DARTs first fanfiction--a continuation

Author: thett3


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Friends...I have elected to continue my pirate fanfiction. Four an a half years later. Please see the last episode here, and also note that I am dropping the Royal storyline because I don't know where to go with it, but she will likely make an appearance. 

The setting: Thett3 and his crew of pirates, working as private military contractors for the US government, have been vigorously hunting down pirates to secure shipping lanes. Our story left off after they fought a battle against the forces of the pirate lord Lucky_Luciano, that they lost badly. 

thett3's avatar
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Bsh awoke to find himself tied to a chair in a basement lit by only a single lightbulb protruding from the roof. “Where am I?” he said aloud. Bsh didn’t remember how or why he had been knocked out, or to how long he was out but everything fcking hurt
A drop of water fell from the roof and hit Bsh in the face. This caused the memories to flood back. The mission. The fight with Airmax. And oh God, YYW.”If I’m here, captured, that can only mean one thing. Shit.”
“Classic,wake up. Do NOT go to sleep” a voice was saying. But Classic didn’t want to wakeup. It was so confusing, all Classic really remembered was pain and Zaradi dragging him away from…a sword fight? Oh, the battle. They must have lost. Bobbert tried to rouse himself but the dizziness in his head was so acute that he wasn’t sure he could…
Suddenly a sledgehammer hit Classic in the face and he went flying. At least that’s what it felt like. Bobbert opened his eyes to see Zaradi standing over him, fist clenched and cocked, ready to hit him again yelling “Do not die on us, we need every available sword and that’s is an ORDER.
“My…my head”
“You got banged up pretty badly. Can you stand?”
“I…I think so.” Classic stood up. His last clear memory was of a snarling, bearded man in a tricorner hat about to gut him with a dagger before Zaradi picked him up and literally flung him into the ocean.
“Where is everyone?” Classic asked dumbly.
“Use your imagination.” Zaradi snapped.
“Oryus? YYW? Angelofdeath? Darkkermit?”
“Dead, missing, dead, dead.”
“I’m not sure”.
“Oh my God, where is Thett3?”
“I’m right here Bobbert.” And there he emerged from the trees, long scratches along his exposed chest, and a large dent in his crown. His blonde hair was tousled and he looked weary but Classic had never been so happy to see anyone in his life.
“I’m right here, and Zaradi is about to die” And with that Thett3 threw his jeweled dagger at Zaradi, who quickly dodged it and threw his in return. Thett3 must have lost his sword on the beach because he grabbed a pole of bamboo and tried to use it as a quarterstaff to smack Zaradi, who did the same thing and they both broke their makeshift weapons in one swing.
“Guys,what are you doing?!” Classic yelled
“A good captain doesn’t leave his crew.” Thett3 snarled “Zaradi snuck up behind me and hit my head, then carried me out.”
“You know where my loyalties lie Thett. My orders were to accomplish the mission at all costs, and that meant keeping you alive as you’re the only one who knows what Lucky’s mansion is like inside—“
“How do you intend to defeat Lucky three men Zaradi?”
Zaradi gave a very thettesque smile. “I have a plan.”

thett3's avatar
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Mikal was jolted out of his unconscious state by the sounds of arguing.
Blackvoid was in the middle of a heated discussion with a guard. He was tied to a chair that was bolted to the floor. Looking down at his wrists, Mikal realized that he too was tied up.
“I told you man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Who are you working for? Tell us now or—My Lord!” The man cut himself off to bow down to an imposing bald figure who entered the room. He was wearing a robe,carried three swords, and his hands were encased in MMA gloves. He looked vaguely familiar to Mikal but the pain in his head and being hung upside down kept him from putting his finger on it just then.
“On your feet.” The man said in a deep, deadly voice. “We have need of your talents elsewhere right now.”
“Of course, My Lord.”
The guard exited the room.
“Tell me, do you know you I am?”
“Of course we do, you traitor! You filthy—“ Blackvoid was cut off as the man punched him in the face. His chair was bolted to the floor, but the mans punch was so strong that the force of it literally tore the chair from the ground with Blackvoid still in it, slammed into the wall, and stayed smashed there for several seconds before, ever so slowly, sinking to the floor. Blackvoid was unconscious…Mikal hoped unconscious and not dead.
Mikal had seen a punch like that before, somewhere. That had been the knock out blow in the final round of the 2014 world leaders smash down that sent Vladimir Putin flying and face planting onto a world map on the wall, his teeth knocked out right on Crimea. President TUF, too, was on the side of the enemy.
“You know so little.” TUF said bitterly.
“So,so little.
A well-dressed man held a knife of blue steel to Bsh’s throat.
“This is the end” he thought,. Accepting his fate, he closed his eyes.
Suddenly, there was a crash as the door was kicked open! And seeing who it was, his heart leaped.
The blade was withdrawn from Bsh’s throat as the man turned around.
“Bluesteel”.YYW responded. He looked a mess, three long scratches on his bare chest and an enormous hole in his left shoulder. His entire body was absolutely covered with cuts and his chest had what looked to be a gunshot wound. Bsh was shocked he could even walk in this condition.
Bsh didn’t know the backstory but it was clear from the frosty glances exchanged that these two had history.
The two men began to stalk each other in a circular motion like jungle cats preparing to pounce.
“Face it, YYW. I won fair and square.”
“If by fair and square you mean completely unfairly, sure.”
“Fool. You really think you outweighed?”
“It’s time to settle this like men bluesteel.”
“Very well.” With that, bluesteel tore off his suit to reveal a sweatervest underneath. He put on a pair of round, horned rim glasses and began to speak lightening fast:
“We’re here to fight, not re enact that policy debate round Blue” YYW said and with that he took a massive swing at him. Bluesteel blocked the blow with his briefcase, but YYW swept his legs out from under him. Before Bluesteel could get back up YYW knocked him out with a blow from his sword.
YYW cut Bsh free, and then collapsed. Before falling into darkness, he managed to get out one word: “Run.”

Tyronebiggs's avatar
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Best fan fiction ever

36 days later

thett3's avatar
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Thett stumbled before falling beneath a large tree. His crown had been lost and his kingly robes were in tatters. His six pack was barely visible beneath a copious amount of blood.
Thett hung his head and began to cry, the wind carrying his sobs.
Within10 minutes, the first guard arrived. It was not long after that that almost the entire army had assembled, watching in shock as the esteemed leader of the pirates buried his head in his hands and sobbed like a toddler.
Lucky himself arrived 5 minutes after that, his Rabbit suit stained with what appeared to be blood.
Lucky grabbed Thetts hair in his hand and yanked his face from his palms.
“You will come with me and you will do it now.”
Suddenly Thett stopped sobbing. From the tree covered in leaves and twigs, Classic and Zaradi jumped. Before anyone could react, they had two swords at Lucky’s throat. “I don’t think so.” Thett said with a sneer. “It seems we are at an impasse, Lucky. Release my crew and bring us to our ship and you shall be spared.”
“Thett you moron. If I had known it was you this whole thing would’ve been handled very differently” Lucky said. He gestured to the shoreline which was barely visible, but in the distance a red, scuttled ship could be seen. “Tell your goons to remove my mask.”
Thett hesitated before signaling Classic to tear off Lucky’s bunny mask.
All three of the men gasped. It was Mestari.

“Well…this changes things.” Thett said. Dumbfounded and wordless, the trio followed Mestari back to the palace.

Mestari had been a prominent politician who was an endless advocate for ending corporate welfare and destroying the military industrial complex. He was also a good friend of Thetts before he had vanished in a tragic boating accident a few years back.

So many questions needed to be asked.
The first question was asked not by Thett however, but by Mestari.
“How much do you trust these two men, Thett?” Mestari asked, gesturing to Zaradi and Classic.
“With my life. “ Thett replied.
“Not good enough. Come with me.”
Thett was led into a room on the left, while the other two were led into a room on the right.
Thett was motioned to sit down, which he did.

“This isn’t an easy conversation to have, Thett. So hard in fact that I’m getting the master himself to explain.” Mestari said something cryptic into a hand-held radio and within moments a man appeared. He was medium sized and looked exactly like Alex Jones. 
“Hello.”The man said, extending a hand. “My name is Greyparrot”

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And thus for the next hour Thett was told ofthe whole, sorry tale. Mestari’s boat had been sunk in the North Atlantic rather dramatically by a US warship, but by the grace of God Infowars spies had gotten wind of the plot and managed to rescue him just before he froze to death. It was during his long recovery that Greyparrot taught Mestari the way the world really worked. How Mestari was being targeted because he dared to speak out against the military industrial complex. How the state was actually controlled by special interests and wealthy, reptilian puppet masters. That democracy was, in essence, a God that failed. And then Greyparrot had explained to Mestari how a resistance was being formed.  Dozens of disillusioned politicians including former presidents TUF and Airmax had jumped at the occasion to join Greyparrot when they were offered and the team was slowly taking over the government from the inside out. Until someone talked. Immediately, the government was shut down under the guise of a Republican refusal to fund Obamacare but the real reason was so that the reptile people could purge from the government those who were disloyal.

Airmax and TUF were driven from Washington. Most of their other allies, low level bureaucratic turn coats, were simply executed and the rebellion was exiled onto this small island although a few holdouts had managed to survive in secret. Greyparrot told how how the government had created the fake pirate lord “Lucky Luciano” to justify their excursions into this area that was riddled with actual pirates to stomp out the resistance. When it became too costly they resorted to hiring mercenaries like Thett’s crew to do their dirty work for him.

Thett took this news surprisingly well. That is, until he remember Zaradi. That was when his blood ran cold.


Bsh knelt by the unmoving body of YYW as the horrible realization sank in that he did not have the necessary medical skills or supplies to save him. If YYW was to survive it would have to be through the good graces of the pirates. With luck, Bsh would be able to get the US government to ransom YYW and any other surviving crew members from the pirates. But in order to do that, he had to get to the US. With that, his mind was made up.
“Goodbye YY.”
And then, feeling as low as he had ever felt, Bsh heeded YYW’s final request to him, and ran. Fleeing the palace, wandered in the jungle for an hour. Unfortunately for Bsh, he was on an island so before he knew it he had circled back to the palace. That was when he saw Zaradi come sprinting out of the building. As soon as he reached the surrounding jungle, Bsh caught up with him.
Zaradi told him that the battle on the beach had gone poorly, and that the rest of the crew was either dead or captured. The mission had failed. Not all hope was lost, however. Not quite. Because right after relaying the harrowing tale, Zaradi pointed at a concrete strip in the middle of the forest:
“I think...I think I may know a way off of this rock”


“ZARADI!” Thett suddenly screamed, snapping Mestari out of his narrative.
“What about him?”
“He’s not really a part of the crew. He’s with the CIA.”
Mestaris face turned white.
“Juggle protect us.”
The guard outside of their room had been knocked out, indicating that someone had been listening in. The trio rushed to the room where Zaradi and Classic had been taken. Classic was unconscious, and Zaradi was gone.

Our heroes sprinted outside, only to hear the sound of an engine. Looking up, they watched as Mestari’s super nice private jet took off. Zaradi was going to tell the CIA everything that they knew.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I think mike may be darkkermit
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
dont worry. mikes identity will be explained eventually...by me
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
next episode coming soon. Trust me, it’s gonna be lit
AngelofDeath's avatar
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AngelofDeath's avatar
o shit im ded
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar

youve actually been dead since 2014, when I first wrote this (i never posted it bc i thought it sucked)

AngelofDeath's avatar
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AngelofDeath's avatar
can I come back to life sometime in the future maybe possibly

you know, since AnGeL oF dEaTh and all 🙃

just a thought tho, no pressure :))
AngelofDeath's avatar
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AngelofDeath's avatar
Also I totally forgot people wrote fanfics and stuff lmao this was a pleasant surprise to come back to