The New Reign EP #3| Rocky Currents

Author: Vader


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Artemir had been growing steadily. It was mostly peaceful and more people were influxing in sharing their knowledge and belief. Bsh had decided to flex his hammer and hammer more people off the island and let their kingdom rot without anything else in mind. Things were going pretty well and all the island celebrated the New Year. But new year meant new challenges.

BuddaMoose had gone missing for some time, the current most powerful kingdom. His kingdom crumbled and it started to fall hard. It was a mad dash toward the top, where a young RM came hoping into the race. The best lawyers and kings in the land, we had won 50+ battles and was rapidly expanding his army. When Budda fell, he took the reigns of the spot. He had now been secured in a GOAT status, collecting his second gem in his quest for the Artemir stones. 

Rumor was when a member collected the 6 stones or killed the king, they would be cemented in the hall of fame, and have a say in what is to come.
There is only one way to achieve all the stones without killing the king

-Be the top lawyer
-Be the king of bureaucracy
-Own both titles
-Allow your worst enemy to be banned
-Become a master at one certain talent
-Dethrone the current moderator

He had collected now 3 stones on his quest. 
Later in the day, we see Lunatic, Vaarka, SupaDudz, and thett discuss in the secret lair that no one knows.

"What are we going to do about RaMos? He has 3 Artemir Stones already!" asked Vaarka
"Our colonies alone will not be enough to stop RaMos. He will soon take over Artemir." replied thett
"I guess there is only one way to handle this," remarked Dudz. "We must form one union and combine our armies."
"How can we do that when we have different ideologies." asked Lunatic.
"Our states run the overall government and laws retaining to our state. We will combine troops and military arsenal to take him down. More and more people are against RaMos. If we can get them on our side, we will stand a chance." answered Dudz
"We would CRUUUUUSSSSHHHHH them!" replied Vaarka
"Fool. We can not underestimate the strength in RaMos. We need a mod str.."

"HEY HO HO" replied Bsh

13 days later

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