Christians don't read their Bible

Author: RoderickSpode


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Money...The one cohesive God we all worship hey.....Now that's a global worldview.

Many do worship money - materialism or whatever you want to call it. 

I agree that all worldviews are out there and cannot and should not be supressed. That's a different issue.
I am  not sure whether they ought to be suppressed. I certainly don't think that all worldviews ought to be promoted. Hence, why I take the view that each worldview ought to promote itself - from its own funds.  If it is successful then it will have plenty of money- otherwise it will die a natural death. 

My contention is that school should  be about equality, diversity and tolerance rather than separatism. 
Why? School is education.  Education is really about life.  It is not simply the learning of knowledge.  Nor is education neutral.  Equality, diversity and tolerance are doctrines from a particular worldview - which does not believe in equality for other worldviews which don't promote the same values.  Hence it does not actually believe in equality, diversity or tolerance except in a very narrow and limited way. 

Though are religious fantasies really a worldview?.....I suppose God is no different to Santa Claus.....Though, outcomes have a tendency to be less harmful.
God is quite different to Santa Claus. Most parents are very happy to teach everyone about santa. I think many parents would not like to teach their kids about God. What is the difference? Something obviously. It is funny that atheists tend to think that Santa Claus and Easter Bunny and God are all imaginary creatures - yet they tolerate Santa and the Easter Bunny for kids and hope that the kids grow out of these things by the time they are an adult.  Yet they fight like animals to stop kids from being taught about God as kids, some even calling it child abuse, and hope like crazy that adults never believe in God.  I don't know about you - but there is something not quite right about that thinking.  It is cultural genocide if the Atheists got their way. This is neither equality, nor is it diversity, nor is it tolerant. 

simplybeourselves's avatar
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simplybeourselves's avatar
I think it's very probably true that most Christians don't read all of their bible.

I think it's very probably true that almost all Christians read some of their bible.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Well a worldview is a worldview and needn't cost a penny....There are probably 7.6 billion possible different worldviews.

Using money to promote and enforce an uncertain ideology is not really promoting a worldview. It's really all about domination and control. The ideology itself becomes largely irrelevant, other than as a tool of control.

Which is what we do to our kids.  We  dominate and try to control their view of the world from our particular world viewpoint. We selfishly do not want them to decide for themselves.

Though as I have already suggested we might eventually be outsmarted by our own smartness....namely technology, and the obvious influence it has upon how as we now look at the world....Everything is out there and available at the swipe of a finger....Who needs to be ranted at by a zealot talking gibberish, these days?
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Well a worldview is a worldview and needn't cost a penny....There are probably 7.6 billion possible different worldviews.
Well that might be correct - but then that makes it even more reasonable for a person to spend their own money on their own worldview. I certainly don't want to spend my money on someone's worldview.  

Using money to promote and enforce an uncertain ideology is not really promoting a worldview. It's really all about domination and control. The ideology itself becomes largely irrelevant, other than as a tool of control.
Yes true. That is why I think that the government should stop spending my tax money on enforcing their own domination and control.  

Which is what we do to our kids.  We  dominate and try to control their view of the world from our particular world viewpoint. We selfishly do not want them to decide for themselves.
No I disagree with you.  Yes, I want my kids to belong to the same world view as me. And this is why I am prepared to spend my money doing so. Yet that is where it ends.  I don't want little robots who are unthinking.  I want them to think for themselves - which may be entirely different to my worldview.  Yet I know that they won't be brainwashed to believe what someone else will indoctrinate them with if I give them the tools to think with. What I see in schools is not tools to think for themselves - but rather tools to think in the same way as the people indoctrinating them.  I do want them to think for themselves - because I actually do believe the things I believe.  The Christian religion actually does not think that parents can make their children believers. We actually want them to own their own faith.  I don't force my children to go to church.  I never have and I never will. When they were young, I took them with me - because I could not leave them at home by themselves. Now they are older - even having left home, and married with their own children - they go because they want to go.  Church is something that they have grown up loving - and something they desire to go and miss when they cannot go.  During this time of Covid - it has been my youngest children - minors who have complained the most about missing church. 

Though as I have already suggested we might eventually be outsmarted by our own smartness....namely technology, and the obvious influence it has upon how as we now look at the world....Everything is out there and available at the swipe of a finger....Who needs to be ranted at by a zealot talking gibberish, these days?

Again there is truth to your statement.  My children have access to the internet. Their grandfather is a militant atheist and makes sure that they have all of the latest material. I have never stopped him from talking to them - or stopped them from staying at his home.  Yet it is because I know they know how to think for themselves which gives me the confidence to do this.  They very often answer his questions with brilliant responses, very often making him second guess himself. 

And mostly, what I have taught them is logic. And also what many of the common flaws are.  Logic and rhetoric are big things in our household. Two of my children have gone to become quite excellent criminal lawyers - one of my others is training for the bar.  Logic - understanding philosophy has always put them at the top of their classes - and they are very independent thinkers.  Yet they reject the worldview of atheism for many reasons.