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Total debates: 3,705
The Catholic Church is infallible
All traditional knowledge is a justified true belief.
Nothing forces you to accept this debate.
The debate is over the possibility that dreams have either spiritual or divine meanings to them. I, as con argue that they do not, while anyone who is pro must argue that they do.
Democrats are concerned with redistributing wealth to the poor, while Republicans preserve profits for large corporations.
Abortion should be a basic right because every individual deserves autonomy over their own body and the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions without political or societal interference.
I know it may sound controversial, but try to change my mind.
The pro side will be arguing that "If God does not exist, then morality is speculative at best." And the con side will argue that morality can be grounded independent of the view that God exists.
Con must agree that such God knows best.
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tiger parent is a parent that would use every resource available to them and push their child to ensure their child's highest success in the long run
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