God Knows Best

Author: Utanity


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Utanity's avatar
Yes he does because in the UK they have a new covid virus and it is a new species therefore it could not be evolution and it can only pass through the humans and little kids they can get it to. You see these viruses dont know anything about survival because they have no brain to think so therefore that puts the kibbutz on the evolution theory. So there has to be a porpoise for the new covid because the scientists they were to hasty to stop the virus and God new that he had to wipe out some more peoples so he created the new strain. 

So that is a message to all the smarties pants scientists who think they can beet God because as we can see God just creates another strain that is more resident so he can finish snuffing out all the peoples that he wanted to be snuffed out in the 1st place.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Yes he does because in the UK they have a new covid virus and it is a new species therefore it could not be evolution and it can only pass through the humans and little kids they can get it to. You see these viruses dont know anything about survival because they have no brain to think so therefore that puts the kibbutz on the evolution theory. So there has to be a porpoise for the new covid because the scientists they were to hasty to stop the virus and God new that he had to wipe out some more peoples so he created the new strain. 

So that is a message to all the smarties pants scientists who think they can beet God because as we can see God just creates another strain that is more resident so he can finish snuffing out all the peoples that he wanted to be snuffed out in the 1st place.
Yes Utanity. There are lots of new strains of Covid-19 and there have been lots of new strains of coronavirus for several decades. and there will continue to be new ones in the future.  

But with respect, evolution as taught by Darwin was specifically about varieties of species.  He opined that the variety of species that he observed led to a view that all species had derived from one unique species.  In that sense species continue to spread and diversify - and even form new species.  Creationists agree with this position. They would not label it evolution or even micro-evolution since that reduces the enormity of it. 

Hence, new viruses or strains of the same is exactly as planned by God in creation. With the ability to adapt and change or even mutate to its environment. 

Is there a purpose for the new virus? Probably. What is that? I don't know.  What is the purpose for any new species or any old species for that matter?  just because I am ignorant does not mean there is not a purpose.