You are probably not LGQBTP+

Author: WyIted


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marginalized people have autonomy over how they are perceived

This statement is the one I take most issue with and is my biggest issue. It's the left thinking people should control how they are perceived.  
.it's none of your business how you are perceived.  It's none of my business how I am perceived.  

What is my business is how I perceive others. 

Let's go down the list where this is a pervasive leftist belief. 

Fat acceptance community- cries all day that people perceive fatness as unhealthy and unattractive.  Attention FA is none of your business if people think you are unattractive or if they think being fat is unhealthy. How you feel about yourself and others is what matters not how they feel about you. Get over it.  

Trans people- pronouns are not what anybody is referred to. I don't walk up to somebody and say he or call them she. I call them by their name. Pronouns typically only happening when referring to somebody and usually they aren't around. It might be your business if you are called mam or sir or Mrs or Mr. But pronouns such as he or she that are never said in front of you, because it is rude to talk about somebody in their presence in that manner, is not your concern. Fuck you, you don't have a right to bend my reality to your will. If you see yourself as a male or female or an it that is your business it is none of my business. 

Representation- every leftist wants representation. It's stupid. They bitch about not enough gays or fats or blacks in film. Nobody cares. I don't want to be represented in film. I don't want to watch a movie where a short fat guy is the main hero. I don't want somebody to represent me, I ant some sort of figure that represents the values I care about. Preferably somebody better than me so I can seek to emulate them. Not somebody who reflects back to me who I am. I already can look in the mirror and see that. I live my life I already know what it's like to be me, show me Batman Fuckers. 

Representation is another thing where somebody is trying to force a perception. Fuck off. It's none of your business how I perceive you. Whats your business is how you perceive yourself and whether you act with integrity or not. 
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
 First of all. White people having institutional power is not dangerous. Every study shows that whites have less in group bias than non whites and when we break it down by politics than we see that whites who are conservative have less in group bias than any other race and that white liberals have an outgroup bias which does not exist in non whites. 

To me that eems like even with large amounts of power that whites having it will be more fair than groups who have larger in group biases. 

To be clear, i’m not calling a white majority inherently dangerous, I’m saying If white supremacy rises within the context of a white majority, that is more likely (and therefore more dangerous) than black supremacy rising within a white majority (it’s won’t).

And could you supply those studies you are speaking of?

No it's fcking annoying either way. It's ficking annoying to hear stuff called "mid" or to hear somebody say "no cap" or whatever the hell else is going on with language. 
Just tell ‘em to get off your lawn and be done with it.

The bigger issue is intentionally changing terms for a political purpose. If we change terms to much than you can get misunderstandings of important things. For example the bill of rights. If our understanding of the word freedom differs from those who wrote the bill of rights than we can get into issues where courts think they can restrict speech more than the founders intended. Or we can read other old documents and really tarnish the legacy of those who came before us by misunderstanding their words to mean something other than intended. I don't want my words read 200 years from now and have my idiot great grand kids think I meant something other than what I meant when I wrote them.
That’s what you don’t understand: The intention is not political, it’s about humanity. You read it as political because that allows you to dismiss it as insincere or manipulative, which is why you don’t address any of the reasonings I supplied you with as to why these words changed. You want to maintain your anger toward these groups so you focus your arguments on more generalized concepts that you project your perceptions and assumptions onto.

Your fear of change is not rational. We have linguists and historians who study writings based on the context of the time they were written in. And still debates will occur about what meant what, and we will learn new things and that will change our perceptions of what a particular sentence meant centuries ago. It’s all evolving, and that scares you..but that’s life, and it’s nothing new.

It's not obvious and that is a stupid statement. I ill tart by saying I have been to Irish fest and German heritage fests and it is all dumb. These people are not Irish or German they are American and it's actually disrespectful to claim as somebody born in America "I am Irish".
Then why don’t people cry as much about festivals celebrating Irish or Italian heritage as much as they do those that celebrate black culture? It’s always an afterthought. But St.Patricks Day takes up much more space than any black celebrations, all the green and the alcohol....and yet, no outrage.

I will say though that if black culture is Olay to celebrate than white culture is. If you don't require them to sub divide it into Ghana or south African or Egyptian culture than requiring whites to divide it up that way is dumb.
I mean, those exist too. But most African-Americans aren’t going to know much about where they come from outside of the context of slavery. 
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
This statement is the one I take most issue with and is my biggest issue. It's the left thinking people should control how they are perceived.  
.it's none of your business how you are perceived.  It's none of my business how I am perceived.  
You’re not offering the full story. The playing field is not level, and that’s problem with your argument. Historically speaking, how particular groups are perceived is based on how they were represented. These groups were not represented by themselves, but usually by outsiders: white men. But who represented white men? White men. 

The most important part: Perceptions influence treatment, and how people are treated is their business. If they want to change how they are treated, they have to change how they are perceived. 

Let's go down the list where this is a pervasive leftist belief. 

Fat acceptance community- cries all day that people perceive fatness as unhealthy and unattractive.  Attention FA is none of your business if people think you are unattractive or if they think being fat is unhealthy. How you feel about yourself and others is what matters not how they feel about you. Get over it.  
You’re right, it’s no one’s business why someone doesn’t want to date them. But if that negative perceptions leads to bullying, harassment, healthcare being mismanaged, etc. then those fat acceptance people do have a leg to stand on.

Trans people- pronouns are not what anybody is referred to. I don't walk up to somebody and say he or call them she. I call them by their name. Pronouns typically only happening when referring to somebody and usually they aren't around. It might be your business if you are called mam or sir or Mrs or Mr. But pronouns such as he or she that are never said in front of you, because it is rude to talk about somebody in their presence in that manner, is not your concern. Fuck you, you don't have a right to bend my reality to your will. If you see yourself as a male or female or an it that is your business it is none of my business. 
There are absolutely instances where you would use pronouns with the person being referred to present, typically when you’re speaking on their behalf in some way. Anyway, you should realize that your way would be a two way street…little lady.

Nobody cares. I don't want to be represented in film. I don't want to watch a movie where a short fat guy is the main hero. I don't want somebody to represent me, I ant some sort of figure that represents the values I care about. Preferably somebody better than me so I can seek to emulate them. Not somebody who reflects back to me who I am. I already can look in the mirror and see that. I live my life I already know what it's like to be me, show me Batman Fuckers.
That’s what marginalized people want. They want an idealized or elevated version of themselves that they can be inspired by, not just a literal interpretation of who they are as individuals.

Batman is still a straight white guy, and straight white guys want to see straight white guys they can look up to. And everyone deserves that….whether you’re a straight white guy or a black gay guy.

Representation is another thing where somebody is trying to force a perception. Fuck off. It's none of your business how I perceive you. Whats your business is how you perceive yourself and whether you act with integrity or not. 
And this is a big misconception: While studies do show that representation is a big factor in helping marginalized people to be perceived (and thus treated) more positively, representation is also about being able to connect and enjoy a film on a personal level (not a political or social one).

Your identity impacts your experience. A person’s ability to connect to a story, regardless of the medium, is informed partially by their ability to connect to the experience that is being depicted. Of course, people can connect to a well-written character that may be a different gender, race, or sexual identity than them, but if you consistently find that certain key aspects of your personal experience are never depicted in media…then you would start to feel like something is missing in the content you're consuming.

If you’re a straight white man, there are centuries worth of stories and characters depicting that experience in a million different ways. As a result, a straight white man might not think of representation as a big deal, because they’ve never been without it. If every movie that came out was only about women and gay men, white straight men would take issue with it…and they would be right to. Everyone deserves representation after all..
WyIted's avatar
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That’s what you don’t understand: The intention is not political, it’s about humanity
I understand why you think that. You think the words were taken as a way to be self descriptive as opposed to something another group describes you as. I didn't debate you on it, becausei am considering that opinion. What you stated seems feasible and I am still schewing on it. I also don't think you can chalk it up to that. 

I disagree that, that sort of ownership of language matters. Maybe that is because I speak 4 languages f and I just automatically accept whatever the people in those languages call me. 

You want to maintain your anger toward these groups
You don't know anything about me. I don't have anger towards these groups. I see these groups that engage in that sort of thing as either misguided or victims of leftists. Especially ially groups like Hispanic who are called Latinx because white people don't understand gendered languages and how they work. 

I really empathize with marginalized communities, and I see most of this nonsense as intentional divisiveness meant to create hostilities between groups because leftists can sense that these catholic Hispanics and socially conservative religious African Americans have different values than they do and so they exploit them through divisive language. 

Here are some opinions I have because I really emphasize with these people,

1. Bans on things that exploit the poor as if they are farm animals such as paid plasma donations, and surrogate pregnancy.

2. End things that harm th black family such as welfare policies that encourage single motherhood and ending the war on drugs so that way black fathers can be in their kid's lives more as well as dropping the stigma from being locked up that makes it so hard to get a job and support a family.

3. Taking measures so less African americans and poor babies are murdered in the womb.

Being against woke nonsense isn't about hatred towards minorities. 

representation is also about being able to connect and enjoy a film on a personal level
It's not needed. Quite frankly if you need to see yourself represented on screen you're probably a racist. I didn't cry when I was in fostercare when the whole house watched Martin and listened to Tupac all day.

And could you supply those studies you are speaking of?
My next post I will share one. There are some metastudies on the phenomenon as well, but I assumed you would know intuitively since I assume you are white with an out group bias. 

Your fear of change is not rational. We have linguists and historians who study writings based on the context of the time they were written

I believe my criticism was of the speed of change not the slow subtle shifts that happen over hundreds of years naturally. 

There are absolutely instances where you would use pronouns with the person being referred to present,
I am not speaking on anybody behalf who isn't a child. It would have to be an extremely rare circumstance where somebody is trying to rape them or something and I yell "leave him alone"

But if I speak on their behalf to save them and they say "it's mam" . I am likely to just say never mind and walk away. 

Then why don’t people cry as much about festivals celebrating Irish or Italian heritage as much as they do those that celebrate black culture
I don't speak out about any of them. I just offered my opinion because I felt prompted. In fact when I was in Columbus the had a yearly Black walk to remind black people to be healthy given the disparate health outcomes and I thought that was an incredible ideal. At least that one had purpose unless the festivals where people celebrate things they have no control over. 

In fact I probably bitch more about the white stuff. The reason being is nobody ever asks me if I am black but they will start talking about what they are "I am Italian, hey frank what are you?" I am Irish and John is polish. What are you Wylted?" I usually get annoyed and say "I am American dumbass". 

It makes me so happy when I meet an immigrant and I befriend them and they become comfortable enough to start saying "I am American" the way I do. I am not Iriah or European or African or Mexican. I am American. That's all I am. 

Batman is still a straight white guy, and straight white guys want to see straight white guys they can look up to. And everyone deserves that….
I like Miles Morales better and before you bring up that he is still male one of my favorite characters. I probably identify more with him, though he is better than me so not by much. 

If you’re a straight white man, there are centuries worth of stories and characters depicting that experience in a million different ways.
White people didn't invent story telling. There are centuries of stories, hell thousands of years of stories in africa, Mexico, Greece, China. Music that goes back as well. Whites just aren't that great. 

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar

here is a study that asks groups how much they hate other races essentially and whites were the least racist
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
I disagree that, that sort of ownership of language matters. Maybe that is because I speak 4 languages f and I just automatically accept whatever the people in those languages call me. 
I find it hard to believe that you don’t care what people call you but later in your post you say that you get “annoyed” when people ask “what are you” insinuating that you would identify as anything else but “American.” I would think you wouldn’t care either way.

I see these groups that engage in that sort of thing as either misguided or victims of leftists. Especially ially groups like Hispanic who are called Latinx because white people don't understand gendered languages and how they work. 
While, you’re right, most Latin people seems to hate the term, it was not white people who invented it…it was Latin people. 

I really empathize with marginalized communities, and I see most of this nonsense as intentional divisiveness meant to create hostilities between groups because leftists can sense that these catholic Hispanics and socially conservative religious African Americans have different values than they do and so they exploit them through divisive language. 
The left acknowledges how race and socio-economic struggles that impact marginalized communities disproportionately. There is no manipulation, it's just acknowledgment.

1. Bans on things that exploit the poor as if they are farm animals such as paid plasma donations, and surrogate pregnancy.

2. End things that harm th black family such as welfare policies that encourage single motherhood and ending the war on drugs so that way black fathers can be in their kid's lives more as well as dropping the stigma from being locked up that makes it so hard to get a job and support a family.

3. Taking measures so less African americans and poor babies are murdered in the womb.
The issues to focus on to help with poverty and everything that comes with it would be first and foremost: education, healthcare, housing, and employment. You're looking at the symptoms, but not the illness.

It's not needed. Quite frankly if you need to see yourself represented on screen you're probably a racist. I didn't cry when I was in fostercare when the whole house watched Martin and listened to Tupac all day.
Again, I’m not talking about the viewing habits of a single household. I’m speaking on the historic trends of mainstream Western media. 

I am not speaking on anybody behalf who isn't a child. It would have to be an extremely rare circumstance where somebody is trying to rape them or something and I yell "leave him alone"

But if I speak on their behalf to save them and they say "it's mam" . I am likely to just say never mind and walk away. 
It happens organically in conversation. You provide an extreme example (I doubt within the context you offer that mis-gendering someone would be an issue). So, let’s take it down a notch, take for example this scenario with 3 people sitting in an office:

Sara is distracted on the computer. Bob walks in and asks, “did anyone send that e-mail yet?” Larry gestures to Sara and responds, “she already did.” 

Or this example of a friend, Larry, watching his two other friends, Sara and Bob, play video games:

Sara: AH, stop shooting!

Bob: Hahaha.

Larry: Get her Bob!

People usually alternative between saying someone’s name or mentioning them by pronouns. They’re not doing either consciously, just what’s easiest within the context of the conversation.

In fact I probably bitch more about the white stuff. The reason being is nobody ever asks me if I am black but they will start talking about what they are "I am Italian, hey frank what are you?" I am Irish and John is polish. What are you Wylted?" I usually get annoyed and say "I am American dumbass". 

It makes me so happy when I meet an immigrant and I befriend them and they become comfortable enough to start saying "I am American" the way I do. I am not Iriah or European or African or Mexican. I am American. That's all I am. 
That’s lovely for you, I'll respect that by never referring to you as an Italian-American. But I’m still not sure why you care so much about what other people identify with. Should we do away with city/regional based sports teams, and just keep the national ones? When someone identifies themselves as a “New Yorker” or a “proud Texan”, are they being anti-patriotic? 

I like Miles Morales better and before you bring up that he is still male one of my favorite characters. I probably identify more with him, though he is better than me so not by much
I’m just going quote myself in my earlier post: “Of course, people can connect to a well-written character that may be a different gender, race, or sexual identity than them, but if you consistently find that certain key aspects of your personal experience are never depicted in media…then you would start to feel like something is missing in the content you're consuming.”

White people didn't invent story telling. There are centuries of stories, hell thousands of years of stories in africa, Mexico, Greece, China. Music that goes back as well. Whites just aren't that great. 
I’m not saying white people invented story telling or that they are the only ones who tell stories, I’m saying that straight white men have made up the majority of stories in mainstream Western culture, and so the cry for representation is just wanting something that straight white men already have. It’s silly to hear a straight white man say, “who cares about representation” because they’ve never known a world where they didn’t have it in abundance. 

here is a study that asks groups how much they hate other races essentially and whites were the least racist

First, you're misrepresenting what the study was looking for: it was not looking to find which races "hate" other races, but rather was there a favoring of one over the other. Second, Zigerell says in “the limitations of the study” section that the study has low external validity, which means its findings can’t be used to draw conclusions about the real world. This is because the studies referenced were largely conducted as over the phone surveys, and not in real world every-day experiences and environments. This study elaborates on the limitations of the methods used: 

More likely, the conversation this study opens the door to is aversive racism vs. overt racism. One of the study's that Zigerell references, speaks on this when it found white participants were less likely to help black help black people (and more likely to help other white people) under conditions where they were less inhibited, like in emergencies:

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I find it hard to believe that you don’t care what people call you but later in your post you say that you get “annoyed” when people ask “what are you” insinuating that you would identify as anything else but “American.” I would think you wouldn’t care either way.
No they can call me Irish or black or Japanese if they want. The question just annoys me. I know I am not Japanese and I have no problem with Japanese people so I don't mind being called it. I don't want to be asked though .

While, you’re right, most Latin people seems to hate the term, it was not white people who invented it…it was Latin people
Well I speak Spanish and I have only heard white people say it. It was probably a Latin person who only speaks English and does not understand how gendered languages work.

The left acknowledges how race and socio-economic struggles that impact marginalized communities disproportionately. There is no manipulation, it's just acknowledgment.
Everyone acknowledges it. Its not acknowledging the struggles. The criticism is in the insincere patronization and in the efforts to use these communities as cannon fodder such as with the BLM riots. 

First, you're misrepresenting what the study was looking for: it was not looking to find which races "hate" other races, but rather was there a favoring of one over the other
Yeah so... racism. Favoring your own race over another one is racism. Sorry.

Every study is imperfect but when asked if you are racist un the way it was done and answering that question yes, I'd pretty indicative you re racist. 

"white participants were less likely to help black help black people (and more likely to help other white people"

I could only read that studies abstract and the abstract of the studies cited. 

I know they cited studies to see if wearing a hijab would decrease the likelihood of receiving help then the abstract explained that it did not reduce the likelihood of getting help but it just changed who was likely to help them. More women helped when the woman when she wore a head scarf. To me this would just be people scared to help because they maybe assume and correctly so that Islamic culture just accepts beating of women and the women don't want help. As somebody who read the Quran most of the time, I can assure you the assumption is well founded. 

As for whether black people are helpedmore than non blacks when they need help....  I can only read the abstracts but here is what we call weasel language being used in the abstract;

Interestingly, discrimination against Blacks was shown when there were higher levels of emergency.
From the other abstracts I read of the studies this one cites it appears they're referring to not the level of help received but instead to how the victims are treated after being rescued by the rescuers. 

I can tell you that there is inherently more risk in rescuing black people than non blacks, and perhaps that more risk is why it's not done as frequently

Let's say your typical white woman and man is in a car. Let's say they are parents and their baby is not breathing and they are pulled overbecause they are rushing to a hospital and the cop immediately takes the baby from the back of the car to save its life. You know because most ops have extensive training in first aid. The white couple is going to typically shut the fuck up and get out of the way so their child is saved. 

The black couple a lot of times is not. Now it doesn't mean every white couple will be calm or every black couple will be erratic and try to stop the cop from rescuing the baby. It does mean that the white couples are more likely to be calm and thus you are at less personal risk by helping them.

It's like trying to rescue a drowning man trying to pull you down with him vs one that just goes limp and let's you pull him to shore.

Anyone who doesn't recognize this pattern is likely a rich white person living in a gated community . 

By the way, and I do understand I only have access to the abstract but it appears the study doesn't address the racial makeup of the crowds who help black people less. 

It’s silly to hear a straight white man say, “who cares about representation” because they’ve never known a world where they didn’t have it in abundance. 
Yes I have.  Like I said I was the only white kid in my foster home and so I got control of the TV like once out of every 7 times and trust me I also picked black shows because it's just not fun to be the only one enjoying a show or a movie. You want somebody thereto watch it with you. At least for me watching television is a communal thing. 

I think representation is probably a chick thing and mostly white chick thing. I never once heard one of the black kids in foster care (all boys home) cry about not being represented. However I did hear fat white chick's crying when Amy Schumer decided not to play Barbie. 

When someone identifies themselves as a “New Yorker” or a “proud Texan”, are they being anti-patriotic? 
It' s legitimately stupid. Let me be more accurate. When I say I am American, I am happy to be American but it's just a factual thing. Why would anyone be a proud New Yorker or Texan? 

You literally have no control over where your mother gave birth. It's dumb to be proud of it. 

The issues to focus on to help with poverty and everything that comes with it would be first and foremost: education,healthcare, housing, and employment. You're looking at the symptoms, but not the ilillnes
Incorrect. education you are partially correct with though you probablybthink the solution is throwing more money at the problem and fail to realize that places like DC have the highest cost per student and spending moremoney doesn't stip them from being the worst. So the solution isnt throwing money at problems. However school should be year round to make up for the disproportionate academic decline.

Healthcare-, disproportionate health outcomes are due to a cycle that is too nuanced to get into here as well s genetics. Lets hust say socializing medicine and having 2 year wait times like Canada is not going to help the fact that black people eat unhealthy

Housing- sure, you till havent put together that forcing banks to give mlre risky loans caused the banks to need billions to be bailed out in the early 2000s or noticedthat New york deciding to utilize rent control to help ith housing actually has the highest rents in the country. So you need some pattern recognition skills here.

Employment- correct but again not in the ways you suggest that make things worse. Clamp down on illegal immigration because black jobs are the firat to go. Stop the minimum wage hikes that are proven to increase unemployment of african americans but have zero impact on whute comunities. We also need to spread the "ban the box" initiative to every state because there is no reason that a felon is struggling tonfind employment as a dishwasher.

bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
No they can call me Irish or black or Japanese if they want. The question just annoys me. I know I am not Japanese and I have no problem with Japanese people so I don't mind being called it. I don't want to be asked though .
So, you don’t want to be asked, you just want people to assume and call you what they want? That's doesn't really make sense, you're doing a little jumping around here.

Everyone acknowledges it. Its not acknowledging the struggles. The criticism is in the insincere patronization and in the efforts to use these communities as cannon fodder such as with the BLM riots. 
I don’t really know what you’re saying here but, the “BLM riots” accounted for about 7% of BLM protests and demonstrations. Meaning 93% were peaceful. A lot of positive came out of the movement. BLM protests addressed genuine concerns of the black community, not "made up" concerns. 

Yeah so... racism. Favoring your own race over another one is racism. Sorry.
There is a difference between “favoring” your own race out of a feeling superiority, and “favoring” your own race because you feel that the majority of society unfavor them and you’re trying to balance out the difference. The playing field is not level.

Every study is imperfect but when asked if you are racist un the way it was done and answering that question yes, I'd pretty indicative you re racist.
I think you’re not understanding, it’s not about whether or not the study is “perfect” but whether or not the study’s findings can be used to draw conclusions about the real world. Zigerell’s writes within his own study that it has low external validity, which means:

“If external validity is low on a study, the results won't translate well to other conditions. That means that the research done doesn't tell us anything about the world outside of the study.”,world%20outside%20of%20the%20study.

I know they cited studies to see if wearing a hijab would decrease the likelihood of receiving help then the abstract explained that it did not reduce the likelihood of getting help but it just changed who was likely to help them. More women helped when the woman when she wore a head scarf. To me this would just be people scared to help because they maybe assume and correctly so that Islamic culture just accepts beating of women and the women don't want help. As somebody who read the Quran most of the time, I can assure you the assumption is well founded. 
A lot of studies show that women are more likely than men to intervene when another woman is being assualted. This is true regardless of the religion involved.

Also: The Quran says no such thing. You’re probably referring to hadiths, of which there are thousands, and not all Muslims follow the same (or any) hadith texts.

I can tell you that there is inherently more risk in rescuing black people than non blacks, and perhaps that more risk is why it's not done as frequently

Let's say your typical white woman and man is in a car. Let's say they are parents and their baby is not breathing and they are pulled overbecause they are rushing to a hospital and the cop immediately takes the baby from the back of the car to save its life. You know because most ops have extensive training in first aid. The white couple is going to typically shut the fuck up and get out of the way so their child is saved. 

The black couple a lot of times is not. Now it doesn't mean every white couple will be calm or every black couple will be erratic and try to stop the cop from rescuing the baby. It does mean that the white couples are more likely to be calm and thus you are at less personal risk by helping them.
You're basing your opinion, not on data or any kind of research, but on a youtube video. You're arguing that white people are less likely to discriminate, but should discriminate? Again, lots of jumping around happening here.

Yes I have.  Like I said I was the only white kid in my foster home and so I got control of the TV like once out of every 7 times and trust me I also picked black shows because it's just not fun to be the only one enjoying a show or a movie. You want somebody thereto watch it with you. At least for me watching television is a communal thing. 

I think representation is probably a chick thing and mostly white chick thing. I never once heard one of the black kids in foster care (all boys home) cry about not being represented. However I did hear fat white chick's crying when Amy Schumer decided not to play Barbie
Again, I would not compare a period in your childhood to a person's entire life. Kids watch what's on without too much though. Most people don't start to seek out more representation until they are older. The fact is, you left that house and you were to experience more media and more context beyond that. If you genuinely don't care, that's great. But you stance is consistently, "If I don't care then no one else should" which is just inherently lazy. 

And, you assumption on who cares about representation is wrong on two fronts:

 African-Americans were more likely to consider racial diversity important when watching a film, and less likely to believe there is a sufficient enough of racial diversity within acting roles:

And lefties hate Amy Schumer.

It' s legitimately stupid. Let me be more accurate. When I say I am American, I am happy to be American but it's just a factual thing. Why would anyone be a proud New Yorker or Texan? 

You literally have no control over where your mother gave birth. It's dumb to be proud of it. 

Are "Proud-Americans" stupid?

Going off of what you've said in previous posts: It's a factual statement that you are an Italian-American as well. People would be proud to be a New Yorker or Texan, because America does not share a monolithic culture/experience, so naturally, people will favor their experience in a particular city/town/state over another and would identify the ways in which living in a particular place informed their values and character (which your environment will have direct impact on).

Incorrect. education you are partially correct with though you probablybthink the solution is throwing more money at the problem and fail to realize that places like DC have the highest cost per student and spending moremoney doesn't stip them from being the worst. So the solution isnt throwing money at problems. However school should be year round to make up for the disproportionate academic decline.
I would argue that funding is important, but is meaningless if it's not going to the right places.

But it also goes beyond that, it's about how certain students are treated differently in the classroom:

Teachers are more likely to label black students as troublemakers than they are white students with the same number of infractions: 

Researchers reported that teachers asked to rate students’ academic abilities scored Black children far below white peers with identical scores:

Black students are more likely to attend schools with inexperienced or low-paid teachers.

Healthcare-, disproportionate health outcomes are due to a cycle that is too nuanced to get into here as well s genetics. Lets hust say socializing medicine and having 2 year wait times like Canada is not going to help the fact that black people eat unhealthy
Compared to white people, black people are less likely to receive preventive health services and often receive lower-quality care:

A substantial number of white laypeople and medical students and residents hold false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites and demonstrates that these beliefs predict racial bias in pain perception and treatment recommendation accuracy:

Housing- sure, you till havent put together that forcing banks to give mlre risky loans caused the banks to need billions to be bailed out in the early 2000s or noticedthat New york deciding to utilize rent control to help ith housing actually has the highest rents in the country. So you need some pattern recognition skills here.

Black and white lenders were not treated the same even when equally qualified:

Employment- correct but again not in the ways you suggest that make things worse. Clamp down on illegal immigration because black jobs are the firat to go. Stop the minimum wage hikes that are proven to increase unemployment of african americans but have zero impact on whute comunities. We also need to spread the "ban the box" initiative to every state because there is no reason that a felon is struggling tonfind employment as a dishwasher.
Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds: 

Black people are slightly more than half as likely to receive consideration by employers relative to equally qualified white applicants: 

Black employment in the testing sector is suppressed in the absence of testing, a finding which is consistent with ex ante discrimination on the basis of drug use perceptions.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
So, you don’t want to be asked, you just want people to assume and call you what they want? That's doesn't really make sense, you're doing a little jumping around here.
Correct. It would b nice if they assume in an accurate fashion but I will point out that it is retarded to think somebody born in America with no indications of having citizenship elsewhere is somehow Japanese. 

I don’t really know what you’re saying here but, the “BLM riots” accounted for about 7% of BLM protests and demonstrations. Meaning 93% were peaceful. A lot of positive came out of the movement. BLM protests addressed genuine concerns of the black community, not "made up" concerns. 
Lol okay. It was people blaming police for social problems in black communities that the police have no control over and the spreading of myths like hands up don't shoot. 

I loved the images of burning buildings of these 93% peaceful protests while news reporters were reporting with the building behind them burning calling it peaceful. 

There should be a couple of things noted here. 1. You let this conversation drift beyond pronouns

2. The peaceful protestors were obviously used to cover for the rioters. They are legitimately there as distractions so people can say "97% weren't rioting just being a distraction to aid the rioters by monopolizing police presence and attention"

The same grace is not extended to the people on January 6th by the way

3. These weren't legitimate black issues. The Jewish ran BLM movement was requesting for the elimination of funding for police# reduced police presence in communities that need it the most, and for police to be more gentle. 

There is a difference between “favoring” your own race out of a feeling superiority, and “favoring” your own race
There really isn't nice try. Favoring your fellow Jew or black or white over less qualified candidates when hiring is racist no matter what.

you feel that the majority of society unfavor them and you’re trying to balance out the difference. The playing field is not level
Racist whites literally use the same justification for favoring their own kind, but atleast they admit being racist.

The Quran says no such thing. You’re probably referring to hadiths, of which there are thousands, and not all Muslims follow the same (or any) hadith texts.
The Quran literally does but you re correct that people have different interpretations. Thanks for saying people interpret things in different ways captain obvious. 

 African-Americans were more likely to consider racial diversity important when watching a film, and less likely to believe there is a sufficient enough of racial diversity within acting roles:
It literally doesn't shock me that a group that is 13% of the population but has like 33% more of the roles or more in Hollywood has been brainwashed by the left to think they aren't represented. 

The last 5 supervowls probably had 80% white audience and yet nearly 100% of theon stage talent was black, but these people don't get enough celebrities representing them. They have to be at least 33% of the leading roles in Hollywood films as well. 

Are "Proud-Americans" stupid?
Probably but it's beneficial to society to have some level of group identity and its probably best to do it at a national level. 

so naturally, people will favor their experience in a particular city/town/state over another and would identify the ways in which living in a particular place informed their values and character (which your environment will have direct impact on).
Good for them. That isn't a logical way to approach things. They should probably do a cost benefit analysis on the cultural values they are accepting.

Teachers are more likely to label black students as troublemakers than they are white students with the same number of
That's likely because the black students with the same amount of infractions are bigger troublemakers. Studies have also shown teachers are less likely to give black students infractions for the same incidents. You won't label the less infractions as racist against whites because of your presupposition though. So if a teacher writes up 100% of a white students infractions but 50% of a black students and they have the same number of infractions than you have the black kid asthe bigger trouble maker. Also this wouldn't accou t for all the stupid shit the kids do that can't really be used to discipline them. 

Researchers reported that teachers asked to rate students’ academic abilities scored Black children far below white peers with identical scores: 
I can't click on links and simultaneously reply due to a bad internet connection. I will click on this link later. 

Black students are more likely to attend schools with inexperienced or low-paid teachers.
Yeah it's not due to white people thinking black people it's due to the fact highly skilled teachers when given the option will go to places which are safer and with parents not as likely to go into defensive mode when you call them up to try and get them to discipline their children for their in school behavior. 

You're basing your opinion, not on data or any kind of research, but on a youtube video. You're arguing that white people are less likely to discriminate, but should discriminate? Again, lots of jumping around happening here.
I said white people are less likely to be racist. I gave you an alternate explanation why blacks would get less help in emergency situations and it's because they are statistically more likely to be a threat to those helping them. The video I showed you is one of millions I could where this type of erratic behaviors in emergencies that male emergencies worse can be seen.

Compared to white people, black people are less likely to receive preventive health services and often receive lower-quality
Okay nothing I denied and probably is explained less by your hypothesis that doctors are racist and more to the fact that black people usually are poor meaning they have worse health insurance, go to overrun free health clinics and delay going to the hospital longer when suffering. That's black actions not white actions causing worse health outcomes.

A substantial number of white laypeople and medical students and residents hold false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites and demonstrates that these beliefs predict racial bias in pain perception and treatment recommendation
I don't even know what you are talking about here. Like the belief that black people feel less pain? That doesn't seem like a belief a medical professional would have. If they recieve less pain medicine for being more stoic than it isn't that medical personnel are being g racist it is that they are taking the stoic demeanor to mean they aren't in as much pain as some cry baby white person. 

Black and white lenders were not treated the same even when equally qualified
Doubtful, you literally fill out a form online where an algorithm decides whether you can get money or not. This is not the 1950s where people show up to a bank and beg a bank manager. I have literally never asked anyone for a loan in person. 

Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds
The article I was ale to click on it said the differences are often attributed to the black person scoring lower on tests. Therefore they are less competent and their bosses most likely pick up on it. The objection to this rebuttal was that women outperform their test scores so it can't explain the differences among white and black men. It's a nonsense objection to the rebuttal because women in general are more social creatures better at navigating social situations. Meaning they aren't due to the same type of competence but because they are incredibly competent at navigating social situations. I can tell you that when I was in sales, it was unnatural and hard for me to get as many sales as my female coworkers. Every female that went into sales where  was killed it, meanwhile most men failed and the ones that succeeded usually were still less competent because of the social aspect than women who worked half as hard, and if a woman worked just as hard as me she would outperform me by a significant amount. The study just doesn't prove what you think it does.

Black employment in the testing sector is suppressed in the absence of testing, a finding which is consistent with ex ante discrimination on the basis of drug use perception
Can you just explain what this means? Like the people who administer Comptia exams? What does testing sector mean? And why would drug use perception stop a person from hiring somebody? If you smell like weed I won't hire you personally but other than that you need to literally fail a drug test before I would deny you employment for something like that. 

I fid respo d to this stuff but honestly I am not sure what you are arguing. I think for the most part we agree about disproportionate outcomes for African Americans. We likely just disagree with the cause of the reason and especially the solutions to the problemss
WyIted's avatar
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Do me a favor. I am not trying to get the last word in. You brought up a lot of great points and gave me a lot to ruminate on. I can't put in the same amount of effort towards the conversation as you so it would be bad form for me to keep talking without given your arguments as much consideration as you give mine. If we are going to continue the conversation I think we need to narrow it to a single point.  Once that point is exhaustes I don't mind revisiting the rest.

It looks like you took issue with me claiming the change of language was some sort of manipulation. You stated it happened naturally or as a response to marginalized communities taking ownership of the words that they are referred to as. 

I dont think you addressed what I said about the language seeming to change faster now than it did in the past which was one of my premises. 

My other premises are probably just not going to be extrapolated because I was into Satanism for so long as well s the occult and so I am kind of aware of what alterations in language can do and am kind of picking up on that. 

For example a lot of occultism would not say a phrase like "I am a fireman" when describing their occupation' they would say "I fight fires"

There I hundreds of things we do with language in plain site and I am willing to write a post on some of how occultism and word choice works but it is a hidden Premise I held which is potentially not fair to explain one of my reasoning. Not that I believe the language manipulation is from occultism only that they seem to intuitively recognize some occult principles around language and be using them, and I don't feel like the language alterations are natural. Even when the term "social media" came out is seem contrived and the term seemed pushed more by mainstream media than a bottom up approach to language that is more normal
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
It looks like you took issue with me claiming the change of language was some sort of manipulation. You stated it happened naturally or as a response to marginalized communities taking ownership of the words that they are referred to as. 

I dont think you addressed what I said about the language seeming to change faster now than it did in the past which was one of my premises. 

Globalization and advancements in technology (internet and social media) are going to have impact on the speed in which language evolves. 

Language surrounding marginalized demographics evolve in step with their advancement within society. As society becomes more accepting, and as new generations within those groups are born with new perspective different from their elders then things like language get reassesed. 

This isn’t a mystery, there is no man behind the curtain. We can see how these trends evolved through writing and the words of the people who inspired those changes. The motivation is largely that these demographics wish to label themselves in the same way groups who are not marginalized can label themselves. The goal is make sure the playing field is level on every front.

My other premises are probably just not going to be extrapolated because I was into Satanism for so long as well s the occult and so I am kind of aware of what alterations in language can do and am kind of picking up on that. 

For example a lot of occultism would not say a phrase like "I am a fireman" when describing their occupation' they would say "I fight fires"
Would this be a way to keep someone from identifying more with their occupation than their loyalty to the occult?

There I hundreds of things we do with language in plain site and I am willing to write a post on some of how occultism and word choice works but it is a hidden Premise I held which is potentially not fair to explain one of my reasoning. Not that I believe the language manipulation is from occultism only that they seem to intuitively recognize some occult principles around language and be using them, and I don't feel like the language alterations are natural. Even when the term "social media" came out is seem contrived and the term seemed pushed more by mainstream media than a bottom up approach to language that is more normal

Darrell Berry coined the term “social media” in its current understanding in 1995 in an essay where he was explaining that the internet needed to go into a more social and interactive direction beyond text-based websites if it wanted to survive. The term didn’t become widely used until the success of platforms like myspace and facebook in the mid-2000s. The media latches on to phrases to better categorize trends, there needed to be a word to describe facebook, myspace, friendster, etc. as platforms and “social media” became the pick. And it really didn’t come out of left field: broadcast media, news media, interactive media, print media, etc. “Social media” flowed organically out of that, as it takes up similar space as the other “medias.”

I’m a big music nerd, so I see this more clearly with music critics trying to identify certain trends in music just to slap a label on it. It’s what writers, critics, analsysts, etc. do.

Your anxiety seems to stem from a lack of understanding, knowing the background. It’s hard to address you distrust without addressing the misconceptions that fuel it. Like with the word “queer” which in your experience has historically been used only to refer to gay men, but has been used against anyone who present themselves in a particular way in regard to their gender expression, gay men, bisexual men, etc. You seem to sometimes take your personal experience as the definitive experience without further investigation.
WyIted's avatar
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This isn’t a mystery, there is no man behind the curtain. We can see how these trends evolved through writing and the words of the people who inspired those changes. The motivation is largely that these demographics wish to label themselves in the same way groups who are not marginalized can label themselves
So to correctly understand your claim. You claim language has not changed in even a single artificial way that was top down as opposed to more naturally.

Your second claim here just to understand it is that it is these communities themselves changing how they are referred to, to spite white people? 

That reality is if whites called blackest African Americans 50 years ago that perhaps they would prefer to be called pizzas now or some other random word? 

We are also going to ignore the fact that white people are on behalf of others telling them how they should feel about words like oriental or negro? 

So to disprove your claims it seems like  just need to find one instance of a top down manipulation of this true?

Would this be a way to keep someone from identifying more with their occupation than their loyalty to the occult?
Perhaps in self help communities, and perhaps that was not the best example but there are often double meanings in the occultism, language effects how we perceive society. If you change the language than you can change the perception of yourself towards the world which can bring about changes to your world.

It also applies on a larger scale. If you can get a bunch of people to use words differently or to apply different definitions to words intuitively., than you can change those people's perceptions of the world. If everyone perceives the world differently than the world in fact changes. 

Ideally though as a magician you remove certain types of words completely from your vocabulary.  The word "am" is one but other things that mean essentially the same thing. This guy I think has 3 or 4 videos in a series that could give you an overview. 

We don't advertise that we are occultists or satanists especially those in politics. We signal it. I personally am not an occultist and am explicitly telling you that, but if you look at my first year or so of posts on DDO you could if you know what you are looking for see my manipulation of language. 

Now Foolish Fish who I linked to only goes over the personal usage of language I believe. There are certain occult concepts I can't even tell you about now. It requires deep study. It requires buying rare books that are out of print and go for $500 or more or it involves joining secret societies or communicating with demons to learn some of this. 

I personally wouldn't tell you too much because I have been warned about sharing secrets with the uninitiated and a lot of it is pointless without foundational knowledge anyway. 

I can tell you that the manipulation of language seems intention to me ND this thread was originally about things involving the woke movement.  I think as far as the woke movement is concerned they admit it is intentional. They openly day how we use words can affect reality which is why they attack incorrect language with terms such as "ableism" or "micro aggression" . They believe altering language will alter how minorities and the handicapped are seen and cause them to have an easier life. 

In this thread I pointed to the overgeneralization of words for the mot part to be more inclusive of people in the LGBT community.  The expansion of terms like queer or bisexuality to include more people.  I can tell you why this is done on one level anyway. 

It's done because of a mind virus called "let's normalize". It's when you add the term "let's normalize to abnormal things"

"Let's normalize men seeking therapy when they are depressed"

The left is essentially saying "let's normalize being queer" you can only do that by creating 75 genders and dividing everybody among them and shrinking the definition of heterosexual. Everyone knows that gender and sex are a spectrum. We consider most of the spectrum or did to be heterosexual. They have expanded the definition of queer to include more of the spectrum and used the term cisgender as a type of pejorative. It's the one incorrect gender so now kids will furiously search for one of the 75 genders to describe themselves as. It's easy for females because a lot are tomboys but nearly every female has some sort of sexual attraction towards other women. 

The reason you would want to expand the definition from their perspective us because the more people who see themselves as LGBT the more accepting of Trans individuals or homosexuality the community will be as a whole. 

So at least in this instance I don't think the word play over race is the same. I think the word play with race is silly and keep commenting on it and perhaps dragging the conversation off course by flipping my main point to cover that but it isn't what I am referring to with the LGBT movement.

It should also be pointed out that culture kind of flows downstream you have these academics in their ivory towers and you can read their books on this exact process and why the expansion of the term is important and people will laugh and say it is just some Crack academics but the academics influence "thought leaders" who influences people who consume a lot of low brow content who then influence their friends and neighbors. 

This is why the USSR during the cold war focused most of their efforts not on propagandizing the general American public but academics.  They knew their influence over larger society

Darrell Berry coined the term “social media”
Great, I knew somebody had to invent the term.

but has been used against anyone who present themselves in a particular way in regard to their gender expression, gay men, bisexual men, etc.
You think my opinions are born from personal experience and I think yours are from brainwashing that tells you that your grandparents and previous generations were all rabbit racists who lynched black people for the slightest infractions and didn't want to share pies with them. 

It's of no use to speculate where we each collected our biases. My envisioning of you and your envisioning of me are perhaps useful when communicating with each other but are very unlikely to reflect reality. We can schedule a zoom call if you want to see if our impressions of each h other are correct but I would prefer we just stick to facts and acknowledge that we both likely have biases that effect our thinking and one of the reasons we expose our thinking to criticism is to work through these biases. 
Mall's avatar
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Mall's avatar
They just are what?

Is it not wrong to eat some foods versus others since you brought it up?

Mall's avatar
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Why can't we be friends?
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
So to correctly understand your claim. You claim language has not changed in even a single artificial way that was top down as opposed to more naturally.
Pertaining specifically to the examples you offered in your previous post(oriental to Asian-American, negro to Black, queer as an umbrella term), no.

Your second claim here just to understand it is that it is these communities themselves changing how they are referred to, to spite white people? 
No. It's to have the same level of ownership of identity that white people in America have always had.

That reality is if whites called blackest African Americans 50 years ago that perhaps they would prefer to be called pizzas now or some other random word?
I'm not sure what this sentence says.

We are also going to ignore the fact that white people are on behalf of others telling them how they should feel about words like oriental or negro? 
White people should never tell a marginalized person how they should feel about a certain word to describe themselves. If a black person would prefer the word "negro," then they have every right to use it without being criticized by a white person.

So to disprove your claims it seems like  just need to find one instance of a top down manipulation of this true?
No. I'm not claiming that no word ever has been a top-down influence, because I don't know that to be true. I'm speaking specifically within the context of the examples you offered.

I personally wouldn't tell you too much because I have been warned about sharing secrets with the uninitiated and a lot of it is pointless without foundational knowledge anyway. 
It probably wouldn't help that I don't believe in demons or anything associated anyway. But, of course, people can use language to manipulate others. We agree there.

In this thread I pointed to the overgeneralization of words for the mot part to be more inclusive of people in the LGBT community.  The expansion of terms like queer or bisexuality to include more people.  I can tell you why this is done on one level anyway. 
Bisexuality hasn't been expanded, it just means people who are attracted to both genders. And, as I pointed out, "queer" has always been used to describe bisexual and gender non-conforming people for about as long as it's been used to describe gay men.

The left is essentially saying "let's normalize being queer" you can only do that by creating 75 genders and dividing everybody among them and shrinking the definition of heterosexual. Everyone knows that gender and sex are a spectrum. We consider most of the spectrum or did to be heterosexual. They have expanded the definition of queer to include more of the spectrum and used the term cisgender as a type of pejorative. It's the one incorrect gender so now kids will furiously search for one of the 75 genders to describe themselves as. It's easy for females because a lot are tomboys but nearly every female has some sort of sexual attraction towards other women. 
It's a bit more complicated than that: In the real world, you are cis, straight, or nonbinary. Of course, there is the topic of pronouns. For the most part you are either using he/him, she/her, they/them, or some combination. If we are talking about neopronouns, they are far less common, but they date back to the 1800s ("ze" was in the Webster's Dictionary from 1934 to 1961). In the 90s, you had trans-activist/authors like Kate Bornstein who used neopronouns for a character in one of her novels, and Leslie Feinberg who used neopronouns for themselves (who was introduced to it by specific lesbian spaces). Really, it was the popularity of "Stone Butch Blues" within the lesbian community where you saw people become more aware of neopronouns (and subsequently, some adopt for themselves). In my experience, it is very rare to encounter someone use uses neopronouns or identifies as nonbinary who isn't either transgender, gay, or bisexual. Meaning, the cis straight people, are still cis and straight. And considering that cis people still make up the majority of the LGBT+ community, I wouldn't say it's considered pejorative.

Now, I'll finally address your claims about female sexuality: Most women are straight, and don't have sexual or romantic attraction to other women (studies show around 81% of women experience exclusive attraction the opposite sex).

The reason you would want to expand the definition from their perspective us because the more people who see themselves as LGBT the more accepting of Trans individuals or homosexuality the community will be as a whole. 
This shows a pretty fundamental understanding of the intentions within the LGBT+ community.

Within the LGBT+ community there is a term called "spicy-straights," this is in reference to straight people who believe that being poly or having a queer partner someone how makes them a part of the community. They are made fun of. The LGBT+ does not want to expand by including people who are not either genuinely attracted to the same sex or are transgender. That's the reality. If you're a some guy who looks like Billy Joel from Green Day and only dates women, but identifies as "nonbinary," you're being looked at as suspicious and annoying. The LGBT+ does not want to expand by accepting people who are cis/straight but go by some random label, that's the opposite of what's wanted.

The reality is: you can re-label heterosexuality but you can never erase it. However, heterosexuality can very easily erase "queer" or "lgbt+" identities and spaces.

It should also be pointed out that culture kind of flows downstream you have these academics in their ivory towers and you can read their books on this exact process and why the expansion of the term is important and people will laugh and say it is just some Crack academics but the academics influence "thought leaders" who influences people who consume a lot of low brow content who then influence their friends and neighbors.
I think a more accurate flow chart would be: community spaces > academia > mainstream. Before "nonbinary," people used the term "genderqueer." "Genderqueer" was born out of independent 'zines in the 1980s, and then academics began writing papers on it, and that's when the mainstream finds out about it. 

You think my opinions are born from personal experience and I think yours are from brainwashing that tells you that your grandparents and previous generations were all rabbit racists who lynched black people for the slightest infractions and didn't want to share pies with them. 

It's of no use to speculate where we each collected our biases. My envisioning of you and your envisioning of me are perhaps useful when communicating with each other but are very unlikely to reflect reality. We can schedule a zoom call if you want to see if our impressions of each h other are correct but I would prefer we just stick to facts and acknowledge that we both likely have biases that effect our thinking and one of the reasons we expose our thinking to criticism is to work through these biases. 
My problem is that you don't offer any research, studies, or data to back-up your claims. You rely heavily on anecdotes to support your arguments (your TV viewing habits as a child, your relationships with women, a youtube video you saw, etc.). And anecdotes are fine, but they should sprinkled on top of an argument supported by actual evidence.
WyIted's avatar
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It probably wouldn't help that I don't believe in demons or anything associated anyway. But, of course, people can use language to manipulate others. We agree there.
It doesn't matter what you believe. The points how those in power many of whom are occultists thinks.

Bisexuality hasn't been expanded, it just means people who are attracted to both genders. And, as I pointed out, "queer" has always been used to describe bisexual and gender non-conforming people for about as long as it's been used to describe gay men.
Nobody considers women bisexual for being attracted to women also because it destroys the point of making a semantic difference between bisexual and heterosexual women since all women are open to sex with other women. My wife isn't a bisexual for engaging in threescore where she performs cunninglingus on other women and gets off on it, nor does it make the woman in bed with us a bisexual either. The way it is used in common parlance (not dictionary) is to mean somebody who has relationships with other women and men that extends beyond the bedroom activities. 

I am also glad you found a person defining queer in the 1960s that was different from the common parlance at the time. 

Now, I'll finally address your claims about female sexuality: Most women are straight, and don't have sexual or romantic attraction to other women (studies show around 81% of women experience exclusive attraction the opposite sex
I am going to say something that is slightly disgusting. Before I do let me say that the women who claim exclusive attraction are most likely lying. It's silly. 

I haven't kept numbers but when I try to recall how many I typically lose count around 30. Only 1 wasn't open to eating out another woman. 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Within the LGBT+ community there is a term called "spicy-straights," this is in reference to straight people who believe that being poly or having a queer partner someone how makes them a part of the community.
Well they are communicating and that is a community. You mean part of the category.

The LGBT+ does not want to expand by including people who are not either genuinely attracted to the same sex or are transgender.
The hive mind LGBT was a gestalt consciousness created around 1996 by psychic powers that at the time were poorly understood - Encyclopedia Britannica 2130 edition
WyIted's avatar
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I just talked to an ex who is a lesbian now.  I told her my theory. She said that I am not wrong. She said that half the girls she has sex with are heterosexual
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
It doesn't matter what you believe. The points how those in power many of whom are occultists thinks.
It’s doublespeak, it’s nothing new or fancy.

I’m not going to bother quoting the rest as your personal life is your business. I’ll just reiterate the following:

You don't offer any research, studies, or data to back-up your claims. You rely heavily on anecdotes to support your arguments (your TV viewing habits as a child, your relationships with women, a youtube video you saw, etc.). And anecdotes are fine, but they should be sprinkled on top of an argument supported by actual evidence.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
All people with normally functioning equipment are heterosexual by default.

What one chooses to lick, suck or fuck for pleasure, is what one chooses to do.

Associated terminology, is also what it is.

Procreation no longer relies upon the insertion of an erect penis penis into a vagina.

Neither does recreation...In fact it hasn't for a long time.

Trans is now a medical and surgical possibility.

Choices Choices.

Though all based upon the same procreational messages.

The Evolution of the species hey?
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Trans is now a medical and surgical possibility.
Not really. They do surgery, but the new equipment doesn't work correctly.

One day we will be able to do quality work, and on that day what they're doing now is going to look like the dark ages.

The Evolution of the species hey?
No more than foot binding, skull binding, or giant ornaments stuck in your lip.
WyIted's avatar
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Studies that actually test for attraction prove my theory that all women are attracted to other women. 

Honestly go on lezbian Twitter they all claim to fuck heterosexual women . Better yet gey a girlfriend and see if they are down for sex with another woman. 

Perhaps something g is wrong with me where I only attract lesbians but damn 30 in a row with one exception and all but the one exception being the one to push for a 3some with some random casual friend they have been fantasizing about. I mean we have a clear pattern here. I am sure other guys with experience on the site can speak up to confirm this is universally true and I a not lying
WyIted's avatar
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I just noticed you were female. If you identify as heterosexual you should already know I am being honest here
bronskibeat's avatar
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Studies that actually test for attraction prove my theory that all women are attracted to other women. 

Finally. Thank you.

You fell for the first part, the clickbait headline: “No women are totally straight.” It’s catchy, but not actually what the study found. The study concluded that 30% of women show exclusive attraction to the opposite sex. Certainly more than “never,” but still suggests that the majority of women experience some blood flow at the sexual imagery involving the same sex.

The findings are similar to something that has been observed of women in other research, and that’s many women experience physical arousal at any visual representation of sex (this include with animals, and in one study…an “erotic” looking piece of wood.) But as the study you provided mentioned, this experience of arousal often does not translate into desire. This would be known as arousal non-concordance:“Arousal%20non%2Dconcordance%20is%20the,turned%20on%20they%20feel%27.”

EDIT: I’ve removed any reference to your personal life, because you appear to be dealing with something, and I think that much of your perspective on female sexuality is the result of a personal defense mechanism to ignore an uncomfortable reality going on in your life. But, again, I’m going to refrain from any low-blows. 

Honestly go on lezbian Twitter they all claim to fuck heterosexual women . Better yet gey a girlfriend and see if they are down for sex with another woman. 
It’s pretty well established within the lesbian community that if you’re dating a woman, then she’s either lesbian or bisexual. The lesbians who claim they’re sleeping with straight women are simply stroking their own egos.

Now,  I have to point out, the study you offered does contradict your claim that lesbians don’t exist. Has your view changed on that or do you cherry pick based on what is convenient for your personal narrative?
WyIted's avatar
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But as the study you provided mentioned, this experience of arousal often does not translate into desire
This makes no sense  to me. If you are aroused by seeing other women, how would that not translate to being attracted to them? If I was aroused by another man with his shirt off and dick hanging out, how would that not make me attracted to men?

I’ve removed any reference to your personal life, because you appear to be dealing with something, and I think that much of your perspective on female sexuality is the result of a personal defense mechanism to ignore an uncomfortable reality going on in your life. But, again, I’m going to refrain from any low-blows. 
No I want feedback, which is why I opened up a bit about the cognitive dissonance. It is really fucking with my head. You said 80% of women are solely attracted to men. Once you said that I started looking at it and was like "Oh shit this appears to be true" until I found the counter study I offered.

A lot of my girlfriends have turned out to be lesbians. When I was having the most sex it was like anyone around the ages of like 16 to 24 and I had a pretty boy look and long hair. My walk was also a bit feminine and I was routinely mistaken for being homosexual. It probably didn't help that I was okay with homosexuals, had friends who were homosexuals and found drag shows fun. At least until liberals ruined drag shows and turned it into something gay. Anyway onto my point.

so other then exes turning into lesbians. Many I did start to remember after reminiscing that the relationships as least the sexual portion would most of the time be me going down on them and bringing them to orgasm before having sex with them. This at the time I saw as the gentlemanly thing to do, but now I think the fact they could look down and see a feminine person with long hair buried in their crotch may have been the reason this happened a lot.

These women taught me things that may not be true of women in general. All girls are into other girls it doesn't make them bisexual or gay. So naturally I assumed this was true. Most of them would have a close female friend that they wanted to pull into a threesome with me.

Thinking of these things made me really depressed last night, especially since I think about the fact I never had to pursue girls. They kind of just threw themselves at me. So is this so they could be in something close to a lesbian relationship while still telling their family they were straight?

It made me tear up a bit. What is wrong with me?  I am attracted to females who have strong personalities as well. I like females who really socially dominate those around them and who are also stoic and go getters. WHile most of the girls I dated pursued me, did they also pick up on my preferences as well and do I prefer lesbians?

It is fucking with my head and it is hard to admit but I seemed a bit feminine not in personality but because my features are soft like Justin Beiber. Because my voice is feminine and I am often confused for being a woman on phone calls. I actually have spent years trying to alter my voice. I am told my walk is feminine so I have worked really hard on my walk and sometimes I still catch myself fucking up with my voice or with my natural walk.

Basically you did bring up a lot of my insecurities but also exposed me to the fact I may be attracting lesbians and so I am very down on myself right now. It is having me feel depressed. Are heterosexual women not atttracted to me?

Its funny the girl that did not request a 3some. I asked her, I was like "You don't want a threesome" and she was put off of it a bit. She was like "Why would I want you fucking other women". I was like "Oh no it would be for you to fuck other women not me I don't care about that". I was shocked about her not wanting to fuck other women it blew my mind. when she made it clear she was only into men I negged her about it I said "You're weird" . Now I am thinking. It isn't her that is weird.

Funny enough the current girlfrien about 2 years ago mentioned to a close friend she was bisexual. he friend had a poor reaction. I told her "first of all you are normal all girls want to have sex with girls, and then I said I am not sure what type of denial your friend is going through about her own sexuality that she is projecting on you but that is her insecurity not yours. Now you have me thinking maybe the girl was actually heterosexual and just some sort of homophobe. This is fucking with my head a lot.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
The findings are similar to something that has been observed of women in other research, and that’s many women experience physical arousal at any visual representation of sex (this include with animals, and in one study…an “erotic” looking piece of wood.) But as the study you provided mentioned, this experience of arousal often does not translate into desire. This would be known as arousal non-concordance:“Arousal%20non%2Dconcordance%20is%20the,turned%20on%20they%20feel%27.”

I don't think this supports what you are saying. The link is talking about physical arousal to stimulation. It seems to be about rape victims who reached orgasm. The physical response to physical stimulation is not something controllable. I assume it is like when the prostate is used by doctors to force ejaculation, or whatever that technique is.  I think we are talking about arousal from seeing or thinking about certain things. Like you know looking at somebody bend over. If you are a female and you get sexually aroused by a female bending over then I think it's safe to think you are attracted to women. This would be different than somebody forcing your nerve ending to be stimulated and then thinking that has anything to do with attraction

zedvictor4's avatar
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No more than foot binding, skull binding, or giant ornaments stuck in your lip.
I wasn't referring to body modification.

But rather the impact over time, that data has had upon biological systems.
bronskibeat's avatar
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bronskibeat's avatar
I don't think this supports what you are saying. The link is talking about physical arousal to stimulation. It seems to be about rape victims who reached orgasm. The physical response to physical stimulation is not something controllable. I assume it is like when the prostate is used by doctors to force ejaculation, or whatever that technique is.  I think we are talking about arousal from seeing or thinking about certain things. Like you know looking at somebody bend over. If you are a female and you get sexually aroused by a female bending over then I think it's safe to think you are attracted to women. This would be different than somebody forcing your nerve ending to be stimulated and then thinking that has anything to do with attraction
If you follow the linked resources, particularly Emily Nagoski, she speaks on non-concordance from visual stimuli. Essentially, something just has to be sexually relevant to produce blood flow, but it doesn’t result in your brain actually experiencing attraction or desire. This would explain why so many women in the study you provided experienced consistent arousal across visual stimuli but didn’t consistently report desire/attraction.

Anyway, I’m headed on vacation, so I won’t responding for a few weeks. Byeee.