Presidential Immunity

Author: Double_R


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ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
I personally want my State AG: Ken Paxton. He’d finish them all and would not hesitate at all. We don’t need another pussy like Jeff Sessions who recused himself and let Democrats run on Russia Russia Russia which proved to be a hoax. Kash Patel would also be solid. Indians are smart and know how to get the job done
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Vivek, normally... 

But I have to agree with ADOL and maybe get Kari Lake or MGT to take a wrecking ball and force substantial legislation.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
That would be based
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Lol, so through context magic, one is a crime and one is not?
Uh, yeah genius. That's how every law works and always has.

Push an old lady out of the way of an oncoming bus - Hero

Push an old lady into an oncoming bus - Murderer

Same action (pushed an old lady). Very different consequences. It's not magic, just common sense.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Barr also admitted he was going to vote for Trump over Biden, despite the fact Trump called him a traitor. Maybe the real problem here is actually Biden....
Or maybe it helps to pay attention to reality as opposed to stopping at the point where it is convenient for you.

Barr went on to explain why he would vote for Trump instead. Those reasons included what's happening at school board meetings around the country (which has nothing to do with Biden) and regulations discouraging gas stoves.

Anyone who thinks those deserve to even be mentioned in the same conversation as spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories about a stolen election and refusing the peaceful transfer of power is a moron. That's the problem.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
There's no law against pushing. There's assault laws and there are good Samaritan laws. Period. No context magic required.

That's the problem.
Your seemingly endless excuses for Biden won't change reality into fantasy land. Enabling dysfunctional people only makes problems worse.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Right. Now all you need is evidence of a crime. Let me know when you have it.
Who says you need evidence? All you need is a right wing jury in Wyoming
And do you support that?

This is a debate site, so if all you're going to do is tell me what can happen without taking any position on what should happen and be willing to defend it you can save your fingers, unless your intent is to further confirm for the rest of us that MAGA is nothing more than a cult.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
And do you support that?

Why not? Rule of law says the right-tribe gets to do the exact same things the left-tribe does without fear or favor.

You support rule of you not?
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Why not? Rule of law says the right-tribe gets to do the exact same things the left-tribe does without fear or favor.

You support rule of you not?
Exactly. If you can bring a person in front of Democratic jury, then why can’t we do the same in front of right wing jury. Better yet, a known right wing judge who’s daughter donates and comapigns for Republicans 
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
There's no law against pushing.
If I push an old lady onto an oncoming bus and she dies, are you seriously arguing that is not homicide?
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Why not? Rule of law says the right-tribe gets to do the exact same things the left-tribe does without fear or favor.

You support rule of you not?
Exactly. If you can bring a person in front of Democratic jury, then why can’t we do the same in front of right wing jury.
 You can, as soon as you provide evidence that the person committed a crime within a jurisdiction where the alleged defendant would be subject to the findings of a right wing jury pool. Good luck.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
You can, as soon as you provide evidence that the person committed a crime within a jurisdiction where the alleged defendant would be subject to the findings of a right wing jury pool. Good luck.
As they commonly say, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
You can, as soon as you provide evidence that the person committed a crime within a jurisdiction where the alleged defendant would be subject to the findings of a right wing jury pool. Good luck.
We don't need evidence, or laws, or jurisdiction. All we need is a judge who will pretend.

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Your exact words: "even if their act was entirelymotivated by personal gain?"
Correct, but you bolded the wrong part. Note the first two words quoted: “even if”. Aka even in the farthest extreme you still argue they shouldn’t be prosecuted? That was my question to you. And then you turned it around and acted as if I was implying that was the requirement. It wasn’t, just a hypothetical.

Pressuring a secretary of state to "recalculate" the results in order to hand you the victory is illegal. That is a crime. And the phone call alone proves that.
Then Al Gore is a criminal. He pressured Florida to "recalculate". Also every congress person who ever objected to electors.
So you believe challenging an election result through the courts is the same thing as calling the secretary of state and telling him to just "recalculate". Is that a serious argument?

Double R, meet reconstruction. Reconstruction, this guy needs to know about you.
Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?

Now imagine 60 million people agree with the officer. You think you can live with people like that under an unrestricted government?
No, that's why it would be nice for the millions of brainwashed MAGA cultists to stop warshipping a clinical narcissist and join us in reality.

I asserted it was impossible to reject without reasonable doubt some motivations except in cases of confession.
The fact that one’s motivations can always be doubted does not make those doubts reasonable. Possible =/= reasonable to suspect.

For it to be reasonable, then by definition there has to be a logical basis for it. If possibility was a logical basis then nothing could ever be known beyond a reasonable doubt.

A murder may be premeditated, but that does not mean the murderer wasn't angry in the moment as well. That can't be proven, and that why crimes of passion and premeditation are defined in such a way that it is not necessary to disprove passion in order to prove premeditation.
This is all irrelevant. We’re talking about constitutional interpretations and their ramifications, not legal statutes.

The passion of the moment is irrelevant to the question of what motivated the murder. If it was premeditated then it would have occurred anyway. This is where the ‘but for’ test comes in. You’re trying to argue that some alternative factor also being present changes the question of why someone did something, it doesn’t.

The trials are being held in the places where the law was violated. That's how the law works.
And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.

You should read up on the filings in the documents case.
You should probably read up on a legal dictionary. Classified by definition means it’s restricted and controlled by the government. That directly conflicts with the definition of personal.

If a cop comes to your door asking for letters, and you give him some letters but not all, that's not lying.
He made his lawyers sign affidavits telling the FBI all documents were returned despite everyone involved knowing they were not. That’s called lying.

They said they wanted more. He said come look. They swatted his house.
Total BS. Have you even read the indictment? You sound like you are getting your information from truth social.

I've said many times the crimes are made up. Stitched together from laws written for completely different contexts.
Yes I know, you say this all the time but never present a legal analysis so it’s nothing more than a meaningless rant.

Yes, unequal applications of the laws is an excuse to "violate" laws.
Then you don’t believe in the rule of law as a principal, so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing. You care about winning and you’re pissed because you think the other side is winning. That’s it, that’s all you believe in. Thank you for making that clear.

None, so long as you admit the clear implication of the impeachments clause is to remove all jurisdiction over named office holders doing official acts to the congress of the United States of America.
No, that’s not what it implies. The impeachment process was put in place to remove office holders who have violated the trust of the people they represent and should therefore no longer wield the power of their offices. That has absolutely nothing to do with the justice system. They address fundamentally different issues so trying to combine them somehow is absurd.

That's why our system depends on an adherence to the basic principals of logic and reason, evidence, and the rule of law above all else.
Ah, so that's why we're doomed.
Well, we agree on something.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
As they commonly say, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted.
Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
We don't need evidence, or laws, or jurisdiction. All we need is a judge who will pretend.
Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Your exact words: "even if their act was entirelymotivated by personal gain?"
Correct, but you bolded the wrong part. Note the first two words quoted: “even if”. Aka even in the farthest extreme you still argue they shouldn’t be prosecuted? That was my question to you. And then you turned it around and acted as if I was implying that was the requirement. It wasn’t, just a hypothetical.
A legally impossible hypothetical with no legal relevance since I've never seen a law which defines a crime based on "entirely motivated by".

Pressuring a secretary of state to "recalculate" the results in order to hand you the victory is illegal. That is a crime. And the phone call alone proves that.
Then Al Gore is a criminal. He pressured Florida to "recalculate". Also every congress person who ever objected to electors.
So you believe challenging an election result through the courts is the same thing as calling the secretary of state and telling him to just "recalculate". Is that a serious argument?
It's your claim not mine. Pressuring to change results is illegal over phones? Illegal when you ask the wrong people? Illegal when expressed in public? Illegal when private?

All these questions would be answered if you know... there was a law that applied instead of your desperate inventions (and by "your I am including the pseudo-prosecutors")

Double R, meet reconstruction. Reconstruction, this guy needs to know about you.
Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?
Do you know that when federal troops show up to enforce an amendment, that's kinda like the commander in chief is involved in enforcement?

Now imagine 60 million people agree with the officer. You think you can live with people like that under an unrestricted government?
No, that's why it would be nice for the millions of brainwashed MAGA cultists to stop warshipping a clinical narcissist and join us in reality.
Good job ignoring the rest. Best way to avoid consequences is to pretend they don't exist.

I asserted it was impossible to reject without reasonable doubt some motivations except in cases of confession.
The fact that one’s motivations can always be doubted does not make those doubts reasonable. Possible =/= reasonable to suspect.

The passion of the moment is irrelevant to the question of what motivated the murder. If it was premeditated then it would have occurred anyway. This is where the ‘but for’ test comes in. You’re trying to argue that some alternative factor also being present changes the question of why someone did something, it doesn’t.
You were the one who tried to introduce the premise that official acts might be more or less immune due to motivation.

The trials are being held in the places where the law was violated. That's how the law works.
And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.
Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.

You should read up on the filings in the documents case.
You should probably read up on a legal dictionary. Classified by definition means it’s restricted and controlled by the government. That directly conflicts with the definition of personal.
Take it up with all the previous POTUSes

If a cop comes to your door asking for letters, and you give him some letters but not all, that's not lying.
He made his lawyers sign affidavits telling the FBI all documents were returned despite everyone involved knowing they were not. That’s called lying.
BS, no lawyer would sign such a thing if they knew it was false. "made"

What he threatened them with cutting off the big macs? rofl

At least people have a theory that Clinton kills you if you don't go along with her, of course that might explain the near total lack of surviving whistleblowers. They would definitely fall on the sword for Clinton.

What happened was that NARA conspiring with the FBI and the white-house intentionally made a mess messier (for example by shipping extra boxes to mar a lago) so that nobody knew what they wanted or who owned what. They made a vague request and then called it lying when what they 'recovered' didn't match one of the many interpretations of what was requested.

Entrapment from day one, classic deep state style attack.

They said they wanted more. He said come look. They swatted his house.
Total BS. Have you even read the indictment? You sound like you are getting your information from truth social.
Have you read anything besides what the feds and their dogs have publicly asserted?

I've said many times the crimes are made up. Stitched together from laws written for completely different contexts.
Yes I know, you say this all the time but never present a legal analysis so it’s nothing more than a meaningless rant.
You dodge, that is why I don't deny the so called acts. They aren't illegal by any equal application of law and therefore they aren't illegal in any way I care about.

Yes, unequal applications of the laws is an excuse to "violate" laws.
Then you don’t believe in the rule of law as a principal
If that's what you call "rule of law" then I don't believe in it.

so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing.
Why would I stop taking issue with people using lawfare because you define lawfare as "rule of law"?

You care about winning and you’re pissed because you think the other side is winning. That’s it, that’s all you believe in. Thank you for making that clear.
I believe in morality and I believe there are predictable consequences to certain actions. What you call "rule of law" is not "winning", it's the suicide of a strong central government and interstate trust.

There is a machine, your side is throwing a wrench in it because they don't like how it was working (electing DJT), now you're smirking at the idea that you think you've beaten him but you did it in the name of saving the machine which just makes you fools or liars.

I am not a huge fan of the machine, but I can see how it works and that it won't work for long like this. That is all.

None, so long as you admit the clear implication of the impeachments clause is to remove all jurisdiction over named office holders doing official acts to the congress of the United States of America.
No, that’s not what it implies. The impeachment process was put in place to remove office holders who have violated the trust of the people they represent and should therefore no longer wield the power of their offices. That has absolutely nothing to do with the justice system. They address fundamentally different issues so trying to combine them somehow is absurd.
If there was no connection between the impeachments clause and random local courts then it would follow that the Q-Anon town could imprison a president and that president would still wield the power of their office.

That is absurd.

Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
Yep it’ll work out
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
A legally impossible hypothetical with no legal relevance since I've never seen a law which defines a crime based on "entirely motivated by".
The purpose of putting that in there was to add a safeguard to keep you from dodging the point of the question with your irrelevant distractions, and yet you used the safeguard itself as the point of distraction. Impressive.

Let’s inconveniently go back to the question:

“how about if a VP decided to use the power of US foreign policy for the sole purpose of getting a foreign prosecutor fired just to protect his son? Is that individual (rightfully) immune?”

In this example the phrase “sole purpose” makes clear that there were no other motivations. I had to throw that in there because you keep arguing that as long as some other motivation was also present, that this absolves the defendant of being found guilty of having improper motivations. The point was to say forget that for now and *assume* this was the reason he did it. Now what?

And not for nothing, it really is amusing to me that after months and months of you arguing that you know exactly what motivated Joe Biden in Ukraine that you now act like motivations behind official acts can’t be questioned. Just another example of your hypocrisy.

It's your claim not mine. Pressuring to change results is illegal over phones? Illegal when you ask the wrong people? Illegal when expressed in public? Illegal when private?
Do you believe challenging election results in court is the same thing as calling the Secretary of State and telling him to “recalculate” the results so that you win? Yes or No.

Answer the question. Or is there a reason you are dodging this?

All these questions would be answered if you know... there was a law that applied instead of your desperate inventions
Do you even read the indictments?

These are the kinds of comments that make plainly clear that you either have no idea what you’re talking about or are displaying the hypocrisy, double standards and absurdity it takes to be a Trump supporter. The laws are clear to anyone who decides to use their brain. No the law doesn’t say “thou shall not call the Secretary of State and tell them to find 11,780 votes”. Laws require one to read the words and then match them up to the actions and use their brains to see if the action qualifies.

If you’re going to argue that the actions Trump is alleged to have taken are not illegal then present that case. And when you do, take note that even Trump’s lawyers aren’t trying that because they know how stupid that would be.

Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?
Do you know that when federal troops show up to enforce an amendment, that's kinda like the commander in chief is involved in enforcement?
Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president. That’s the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship.

So no, he doesn’t have involvement. And every president for the past 250 years has known that.

And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.
Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.
So what? What is your point?

BS, no lawyer would sign such a thing if they knew it was false. "made"
And yet they did, because that’s what it takes to work for Donald Trump.

You call it BS because that’s your go to, anything that is inconvenient to you is BS, every person that attests to it is lying, every piece of evidence showing it is fabricated, blah blah blah.

We know the whole story, he told the first lawyer to sign the affidavit and he didn’t want to because he knew it was a lie, so he handed it down to a second lawyer Christina Bobb to sign and she knew it was a lie so she insisted on adding the language “based on the information I have been given ”. Welcome to Trump world.

What happened was that NARA conspiring with the FBI and the white-house intentionally made a mess messier

Yep, it’s all a grand conspiracy to get Trump. I’d ask if you have any evidence of that but of course you don’t.

Total BS. Have you even read the indictment? You sound like you are getting your information from truth social.
Have you read anything besides what the feds and their dogs have publicly asserted?
The indictments also came with evidence, much of which is in the public record. I’ve also listened to the responses which have given no legitimate reason to doubt any of this. So sure, we can play the game of infinite regress and declare gotcha when we hit the inevitable end point, or we can apply Occam’s razor and recognize that conspiracy theories are generally not rational and of course the defendant will proclaim innocence, especially when it’s Trump whose moddow is to deny everything always and never relent.

Yes, unequal applications of the laws is an excuse to "violate" laws.
Then you don’t believe in the rule of law as a principal
If that's what you call "rule of law" then I don't believe in it.
I was talking about the principal, but your response makes it clear nonetheless.

One of the central concepts when it comes to the rule of law is that we have processes in place that determine when someone is in violation. This is why vigilantism directly conflicts with the rule of law regardless of how well intentioned or even well accomplished the vigilante is.

What you’re arguing when you claim that ‘unequal application = right to violate’ is that those processes are irrelevant. It’s up to you, and by extension every individual to decide for themselves whether they think the law is being applied equally and thus whether they should follow it. That is by definition, not the “rule” of law.

There is no where on earth where this is a tenable principal for its citizenry to live by. You are the embodiment of a cancer on society.

so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing.
Why would I stop taking issue with people using lawfare because you define lawfare as "rule of law"?
The term lawfare gets its connotational strength by implying a wrong and inappropriate usage of the rule of law. In order for the alleged behavior to fit into this you have to believe in the rule law to begin with. You don’t, so when you throw out that word you’re using the connotations created by an idea you don’t believe in and hurling them at people who do. That’s fundamentally dishonest.

You don’t take issue with lawfare, you take issue with feeling like you’re on the losing end of it.

There is a machine, your side is throwing a wrench in it because they don't like how it was working (electing DJT)
Holding someone accountable for violating the rule of law is not throwing a wrench in the rule of law.

If there was no connection between the impeachments clause and random local courts then it would follow that the Q-Anon town could imprison a president and that president would still wield the power of their office.

That is absurd.
Yes, but what makes it absurd isn’t that no one ever thought it would be necessary to craft laws to address this possibility, what makes it absurd is that people would be dumb enough to elect as their leader someone found guilty in a court of law of committing serious crimes.

In your example you label it as Q-annon town so clearly your point is that it’s the people itself are going rogue probably due to their idiocy and ignorance. Sure, that could certainly be an issue but in an organized society that’s the point where the game is already lost. That’s not something you can legislate your way out of other than having checks such as state and then federal governments that can oversee trials that violate the fundamental laws and processes of a country, which is exactly what our country has.

You claim these trials are so brazenly unconstitutional as you sit there with a 6-3 SCOTUS majority, half of that majority appointed by Trump himself, and you know the most you’re going to get is assistance in the form of delay, but they will not rule as you claim to be so obvious. That should tell you something.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
Yep it’ll work out
Please remember to wake me up when it does
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
that this absolves the defendant of being found guilty of having improper motivations
Laws define what motivations are improper when the mention motivations or imply motivations via the definition of words.

The point was to say forget that for now and *assume* this was the reason he did it. Now what?
Impeachment and conviction by the senate or bust.

No one seriously believed that Biden could be criminally prosecuted for corruption as vice president without impeachment. It was only the payments he received from his corrupt activities that were susceptible.

And not for nothing, it really is amusing to me that after months and months of you arguing that you know exactly what motivated Joe Biden in Ukraine that you now act like motivations behind official acts can’t be questioned.
Your two strawmen are dancing, cute.

I have not said motivations for official acts can't be questioned in this thread and I did not claim to know beyond a reasonable doubt that Biden didn't have other motivating factors besides providing a service to Burisma.

It's your claim not mine. Pressuring to change results is illegal over phones? Illegal when you ask the wrong people? Illegal when expressed in public? Illegal when private?
Do you believe challenging election results in court is the same thing as calling the Secretary of State and telling him to “recalculate” the results so that you win? Yes or No.

Answer the question. Or is there a reason you are dodging this?
The lines of comparison are unclear.

Are they the same legally? Yes both are totally legal.

Are they the same morally? Yes both are totally moral (if you believe there was inaccuracy).

All these questions would be answered if you know... there was a law that applied instead of your desperate inventions
Do you even read the indictments?
Yes, but the problem (for the propagandists and hacks like yourself) is that I also read the cited laws, the defense motions, and then used logic.

If you’re going to argue that the actions Trump is alleged to have taken are not illegal then present that case.
Make a thread and in the OP admit that the burden of proof is on the accuser. This thread is about "immunity"

And when you do, take note that even Trump’s lawyers aren’t trying that because they know how stupid that would be.
rofl, see if I was as dishonest as you I would say "and the prosecutors aren't even trying to claim a law was broken"

Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?
Do you know that when federal troops show up to enforce an amendment, that's kinda like the commander in chief is involved in enforcement?
Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president.
Troops aren't under the command of courts.

And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.
Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.
So what? What is your point?
Playing dumb about something so obvious means you have no response.

I’d ask if you have any evidence of that but of course you don’t.
I'd tell you to read the unredacted filings, but of course you won't.

or we can apply Occam’s razor
Now that I've seen you try to use that term like a bible thumper appeals to divine inspiration it's just funny every time you mention it.

There is no where on earth where this is a tenable principal for its citizenry to live by. You are the embodiment of a cancer on society.
I'm the symptom, just like the people who created the united states of America were symptoms of tyranny masquerading as "rule of law"

so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing.
Why would I stop taking issue with people using lawfare because you define lawfare as "rule of law"?
The term lawfare gets its connotational strength by implying a wrong and inappropriate usage of the rule of law.
My definition of "rule of law" is mutually exclusive with "wrong and inappropriate usage of"

Twisted interpretation or unequal application is wrong and inappropriate. That is men ruling using laws as a weapon. Rule of law is when the objective meaning of the law prevails and is applied without favor, see the blinded goddess weighing.

If there was no connection between the impeachments clause and random local courts then it would follow that the Q-Anon town could imprison a president and that president would still wield the power of their office.

That is absurd.
Yes, but what makes it absurd isn’t that no one ever thought it would be necessary to craft laws to address this possibility
So... the people who wrote the impeachments clause never imagined criminal behavior from the most powerful person in the nation?

Interesting lack of imagination given what they just wrote mentioned crimes by name.

So we could believe they were all suddenly struck by amnesia before they could address this absurdity or we could believe your interpretation of the impeachments clause is absurd.

That should tell you something.
That they are cowards who think non-interventionism and slow, boring, technical delay is the best chance to avoid a civil war. Which is a sword that cuts both ways because it also means they won't be coming to the rescue of the left-tribe either.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Laws define what motivations are improper when the mention motivations or imply motivations via the definition of words.
This conversation isn’t about an individual law, it’s about how the constitution applies to any law that seeks to hold the president accountable for his actions as president, so these concepts are relevant and necessary to address.

Impeachment and conviction by the senate or bust.

No one seriously believed that Biden could be criminally prosecuted for corruption as vice president without impeachment
Nonsense. Find one example of any prominent scholar or political figure arguing that impeachment and conviction was a necessary precursor for criminal prosecution before Trump. Ever. You won’t because it’s an absurd ad hoc rationalization that the Trump team made up whole cloth as an excuse to delay his trials.

This is yet another example of how Trump makes us as a country dumber. Without him this conversation would have never been necessary.

Oh, and btw as far as your “no one believed Biden could be prosecuted…” claim, that’s just factually wrong. Here is someone who thought just that and expressed it publicly:

Are they the same legally? Yes both are totally legal.

Are they the same morally? Yes both are totally moral (if you believe there was inaccuracy).
Ok. So to be clear, when Biden loses Arizona by 9,483 votes, and he calls up the Democratic Secretary of State and tells her that he wants her to find 9,484 votes and that there is nothing wrong with telling everyone she “recalculated”, you’re going to be perfectly fine with this… right?

Yes, but the problem (for the propagandists and hacks like yourself) is that I also read the cited laws, the defense motions, and then used logic.
Bullshit. You haven’t cited a single law since we started discussing any of these trials nor have you bothered to provide anything approaching a legal argument.

Make a thread and in the OP admit that the burden of proof is on the accuser.
The BoP is on the accuser, that’s why there is an indictment that explains what laws were violated and summarizes the evidence against him. All the information to refute is in there, that’s why I told you to make the case since you are consistently arguing that the charges against him are not illegal, which is really odd since all of these indictments continue to proceed without any serious push back from Trump’s team, the judges, or higher courts. Plenty of it on Fox News though.

Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president.
Troops aren't under the command of courts.
Yes, and they are obligated to only follow lawful orders. A president ordering troops into a state to intervene in a process the president has no jurisdiction to decide upon is not lawful.

Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.
So what? What is your point?
Playing dumb about something so obvious means you have no response.
No, it means I’m not dumb enough to think this point made sense, so I wanted to give you a chance to clarify before treating you as if you are as dumb as this point makes you appear.

The fact that somewhere, some time ago in some country there was a trial run by ignorant or unprincipled people has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation nor does it serve any meaningful point. What it shows is that human beings are imperfect, and I hate to break it to you, but any system one could ever concoct will be run by human beings.

I’d ask if you have any evidence of that but of course you don’t.
I'd tell you to read the unredacted filings, but of course you won't.
I would read anything you want me to if you gave me a reason to. But if you’re too lazy to write a few sentences explaining why you believe it’s all a grand conspiracy and point to your sourcing, why on earth would you expect me or anyone else to sit there reading hundreds of pages to try and figure out what you’re point is?

My definition of "rule of law" is mutually exclusive with "wrong and inappropriate usage of"
That’s not what’s in dispute. What’s in dispute is your philosophy that two wrongs make a right which you continue to argue while claiming you are not.

So... the people who wrote the impeachments clause never imagined criminal behavior from the most powerful person in the nation?

Interesting lack of imagination given what they just wrote mentioned crimes by name.
*Yawn*. Interesting strawman (no not really).

Once again, impeachment is an inherently political process. The only thing it addresses is whether an office holder shall lose the power of their office. That is a completely and totally different question from whether a citizen shall lose their freedom, which is what the Justice system determines. The fact that I have to explain this is itself ridiculous.

This was also just affirmed by the SC who didn’t even bother to hear the case on whether Trump facing criminal trial for January 6th was double jeopardy. Because of course it’s not.

That should tell you something.
That they are cowards who think…
Blah blah blah. Of course it won’t tell you anything. You know better than the rest of the world, except your conspiracy theory friends on YouTube of course.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Once again, impeachment is an inherently political process...
In fact, the entire judicial process across the USA is a political process; as Judges are politically elected and appointed and Laws are written by....politicians....

MAGA yawn...
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Laws define what motivations are improper when the mention motivations or imply motivations via the definition of words.
This conversation isn’t about an individual law, it’s about how the constitution applies to any law that seeks to hold the president accountable for his actions as president, so these concepts are relevant and necessary to address.
Constitution doesn't say anything about motivations, so no it isn't. It specifies who decides, that is all.

Impeachment and conviction by the senate or bust.

No one seriously believed that Biden could be criminally prosecuted for corruption as vice president without impeachment
Nonsense. Find one example of any prominent scholar or political figure arguing that impeachment and conviction was a necessary precursor for criminal prosecution before Trump. Ever. You won’t because it’s an absurd ad hoc rationalization that the Trump team made up whole cloth as an excuse to delay his trials.
Find one person charged for official acts before Trump. You can't because it is an absurd notion that you can bypass the impeachments clause to construe official acts as crimes.

The desperate rationalization that no official acts have been criminal in any prosecutors eyes before doesn't pass the historical test.

Ok. So to be clear, when Biden loses Arizona by 9,483 votes, and he calls up the Democratic Secretary of State and tells her that he wants her to find 9,484 votes and that there is nothing wrong with telling everyone she “recalculated”, you’re going to be perfectly fine with this… right?
It's not asking that is illegal, it's the forging and breaking election laws.

Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president.
Troops aren't under the command of courts.
There ya go.

Once again, impeachment is an inherently political process. The only thing it addresses is whether an office holder shall lose the power of their office. That is a completely and totally different question from whether a citizen shall lose their freedom, which is what the Justice system determines. The fact that I have to explain this is itself ridiculous.
The absurd implication of your interpretation remains.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Things maybe temporarily safe.

Just depends upon the duration of one's event.

And the limits of one's endurance.

Relative to everything else that might occur within the same timeframe.

ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
MAGA yawn...
1} yawns at corruption,

2} yawns at truth,

3} yawns at moral integrity,

4} yawns at Judge,

5} yawns and occasionally slanders ergo the gag orders for lack of moral integrity ----OGParrot yawns *( )*......

6} yawns at facts

7} yawning is the new MAGA symbolism sort of like giving the finger at others. The old stick where the sun dont shine.

We need T-shirts showing huge MAGA crowds yawning ..*( )*...*( )*...*( )*.....then falling asleep in court ZZZzzzz........

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
This conversation isn’t about an individual law, it’s about how the constitution applies to any law that seeks to hold the president accountable for his actions as president, so these concepts are relevant and necessary to address.
Constitution doesn't say anything about motivations, so no it isn't. It specifies who decides, that is all.
Funny, not one single justice on the SC or any of the lower courts seemed to think the constitution needed to specifically talk about motivations in order to debate this topic.

Find one person charged for official acts before Trump. You can't because it is an absurd notion that you can bypass the impeachments clause to construe official acts as crimes.
The impeachment clause still has nothing to do with the Justice system. I’ve already explained why multiple times, your lack of response to the actual points I’ve made tells me all I need to know.

It's not asking that is illegal, it's the forging and breaking election laws.
Pressuring a campaign official to find a way to hand you the victory when you lost is illegal. Asking them to change it is exactly how that’s accomplished, and threatening them (as Trump did if you actually listened to the entire call) is even clearer.

Troops aren't under the command of courts.
There ya go.
Read the rest genius.

The absurd implication of your interpretation remains.
Your lack of an argument remains. Calling my argument absurd doesn’t change that.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The impeachment clause still has nothing to do with the Justice system.
By definition, impeachment is a justice system with enforced remedies. In fact, all laws come from a political Congress, without which there would be no justice.

The argument that the Judicial branch isn't political is incorrect. All judges are politically installed along with all the laws, including the Constitution.
FLRW's avatar
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Judges and Justices serve no fixed term — they serve until their death, retirement, or conviction by the Senate. By design, this insulates them from the temporary passions of the public, and allows them to apply the law with only justice in mind, and not electoral or political concerns.
Greyparrot's avatar
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By design, this insulates them from the temporary passions of the public, and allows them to apply the law with only justice in mind, and not electoral or political concerns.
Cool, so your tribe can finally stop calling Thomas a right wing ultra fascist nigro.