Exploration of the Religious Thinker: Interview #1 - Mr. Eternal

Author: RationalMadman


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Welcome one and all to the first interview of the show! It is none other than Mr. Eternal AKA EtrnlVw!

He says this of his beliefs:

At the very, very core of your being, you and God are one and the same (surprise), God is the Watcher of all your observations.
and it is to the very, very core of his beliefs that we wish to get!

He seems to believe that God is essentially the head of a complex web of heirarchy of conscious entities and within all, at the core of it all is God pulling the strings... Alternatively, is God the one inside going along the ride and we are the ones experiencing it for this entity?

We shall find out here on the Exploration of the Religious Thinker!

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To begin with, would you like to introduce yourself and the path you went through in life in terms of faith?
EtrnlVw's avatar
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To begin with, would you like to introduce yourself and the path you went through in life in terms of faith?

Sure, I'm a pretty normal guy in terms of my relationships, family and work. Since the only thing portrayed of me in a forum such as this is unorthodox beliefs/observations people probably think of me as anything but normal lol, but actually I live a pretty simple life. I'm a good dad of four children and a wife that I consider one of the best people I've ever met, she truly has a pure heart of gold.
I grew up with somewhat of a clairvoyant type of observation, I was already thinking about God at a very unusually young age so by the time I was introduced to the Bible and the Gospels I really related to Jesus and his message, or at least his passion for God and for others. While most of my friends were selfish and pretty unruly I was already practicing leaning my heart towards God and applying anything I thought was applicable. Most of the people around me at that time had somewhat of a Christian background so it was pretty typical that people labeled themselves "Christian", it's just that no one really meant it lol. My parents had become Christians later in life but they had really unfortunate upbringings and struggled in their attempts at being parents so they weren't really the best example of anything spiritual.

So I had a natural curiosity and interest about God and religion without any real influence, and my own experiences and observations of life always pulled me in that direction. What interested me was things that were tangible and applicable, while someone may interpret my "beliefs" as extreme I'm really not into the whacky side of religion and that actually turns me off. However, given the nature of Creation and an eternal Godhead spirituality can be quite diverse and exciting, and even extreme. But all things come together and make sense, fit and are logical albeit very dynamic.

Like all of us I learned through making mistakes in life and learned everything the hard way but I always made God my anchor and my foundation. By the time I was a teenager I really began to put my energy into everything I learned about God. Even though everything I learned about God was primarily through the Bible and through Christian sources I decided I wasn't going to put any limits on my understanding about God, so I allowed God to give me all of who God is and I gave all of myself in return. I consider spirituality a give and take relationship at the very heart of it.

So this led to the expansion of my once limited set of beliefs to a whole new level of insights, facts and information. This in turn helped me see a much larger picture to where I could really make sense of things as a whole. So by me putting less limitations and restrictions on God it put less limitations and restrictions on what I could receive and learn. I've held true to my love for God all my life and still have a great passion for this topic and for other souls. My wife and I have the same nature about us, we don't discriminate, judge and hold others back in their pursuit or interest in the Creator and we have very personal relationships with all our friends, we have no enemies or people against us. We allow our children freedom of choice, we don't push our beliefs on people unless they are interested, we let our children have natural curiosity and grow from that. And we don't have to, the way we are naturally attracts people to our beliefs and insights about what we have learned so we believe in freedom to know God and to have freedom to approach God.

Nowadays I don't really label myself anything other than to show what my beliefs consist of but I'm not a religious fundamentalist. I believe the whole of religion and spirituality has many things to offer obviously but I'm an Omnist in terms of religious sources. I have favorites but I don't label myself anymore in that way.

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I personally completely agree with the way you don't force your children into an outlook. It is important for each person to search with their own moral compass (but of course you should try and persuade them away from extremely immoral outlooks and no doubt they'd be smart enough to do so having been raised by you and your wonderful wife). Many people believe in a more structured, rigid stance on the creator and I guess it makes sense that the being 'behind all the scenes' is perhaps the very most difficult character to define in this play we call reality.

Would you say that the entity is conscious? Does it have an actual personality or is it a fabric along which we all exist and vibrate as particles and souls?
EtrnlVw's avatar
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At the very, very core of your being, you and God are one and the same (surprise), God is the Watcher of all your observations.
and it is to the very, very core of his beliefs that we wish to get!

He seems to believe that God is essentially the head of a complex web of heirarchy of conscious entities and within all, at the core of it all is God pulling the strings... Alternatively, is God the one inside going along the ride and we are the ones experiencing it for this entity?

I would go with the latter, God is more like along for the ride. Like if you were to go see a movie, you would want that movie to be as genuine as possible. Even though at our core we are one with God, we develop our own egos and perceptions through our experiences in creation. So we leave the Godhead as an individual soul made from the very same substance as God and are sent into creation as a seed or like a baby. It's magical actually what happens, we become basically what we want to, the dynamics of the imagination, consciousness and our creative abilities are far too complex to ever predict by God. So God enjoys what we become, and is able to have fresh experiences. 

Having said that, the only thing that separates you from the Godhead is your embodiments, minds and perceptions. If you were to step back completely and pull yourself out of your embodiments you would be one with God again. If you wanted to isolate water from an ocean to make it distinct from the ocean what would you do? you would encapsulate that water, you could put a bit of that water in a container to make it distinct from the ocean. The soul is the same way, if God wishes to make a part of Itself distinct from It's true Source God would have to encapsulate that soul, wrap it within an embodiment. 
So while you as an individual soul exist in creation, you will always have a covering in some form or another. This confines you to each experience you have and why you are able to perceive yourself as an individual. 

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Thanks very much for your extensive answer, I will address this later I assure you. :)
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Would you say that the entity is conscious? Does it have an actual personality or is it a fabric along which we all exist and vibrate as particles and souls?

It is indeed both, imagine consciousness disembodied. It would be akin to an ocean of consciousness rather than an embodied individual consciousness. But yes, consciousness can only be what consciousness is, and that falls into the category of personality. Its just that you can't really define that personality because the moment you do you put barriers on that Entity when in fact it contains everything within creation. It is all an expression of Itself, God is not one thing or the other even though God is a conscious Reality. It is not a Him or Her, God is simply existence or Being. Him or Her are only relevant in creation, outside creation there's only one singular ocean of awareness.
The very nature of consciousness is creative, It always seeks to express that which it desires and that which it wants to communicate or experience. The harsh reality is that the Godhead exists entirely alone, but within creation God can experience whatever God wants, whatever God wishes to express. The magic of creation though, what gives it true dynamics is that we become like co-creators with God. This enables God to have unique observations from Itself.
But God can also be considered the very fabric of the universe, which I would call awareness and this awareness co-exists with energy. Interestingly both energy and God have the same attributes, they are eternal, omnipresent and exist both within form and independent of form. God is indeed the fabric that envelops all of creation just like energy.  You and I would be the isolation of that energy which creates form within that fabric. This is done through layers, and at the physical layer it is the process of evolution that God uses to create embodiments for the soul. 
There are actually several of these layers that confine you to creation, so that when you leave the physical body you still have a layer that covers your soul. 

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If God is energy itself, what then is space, time and mass/matter? Would you say everything is fundamentally fields of energy? I think that Tesla was the person who first suggested that even time is somehow linked to energy and fields.
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Where does your God's morality come from? Does God care about everyone equally?
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If God is energy itself
We could say that but it's not the most accurate depiction. God is consciousness (awareness) first, that is the backdrop at the furthest point where nothing precedes it. Now follow along because this should piece things together for all readers. It is the conscious ACTIVITY (vibrational movement) which generates energy. So even though consciousness barely precedes energy...energy is not created it is generated so essentially energy and God co-exist. Not that God is energy per say, but they co-exist. There can't be one without the other, due to the fact that energy is the effect of conscious activity. Remember both energy and God have the very same attributes, meaning they are both eternal, both omnipresent and both exist within form and independent of form. 

This is where it gets very interesting, now God has a tool (energy) to manipulate to where using it makes it possible to bring things into existence even on a massive scale....this is where science is able to pick up the ball and reveal how these processes work. Now, every time you see energy act as an intelligent force it is precisely because there is an intelligence Source controlling it.

Just before the creation of the universe was this omnipresent field of consciousness which had no boundaries, simply just still awareness. This massive field of consciousness generated megatons of energy that no one could comprehend. We're talking about limitless space generating limitless energy. This energy was condensed, compressed and released and brought forth what science labels the Big bang.

God knew what this would do, by the flash speed and ignition of such great force it manifested new materials to utilize. Creating extreme sudden temperature change and fusion of chemistry which brought forth the elements we now observe. Now God begins the processes of isolating energy and nuclear fusion to birth stars which seed the planet continuously. This is when God gathers stars, forms planets, arranges solar systems and begins to focus on certain parts of the universe where life is soon to develop through the processes of evolution, and all this takes billions of years.

what then is space, time and mass/matter?

Space is simply the fabric/expanse of the universe, what areas are between objects. Science believes that it is unoccupied territory but really if you study quantum mechanics everything including the fabric of space is interconnected and while it may appear unoccupied awareness (and of course energy) are still present, only awareness cannot be detected by any physical medium, only the effects thereof. So while we can't pin point awareness we observe energy, what consciousness produces. It's like we're seeing the effect of conscious activity but don't know it. It's actually quite funny. Well, only funny because this is kept secret. I'm probably one a few people in this world (at least that I know of) who can articulate this.
Time is only relevant to matter so in essence it's simply an illusion. At the backdrop where only awareness is present it is a static Reality where there is no passing of time. Another secret....while God is eternal it's not relative to an endless linear time frame. Rather time ceases to exist so there really is no infinite past and never was, better put eternity is cyclical. We see our lives pass on a linear time scale because we are the moving picture play that rests on a unified fixed state of existence. What happens is matter itself is what is on a time scale, all that means is when matter appears it has an expiration date because it deteriorates, likewise whatever forms God brings into existence through the isolation of energy which creates forms through processes exists in a state of birth and death, but not a static Reality. In this scenario there is no problem of infinite regression because eternity existing as time is a misconception.

Would you say everything is fundamentally fields of energy? I think that Tesla was the person who first suggested that even time is somehow linked to energy and fields.

I don't really know what Tesla suggested but energy is everywhere, and everything is generated from the manipulation of energy. But it's not energy that is alive, it's awareness, which in turn USES energy. That's why you see energy operating like an intelligent source but more accurately it is just a tool. It in itself has no life, it's the awareness that precedes it that give it life.
There is nowhere where something exists where energy is not present, likewise there is nowhere where energy exists where awareness is not present. 

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Where does your God's morality come from? Does God care about everyone equally?

God's morality doesn't come from anything, in a unified singular Reality morality is nothing but a human concept relevant to creation. It's only relative where duality exists, because then you have cause and effect where they didn't exist prior in a singular Reality.
That's not to say God doesn't have thoughts of good and bad, or expressions of divinity, goodness and evil. It's just that they don't matter, because there's no opposites to bounce between. So those terms are irrelevant. 
It would be more accurate to question what motives God has toward creation rather than attempting to define Gods morality. Because they mean nothing to a singular state of being. Imagine yourself existing entirely alone, no momma, no daddy, no brother, sister, friends, kids and no good guys vs bad guys....just one Being with no other sources. What then would morality mean to you? who could you articulate that to or express good and bad to?

So basically morality is only relevant to us in creation, where cause and effect exist and where we have the capability to create actions (cause) that have consequences (effects). Only within duality we have the ability to observe opposites and separation and opposing forces. 
Does God then judge us morally wise? in one way yes and in one way no lol. Yes in the sense Karma exists precisely for the reason God knows within a dual environment there must be consequences, and God wants the individual soul to progress and learn from its mistakes. It's through pressure, trial and error that one can learn anything about themselves. So creation is driven both by cause and effect and the law of Karma, which is also cause and effect. Only you have a natural system and a moral system, and these systems create stabilization. 
During the journey of the soul, that God watches and observes, all these factors play a role in the souls development. It is what gives the Creator pleasure, because God only has that experience through you. 

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Are you literally stating that if there were no conscious activity, electricity, light, sound, heat (thermal energy), kinetic energy and all other such forms wouldn't run?
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Imagine yourself existing entirely alone, no momma, no daddy, no brother, sister, friends, kids and no good guys vs bad guys....just one Being with no other sources. What then would morality mean to you? who could you articulate that to or express good and bad to?
I am quite sure that this would imply to me that God at first was evil and truly merciless but over time gained a love for his/her/its creation and I deeply empathise with God's loneliness and boredom. 
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Are you literally stating that if there were no conscious activity, electricity, light, sound, heat (thermal energy), kinetic energy and all other such forms wouldn't run?

Electricity, light, sound, heat, kinetic energy all have causes. Conscious awareness does not have a cause, it is the static backdrop of the stillness of eternity.  I'm stating that nothing preceded consciousness, everything else had a cause. 
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In the eyes of many scientists, your entire conscious reality and experience is 100% caused by your physical neural activity of the brain. How would you suggest we approach this differently to identify the neurones as a result and not cause? Are they perhaps a catalyst/medium?
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I am quite sure that this would imply to me that God at first was evil and truly merciless but over time gained a love for his/her/its creation and I deeply empathise with God's loneliness and boredom.

I'm not going to argue with your assessment (at least in my interview) just be sure you understand the terms you associate with God, it's not quite the same as you identify within individualized form where you are accustomed to having company within a dual environment. In a fixed state of existence where those things never exist boredom and loneliness aren't the same concepts really. Loneliness and boredom are associated with perception and emotions and limitations, weak psychological states of being...you lack those qualities where time ceases to exist and where no duality is present. If you were to become one with God, it would be more like rest, peace, surety, fearless, bliss...you have no one to bother you lol, kill you, no sickness, no such things as tired and sleeplessness, hunger, pain and all these feelings and needs created by the senses, mind and emotions within worlds you think you have no control over. Remember who God is, what that means...a King of its own environment. I could really elaborate more on this but for now just know that there are major factors you might not be aware of at first.
You have to have a thorough understanding of how creation is put together from the top down to where you experience such things as an individual in creation, in a little frail body in a huge unforgiving universe, basically it's not the same experience.
On the other hand God does need outlets due to the very expressive nature of consciousness, and you see Gods intentions and desires within creation. Yes, at one level I certainly sympathize with God...even though God's state of Being is not quite the same as mine it's a harsh reality in fact.....that alone exists. Actually we all exist alone on one level, we come here alone and we leave alone. We experience all our own observations and perceptions alone, we come from a Reality where we are singular in one state.
We can get deeper into this as we go on...

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In the eyes of many scientists, your entire conscious reality and experience is 100% caused by your physical neural activity of the brain.

That's speculation and they would admit it, consciousness is still an open question in science so there is only a matter of opinions and observations here. The brain is nothing but a component, it's more like an electrical panel it doesn't create electricity it conducts it. The brain doesn't create consciousness, it's just a mass of flesh that conducts and confines your experience to a physical body. You come into the physical body as a soul, a being and during the processes of the womb you become fixed to the nervous system and the material form. Basically it's like being in a cage, once the physical body shuts down you are released from that embodiment.
But, it's a good analogy to conceptualize consciousness like electricity. The body, brain and all it's components simply conduct your experience, they don't create your consciousness. Look how electricity comes into your house conducted by the electrical panel.....operates all your appliances and equipment that need a power source. You can even hook an electrical meter to the panel and gauge activity and if you didn't know any better you would probably think that panel creates electricity simply because you can measure activity there lol, that's the same thing that happens in the scientific field and of course they have no way to measure what a soul is and where consciousness originates, they just see activity in the brain and speculate the brain creates consciousness.

This is why I use NDE's as a legit source to show normal perceptions through the conductor that is the brain, and that which is experienced outside of the physical body. When your fixed within the physical body all your perceptions are confined within that area, but during NDE's or death, your experience takes place outside that body and you can literal watch your self from away from the operations of the brain. That's because you exist independent of that body. 

How would you suggest we approach this differently to identify the neurones as a result and not cause? Are they perhaps a catalyst/medium?

Exactly, again the brain is simply a conductor much like a component on a circuit board. What they see are the results of the conscious soul animating and powering the brain and body. Neurons firing don't create conscious beings lol, that's speculation of course. You could also compare consciousness to energy although electricity does the job well. Nothing creates energy either, but it exists within form right? well it also exists independent of form just like consciousness.

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In the case of energy, it can be measured in Joules and we observe that while things don't create it, they transfer it from one form to another.

In the case of consciousness, how do you think consciousness arose? One major issue I find with your theory is that while God's consciousness is said to always have been, how is it that you and I have our own unique experiences and consciousness where I can't feel your pain and you can't enjoy my pleasure in a conscious sense of the terms (not empathy based)?
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When we sleep, where do we go? Do you genuinely transfer our consciousness away? How about deep meditation and/or daydreaming where we truly forget where we are temporarily?
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In the case of energy, it can be measured in Joules and we observe that while things don't create it, they transfer it from one form to another.

Yes, you can measure energy but not that which precedes energy. Like I said it's like we are seeing the effects of conscious activity but can't measure it, however we can measure its effects (energy).

In the case of consciousness, how do you think consciousness arose?

Consciousness never arose, its a static Reality (backdrop) behind a moving picture play (creation/universe). Remember what I said about time.....?
At some point, there needs to be a place where everything stops which is why I dealt with the infinite regress problem. Perhaps go back and read that portion of my response, it ties into your question here.
Have you ever played with one of those old movie projectors? how you shine the picture play on a flat still wall? that's kinda analogous to what I'm getting at. Outside of the picture play time ceases to exist so the illusion of God having to have arose from something is a misconception. Like I said, if energy exists without being created then awareness exists without having been created, they co-exist. 

 One major issue I find with your theory is that while God's consciousness is said to always have been, how is it that you and I have our own unique experiences and consciousness where I can't feel your pain and you can't enjoy my pleasure in a conscious sense of the terms (not empathy based)?

While we are embodied we are separated and so are our immediate perceptions and observations. This of course is at the physical level, and four other levels (five levels of coverings). These are the levels that create us as individuals distinct from God and distinct from one another so you and I experience everything alone, just like God does even though we have the advantage of being in the company of other souls.
Now, this is not to say we can't communicate and share between us on a deeper conscious level, because consciousness has no real limits other than the bodies that confine and reduce our experience. But since you are first a conscious soul, we actually have access to that part of ourselves and if I wanted to I could tap into your consciousness (but I wouldn't want to freak you out lol). But we have our own unique experiences precisely because of our embodiments. These five covering are the physical layer (senses), astral (emotions), causal (memory), mental (mind) and etheric (intuition). These are the coverings God wraps around you to isolate you as a soul.
So apart from that to answer your question we inherently could meet on a purely conscious plane and communicate at much higher levels. But you have to be careful when you play those games. The only way we could do this is by letting go of those five layers of coverings.

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When we sleep, where do we go?

You don't go anywhere, it's a state of consciousness but it's not your waking state of consciousness. This is a bit hard to articulate, but if you were to leave the physical body at night and look around at souls sleeping you would see their bodies laying on beds and you would also see there soul or spirit bodies hovering a little over their body. It's almost like a comatose state you aren't in complete control over.....Consciousness can take place of different levels of frequencies......due to the nature of consciousness being more like electricity or energy it can fit into any number of frequency ranges. When you dream, it's taking place at a specific range. it's a whole other experience altogether but it is not the waking state. 
Oddly enough consciousness never "goes anywhere" lol, even though you think you are traveling around from place to place it's actually more like an arcade game, where you (the soul) is stationed or fixed and you watch the picture of the arcade game moving around and going from place to place but your consciousness isn't what is actually moving, kind of like looking through a mask in a way. I can get more into detail about this if you want, or if it doesn't make any sense to you. 

Do you genuinely transfer our consciousness away? How about deep meditation and/or daydreaming where we truly forget where we are temporarily?

Consciousness is truly unlimited at one level it's just that your body is in the way, you could completely leave the physical body and traverse through the God worlds, they call this soul travel but again consciousness is stationary and I know that's a hard thing to grasp. Your conscious state is much faster than the movement of the physical body, when you're starving for example your consciousness has already figured out where it wants to go and what it wants to eat and if it weren't for the physical body you would be sitting in a restaurant and eating your meal as fast as you though about it. It's just being in a physical body you have to wait for it to get there. 
When you meditate you are tapping into that part of yourself that has no real limitations, but remember you have to tango with not just the physical body but also four other layers. So to truly be able to freely conscious travel or soul travel you have to learn how to remove all obstacles. I'm going to try and keep these responses as short as I can because I could fill up a lot of space going into details but you're probably like me and have a short attention span reading someone else's material lol. Just let me know what direction you want to go with any of this. 
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So where do you begin with morality? How do you approach it, with regards to a starting point?
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So where do you begin with morality?

Creation is driven by cause and effect and that includes at the natural level (natural world) and the moral level (mans intents and actions) and while the Creator establishes all things in creation it is man that upholds this balance of moral cause and effect. In this sense morality doesn't "need" to come from God because morality is left with man to uphold and determine which way he goes with it. Are there consequences for actions? yes, that is what is meant by cause and effect.
I don't base morality on Holy books, I base it on whether or not certain actions produce harm to either the self, others or nature and I believe we know when we are doing something that is causing harm. So actions can be negative, neutral or positive. Atheists have a hard time dealing with the claim Holy books or God are the source of all morals because they know they can lead a good life and know what it means to have high moral standards without either and that is true, the only issue becomes can an individual uphold those values and can they reach their full potential.
So I don't "need" God personally as a source for morality but I do need God to help me maximize the self and to assist with self control in the way I feel is most beneficial. So a person might not need a source like God to tell them what is right and wrong but they may need a higher Power to improve themselves or reach full potential.

How do you approach it, with regards to a starting point?

I personally look to God in all my quests to understand things that is my personal source but I don't need God to know right from wrong or how to lead a moral life. Rather I look to God to forgive my mistakes and help strengthen my weaknesses and reactions to certain circumstances. However, a non-believer might not have that outlook on life and so this is where cause and effect laws come into play and they aren't associated with personal desires, opinions and lifestyles they are associated with whether or not there is harm being done to the self, others or nature and in that scenario the person faces the consequences of such choices and actions.

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Just to move things along here depending on which directions the interviewer wishes to take. This plays a big role in the observations and understanding of my "beliefs".
The multiverse theory or parallel universe proposition has been articulated and proposed through religious and spiritual sources long before it became an interest among physicists and scientists and indeed is a relevant concept and IMO everyone should be quite excited about it. It's also linked to the very construction and development of the soul itself from the Godhead all the way  down to the physical layer, physical world.
It accounts for many aspects of religious propositions and experiences the natural world can't answer for including an array of spiritual experiences, encounters, NDE's and all spiritual phenomenon. It is through the multiverse verse reality that makes sense of how things work in religious concepts even though many religious sources either don't or can't elaborate on it. Nevertheless it fits within and accounts for every thesis of religious idea believe it or not.

There's many reasons why God constructed creation through layers and parallel worlds, besides the fact that you're dealing with an eternal creative Force that has more facets of imagination and creativity than anyone could conceive of. One of which pertains to the personal journey of the soul, this is where it becomes relevant to each and every one of us. What if you were to learn and discover that the physical world was actually just the very beginning of your journey as a soul? and among the least of all the extended worlds, the lowest part of your journey? and that this physical plane was not at all the end of you as a person or a soul?

You would be delighted to know that many, many souls have an observational basis to be able to present this concept as more than just a claim and that there is a place for all religious phenomenon (extended societies) as well as non-religious experiences. What if I told you that several of these parallel planes/universes were similar in structure as our own physical universe in that they all consist of an endless array of galaxies and planets, and that God's intentions is that the soul has access to virtually endless experiences? sound like sci-fi? even better because sci-fi films don't even scratch the surface to the extent of what exists. As a matter of fact experiences like NDE's 90% of the time only relate to the very next parallel dimension, and this is a place of unimaginable dynamics and beauty but not nearly the close of the chapter!

When God created you as a soul you left the Godhead as a seed like a baby to be sent into the first stages of creation. But in order that the Creator form you as an individual soul God had to cover you, isolate your soul and confine you to creation. Just like if you desired to separate a bit of water from an ocean you would have to of course encapsulate that water within a container to make it distinct from the ocean. God did this within several coverings not just one and each layer corresponds to each layer of creation or multiverse, this is so that as you leave say the physical world where your physical body corresponds to this physical plane you will be present in the next world with a body that corresponds to that plane of existence. This is so that as you leave each layer you are present within the next world so that you don't immediately return to your true Source. You're not meant to experience your true Source yet when you leave the physical layer so your experience must continue for quite some time.

This means that your embodiments are basically like a mask you wear or a cage you inhabit and you're looking through them. Your observational point is not actually these bodies, it's behind them or isolated within them but it's not who you really are the bodies namely confine you to each corresponding universe like electricity is harnessed and conducted/regulated by a circuit board. This also means that you have an outlet or vehicle to communicate between each layer, which accounts for the huge amounts of spiritual observations, experiences and encounters. And we see through NDE testimonies what one can observe outside the physical body.
The soul, as a seed leaves the Godhead and is sent into the womb at specific stages of development to become fixed within the nervous system and physical body and is confined to it until the death of that body, then the soul is released from the physical form and present within the astral plane where most people assume is "heaven". And indeed heavens exists but they (heaven) are actual planets, when you leave the physical body you could be present anywhere in that universe not just heaven depending on who you are.

The fun part is that the subtle bodies that precede the physical form are far less restricted, the atoms that make up your preceding layers vibrate and spin at much finer and higher frequencies and so the spirit bodies are much lighter, almost transparent in appearance. So even though you experience something within a hundred years here on earth your next embodiment can remain for eons due to the "lightness" and resilience of those subtle layers, as you exit even those forms the same is true, each layer has far less "mass" and becomes far less restricted. As you get to the very core of the soul it has no true embodiment and that inherently makes you one with God again, from where you originated as a seed that was covered. As long as you exist within creation or the multiverse you have a covering or embodiment, but the soul is eternal so look forward to your personal journey you aren't going anywhere anytime soon, you will simply translate from one world to the other.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Thanks again for this in-depth reply. 

Is there a hell or just rebirth in your outlook? How exactly does afterlife work?
EtrnlVw's avatar
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Is there a hell or just rebirth in your outlook?

Both, hells are prisons in the afterlife. It's the same concept we have here to keep criminal activity under at least some control. Souls that did wicked things here on Earth don't get to skip off into the sunset, there's many souls here so given over to evil they would simply commit the same crimes had they not been imprisoned, they carry that intent with them when they leave the body. Many serial killers are actually glad to be incarcerated because they admit they would kill again and again and so there are places for them to go to learn what they need to learn. But again, this concept that hell is designated for non-believers and atheists to be tortured for eternity by God is utter BS, that's where religion gets stupid and they need to be careful how they threaten others lest they be threatened with the same scenario.

Creation is driven by cause and effect not beliefs, and sentences in hell (astral prison) reflects the severity of crimes perpetrated.
Rebirth or reincarnation is of course an option that goes without saying. We rebirth every time we begin a new experience, many souls that either did not want to learn their lessons and adjust or just didn't care to know but weren't bad enough to spend time in some prison will most likely reincarnate from where they came. Once they progress in some way that's meant for their journey they move forward in creation to the higher realms. These higher realms are for higher advanced beings, one's that have much higher quality intentions, thoughts, motives and actions. So as you progress within creation you will notice the quality of souls drastically change.
Hells (prisons) in the afterlife are quite various as are heavens, if you study Buddhism they reveal there are levels to hell which makes sense because there are levels to crimes and various depths of evil related to souls. Basically a persons habitation corresponds with their deeds and mental states.

How exactly does afterlife work?

Once you leave the physical body you're present within the astral plane and as I pointed out above you'll be within another parallel universe full of galaxies and planets. From there you will have many options, and an individual is not always in control of those options just like we wouldn't give much freedom to an immature person neither will an immature soul get much freedom when they leave the body. So in that case they will have a few experiences and probably be taken through the Akashic Records and then be told what they must do and accomplish. They are rebirthed and wake up within a similar circumstance. 
Souls that are advanced, did their time and were useful, helpful and enthusiastic about their world will get to inhabit a better planet according to their talents and what a particular planet needs. In other words you go where you're needed. A righteous devout Christian gets to go chill with Jesus (whom BTW is a magnificent Being), faithful Buddhists get to exist with their societies and cultures that extend beyond this one, same with Hindus and all else because there is a place for all of that within the multiverses. God wasn't that stupid to accommodate one culture, God is much more creative and in love with varieties as we are.
That doesn't mean all Christians go to the Kingdom, or that all Buddhists get to translate, or that all Native Americans get to be with their ancestors in higher planes not at all. This is all balanced between the laws of creation which again are Karma, sowing and reaping and cause and effect. These are factors that determine where the soul must go and what the soul needs to learn.
Higher entities that were sent to this earth to give the good news, to awaken people and to work with God while they were here get to create their own destinies, they are the Masters and true Masters have been through many processes and they are typically higher quality souls that care for others and what they need so these Masters hang around in the lower worlds for our benefit, even though they could be somewhere else. These guys are the types of souls that know how bad it would suck to come back to earth and possibly even be killed for their works and come anyways, they are the true bad azzes without any doubts.

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Does God care about everyone equally?

All souls come from the same exact Source, there is no other Source out of which souls originate. So I think that's a pretty easy answer. God doesn't create souls in a care-less manner. 
It's not like souls just appear from some alternative source and then God judges them lol, no, all souls come from the heart of God as a unique expression of God's creativity. There's nothing outside of that Reality, nothing can be said to be distinct from the origins of God in other words. 
Having said that, souls do develop their own individual perceptions through experiences and desires which creates unique personality types through the dynamics and creativity of the imagination. The pressures and trials of creation play a huge role in what the soul chooses to become. Essentially a soul becomes a co-creator in God's creation and God is pleased by this unique development as a means to obtain fresh observations or experiences. We've all seen the movie Frankenstein lol, where the mad scientist attempts to create this creature and it begins to develop attributes and qualities according to its experiences and reactions of life. 
God is very much like the Mad Scientist that creates souls that take on their own personalities in creation. 
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The MADMAN was correct, I removed a post to you, that you know more could have addressed anyway, because I forgot that I was in a "personal" forum, so to speak. Whew, that was a close one, where I threw you another 105 mph fast ball that you would still be swinging against!  
RationalMadman's avatar
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EtrnlVw doesn't identify as a Christian. Fuck off, this isn't your interview.