Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back Into The Water.......

Author: Stephen


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... the religion of peace strikes again.

Yes, our very -  not so - intelligent intelligence agency though it would be a nice Christmas present to tell us all here in the UK that the threat of a terrorist attack was lesser now that it was 3rd November this year . Yes, they were pleased to announce on 4th November  that we shouldn't be worried about going about our Christmas shopping as they had now lowered the terrorism threat level to  "substantial".  What they failed to tell the public is that "substantial" actually means that an attack is a strong possibility rather than the higher threat level of  "severe"  or highly likely, as if there is a big difference between the two.https://www.gov.uk/government/news/terrorism-threat-level-lowered-to-substantial

And in just a matter 20 + days after this big announcement, Islam strikes again where a Muslim jihadi screaming " alluah akbar at the top of his voice began a butchering spree in the name of Allah and Islam killing two and injuring six innocent human beings going about their daily business.

Of course the media was quick to interview ethnic brown brown coloured police officers with beards and the local bearded Imam, who incidentally couldn't wait to spout the usual bollocks to a Sky News reporter that :

"Islam is a religion of peace. it says Verse 5:32 clearly in the quran that -  whoever kills a soul  – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely". 

Doesn't that sound sweet? Until one takes the time to read the immediate following verse, the one our politicians and Muslims alike choose not to quote which states;

Quran 5:33 – unless, those who wage waragainst Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause]corruption/mischief is none but that they be killed or crucified or that theirhands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land.That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is agreat punishment.

Our world leaders are very quick to spout this fluffy Qoranic verse 5:32. They have been spouting it ever since the Paris attacks and since 9/11. But fail miserably to quote what the follow up verse insists should happen to those who "cause mischief in the land". 

Islam isn't going anywhere anytime soon; this is a fact. After this recent attack in London government agencies were forced to admit that over 25 ISLAMIC terrorist attacks were (thankfully) thwarted by MI5 in the last year alone.

The religion of peace my arse.