Why don't atheists murder their enemies and bad people more often? Or visit prostitutes

Author: n8nrgim


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Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR TRUTHFUL QUOTE REGARDING N8NRGIM:  "It's about time we had a new tall story teller on the forum.  Would make for a good start to the knew year."

Could it be possibly true that n8nrgim wants to be more of an erroneous story teller than Miss Tradesecret with her long-winded Bible Babble®️ posts?  As you are aware, I have accepted many "Tall Stories" within Jesus'  Bible, like a talking burning bush to Moses ( Exodus 3:1-22), and where there was a talking donkey to Baalam (Numbers 22:28) and of course, where Noah and family had to herd approximately 19.2 million animals species upon an Ark that was only 450 long  and 60 feet wide, with only a 3 decks (Genesis 6:13-16). Then, relative to Genesis 7:2, and there being approximately 1.2 million animal species in the first place at the the of Noah, then Noah and family had to herd 19.2 million animal species upon Noah's Ark, and this is barring 1000 species of dinosaurs which would equal another 7000 dinosaurs on board the Ark relative to Genesis 7:2, where Noah and Ark were on the sea over a year!!!  

I am sure you remember when Miss Tradesecret made the drastic mistake in front of the membership and tried in vain to discuss this biblical topic as shown above with me, where she "threw in the towel of defeat" early on, and vanished for a long time to try and reqroup.  One of the funniest notions of Miss Tradesecet was when she said to fit all of the 19.2 million species on board the Ark, they were all babies to be able to fit relative to Genesis 7:2!  ROFLOL!!!  She forgot that Jesus as God said in Genesis 6:20 that the animals and birds would come to Noah to be kept alive, where her misguided notion of babies in her thinking could not stay alive anyway in coming from far distances around the world without their mothers milk!  Duh!

Yes, you have to admit, that when Miss Tradesecret flounders around with her continuous Bible Stupidity, she turns into a great comedian for us, bar none!  LOL!

Double_R's avatar
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If your enemy is ruining your life, is the only thing stopping you from murdering them that it's against the law? If you feel there is a deeper truth involved stopping you, what is that basis? 
It's not a deeper truth, it's basic human empathy and compassion. Death is the ultimate penalty, hard for any normal person to imagine someone being such a great enemy to them that it would genuinely make them want to kill them.

I don't get what puzzles theists so much about this. If you really believe that the only thing stopping you from murdering other people is the fear you have over god's retribution, then you are only acting in your own perceived self interest. That's not morality.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Is it your contention that every time Albert Einstein was asked if he was an atheist, he got it wrong, every time?
FLRW's avatar
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Why do you think he wasn't an Atheist when he died?
Sidewalker's avatar
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Why do you think he wasn't an Atheist when he died?
I think the final authority on the matter would be Einstein himself, he said he was not an atheist, I believe him.

Your basic premise seems to be that atheists are more intelligent than theists, if we can take Einstein's opinion that he was not an atheist as fact, would that mean you think you are more intelligent than Einstein?

If you believe he converted to Atheism at the end of his life, does that mean he got smarter?
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If you believe he converted to Atheism at the end of his life, does that mean he got smarter?
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Stephen Hawking considered himself an atheist, “What I meant by 'we would know the mind of God' is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn't. I'm an atheist.”
Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR QUOTE  FOR N8NRGIM IN BEING MADE THE BIBLE FOOL AGAIN:  "I hope  n8nrgim  does post again, Brother D.   I am intrigued to know how an Afghani Christian women  gets to "frequent sex workers" i.e. prostitutes?  It's about time we had a new tall story teller on the forum."

If the RUNAWAY from her own thread n8nrgim starts telling "TALL TALES,"  then Miss Tradesecret will be upset because that is what she is known for in this Religion Forum, where her "War and Peace" lengthy posts go directly against the true words of the Bible, are are embarrassing to say the least in front of the membership and Jesus (Hebrews 4:13).

I don't know if n8nrgim and Miss Tradesecret will have what is left of their lives to take the time in not being Bible Stupid.  Case in point, n8nrgim actually called Jesus' word in one of my posts as a CHARADE, can you believe this FACT as shown in this post of mine: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/7386/posts/419229

So far, n8nrgin and Miss Tradesecret are being silent again after the membership showed them to be outright Bible inept relative to this thread, praise! 

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YOUR POST TO FLRW: "Your basic premise seems to be that atheists are more intelligent than theists,"

As you are well aware, Christians are smarter than any hell bound Atheist! This is because we believe biblically in a  burning bush that talked to Moses ( Exodus 3:1-22), and where there was a talking donkey to Baalam (Numbers 22:28) and of course, where Noah and family had to herd approximately 19.2 million animals species upon the Ark that was only 450 long  and 60 feet wide, with only a 3 decks (Genesis 6:13-16).  Furthermore, we have to believe that our God Jesus created man from the earth's dust (Genesis 2:7), and a woman from Adam's rib (Genesis 2:21–22), and that women in general are 2nd class citizens (1 Timothy 2:11-14, 1 Corinthians 11: 3:8 ), and of course we believe Jesus was correct when He said that offspring to parents are to be murdered if they curse them (Matthew 15: 1-4)  and that Jesus said to murder anyone of His creation that does not want to be ruled by Him (Luke 19:27)

Therefore, simply put, to believe the Bible truths as shown above, it shows that are Christian mental state is truly smarter than any Atheist, don't you agree?

Tradesecret's avatar
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 I ACTUALLY said that atheists and non-Christians can be good people.

Please copy paste part of text in post 8 which says that atheists can be good people.

I will wait.
It's an interesting series of questions that you pose here. Thanks. 

You are correct that without a set of objective standards, then anything goes.  Standards will become the domain of the powerful, the rich, or in the case of most of the West, the majority.  The question that needs to be addressed is "Who will decide what is right and wrong"?  

In the case of murder, there are plenty of reasons not to do so.  Yet, the fact it is against the law and attracts severe penalties is a huge reason not to do so. Of course not doing so, doesn't mean that most people don't dream of doing so, or would like to do so if they could get away with it. 

Concerning prostitutes, it's not against the law in most countries.  It's a question of morality and faithfulness. Exploitation tends to go both ways.  Yes, it exploits people if you use them. On the other hand, many people enjoy the work and believe it is their legal and legitimate right to use whatever resources they have to make a living. 

As to the question of people's goodness or badness, this is a vexed question.  How people understand the essence of humanity, whether individual or corporate is varied.   Take individuals like Einstein Hitler or Trump or Swaggart or Hawking. Each of them would probably say that humanity as a whole has good people and bad people. Each would probably say that sometimes "groups" of people are worse than others. Yet NONE of them would hold to the idea that they as individuals are bad. They might say that any of the others on this list are bad.  But how do they determine this value and how do they measure it? 

The Bible talks about humans pre-Fall.  It talks about them post-fall. It talks about them post-Christ. And it talks about them in eternity.  Pre-Fall, humans were good. After the Fall, ALL people were sinners. Post-Christ, ALL people remained sinners, but some were no longer slaves to sin.  In eternity, those who inherit life with God no longer sin and are perfect or holy. And those who don't inherit life become everything their heart desires per their slavery to sin. 

The doctrine of Original Sin, which many people reject or redefine depending upon your unique brand of Christianity, is the primary teaching of the Church. It teaches that people are born into sin. This was passed down to each individual from Adam. In Reformed circles (My unique brand of Christianity) we call this doctrine the doctrine of Total Depravity.   

Total Depravity doesn't mean that people are as EVIL as possible.  We don't think Atheists or non-Christians are as evil as they possibly could be. With Jesus, we agree that even evil people can do good things, such as giving bread to their children instead of stones and eggs instead of snakes.  We have no issue with people being nice people. Doing nice things for others. Loving their enemies even. Forgiving etc.  We also accept that at times Christians do horrible and evil things.  We don't condone it but we acknowledge that such things happen. 

Total Depravity means tainted by sin in every aspect of life. A good illustration I have used before is of the glass of water.  Take a glass of pure water and add one drop of oil or ink to it. Does it turn the pure water totally into ink or oil? No. But it taints every droplet of water in the glass.  The pure water becomes tainted. No one would drink it. The water becomes grey. Yet it doesn't become totally evil. Yet it is totally depraved. 

Similarly, we say every human is totally depraved. Sin taints every aspect of our lives.  Not that we become totally evil, but that we become such that we are no longer pure or holy. God won't drink us.  God of course has a purifier.  That was the cross and Jesus.  Hence those who want to be holy or purified require Jesus.  

What this means is that we don't think Atheists are totally evil. Not everyone is Hitler. (some people seem to be worse than others) Atheists and other non-Christians are able to make decent and reasonable decisions for themselves and for their children and others around them.  Yet they remain tainted by sin and this impacts everything they do. Christians on the other hand, have been redeemed by Christ, the purifier.  Yet this is firstly, a DECLARATION in heaven, and then secondly, a work in the person in life through the Spirit of God.  Justification, followed by sanctification. And then glorification.   Sanctification is the process of becoming purified on this earth. God works in us through his Word and His Spirit to make us holy on this earth. Yet, in this process, Christians sadly, continue to sin. But now they are no longer slaves to sin. And are progressing in their sanctification. Unless they are progressing, then without good fruit or good works happening, it is potentially true that their alleged conversion was more emotional or guilt manipulation or a figment of their imagination. This is why we should never try and manipulate people into the kingdom. And why such methodology actually does more harm for the church than good. Yet, it is true that the justified person is being sanctified in life, so that he or she can be glorified in heaven.  In other words, sin is a reality in this world. It exists. We see it in sickness, in death, in the corruption, in our own hearts.  Yet, in heaven, these things are no longer an issue since we have been glorified with Christ. 

These things explain why atheists and other non-Christians can do good things and not murder people. It doesn't off course reflect what is in their hearts which may well want to do these things. It also explains why Christians, even those who have been born again, continue to sin. Yet the Christian is the person who is no longer slave to sin.  Hence, why it is a bigger responsibility for him or her when they do sin.  And why the world watches with glee when the church or Christians stuff up. Christians admit to a higher moral code. This makes them a target. A great motivator not to sin.  The world doesn't need to target someone or a group who is not setting themselves as a model for others.  Atheists will never need to worry while they maintain they only have one doctrine.  Hence, why they avoid the inevitable worldview of their beliefs. They know they would become a target.  So I guess that is a smart strategy. 
Now pull your head in and stop being stupid. Oh wait. That is never going to happen. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Oh, so the fact that I say everyone is in the same boat and needs God is insulting to you? 
No. Do you have reading difficulty?

Nope, not me. 
Mr.BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Best.Korea, Stephen, AND THE MEMBERSHIP,

It is about time that you mention the BIBLICAL FACT, like I have done over the years,  that Miss Tradesecret in being a biblically 2nd class female (https://www.imagebam.com/view/MEGZNA4),  is going directly against Jesus' true words within the scriptures in trying to usurp the authority over the superior man in any type of discussion within this Religion Forum, but she is to just STFU!!!:   "Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent." (1 Timothy 2:11)

Furthermore, allegedly Miss Tradesecret  horrifically has a congregation at a  Calvinist hell bound church where she is an ungodly "Presbyterian Pastor" where she allegedly preaches to approximately 300 Kool Aid Drinkers of this faith!  With this FACT alone, she once again goes directly against Jesus' true words within the scriptures herewith:  "The women should keep silent in the churchesFor they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)

To the membership, now do you see how Bible Stupid Miss Tradesecret truly is, where she continues to avoid these Jesus inspired passages as shown above as if they didn't exist, therefore slapping Jesus in the face again, and again, and again, where at what point does she get the authority to not follow the above two disparaging passages about the biblical 2nd class women in the name of Jesus?

Drive these facts home in discussion with our #1 Bible Stupid Fool Miss Tradesecret to actually follow the Bible for a change, praise!
