Instigator / Pro

National Healthcare in the US


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


>Reported Vote: K_Michael // Mod action: Removed

>Points Awarded: 5 points to Pro for arguments and sources

>Reason for Decision: I personally agreed with Pro, but Con made several good points. Overall, I think Pro refuted most if not all. Neither was 100% clear and there seemed to be some misunderstanding, mostly on Con's part.

>Reason for Mod Action: First, the voter fails to sufficiently justify the argument points they award. To award argument points, the voter must (1) survey the main arguments and counterarguments in the debate, (2) weigh those arguments and counterarguments against each other, and (3) explain, based on the weighing process, how they reached their decision. The voter completes none of these steps, when, in fact, they needed to complete each of them. Second, the voter fails to sufficiently justify the sources points they award. There is no explanation in the RFD about why awarding the sources points was appropriate. The RFD must clearly justify each of the points it awards.


It happens to a lot of people including myself so it's fine. I know what it is like. I try to maintain discussions with people like dustryder and I just don't have the endurance.


Honestly, I'm kinda burnt out on debating and having conversations at the moment. I'll probably take a break from debating for a while. I hope you don't think I'm just making up excuses to weasel my way out of a discussion. I've just done it so often I no longer have a passion for it anymore sadly.


There is a glitch that you might want to check out.

For some reason debateisart is blocking my comment, ill try to post it soon


If every American gets $2000/month coverage, UHC in the US would cost about $7.68 Trilllion per year. This would triple our taxes. America cannot afford that. How does private healthcare cost $7.7 Trillion? Many places have UHC, but it's not good coverage. It's just basic coverage. A lot of the reason why other 1st world countries tend to have higher life expediencies then the US is because they:

-Don't have a heroin epidemic. This is why the US life expectancy has been going down whereas in Japan, they have been going up.
-Tend to live healthier lifestyles in general. The US is an obese nation. The way to cure that is not doctor visits. The cure to that is by being healthy.

You mention that people would be more productive in the workplace, however, that's only nominal since most days are not sick days.

You say that 45,000 people die due to our current healthcare model. How do you figure this? How many die due to a national healthcare system/UHC?

For those that can't afford it, they can live healthier lifestyles in order to avoid having to pay high health costs.

You state that wait times are nominal but this is not the case. If you have 7 days to live unless you get treatment/surgery, and there is a 10 day waiting period, your probably going to die.

Vote Reported: BigBoonj // Mod Action: Removed

Points awarded: 6 points to pro for arguments, sources, and conduct

RFD: While I don't agree with the Pro, the Con's arguments were very bad.

Reason for mod action: The voter fails to meet the standards set forth by the COC here:



Don't listen to That1User.

It is welcome to DA!

It sounds better and I did see bsh1 call it DART but I can't be banned for using a different acronym so pick mine.
It is less characters which results in if you continue to be on this site for a long time and said DA rather then DART you would have saved a lot of characters.
Thank me later if you do use DA.


Thank you


Welcome to DART!