.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
The problem is is you think it should be sacred for everyone because it's sacred for you and your religion. Good Friday means absolutely nothing to me. And I'm not sure why you feel every single human being on the planet should have to stop what they're doing that day so it can be sacred for you. Halloween is actually very sacred for me and there is a whole spiritual practice done the same day as traditional cultural practices are done. So I can set up an alter and do a ritual on Halloween and then pass out candy and not feel like anything's not being held sacred because I'm holding it sacred. In my home, in my life, between me and my gods, Halloween is sacred. That should be what Christian holidays are for you. I know plenty of Americans who do all kinds of sacred traditions Christmas Eve and Christmas Day that honor Christ and honor his Father and then open presents. Because a holy day and a holiday are not the same thing. And Halloween is not American. Halloween comes from Europe it is a European tradition that has expanded to the European colonized areas. There's also a huge commercial component to it. But you don't have to engage in any part of that you don't want to but forbidding others then becomes tyranny.
Um, I don't think I said that.  I was merely comparing different traditions noting some have become more popular and others have become less so. I did say Halloween was American. Thanks for correcting me. I had believed it had something to do with some American thing - but seems from what you say I was wrong. 

I do think that national holidays are only justified if it is something that everyone can embrace. They don't have to embrace it or even agree with it in the same way.  But I do might say I do get annoyed with traditions that I don't want to be part of personally. It is not very nice to be abused because I didn't take time to prepare some sweets for children.  My house got egged. And spray painted.  I would not expect everyone to attend church on Christmas or Good Friday. In fact many don't.  But to be made to feel bad because I don't celebrate environmental day or Australia Day or something I don't agree with is madness. Yet if it is a national holiday - then I take a day off. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
You might like to see religion as an idea you believe in. Many people including me - don't see it as an idea. For me religion - if that is the correct word - is about a relationship with the maker of the universe and reality. It goes far beyond an idea. It actually is about truth. 

Secularism can't divorce itself from religion because it is religious.  It might lie and try to deceive itself that it is not religious. Yet - religion really is a different word for worldview.
Firstly, if you believed religion was worldview, you would support the clashing of ideas within it.

You contradict that by saying only one truth matters, that of your own religion, which implies you don't respect anyone else's worldview.

Another thing that you totally ignored is how many elements of religion aren't worldview at the moment, which was maybe what you agreed with me on but I'm not sure. It's not a worldview for you to tell me that I am not allowed to ask about your religion or challenge it because it's important to you and none of my business. If it's none of my business then how can god or you blame me for being ignorant of the real god and real moral code I should have been following?

How can I ascertain if Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Wicca (and other forms of Paganism) or just flat out atheism is the right outlook to have if you don't allow me to scrutinise the specifics, not just overview, of the sacred religion of the real god? Also, which sect is the correct sect and how are we to ever ascertain that if we must equally allow all to remain without a single clash or debate as that's considered taboo and disrespectful?
RationalMadman's avatar
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Also, it's highly disrespectful to think people who are secular atheists or agnostics who aren't leaning to Theism are de facto religious and in denial, I wrote this in fact on another thread less than 24 hours before you posted that I think:

Originally, atheists and pagans were one and the same, atheists were merely considered to be a subset of Pagans who worship a god that they don't talk about.

Nobody was thought to genuinely not believe in a deity, just that they secretly worshipped one that opposed the god of the chosen religion of the time.

It's just projection and assumptions.
Reece101's avatar
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Tradesecret would have to coincide that ethics is derived from the anthropological evolution of our ancestors over millions of years. Though he would probably say God ultimately predetermined them.
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zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Everyone's mind goes there.

it's instinctive programming.

How one addresses such things, is variously imaginative.

I would loosely suggest though, that Reece101's religion, describes certain attributes of reasonable people.

Though said people might also have other places that they go to sometimes.

Like Godsville for example.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Well when you get to be emperor of the world you get decide whatever human being in the world does. In the meantime nobody's getting called a bigot for talking about the things that you've mentioned. But I don't get the control another person's religious belief any more than I can control their bad behavior if that were true we wouldn't need prisons because every person is going to commit a crime would be taken out before they do it. 
To say though that nobody should be allowed to have a religion because some people with it are jerks is like saying no one should own a gun because people use them to kill other people. That's why someone gets called a bigot. Somebody in Sudan mutilates his daughter in the name of religion so in America Christian shouldn't be allowed to practice. Jews circumcised their son's so therefore pagans should not be allowed to practice.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Not sure of your logic there Poly.

As far as I am concerned, all the situations that you draw attention to, are simple down to variable data analysis and consequent conclusions.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Address the person that brought them up originally. I'm not changing anything I said.
FLRW's avatar
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‘I, (name), take you, (name)
to be my wife/husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.’

You probably laugh at that, don't you?

RationalMadman's avatar
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To say though that nobody should be allowed to have a religion because some people with it are jerks is like saying no one should own a gun because people use them to kill other people.
I support the latter for general civilians so I'm not sure of the issue with that but as for the former, that is precisely the issue.

I don't want to say that, I want to say the religion is the problem not the followers but the actual religion and that is taboo to dare say. The fundamental teachings in the Qur'an and Hadith are things I don't want to even mention here but when you say your holiest man cheated on his wives with a minor so young it would make you puke to think and impregnate dear Aisha you begin to wonder what the fuck this guy really is if he's the chosen one to speak the perfect word of a god who says the following:

And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah , "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.

what does this imply? is this or is this not the infallible word of Allah? yes or no, concrete answer. I dare not challenge it in person of course, I keep my head down and appreciate that most Muslims are sane enough to ignore such bullshit.
RationalMadman's avatar
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‘Abdullah b. Buraida reported on the authority of his father that Ma'iz b. Malik al-Aslami came to Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah’s Messenger, I have wronged myself ; I have committed adultery and I earnestly desire that you should purify me. He turned him away. On the following day, he (Ma'iz) again came to him and said: Allah’s Messenger, I have committed adultery. Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) turned him away for the second time, and sent him to his people saying: Do you know if there is anything wrong with his mind. They denied of any such thing in him and said: We do not know him but as a wise good man among us, so far as we can judge. He (Ma'iz) came for the third time, and he (the Holy Prophet) sent him as he had done before. He asked about him and they informed him that there was nothing wrong with him or with his mind. When it was the fourth time, a ditch was dug for him and he (the Holy Prophet) pronounced judgment about him. He (the narrator) said: There came to him (the Holy Prophet) a woman from Ghamid and said: Allah’s Messenger, I have committed adultery, so purify me. He (the Holy Prophet) turned her away. On the following day she said: Allah’s Messenger, Why do you turn me away? Perhaps, you turn me away as you turned away Ma'iz. By Allah, I have become pregnant. He said: Well, if you insist upon it, then go away until you give birth to (the child). When she was delivered she came with the child (wrapped) in a rag and said: Here is the child whom I have given birth to. He said: Go away and suckle him until you wean him. When she had weaned him, she came to him (the Holy Prophet) with the child who was holding a piece of bread in his hand. She said: Allah’s Apostle, here is he as I have weaned him and he eats food. He (the Holy Prophet) entrusted the child to one of the Muslims and then pronounced punishment. And she was put in a ditch up to her chest and he commanded people and they stoned her. Khalid b Walid came forward with a stone which he flung at her head and there spurted blood on the face of Khalid and so he abused her. Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) heard his (Khalid’s) curse that he had hurried upon her. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Khalid, be gentle. By Him in Whose Hand is my life, she has made such a repentance that even if a wrongful tax-collector were to repent, he would have been forgiven. Then giving command regarding her, he prayed over her and she was buried.

Muhammad saw this as gentle so long as no 'abuse' took place. 

8 days later

TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Does this religion allow you to have 5 children with 3 different wives?  I know Christianity does.
Polygamy ought to be a right as it is victimless and therefore something that ought to be legal.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Have as many partners as you want.

Just don't bother with the marriage thing......It's no more than a nonsense social contract anyway.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Polygamy and the other poly one that " allows " women to take multiple husbands should be allowed. 

Hey what about homosexual polygamy?  .   This doesn't feel to me to be ummm  " straight forward " 
It should be. 
Butt i think i am a little homophobic.
I can't think past it.  So So weak.  

Just when you think polygamy should be allowed.   A picture of handsome man with 154 wives enters your head and i dont like that.
I dont think you should be allowed to have  274 wives. 

Hold the phone...........
What about BI polygamy. Having 8 wives and three husbands ?

It needs alot of thinking to see if it is good or bad. 
On a case by case it works. 

I'd be jealous as of a bloke with half a dozen hot looking wives. 
Altough i never have thought Hugh Heffiner was like a really " lucky " man. 

I think the only thing that makes polygamy a victimless crime is the fact that i myself would like four maybe five wives. 

And like the great BULLPROOF taught me. 
EVERYTHING DOES.  ( TO benifit  ). 

Man are fuckin horrible hey ? 
Did i just say that out loud.  

Man are horrible is pretty general  as humans are FARRRRR to complex. 
Man are horrible FULL STOP
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Civil unions are needed for families to reduce single motherhood.  But if you don’t want kids, don’t marry.
zedvictor4's avatar
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All that is required is a stable partnership, with a consensus of responsibility

A legal agreement doesn't necessarily guarantee stability, especially if the protagonists are prone to irresponsibility.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I am going to put to my girlfriend that i am thinking about taking a second girlfriend. 

She will swear at me. 
I may even be assulted.

What i am trying to say is. 
I dont think i have ever known a girl that when this was put to them , they would be all like.  (' oh ok .that sounds good dear.' ) 

I imagine that, When it comes to this polygamy thing  ( ' it's  all  about your first wife choice. ' )  
Its so important.  

I wouldn't marry 4 ugly chicks. 

Actually polygamy doesn't work with fat chicks does it ?

Maybe i can take one ugly wife and three hot ones. 

Look i am going to pass on this polygamy. 
I will still ask my missus but. 
Wish me luck.  
Good day.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
If your gf doesn't want you to date other women, that's fine.  You don't have to date other women.  However, there are some women that are fine with polygamy and these women should be allowed to be polygamous with one man if everyone involved consents to it.