Then Who Was Lucifer? Was He The Invention of Christians?

Author: Stephen


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I opened a thread asking by what other names or titles Satan went by. From among the few came the name Lucifer.

A search on the name has many theological and biblical web sites claiming to know who Lucifer is and where about in the bible we can reference him. I will pick just two of the hundreds that make the same or similar claims. ; "20 bible verses about Lucifer". Of course, when we read these verses Lucifer isn't mentioned  once never mind 20!?

Bible Verses about Lucifer
Compiled and Edited by Bible Study Tools Staff on 4/11/2018

And  to this site  it attempts to  explain who Lucifer is by asking a question ;

"How Did Lucifer Fall and Become Satan"? and goes on to make this bold statement; "The story of Lucifer’s fall is described in two key Old Testament chapters—Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Let’s briefly look at both of these.  ".   At least this site makes the  claim that Satan and Lucifer are one and the same, as someone did  on the thread mentioned above. But with no evidence that this is in fact the case.

Yet when we do, surprise, surprise ,  we find not single mention of Lucifer in either Isaiah or Ezekiel. Why do they do this. why do they have to continually lie and make things up as they go. It appears that Christians are all for ' we'll answer  that question if and when it arises ' . but it must have arisen some time ago and the excuses and answers for such a character existing are so weak and worn out that they can all be dismissed  with ease.

Lucifer simply isn't mentioned in the bible at all, anywhere. Yet Christians will speak of this being as if he was a regular character who is accused of many heinous crimes. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Lucifer is one variant of the mythological baddy.

Horns, tridents and a fiery appearance are popular depictions.

Though I think that I am correct in saying that Lucifer is an Old English word derived from the Latin Lux, meaning light + fer, meaning bearing. referring particularly to the morning star,  which is in fact the Planet Venus.

Somewhat plagiarised by latter day Religious types such as Christians perhaps.

Which in a way, goes to show how contrived religious texts actually are.
Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
The actual name Lucifer comes from the Bible but is not used in the Bible as a name for the devil. The idea that Lucifer is the name of the devil is purely an invention of Christian pop culture.
Stephen's avatar
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Though I think that I am correct in saying that Lucifer is an Old English word derived from the Latin Lux, meaning light + fer, meaning bearing. referring particularly to the morning star,  which is in fact the Planet Venus.

  Yes I have read that.
Isaiah 14:12 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!   

I am sure that this will be vehemently denied by Christians as referring to Satan  aka Lucifer.  And for one simple reason. Jesus (their god) also calls himself;
 the rootand offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Revelation 22:16)…In otherwords, Lucifer– Satan!

This verse from revelation must be one of the most controversial verses in the entire Bible. 

It appears too that St Jerome is in full agreement with you.

On Isaiah, it is said St. Jerome, translated the Hebrew “morningstar” into the Latin term “Lucifer” (light bearer), a name commonly ascribed toSatan by Christians, and represents the fallen star, an ancient symbol for thefallen or evil one.

So I think I can see why that on my other thread not a single theist would offer up the name Lucifer as another name for Satan the ancient serpent, while forever equating the two as one.