Instigator / Pro

Is Child Sexual Abuse Harmful by Itself?


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 3 votes and with 19 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
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Contender / Con

Pro argues that the vast majority of the harm that is correlated with kids having sex with adults stems from the stigma against it and failing to control for other confounding variables.

Con argues against this view.

Disclaimer: I (pro) have uncertainty about this view but I will attempt to play devils advocate.

Child sexual abuse: A person that is under 18 years old having sex (that they chose to have) with someone that is five or more years older than them.


But what if I have grown a separate extra pair of nuts and it causes pain in of itself and you just removed them for free and thus removed pain from me? This kind of scenarios no matter how obscure should not be ignored outright.


Go ahead and post your round. I know you think a lot about how to morally justify fucking children and your arguments are already written


That's called obfuscation. Don't be a moron. Me punching you in the nuts would absolutely cause harm

Nothing is harmful by itself. A frame of moral consequences must exist in order for “harm” to be considered at all.

I am accepting but please keep your arguments shorter than 30k you fucking pervert


Is there a reason you need 30k characters to discuss why fucking children is a good ideal? Can't you take it down to like 10k?


I think we all know who this is an alt of. You guys have every right to ban me for speaking the truth about him, but nobody should deny what is plainly obvious


The definition has to stay because that is what the debate is about. I can call the definition something besides child sexual abuse if you like.


Then what do you suggest that I change the title to?

Also your definition is absolutely ridiculous and I am not gonna take this debate with that definition there, it is going to cause all sorts of problems and trigger me.


It really is not. If you'd change the question into a statement, you'd realise the problem.


All fixed now.


Sure they said that. But the data (ex Clancy's sample from the book The Trauma Myth (very misleading title btw)) shows that children consent to sex with adults the vast majority of the time. By consent I mean agree to having sex and do so without being forced. When i say that a kid consented to sex with an adult i do not necessarily mean that they were informed about the possible consequences of sex or that the kid had a developed enough prefrontal cortex to make the best possible decision about whether or not to have sex. Besides, I don't want to waste time arguing about semantics.


I don't think you made the changes, I think you have changed your physical side without changing the framework so that you are Pro, you even still call yourself 'con' in the description still.


I don't think you can legitimately define CHILD SEX ABUSE as voluntary or consensual. The American Psychological Association states that "children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults", and condemns any such action by an adult: "An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior."


Sure, I made the changes that you requested.


I do not want to appear as a contender to a debate with this title, it isn't a good look in my profile as it will look like I am Con, why don't you set it up so that the contender is on the side Con and you are Pro what it is you are actually defending?

Right now you are trying to trigger your opponent and play it all very dirty.