Evidence in a religious forum

Author: Tradesecret


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TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, and now the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark,

Jesus in prayer last night told me that He is sick and tired of you continually RUNNING away from His direct words within the scriptures, therefore not defending the faith as He has told you to do! (2 Corinthians 10:5, Titus 1:9) 

Since you got your pseudo-christian ass handed to you and paddled by our notable moderators in closing your thread down relating to violating the COC rules of harassment relating to me, as if your last rules violation wasn’t sickening enough in agreeing that children that curse their parents should be murdered,  are you taking time off to lick your wounds of embarrassment in not addressing my post #117 in this thread?  This said post #117 is relative to your main topic of “evidence,” and we are wondering why you have to continually RUN AWAY from it?  Are you still SCARED to even “try” to address said post in front of the membership?

This post makes it FOUR TIMES that you have RUN AWAY from Jesus’ biblical axioms that are relative to your main topic of your thread as embarrassingly shown below:

Seemingly, you are under the impression that you do not have to answer the true words of Jesus in my post #117 that continue to make you the Bible fool that you are, and for Satanic reasons, you still want to be called a Christian? NOT!  LOL

Maybe you can get RoderickSpode to help you address post #117, or maybe PGA2.0 can help you since you obviously can’t do it yourself? Yes?

You are up to NINE, I repeat, NINE posts of mine that are all the inspired word of Jesus that you have Satanically RUN AWAY from, therefore how embarrassing can you get within this forum of only being a “Sunny Day Pseudo-Christian®️?!  

Tradesecret, remember, this is a discussion forum, and NOT a runaway from discussion forum, understood?



secularmerlin's avatar
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we do everything for good reasons
Who is we? What is good? Please don't use subjective language without first establishing well defined (preferably mutually acceptable) axioms.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, and now the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark,

YOUR WANT TO BE CORRECT QUOTE:  "This is an amazing picture of how God deals with mercy and kindness towards even the enemy. And to say otherwise - simply is nonsense."

Can you try and keep a straight face and tell us how did Yahweh/Jesus/Ghost show mercy to the innocent zygotes, fetus' and babies that did not know our aforementioned named God to begin with to believe in Him, by brutally drowning them in his Great Flood as their mothers watched in horror?  

Please, simply DO NOT give us a nonsense answer. Thank you.


secularmerlin's avatar
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The way to interpret the Bible is to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.
This is nonsensical unless you can somehow demonstrate some "holy spirit". I am unaware of any sufficient evidence of such a proposition. If you cannot demonstrate a "holy spirit" outside of fiction then it is immaterial to our interpretation of the bible. Since your argument of the Yahweh's moral character hinges on this "holy spirit" I think we will be unable to continue discussing it until you either demonstrate it or agree to an alternative method which is actually demonstrably efficacious. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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I tried to start a topic- to address the issues. My bad. It is ironic that you fought so tough to get it closed down? What were you scared of? Why did you not want everything in one topic? Oh I know - because then people would see you as you really are. 

I have learned my lesson. But just to be clear.  The moderators on this last occasion closed the topic down because I breached the letter of the law. And the topic was closed not deleted.  In relation to your first accusation of breaching the terms of CoC, you are however in error. The ruling as I recall was that the moderator considered your alleged complaint as over reach.  And as such I was found as such not to have breached. And you continuing to lie and insinuate that I have is technically harassment. 

Now you can lodge an appeal if you like - but the fact is - I did not breach the terms of CoC on that other occasion - and in respect of this second occasion, the appropriate sanction was to close it, to even to delete it.  Obviously, the moderator takes the view that the intent of the topic is clear to those who read it as opposed to your spurious allegations.  

Having said the above, I am now going to take the prudent step of politely asking you to not to respond to my posts or to mention me in your posts. I do not appreciate being harassed.  And I have copied the moderator in as well to ensure the date and time of my polite request. 

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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why do we commit evil acts
secularmerlin's avatar
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why do we commit evil acts
Who is we? What is evil? Please don't use subjective language without first establishing well defined (preferably mutually acceptable) axioms.
RoderickSpode's avatar
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Since we're focusing on the words in the bible in a lot of our conversation, there's certainly scriptural evidence.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

If you want physical proof, there's a price.

This is a very bold claim here.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

The question is, who wants to take that step to seek?

I think the whole God is a (fill in the blank with criminal allegations) is an excuse not to.
secularmerlin's avatar
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Your assumption that I am unwilling to accept sufficient evidence is untrue and a little insulting. If you offer sufficient evidence I will have no choice but to accept your claim. Unfortunately the "evidence" you have thus far offered does not appreciably distinguish your faith based religious beliefs from those of other faiths. If all religions have evidence that can only be accessed if one sets aside one's skepticism and many religious beliefs are mutually exclusive then why would I believe you over some other theist with equal faith who claims you are wrong? Your argument for "holy spirit" (or rather the argument presented in the bible) leaves a lot to be desired. Would you care to reform and restate your argument with this in mind?
RoderickSpode's avatar
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What other religions are making the same claim?

And wouldn't it be logical to assume that if you feel Yahweh is guilty of genocide, finding Yahweh would not be on your shopping list?

I don't have any interest in insulting you by the way.
secularmerlin's avatar
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And wouldn't it be logical to assume that if you feel Yahweh is guilty of genocide, finding Yahweh would not be on your shopping list?
Would it be logical to assume that if you feel Voldemort is guilty of murder, finding Voldemort would not be on your shopping list? Or is it possible to recognize the fictional crimes of fictional characters without making the assumption that they could be real. 
What other religions are making the same claim?
As far as I know all religions make faith based claims and as far as I know none has met its burden of proof for such claims. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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Is there a claim that Voldemort is real?

Just so there's no confusion, you have the freedom to choose whether or not Jesus is real.  It seems a number of atheists in religion discussion forums choose to hold to Jesus as fictional. But what exactly is your conflict then?

Other religions make claims, but I'm not aware of any others that stress having a personal relationship with a creator, or deity. The Muslims don't make that claim. Polytheistic religions don't seem to do that. Pantheistic religions don't. Buddhism most definitely doesn't.

secularmerlin's avatar
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Is there a claim that Voldemort is real?
Claims =/= reality. Undemonstrated claims are indistinguishable in truth value from claims which have not been put forward. 
Just so there's no confusion, you have the freedom to choose whether or not Jesus is real.  It seems a number of atheists in religion discussion forums choose to hold to Jesus as fictional. But what exactly is your conflict then?
Belief is not a choice. I cannot simply choose not to believe in something for which I have ample evidence (say the germ theory of medicine) nor can I simply choose to believe something for which I have insufficient evidence. 
Other religions make claims, but I'm not aware of any others that stress having a personal relationship with a creator, or deity. The Muslims don't make that claim. Polytheistic religions don't seem to do that. Pantheistic religions don't. Buddhism most definitely doesn't.
Why does the specific claim matter if it is based on equal evidence and the claims are mutually exclusive? Why would I be more likely to believe in your unsupported claims just because you claim a personal god, whatever that means given that the god in question cannot be detected by normal means? As a side note I am not necessarily convinced that the claim of a personal god is unique to christianity although I am not prepared to debate that point at this time as it is in fact immaterial to the discussion. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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As I stated, you have the freedom to believe or not. 

There are a number of believers who were atheists. They didn't believe either. So I don't really by the "I have no choice" thing. 

Are you going to claim that your view of Yahweh as a criminal has no bearing on your non-belief?

secularmerlin's avatar
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As I stated, you have the freedom to believe or not. 
Of course I am free to believe or not. What I lack is the ability to believe in the absence of sufficient evidence. 
There are a number of believers who were atheists. They didn't believe either. So I don't really by the "I have no choice" thing. 
Please demonstrate how to choose to believe something you are unconvinced of. Perhaps by believing briefly that Voldemort is in fact a real being and not a fictitious character. I will then attempt to use your method.

I would be willing to wager however that people do not choose to believe but  instead are convinced or unconvinced. In any case this is immaterial as it is not unique to christianity and atheists have also been known to convert to other faith based systems that are mutually exclusive to yours. This leaves me again with no way to distinguish between your faith based unsupported claims and other unsupported faith based claims. Assuming I can and do choose to believe in some god(s) what possible reason would I have to choose your preferred faith over some other faith?
Are you going to claim that your view of Yahweh as a criminal has no bearing on your non-belief?
That is exactly what I am claiming. Likewise my belief that Hannibal Lecter is a criminal has no bearing in my non-belief of that fictional character. My beliefs are predicated on sufficient evidence and nothing more. Please do not tell me what I believe or why I believe it. I know you aren't trying to be insulting but that is the net effect of implying that I am lying regarding my personal beliefs and standards of evidence. This is purely meant as a constructive criticism by the way and so long as you work to improve your behavior as an interlocutor no apology is necessary. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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I don't think I was claiming I know what you believe. I don't know you at all, so I wouldn't even try to make such a claim.

I can't help having suspicions. Don't you have suspicions that I'm deluded to some degree? After all, I'm claiming to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. Are you completely opinionless about my belief?

There are some things that are very common. One of them is the criminal allegation towards Yahweh theme.

There are also different types of non-belief. There's the non-believer who pursues in spite of their disbelief to see if it's true.

There are also many non-believers who are interested in a humanistic society, want to see traditional religious beliefs removed (if not religion in general). These folks have no interest in pursuing the potential reality of God. So self interest does play a part.

One of the problems with becoming a believer of God for some would be that it doesn't stop there. There is speculation as to whether or not Robin Hood was a real character, or probably more likely, someone similar who influenced a more fictional character. But if I proved to you that Robin Hood was a real person, it would just be a trivial matter. It wouldn't have any real additional effect on your life.

With God, that's not the case. Believing means following. You stated the idea of an all powerful being knowing your thoughts is creepy. Can you blame me for being a bit inquisitive with you?

secularmerlin's avatar
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Don't you have suspicions that I'm deluded to some degree? After all, I'm claiming to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. Are you completely opinionless about my belief?
I have no trouble thinking that you believe you have such a relationship I just don't consider personal testimony sufficient evidence of such an extraordinary claim and I know that the senses can be unreliable. It isn't your belief I doubt.
With God, that's not the case. Believing means following. 
This doesn't logically follow. If the Yahweh as described in the bible were demonstrated to me he would have some very serious explaining to do before I considered him worthy of my worship or even respect. 
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And I have no trouble thinking that you don't believe. None at all. 

And your reference to Yahweh is exactly what I'm talking about. If Yahweh is someone you prefer not to exist, then it wouldn't be likely that you would seek Him per biblical instruction. I don't personally think you would want Him to be proven. Is that not a fair assumption?

secularmerlin's avatar
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Preference =/= belief. I believe in many things I wish did not exist. My desire is immaterial. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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Then what's the problem (if there is one)?

Isn't it wonderful that we both have the freedom to believe what we believe?

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
Then what's the problem (if there is one)?
If by problem you mean why do I not believe I have already explained. There is no sufficient evidence to convince me.
Isn't it wonderful that we both have the freedom to believe what we believe?
It is neither wonderful nor terrible. It just is. The consequences of believing may be wonderful or terrible however. For example if you believe that there is no higher power and so we had better do our best to take care of one another because we are the only ones that will the consequences may be wonderful. Conversely if you believe in a higher power that instructs that a man who lays with another man should be put to death or that allows for the ownership of people as property in perpetuity or in the idea of manifest destiny leading to the genocide and marginalization of a native people by its "divine law" the consequences can be terrible. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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I don't know why there being no sufficient evidence would be a problem. I don't believe in aliens from other planets. Many people do. But I don't consider it by any means a problem.

And I actually agree with you that if homosexuals were being killed in the name of Christianity in the U.S., I would consider that terrible. Or if native people were marginalized, the same.

I would also consider it terrible if an atheist regime took powerful, and imprisoned and executed religious folk.

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
I don't know why there being no sufficient evidence would be a problem. I don't believe in aliens from other planets. Many people do. But I don't consider it by any means a problem.
I don't know what you.mean by problem at this point. Could you clarify?
And I actually agree with you that if homosexuals were being killed in the name of Christianity in the U.S., I would consider that terrible. Or if native people were marginalized, the same.
Ok well I would consider it a terrible thing regardless of which country we are discussing and historically speaking this has been the case throughout history. Eleven today many Christians would like to criminalize gay (secular) marriage and the idea of manifest destiny that was used to justify nearly wiping out the native americans and which resulted in their still being relegated to small reservations was a primarily Christian belief which even if it is not popularly held today (hard to say since we have not given back the land) has modern and far reaching consequences.

You can't simply gloss over the attitudes of Christians that are observable throughout history and the injunctions in the bible against homosexuality and women and non believers (including believers of other religions) contained in the bible by saying that you personally disagree. Although it is admirable of you to realize that such biblical commands and Christian  attitudes are monstrous and should be disagreed with.
I would also consider it terrible if an atheist regime took powerful, and imprisoned and executed religious folk.
This is a non starter. Atheists do not have a dogma or a creed and figures like Stalin and Mao did not persecute religious people in the name of atheism but rather in the name of the political systems they endorsed which are not shared by all atheists and are not "atheist commandments".

There are no "atheist regimes" only regimes that incidentally happen to promote atheism.

RoderickSpode's avatar
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I don't know what you.mean by problem at this point. Could you clarify?
That's a good question. I was actually tempted to ask you that since, well, there's obviously a problem you have of some form anyway.

From my standpoint, you don't have any tangible problem, unless someone is demanding that you believe in Yahweh. I'm certainly not doing that, and I doubt anyone here is. And (as you're obviously an adult), I doubt anyone is demanding you believe in your circle of human contact/influence.

Ok well I would consider it a terrible thing regardless of which country we are discussing and historically speaking this has been the case throughout history. Eleven today many Christians would like to criminalize gay (secular) marriage and the idea of manifest destiny that was used to justify nearly wiping out the native americans and which resulted in their still being relegated to small reservations was a primarily Christian belief which even if it is not popularly held today (hard to say since we have not given back the land) has modern and far reaching consequences.

What do you mean by criminalize? Many Christians wish to see marriage relegated to a man and woman union. But it's telling how little aggression there is. There are pastors concerned about being forced to perform gay weddings. There's also concern that churches may very well be forced to hire gay employees. As of yet, there hasn't been any clear cut assurance this won't happen.

For the most part, so far, in terms of gay marriage, Christians are on the defensive. Not the offensive. As of right now, it's not about reacting against gay marriage, but defending the religious freedom of small businesses and church marriage services relegated to a man and woman.

From my experience, having known many Christians from all over, we don't want to get into anyone's business. We don't want to offend. We prefer to be liked than disliked. What's interesting, and this is why I asked if you were American (I'll just assume you can relate to my American references), the founding fathers were obviously not tolerant of homosexuality. We don't even ever see it discussed amongst the founding fathers. They would have never legalized gay marriage. And there were more than enough Christian
founding fathers to have outlawed deism or any other religion. We could have easily become a religious State like the Muslim world. So the fact that gay marriage is legal now, is actually very telling. What has happened is we've become more and more tolerant as time moved on. Yeah, we're probably more tolerant of homosexuality than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson was. The stance we took was whatever people do in their bedroom is their business.

Before gay marriage was legalized, the worry amongst Christians wasn't the existence of gay marriage, but exactly what had happened with some small businesses being penalized for not catering to gay marriage ceremonies, and the potential of churches receiving the same verdict.

As far as wiping out Native Americans, one problem is our most heroic founding fathers were a part of wanting them to convert. Like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Are you now anti-GW/TJ?

I don't think too many Native Americans are impressed with White atheists. Interestingly enough, a good number of Native American activists are Christians. There are Christian Native Americans who hold the same issue with European domination as any other Native American.

You can't simply gloss over the attitudes of Christians that are observable throughout history and the injunctions in the bible against homosexuality and women and non
believers (including believers of other religions) contained in the bible by saying that you personally disagree. Although it is admirable of you to realize that such biblical
commands and Christian  attitudes are monstrous and should be disagreed with.

There's nothing in the Bible I disagree with. As far as attitudes about homosexuality, that's going to depend on an individual, and possibly region. There are some Christians who look down on homosexuals for the same reason a non-Christian looks down on them. I've spent a couple of months in Central America, where homophobia is strong. And it has nothing to do with the Catholic church. I was told by someone there that homosexuals are often killed. This is due to the Hispanic machismo attitude that believes a homosexual is an insult to their ethnicity. It's the same with many Africans.

There are some places like in the southern U.S., where there is an attitude about homosexuality similar to Latin America and Africa. Where I live, it's quite a bit different. The temptation is to not say anything about our beliefs concerning homosexuality. It's easier just to not say anything (in casual conversation), get along, and enjoy the colorful
cultural aspect of the gay community. But, ironically, not saying anything about our beliefs equals not caring.

This is a non starter. Atheists do not have a dogma or a creed and figures like Stalin and Mao did not persecute religious people in the name of atheism but rather in the name of the political systems they endorsed which are not shared by all atheists and are not "atheist commandments".
That's absolutely irrelevant. Just because communists don't do a terrorist act in the name of atheism doesn't mean a thing to the Christian who was imprisoned, tortured, or executed because they wouldn't proclaim non-belief in God. Believe me.....it doesn't fly. Organizational atheism (atheist activism) seems to have originated mostly in the U.S. Communist nations may not have embraced an atheist activist concept, but it really doesn't matter.

Besides, you're theory if it had any validity would be in danger because if we found just one communist who said "we do this in the name of atheism", it would be demolished.

There are no "atheist regimes" only regimes that incidentally happen to promote atheism.

There are no regimes that give themselves the title of atheist regime. No communist regime flies the "A" or "atom" flag. But they're an atheist regime by virtue of being atheist.

Marxist–Leninist atheism, also known as Marxist–Leninist scientific atheism, is the irreligious and anti-clerical element of Marxism–Leninism, the official state ideology of the Soviet Union.[1] Based upon a dialectical-materialist understanding of humanity's place in nature, Marxist–Leninist atheism proposes that religion is the opium of the people; thus, Marxism–Leninism advocates atheism, rather than religious belief.

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
There's nothing in the Bible I disagree with.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

So either you believe that homosexuality should be a capital offense or you disagree with the bible. 

Deuteronomy 22: 28 and 29
 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

So either you agree that a rapist should in some circumstances be allowed to marry his victim rather than be institutionalized in order to protect the public and also that women's worth can be calculated in an amount of silver or you disagree with the bible. 

Leviticus 25: 44-46

Both thy bondman and thy bondmaids which thou shalt have, shalt be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land, and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you to inherit them after you; they shall be your bondmen forever. But over your bretheren, the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor.

So either you agree that some people should be available for sale resulting in ownership of the individual as property in perpetuity including being passed down to ones children as inheritance or you disagree with the bible.

I could keep going and point out that the bible states that women cannot teach men, divorced women should be executed and that people who fail to believe in the Yahweh should be executed but I trust you get the point. Also I am perfectly willing to take these passages at face value so I am mostly uninterested in apologetics in this regard unless you can demonstrate a stronger reason to look into the matter than "but god is good though so he couldn't have meant that". 

I am willing to abandon my argument concerning manifest destiny however, though it was argued for at the time as a Christian prerogative, and not because some native Americans are Christians but because the American west was not specifically mentioned in the bible and do it is not necessarily a biblical law. I am also prepared at least at this time to forgo any discussion of biblical scientific inaccuracies as it is immaterial to a discussion of moral principles unless the conversation takes that turn. The point is that most modern Christians disagree with or try to explain away many biblical laws (it is to he hoped.
There are no regimes that give themselves the title of atheist regime. No communist regime flies the "A" or "atom" flag. But they're an atheist regime by virtue of being atheist.
Whether communism necessitated atheism or not (and some forms of communism certainly do) atheism does not necessitate communism. The regimes you are referring to are regimes that are atheistic not atheist regimes in the same way that manifest Destiny was an belief commonly held by Christians at one time not a Christian belief. 
RoderickSpode's avatar
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RoderickSpode's avatar

Leviticus 20:13
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

So either you believe that homosexuality should be a capital offense or you disagree with the bible. 
First off, I agree 100% with the Bible, but don't believe a homosexual should be put to death. A homosexual will be judged by God when they die, just like a heterosexual adulterer, or fornicator.

I mentioned to you the difference in law between military law and civilian law. During the Roman occupation, because Israel had some autonomy, they attempted to practice the same law as given to the children of Israel (like with the woman caught in adultery). Jesus threw in a wrench when challenging the accusers to throw the first stone if they were without sin. And the Romans eventually put an end to Israelite executions.

Do I consider homosexuality a sin? Yes! Just like heterosexual fornication.

Deuteronomy 22: 28 and 29
 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

So either you agree that a rapist should in some circumstances be allowed to marry his victim rather than be institutionalized in order to protect the public and also that women's worth can be calculated in an amount of silver or you disagree with the bible. 
I don't believe under any circumstances a rapist should be allowed to marry his victim. None! The Hebrew word used does not mean rape. It probably got translated that way in the NIV because the Hebrew word meant to seize (to take) which may have been assumed to refer to an

aggressive action. Taking a wife however does not generally refer to force.

If you go back and read I believe verse 25, the reference there is definitely rape, with the death penalty. And the woman of course is not guilty. The woman in 28-29 was apparently guilty, so forceful rape was not the issue as both were discovered.

Yes, there are some words in some bible versions that don't fit. That's why we have hermeneutics......and the concordance. Anyone studying the bible should have a concordance.

Leviticus 25: 44-46

Both thy bondman and thy bondmaids which thou shalt have, shalt be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land, and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you to inherit them after you; they shall be your bondmen forever. But over your bretheren, the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigor.

So either you agree that some people should be available for sale resulting in ownership of the individual as property in perpetuity including being passed down to ones children as inheritance or you disagree with the bible.

No disagreement with the bible here. And I don't believe anyone should be bought or sold. I don't think there should have been a slave market back then. But there was, and the purchasing of a slave to work as a household servant was a means of escape from being purchased by slave driver. We might say, why didn't they just buy there freedom? That's
fine, but where would they go?

I could keep going and point out that the bible states that women cannot teach men, divorced women should be executed and that people who fail to believe in the Yahweh should be executed but I trust you get the point. Also I am perfectly willing to take these passages at face value so I am mostly uninterested in apologetics in this regard unless you can demonstrate a stronger reason to look into the matter than "but god is good though so he couldn't have meant that". 

If I can't refer to apologetics, then we may not have much of a discussion here. And I don't ever recall saying anything like "but god is good though so he couldn't have done that".

I am willing to abandon my argument concerning manifest destiny however, though it was argued for at the time as a Christian prerogative, and not because some native Americans are Christians but because the American west was not specifically mentioned in the bible and do it is not necessarily a biblical law. I am also prepared at least at this time to forgo any discussion of biblical scientific inaccuracies as it is immaterial to a discussion of moral principles unless the conversation takes that turn. The point is that most modern Christians disagree with or try to explain
away many biblical laws (it is to he hoped.

I would say that many of them are successful in explaining many biblical laws.

Whether communism necessitated atheism or not (and some forms of communism certainly do) atheism does not necessitate communism. The regimes you are referring to are regimes that are atheistic not atheist regimes in the same way that manifest Destiny was an belief commonly held by Christians at one time not a Christian belief. 
I don't think I was implying that atheism necessitates communism. Why do you think that (assuming you do)?
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, AND NOW, THE DEFEATIST RUNAWAY IN NOT BEING ABLE TO ADDRESS JESUS’ TRUE MODUS OPERANDI !!!

YOUR THROWING IN THE TOWEL OF TOTAL DEFEAT QUOTE IN YOUR POST #215: “Having said the above, I am now going to take the prudent step of politely asking you to not to respond to my posts or to mention me in your posts. I do not appreciate being harassed.  And I have copied the moderator in as well to ensure the date and time of my polite request. 

Per your request in your quote above, AND BEFORE I FOLLOW IT TO SAVE YOU FURTHER EMBARRASSMENT, I am going to give you one last chance to redeem yourself in front of your fellow Christians to address your RUN AWAY posts listed below! In doing so, it is NOT harassment in any way whatsoever because this is a religion discussion forum, and not a religion running away from discussion forum, understood?

 Your RUN AWAY from my Jesus inspired posts are as follows with description, to wit:

1.  You still need to address the other half of this runaway post:

2.  You haven’t addressed why you continue to slap Jesus in the face by not defending the faith to particular posts of mine that show that you should:

3.  You are still running away from this post showing that Jesus did sin, where your Bible ignorance says he didn’t:

4.  Because of this post saving your sorry biblical ignorant ass, you have yet to thank me:

5.  We could make millions off of your complete Bible ignorance and the subsequent comedy of same, no response from you:

6.  You have cowardly run away from this post to you FOUR TIMES, I REPEAT, FOUR TIMES IN YOU THREAD, where you were wrong once again in your perceived knowledge of Jesus not interfering with the suffering of His creation, where in biblical FACT, Jesus did interfere:  

7. It was blatantly shown in how utterly Bible and Zoology ignorant you truly are relative to the Noah’s Ark narrative, of which you have run away from this post:

8.  YOU have sheepishly run away from this revealing post in showing exactly who you embarrassingly are in this forum, bar none:  

9. You have yet to tell us why Jesus is not flooding the world again because the sin is thousands of times greater per capital in the world now: 

10. Since you remain in my thread regarding everyone is saved, even non-believers, you have run away from said topic post directed to you below:

11.  Still no response from you in this running away from Jesus inspired post:

12. You never answered a simple request in how Jesus allegedly showed mercy upon innocent zygotes, fetus’ and babies by Him killing them: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4726-evidence-in-a-religious-forum?page=9&post_number=213

13. This runaway post of yours relates to you being a POE/Parody, because no true Christian would make fun of the faith like you do:

14. Here you erroneously state that Jesus is not superhuman as God, where He only created a billions of light years large universe which is in fact superhuman, LIAR:

Tradesecret, don’t you realize that your fellow Christians mentioned above in the post receivers area have to literally watch you RUN AWAY from my Jesus inspired posts to you that are vouchsafed within the JUDEO-Christian Bible? How much embarrassment do you want to show your aforementioned fellow Christians in this respect?

The chicken within this video is getting tired of "clucking" for you all the  time because of you ALWAYS RUNNING AWAY from Jesus' true words above!


WARNING:  There is no need for you to respond to this post with any more of your whiney discontent of running away, BUT TO ONLY ADDRESS THE POSTS HEREIN to show your fellow Christians that you do have balls, and are finally willing to use them for a change in the name of Jesus, praise!

BUT, PAY CLOSE ATTENTION, if you do respond in any way whatsoever with more lame excuses of why you shouldn't have to address said posts IN A DISCUSSION FORUM, then it shows that you do not want it to be over with me throwing you your needed bone!   Therefore, my wrath continues at your expense until the moderators intervene, UNDERSTOOD BIBLE FOOL?    I am giving you a way out of further embarrassment, take it like you wanted, where there are times when you can't have your cake and eat it too! GET IT?




BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, AND NOW, THE DEFEATIST IN NOT BEING ABLE TO ADDRESS JESUS’ TRUE MODUS OPERANDI !!!

YOUR DEFEATIST POSITION OF THROWING IN THE TOWEL OF DEFEAT QUOTE IN YOUR POST #215: “Having said the above, I am now going to take the prudent step of politely asking you to not to respond to my posts or to mention me in your posts. I do not appreciate being harassed.  And I have copied the moderator in as well to ensure the date and time of my polite request." 

TRADESECRET; as if you RUNNING AWAY from my Jesus inspired words wasn’t outright embarrassing enough for you upon this religion forum, then we have to add the disgusting following modus operandi of you as follows BEFORE I ACCEPT YOUR COWARDLY REQUEST:


I obviously had to respond to Tradesecret to make my point, but it was with disdain that I did!

Tradesecret, your direct quote shown below that syntactically states without a doubt that your opinion that to murder a parents child that curses them is okay!
“And I would think that if people do curse their parents - unless there is a jolly good reason to do so - then they should be put to death. 

(The above sickening quote is shown 12 paragraphs down in the following link below)

TRADESECRETS COC RULE VIOLATION: You created a thread specifically for just me which is a direct COC violation in targeted harassment.  Such rules took a lot of time and expertise by moderator Ragnar and others in their development for the benefit of EVERYONE, which includes YOU!  DON'T PISS ON THE RULES, BUT FOLLOW THEM!

Tradesecret, as if the above FACTS aren’t embarrassing enough for for you in the eyes of the membership, then you take a blatant DEFEATIST position to ask me not to seek dialog with you anymore because I am allegedly harassing you because you cannot in any way address my Jesus inspired posts, other than to RUN AWAY from them! 

THEREFORE, YOU ARE DONE!  You will always be known in this forum as the number one Bible ignorant fool and an outright runaway from said JUDEO-Christian Bible, AND AGREEING THAT CHILDREN SHOULD BE MURDERED IF THEY CURSE THEIR PARENTS!!!   

Since you are an attorney, *cough,* a perfect analogy to me allegedly and wrongfully harassing you is as follows:

Tradesecret: “Your honor, once again, I cannot address the prosecutors material that he is using against my client and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath, therefore I say he is harassing me with his facts! Therefore your honor, is it okay for me to just runaway from him and his damaging factual material that I cannot address, pleeeeeeeze your honor, will this be acceptable in this court of law?”   LOL

PAY CLOSE ATTENTION:  Since you do not want me to continually make you the blatant Bible fool that you truly are, then there is no need for you to respond to this specific post, BECAUSE IT IS OVER AND I ACCEPT YOUR COWARDLY REQUEST TO LEAVE YOUR BIBLE IGNORANCE ALONE, UNDERSTOOD?




secularmerlin's avatar
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 I agree 100% with the Bible, but don't believe a homosexual should be put to death. 
These two statements are in fundamental conflict. 
Do I consider homosexuality a sin? Yes! 
Why should I care what you consider a sin? I'm not talking about sin I'm talking about morality and I don't see any moral issues in and of itself with consenting adults engaging in sexual activity.
Yes, there are some words in some bible versions that don't fit. That's why we have hermeneutics......and the concordance. Anyone studying the bible should have a concordance.
I'm sorry is it the holy spirit or the concordance that you are using to interpret the bible? I'm not necessarily saying you are moving the goal posts rather than simply not having thought of the concordance when I initially asked the question but it does bring up an important point. What if a well meaning Christian who is not a biblical scholar reads this passage and takes it that the "holy spirit", which you still have not demonstrated and do could be imaginary, wants them to take it at face value? would that not result in terrible consequences? It seems like an all powerful god (if he were more than a fiction) would be more careful about how his book ends up being translated?
I don't believe under any circumstances a rapist should be allowed to marry his victim. None!
Well that is something we agree on but it doesn't address that the bible seems to imply that a woman's value can be measured in silver which is a detestable idea.
No disagreement with the bible here. And I don't believe anyone should be bought or sold. 
These two statements are in fundamental conflict. 

You also seem to be implying that god could not simply put an injunction  against owning people because owning people was such a popular and wide spread practice even though he was able to put injunctions on other activities that were popular and widespread that are not as clearly immoral like eating shellfish or making statues to represent some god(s).
If I can't refer to apologetics, then we may not have much of a discussion here. 
If all you have to refer to are apologetics then we may not have much of a discussion here.
I don't ever recall saying anything like "but god is good though so he couldn't have done that".
Perhaps I am misunderstanding.are you not arguing that the Yahweh is morally perfect by nature and if he does something that appears immoral to us there must by necessity be a good moral reason for the apparent flaw? That our understanding is the problem not the Yahweh?
I don't think I was implying that atheism necessitates communism. Why do you think that (assuming you do)?
I am merely explaining the difference between an "atheist regime" (which is a nonsensical term) and a regime that happens to promote atheism because you brought up atheist regimes. The fundamental difference between a regime that promotes atheism and a theocracy is that nothing is being done in the name of atheism. Atheism itself is not informing actions the political ends of the nation do and they must be justified on their own merits even in those cases where horrific injustices are committed the reasoning is never "well there's no god(s) so we may as well". In a theocracy (or even any political ideology that is strongly tied to a monarchy such as the spanish monarchy in the 1600s) by contrast things are done "in the name of god(s)" with no further justification (although it may or may not be the case that the political leaders involved actually believed that they were acting in the name of some god(s)).

If you can recognize the difference and if you are of the opinion that some of the world's many many religions (presumably you consider every religion but one to be false and likely consider many denominations of your own religion to be false) then we can discuss whether the holding of false religions can be harmful and if we are in agreement that false religions are harmful then you should by logical extension understand my concern about belief in christianity unless it can somehow meet some reasonable burden of proof. Especially if it would inform your behavior in ways that would limit the liberties of others. For example if someone voted against gay marriage because they considered it a "sin" or voting for an observable less moral political candidate in order to avoid voting for someone who has a different spiritual ideology (or indeed none at all). 

I want to be very clear I am not accusing you of anything I have mentioned above but I have observed arguments from Christians trying to justify christian beliefs informing actions. That coupled with manifest Destiny being A) observably an immoral idea and B) that it was not a true biblical command but was justified by the white Christian belief that white Christians should by divine providence own the world. The long and the short of it it almost doesn't matter what the bible says or if it is fiction or not. It has observably caused harm in reality. You could claim that this was not the will of the Yahweh but the fault of human immorality and I would agree. What we would disagree on is whether or not anything at all is the will of any god(s).
secularmerlin's avatar
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why do we commit evil acts
Who is we? What is evil? Please don't use subjective language without first establishing well defined (preferably mutually acceptable) axioms.

Sorry I didn't tag you the first time I posted. I didn't realize.