Barabbas. More Lies!

Author: Stephen


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Not unusual for these scriptures we come across yet another half story told by the gospellers. It concerns a character that the gospellers seem reluctant and forced to mention and is only mentioned once in each of the four gospels.
It is Barabbas which means:  (/bəˈræbəs/; Aramaic: ישוע בר אבא‎ BarʾAbbaʾ, literally "son of the father". And most interesting is the fact that Matthew tells us  full name: itis Jesus Barabbas! 

Now at the festival the governor was accustomed to release a prisoner for the crowd, anyone whom they wanted. 16 At that time they had a notorious prisoner,called Jesus Barabbas. 17 So after they had gathered, Pilate said to them,“Whom do you want me to release for you, Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Messiah?”Matthew 27:15-17
 Somebibles do omit the name Jesus.
The gospel story goes like this:  Jesus is arrested and put on trial, sentencedand then offered a reprieve, and it is here that a gospel untruth is written.

The gospels claim that Pilate offered this reprieve “because it was customary for the Governor to release a prisoner at the Feast of Passover.”  WHAT WHAT ABSOLUTE COBBLERS!  This is simply not true, there never was such a custom and not a single biblical researcher of the Gospels has been able to find one scrap of evidence for this.. And even if this was true, It would hardly be the case that Pilate would release anyone accused of murder as Jesus Barabbas was.

Let’s read the passages from the gospellers:
Mathew 27:16.
Barabbas is a “notable prisoner”.
Mark 15:7.
And There was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had madeinsurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

 Luke 23:18-19.
 And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:
 (Who For a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison.)
 John: 18-40.
Then cried they all again,saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber.

 So we simply have to challenge this and ask ourselves;

Would Pilate release a notorious robbing, murdering insurrectionist who had committed sedition against Rome or would he have released a peaceful sandal wearing Jew who tells all his followers to render unto Caesar?
We have to remember Pilate could find absolutely nothing at all that warranted execution by crucifixion.

 So we are left yet again asking more questions about these unreliable gospels that tell us only half stories. 
Who was Barabbas?
What was is role?
who was he to Jesus?
And that verse from Mark above should really get anyone who is interested, thinking.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Cap'n Barbossa be the wiliest of pirates.

The Bible has truth in it but know that it often has nonsense intertwined. It is truthful in telling of the fixed, created flat Earth that is a circle. It is truthful in telling that the creator probably made humans as the leaders of the Earth but it forgets that humans like to prey on one another in a grand scale and it's no fun being 'top dog amongst 7 billion' it's much more fun to be '13 families that rule them all' :)

God is Satan, there is no escape. Accept it, use people and live life.
Outplayz's avatar
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Do you really believe the earth is flat? If so, why? 
Stephen's avatar
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Do you really believe the earth is flat?

This thread is not about flat earthers. Sod off and start a thread of your own on the subject .
Outplayz's avatar
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It's says more lies in your OP... flat earth is just one of those lies. It can tie into your OP's lies. So, i'm not off base... i haven't even started. With that, mind your own business. 
Stephen's avatar
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It's says more lies in your OP
Then Point them out and stay on topic. This thread about Barabbas and what these scriptures have to say about him. Those verses are from the scriptures if you believe they are lies then simply say why?

It is my business it is my thead.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Yes and I mean this VERY sincerely. I used to mock and taunt.
Mopac's avatar
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We must build a giant rocket and launch ourselves into space.... FOR SCIENCE!
Outplayz's avatar
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But don't you think having that position is far fetched? There is a lot more evidence the earth is round than the latter. You would have to say a lot of people are lying. All space travel, all engineers, all pilots, etc. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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Engineers are not lying, pilots are.
Mopac's avatar
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I blame Eris. 

ethang5's avatar
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It concerns a character that the gospellers seem reluctant and forced to mention....
When a man's imagination is supposed to be reality for others.

The gospel story goes like this:
Read the bible. Stephen tends to leave pertinent parts out and then pretend the bible doesn't address those parts.

Would Pilate release a notorious robbing, murdering insurrectionist who had committed sedition against Rome...
Nowhere does it say Barnabas' crimes were against Rome. This is just another little "addition" our bible expert has inserted into the text. Barabas was charged by Jews under Jewish law for violating Jewish law.

Would Pilate release a notorious robbing, murdering insurrectionist...
Yes. He had to. And tradition held that it was ALWAYS a criminal released. And who it was, was the choice of the Jews, not Pilate. Our bible scholar "forgot" to mention these verses.

Mat 27:15 - Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would
Luk 23:17 - (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)

...would he have released a peaceful sandal wearing Jew who tells all his followers to render unto Caesar?
It wasn't Pilate's choice, plus, you "forgot" these verses again.

Luk 23:1 - And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate.
Luk 23:2 - And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King.

Luk 23:18 - And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:
Mat 27:20 - But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus
Mat 27:24 - When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.

See how confusion evaporates when we stick to the text and stay from bizarre imagination?

Jhn 19:12 - And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar

Jhn 19:15 - But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.
Jhn 19:16 - Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away.

So the crowd, growing dangerously into a mob, threatened Pilate. Questioning his loyalty to Rome should he not crucify Jesus.

But quoting the text would make your lame questions seem absurd.

Who was Barabbas?
A criminal in custody at the time of Jesus' trial.

What was is role?
Role for what? Was he in a play?

who was he to Jesus?
No one. He was just a criminal they had arrested before Jesus' trial.

And that verse from Mark above should really get anyone who is interested, thinking.
Lol. These are some of the most famous passages in all history. That is how thinking people know you are once again trying to fake what the bible says, and substitute in your own loony interpretation.
Grugore's avatar
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Your suffering will be great in hell.
Stephen's avatar
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Read the bible.Stephen tends to leave pertinent parts out and then pretend the bible doesn't address those parts.
Nope the scriptures only mention BARABBAS when it comes to the trial. Stop telling lies. If you know different please put up your evidence.
Nowhere does it refer to  Barnabas' crimes were against Rome.
I haven’t said he has.I have said BARABBAS did. see the difference?

Yes. He had to. Andtradition held that it was ALWAYS a criminal released.
There is no evidence for this reparation. It has never been recorded in Roman history or Jewish history.  I would like to see your evidence.
So the crowd, growing dangerously into a mob, threatened Pilate.
You have no evidence for that. The crowded threatened Pilate!!! There would have been slaughter had thathappened. Let us see you evidence of the threat towards Pilate.
A criminal in custody at the time of Jesus' trial.
Yes he was and the scriptures make it clear AS I HAVE SAID ABOVE, when quoting directly from Marks Gospel:
Mark 15:7. 
And There was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

Can you read the above.  MARK STATES that BARABBAS had took part in an insurrection and had murdered someone. It would have hardly been a Jew. Unless the Jew was a traitor.
Role for what? Was he in a play?
The insurrection..

No one. He was just a criminal they had arrested before Jesus' trial.
 "Just a criminal"? Taking part in a insurrection against the state is a little bit more that being just a common criminal.

These are some of the most famous passages in all history. 
And more famous than someone like you will ever understand.
That is how thinking people know you are once again trying to fake what the bible says,
I haven’t substituted anything.Those verses are from the scriptures. If you don’t believe they are them is all you have to do is produce those you believe I have substituted.

disgusted's avatar
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This is the same crowd that 4 days earlier had swarmed out to meet him and pay homage, to lay their coats and palm fronds for his donkeys to walk on. What happened in those 4 days to make them turn like that?
ethang5's avatar
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There may be some overlap, but it wasn't the same crowd. But that is typical human behavior in crowds. Ever notice that the people dance in the streets for "joy" after every coup or warlord win?

The high priest and his cohorts were whipping up the crowd and mob behavior took over. We see the same thing happen in English football all the time.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
...the scriptures only mention BARABBAS when it comes to the trial. 
So? Your assumptions are not reality.

Nowhere does it refer to  Barnabas' crimes were against Rome.
I haven’t said he has.
Yes you did. You said Barabbas..."committed sedition against Rome..." That is untrue. It is not found in the text.

There is no evidence for this reparation. 
It's in the text.

It has never been recorded in Roman history or Jewish history.
The bible is Jewish history.

I would like to see your evidence.
It's IN the text.

So the crowd, growing dangerously into a mob, threatened Pilate.
You have no evidence for that.
It's in the text.

The crowded threatened Pilate!!! There would have been slaughter had thathappened. Let us see you evidence of the threat towards Pilate.
Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.

See how confusion evaporates when we actually read the texts?

Yes he was and the scriptures make it clear...
Then scripture did answer your question. Yet you pretended it didn't.

It would have hardly been a Jew. Unless the Jew was a traitor.
Why? Substituting your imagination for reality again?

Just a criminal"? Taking part in a insurrection against the state is a little bit more that being just a common criminal.
Ah, the story is true when it says Barabbas was a criminal, but not true when it says he was released. Cherry-pick much? If you have anything other than your imagination for Barabbas being more than just a Jewish criminal, please show it.

Those verses are from the scriptures.
Yes, but you didn't post them. I did. You failed to post that Pilate HAD TO release one criminal to the Jews, and then pretended that there was no reason he would.

You failed to post the crowd threatening Pilate with a charge of disloyalty to Caesar, and then pretended that there was no reason for Pilate to acquiesce and allow the conviction of Jesus.

The text answers every question you had about Barabbas. Yet you pretended it didn't.

Your posts are easy and fun to debunk. Would that all atheists were this illogical.
disgusted's avatar
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So where were the multitudes that welcomed him into Jerusalem? Why did they not come out in support?
disgusted's avatar
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Your post of quote minig refuted.
7 And there was one called Barabbas, lying bound with them that had made insurrection, men who in the insurrection had committed murder.
Oh and the bible isn't any sort of history as can be seen by these falsities.
400yrs slavery in Egypt.
Worldwide Flood
2 or seven of every living thing on earth in a little boat made of twigs for a year.
There's much more, but it ain't history.
Mopac's avatar
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All texts recovered from ancient times is proof of history, but no, not the bible. That's the one exception.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
All texts recovered from ancient times is proof of history, but no, not the bible. That's the one exception.
Lol. He is funny.

He will accept Barabbas as real in order to advance the loony theory that the bible is false. So one half of a verse that he will insist is true, he will use to "prove" the same bible false.
Stephen's avatar
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Yes you did. You said Barabbas..."committed sedition against Rome..." That is untrue. It is not found in the text.
That is correct it was BARABBAS I clearly state BARABBAS  andNOT Bar N abas.!.  Learn to take note of the detail in both of these names
BAR - N – ABAS. And Learn to read too.

It's in the text.
This “Roman “reprieve” may well be in the  biblical text,I know it is in the BIBLICAL text, I posted it myself up above. You claim it is true BUT !as usual, without any evidence. I want you to find me evidence that this was a common practice at every passover. You haven’t been able to do that, simply because there isn’t any, nowhere, in any history at all. Scholars have been looking for any single piece extra biblical evidence for this claim for over 200 years and have come up with nothing,
If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend:
O dear, and I Am sure that scared the hell clean out of of Pilate and this vicious Jew hater who had murdered hundreds if not thousands of JEWS just caved in with immediate effect at the thought that the JEWS would be his friend. I bet he was shaking in his Toga.  Get real,for Christ’s sake!
You failed to post the crowd threatening Pilate with a charge of disloyalty to Caesar, and then pretended that there was no reason for Pilate to acquiesce and allow the conviction of Jesus.
I haven’t failed at anything and I haven’t “pretended” anything. The verses that you again accuse me of lying about and making up are there for anyone who is interested and chooses to read them.

The story, beyond all doubt is yet again one of those half told stories that the bible insistently keeps throwing up.

And you certainly don't understand the implications of what Mark is saying. Look at it again, read it slowly, you just may get a clue as to the REAL REASON  why your man -  god Jesus Was executed in the vile and barbaric fashion he was.

Don't forget, S_L_OW_L_Y  now.

Mark 15:7. 
And There was one named Barabbas, which laybound with them that had made insurrection with him,who had committed murder in the insurrection.

 He will accept Barabbas as real in order to advance the loony theory that the bible is false.So one half of a verse that he will insist is true, he will use to "prove" the same bible false.
 That is what I mean by biblical "half stories". AND it is  "the bible" itself "proves" it to be full of  contradictions and half stories.

I haven't even started on this particular half story. There is more, to it with supporting evidence for my claims.  YES evidence something that you are totally averse to.

Your posts are easy and fun to debunk.

O,  I am glad, and so happy that you find them fun, because I have lots more . ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Stephen's avatar
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All texts recovered from ancient times is proof of history, but no, not the bible. That's the one exception.
I have to keep repeating myself to you over and over. What is the matter with you. I believe there were once so called "gods" on this earth and I don't rely totally on the bible for that belief.. I believe there was a Jesus. I don't rely totally on the bible for that belief , either.

I believe many things in this book you call the Holy Bible. but what I also believe is that there is beyond doubt another UNDERLYING STORY that these gospellers are desperate to hide especially the New Testament. Do you actually believe I am the only person in the whole of the world who has ever questioned these scriptures in depth? Grow up!

You don't share my view, so what, I don't care. I simply highlight verses for you to explain away, not for me to explain. It is for you to defend these verses if you so choose to do, not me. I only have to defend my OPINIONS.

Telling me I am going to "burn in hell" is not addressing these queries, is it , you silly little man.

You don't agree. I don't care. I will continue to highlight this false narrative that we have been fed for over 2,000 years. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
All texts recovered from ancient times is proof of history, but no, not the bible. That's the one exception.
 Just read slowly your own words above. And think!  Text recovered from ancient  times ARE MOST CERTAINLY PROOF of>>>>> HISTORY<<<<<< you fool,  and that includes THE BIBLE.    HOWEVER!!!!!! it doesn't necessarily follow that whatever is in those ancient text is true..

This is why they have to be studied and compared to other texts of the period or as near as possible to the period the text is believed to be from.
 This is exactly the process BIBLICAL SCHOLARS , authors, and theologians use  to come to a conclusion. They just do not simply go by faith.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
So where were the multitudes that welcomed him into Jerusalem? Why did they not come out in support?
disgusted's avatar
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Your understanding is non existent. I don't believe a word of the bible, I use the obvious contradictions in the bible to prove the dishonesty of that book written by ignorant, primitive, superstitious bronze/iron age savages.
Perhaps you need a basic education in comprehending the English language.
Stephen's avatar
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To continue from the op

It is Barabbas which means:  (/bəˈræbəs/; Aramaic: ישוע בר אבא‎ Bar ʾAbbaʾ, literally "son of the father". And most interesting is the fact that Matthew's gospel  tells his full name: it is Jesus Barabbas!
Pilate said tothem,“Whom do you want me to release for you, Jesus Barabbas or Jesus whois called the Messiah?”Matthew 27:15-17

So  the obvious question at this juncture just has to be:  which“Jesus” was actually crucified ?
Mark 15:7. 
WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
And for those interested; an insurrection is a violent uprising against a government, and in this case Rome.
What Insurrection?
Nowhere in the whole of the New Testament is there a report of rebellious “insurrection” apart from this one single verse.  NOWHERE!
In fact the gospels give the impression that everyone, Jew and Roman, was getting along swimmingly in Palestine at the time of Jesus and everyone was happy and content with their lot. But, of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
No, the nearest we ever get to anyone losing their temper and throwing their weight about is, of all people, Jesus himself as some of the gospels attest, he overturned the tables and complained about “his father’s house being turned into a den of thieves”, and then he left after being told control “rebuke” heisman.
Luke 19:39
  And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke the disciples.
That’s it! That’s the nearest we get to bad and unruly behaviour from Jesus himself, his disciples or anyone for that matter.
So the question is:  

Why have these gospellers left out such a major event in the life of Jesus the Messiah, an event where the bible clearly states a violent  and murderous “insurrection” had taken place where someone had been wilfully killed  and Jesus had taken part in this violent“insurrection” "WITH HIM" :Barabbas?
One has to scan very closely and scrutinise the scriptures to get any clue to support the reported “insurrection “in Mark's gospel.And the clue is there and I believe there are extra biblical clues too that supports Marks claim that this violent rebellion did take place and had happened during Jesus’ ministry. And that these writers of the gospel truth are desperately trying to hide the full gospel truth about Jesus and the man he actually was in reality..
 This must surely be a bitter pill for Christians , but it is clearly there Mark's gospel tells it all.

And, as I have already pointed out. If this passionate passover ritual was as common as the bible states, the Roman Procurator would never release anyone who had commited murder and insurrection against the state.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Yes you did. You said Barabbas..."committed sedition against Rome..." That is untrue. It is not found in the text.
That is correct it was BARABBAS I clearly state BARABBAS  andNOT Bar N abas.!.  
I know I'm correct. Barabbas had not been charged with a crime against Rome. That is a lie. 

Learn to take note of the detail in both of these names
BAR - N – ABAS. And Learn to read too.
No one has mentioned Barnabas but you. Barabbas had not committed any crime against Rome.  You lied.

It's in the text.

This “Roman “reprieve” may well be in the  biblical text,...
Lol. You think? It IS in the the text, not may well be in the text.

I know it is in the BIBLICAL text, I posted it myself up above.
Then you illogically pretend that part of the text is untrue.

You claim it is true BUT !as usual, without any evidence.
I just say its in the text. You either accept the text or you don't. It is illogical to use the same text to prove and disprove a point.

I want you to find me evidence that this was a common practice at every passover.
Why? Its in the text. If you say it is untrue, prove it. You have the burden of proof. But, as long as you try to pretend it isn't in the text, I will point out your fakery.

You haven’t been able to do that, simply because there isn’t any, nowhere, in any history at all.
I will not take your burden of proof. The bible is a historical document, whether you agree or not.

Scholars have been looking for any single piece extra biblical evidence for this claim for over 200 years and have come up with nothing,...
Silly. Thousands of facts from history are recorded in only a single source. So what? As long as you try to pretend it isn't in the text, I will point out your fakery.

If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend:
O dear, and I Am sure that scared the hell clean out of of Pilate and this vicious Jew hater who had murdered hundreds if not thousands of JEWS just caved in with immediate effect at the thought that the JEWS would be his friend.
No one said Jews would be his friend. And the texts says the crowd was becoming unruly (a tumult), not immediate effect. Pilate tried several times, till the crowd accused Him of not being a friend (of Caesar, lol. Talk about reading slowly) if he released Jesus.

I bet he was shaking in his Toga.  Get real,for Christ’s sake!
 He released Jesus.

You failed to post the crowd threatening Pilate with a charge of disloyalty to Caesar, and then pretended that there was no reason for Pilate to acquiesce and allow the conviction of Jesus.
I haven’t failed at anything and I haven’t “pretended” anything.
Your posts disagree.

The verses that you again accuse me of lying about and making up are there for anyone who is interested and chooses to read them. 
Because I posted them. Were it left to you, your fakery would not be exposed.

The story, beyond all doubt is yet again one of those half told stories that the bible insistently keeps throwing up.
According to your imagination that you confused for reality.

And you certainly don't understand the implications of what Mark is saying.
At least I post what Mark says, I don't hide it and then pretend he said nothing.

Look at it again, read it slowly, you just may get a clue as to the REAL REASON  why your man -  god Jesus Was executed in the vile and barbaric fashion he was.
Sorry, I don't accept your imagination as reality.

He will accept Barabbas as real in order to advance the loony theory that them bible is false.So one half of a verse that he will insist is true, he will use to "prove" the same bible false.
 That is what I mean by biblical "half stories". AND it is  "the bible" itself "proves" it to be full of  contradictions and half stories. 
Yeah. Its a half story because you think it is. Imagine much?

I haven't even started on this particular half story. There is more, to it with supporting evidence for my claims.  YES evidence something that you are totally averse to.
I here you talking. But every post of yours to date has been a laughable illogical mess.

Your posts are easy and fun to debunk.

O,  I am glad, and so happy that you find them fun, because I have lots more . ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
I'm sure. There seems no end to your lack of logic. Too bad most of your posts are too illogical to warrant a reply. But I might debunk you now and then when I have nothing else to do.
keithprosser's avatar
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What really happened cannot be known or ascertained, but it is clear that the gospel writers wanted put across that the Romans were reluctant to condemn Jesus and the blame for His death lies squarely with the Jews, especially with the Jewish priesthood.

It was a switcheroo that transformed Christianity from a Jewish cult into a gentile anti-Jewish movement, a shift from a Christanity based on Jesus' ethics to a Cristianity based on Pauline theology.

Mopac's avatar
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Mopac's avatar
 there is beyond doubt another UNDERLYING STORY that these gospellers are desperate to hide especially the New Testament.
Wgat do you think that may be eh?