Question for Trump Supporters

Author: Double_R


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Double_R's avatar
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Exactly. Not a real threat.
Trump himself is not the issue, it's the people following him.

I've made this point repeatedly and you repeatedly ignore it, as you will yet again.
Greyparrot's avatar
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I agree, the person who replaces trump will be fun.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Do you actually believe what you are clearly implying here - that when Trump says he wants to get rid of the beurocrats undermining democracy that this is actually his goal and by democracy, he's talking about the he same thing the founding fathers envisioned
I believe nobody has been able to verify the quote. Which is why I said it was "alleged."

It's very easy to Google.
Then why didn't you Google them yourself instead of assert things without evidence? It is not my burden to prove your claim. I have been asking, for more than a week now, for the actual transcripts or videos where he says the stuff you claim he says.

Do you seriously think this 2x impeached 4x indicted 1x booted out of office former president is the same person who took office in 2016?
No. I believe he has become more of a politician than when he first ran. But nothing has convinced me that his integrity has differed by all that much.

He tried to steal the electoral vote and that failed, he refused to let Biden's transition team in to prepare to take over, and he left Washington before the inauguration because his attempt to stay in power failed. He didn't transfer it over, we took it back.
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. All he did was file lawsuits and make phone calls. Nothing more. Nothing less. The same thing Bush and Hillary did. There's nothing illegal about sticking up for your rights.

The part about the FBI covering up his son's activities is complete bullshit.

You keep telling yourself that...

as if Trump hasn't obviously committed serious crimes. 
Thank you for clearing that up. I guess we don't need a legal system since we have your armchair opinion.

Public-Choice's avatar
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Public-Choice's avatar
the person who replaces trump will be fun
Probably DeSaster.
Double_R's avatar
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I believe nobody has been able to verify the quote. Which is why I said it was "alleged."
The accuracy of the quote is irrelevant to the question I asked you.

Trump was quoted as saying that he wanted to fire "rogue government employees" who are "undermining democracy". You responded by asking what's wrong with that. The very clear implication of your question is that we should be taking Trump at his word that his real interest is to for these people in order to protect our democracy.

My question was: Do you actually believe that? Do you really believe this man's concern here is that he wants to preserve the right of the American people to choose their own elected leaders? That if the people decide on Joe Biden, that Trump will fight for their right to do so even if that means booting him out of office?

I have been asking, for more than a week now, for the actual transcripts or videos where he says the stuff you claim he says.
No one in politics is disputing any of the things he said, because he said almost all of them publicly in front of crowds of people and each of these has been reported on extensively.

If you haven't seen them it's because you don't want them, in which case I have no interest in doing your work for you. Google "Trump threat execute general" and you will be bombarded with dozens upon dozens upon dozens of articles and videos showing him saying exactly what I said he said. Same thing with the vermin comments. Same thing with all of them.

I have a hard enough time believing you haven't heard of this by now (although I suppose those right wing echochambers do a good job of sheilding it's viewers), but to argue you can't find it is not a claim to be taken seriously.

He tried to steal the electoral vote and that failed, he refused to let Biden's transition team in to prepare to take over, and he left Washington before the inauguration because his attempt to stay in power failed. He didn't transfer it over, we took it back.
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Much of the evidence for the first is public information, Jack Smith has the rest so we'll all be updated on that in March.

The second is again, pubic knowledge. You can Google that if you actually wanted the information, somehow I suspect you couldn't care less.

The third is really just common sense but that presumes you accept basic undisputed public knowledge which you tend not to do.

All he did was file lawsuits and make phone calls. Nothing more. Nothing less. The same thing Bush and Hillary did. There's nothing illegal about sticking up for your rights
Organizing a fake electors plot is certainly illegal.

The rest is not illegal. Trump doesn't have to concede and impress upon his voters to accept the will of the people. He doesn't have to respect the process, he doesn't have to let the next administration prepare so they can be able to do their jobs on day 1, he doesn't have to attend the inauguration in a show of solidarity and respect for the constitution and the American experiment. There is a reason however that literally every single president before him did so. That's what presidents who value democracy do, which was my point.

The part about the FBI covering up his son's activities is complete bullshit.

You keep telling yourself that...
This is a link to a letter from Jim Jordan and James Comer demanding documents from the FBI. Not a single thing about this confirms anything you just claimed.

as if Trump hasn't obviously committed serious crimes. 
Thank you for clearing that up. I guess we don't need a legal system since we have your armchair opinion.
This isn't a court of law, it's a debate site. You know that.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Provide evidence please
FLRW's avatar
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Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Everything normal these days is purposefully labeled as far-right by the authoritarian leftists losing their iron-fisted hold on the people.

It is a tale told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
(My Seniors loved this line)

In the end, Darwin's survival of the fittest has the final word on the inevitable fate of death-cults.

So tragic in the most Shakespearean sense that New York is set to become the next hollowed-out Detroit in America.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Much of the evidence for the first is public information
If it IS public information, then why didn't you link to it?

Thus far all I've seen are baseless allegations from you. I am willing to look at whatever CREDIBLE evidence, meaning primary source material, you can supplant. Until then, I feel ai shouldn't respond to your questions.

You have asked whether I agree with a quote that nobody can verify. I don't see how the fact Trump may not have even said it is irrelevant. Why should I waste my time on that? Do you agree with Biden calling the vaccine highly-unsuccessful at curbing COVID-19? After all, it doesn't matter if he said it or not. 

Organizing a fake electors plot is certainly illegal
A what? What even IS a fake electors plot? Are you insinuating that Trump rigged the electoral college and still managed to LOSE the election? For real?

This is a link to a letter from Jim Jordan and James Comer demanding documents from the FBI.
Well, let's put our thinking caps on here... if they are asking for documents... then THE DOCUMENTS EXIST. 

Nevermind the fact that the a banker literally red-flagged the Bidens for a suspicious check from a CCP-backed company:

Like... Biden, and his son, are extremely dirty. Unlike with Trump we actually have the paper trail publicly accessible. (Notice how I habe actually been linking to things, not asserting my thoughts baselessly and without evidence as truth without any facts)
Double_R's avatar
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Much of the evidence for the first is public information
If it IS public information, then why didn't you link to it?
Because I'm tired of playing this little game with you where I provide a link and you ignore the content and instead attack the source, even though the content is not even being disputed and I could have linked you to a dozen other sources saying the same thing.

If you actually care about discussing this issue, feel free to participate. If all you want to do instead is play these little cognitive games where you ask me to do all the work and then pretend my refusal substantiates your position, play out with someone else.

Thus far all I've seen are baseless allegations from you. I am willing to look at whatever CREDIBLE evidence, meaning primary source material, you can supplant. Until then, I feel ai shouldn't respond to your questions.
Again, the things I listed are public statements that Trump made in front of crowds, at rallies on video that you can easily pull up if you wanted to see them. No one, not Trump, not his campaign, not his pundits, no one is disputing that he said them, so I'm not playing this game with you.

I don't see how the fact Trump may not have even said it is irrelevant. Why should I waste my time on that?
Because once again, I'm not asking you about his quote, I'm asking you about your own insinuation that you made in response to it. My question is essentially do you believe what you type? For you to pretend that that is some kind of trick question says a lot about your position.

Organizing a fake electors plot is certainly illegal
A what? What even IS a fake electors plot?
That's where you organize a bunch of people in states Trump lost to file forged documents pretending to be official state documents. That's illegal.

Are you insinuating that Trump rigged the electoral college and still managed to LOSE the election? For real?
No, not for real.

I'm insinuating that he tried to steal the election and failed. Same thing everyone has been saying for 2 years.

This is a link to a letter from Jim Jordan and James Comer demanding documents from the FBI.
Well, let's put our thinking caps on here... if they are asking for documents... then THE DOCUMENTS EXIST. 
So if I demand the documents on the alien reptile people who replaced everyone in our government, I suppose those must exist as well.
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If there is a point you wish to make feel free to make it.