More including Democrats are raising the alarm about election fraud

Author: Wylted


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oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
not long.  I probably could have come up with 50 of 'em.
Ooh ooh, do a best of thread
best of?
Wylted's avatar
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You can title  it worse  of, but I will think of it as best of
Unpopular's avatar
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Maybe I hadn't been paying attention to politics closely, maybe it shouldn't have surprised me.
But I was surprised when he was elected, surprised when they kept supporting him so closely,
Surprised he still has so much support now.

Same here. As a Republican I did not take him seriously, I thought he was embraced by the party to an extent for publicity, to draw attention to the primaries and give the media a chuckle. I did not expect so many people to gravitate toward Trump, though a backlash against the mainstream parties was imminent hence the rise of Bernie Sanders. Not a lot of people in the Democratic Party embrace Sanders though as embrace Trump on the right, which tells me a few things. It tells me that Democrats are more ok with the status quo than Republicans, and that Republicans are willing to accept the lowest of the low just for a promise to change things. I can understand that but it is not as aspirational or inspirational as someone like Obama offering hope and change previously.  I am not willing to vote for someone like Trump in the future, but may be open to one of his lemmings, depending on the extent they seem dependent on him for their political success. I do not want to vote for someone that Trump controls. I do not think he has the best interest of the working class at heart. He might have that intention but at the end of the day will not screw  himself over and will not push for policies that hurt the rich like himself,  his peers of fellow elites, and that is the truth but I understand why people want to believe in someone like him. I think it is a tragedy he has convinced many people he is anything other than a politically active, tax evading, corrupt politician befriending Manhattan socialite.
Lemming's avatar
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I can understand people seeing him as a lesser of evils, my brother didn't vote for Biden 'purely due to his stance on guns. (He voted third party)

But I have more difficulty understanding people not nudging Trump 'away from the party when they get the chance.
Even if there's some fallout from diehard Trump supporters, better in the long term.

I 'really didn't care about his fine people on both sides comment, (Because of technicality)
Or that he wanted a wall and border control.
I 'greatly dislike the Democratic gist one feels at times of let everyone in,
The problem wasn't that we were holding people at the border, but our incompetence of method and humanity.
I didn't mind Trumps talk with North Korea 'much. That we have to deal with leaders we find reprehensible is politics.

I mind/ed more 'how he achieves his goals, and his lack of tact or respect with others.
His causing of division, with little benefit received 'by it for the Republican party or American people.
All the constant lies.

Augh, ranting.

Also his lack of grace in accepting defeat.
Also his lack of initiative in the Capital Riot.
I can understand being competitive, having a winner mentality, but 'eventually it just sours into damaging the group.
A leader worth admiring, would have strode into the crowd of people, and at least 'tried to convince them to follow the law.
Rather than give a short speech thanking them and telling them it's time to go home, after damage had occurred.

I'm not with the people who insisted on impeaching him for being a so called Russian mole,
Or insisting he attempted a coup,
What with BLM.
Bah, politicians, caring more about violence when it hits close to where 'they live, oh but never mind the small business owner.
Not that Trumps response to BLM was appropriate.

BAH, rambling.
Been unpleasant in America since stupid Iraq invasion,
Still, even before that, been strife.
I suppose it was only around Iraq I started being aware of politics.
Double_R's avatar
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Nobody is admitting to election fraud LOL. You have to look at other forms of fraud or cheating to see who is more inclined to do it.
Liberals being more inclined to cheat in relationships isn't surprising in the least given that liberals are generally far more open about sex and sexuality, while conservatives are far more likely to have been raised to think that sex is a dirty thing which the Lord will look down on them for expressing.

But you think the latter group is just as likely to admit these things to a pollster?

So yes, these things are entirely unrelated, and that's before considering the only question that matters... Why the disparity in the two groups? That's a question you don't even consider, because you got the answer you wanted out of it so you stopped looking.

This is why you believe the absurd things you do. Turns out that when you start off looking for the dots you want to connect, they can be pretty easy to find. This is where stopping at common sense gets you.
Unpopular's avatar
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The capitol riot was the last straw of why I could not vote for him in the future. I do not see how he could  be the lesser of two evils unless the other side was calling for a civil war or  socialism or communism, not just Bernie Sanders social programs or free college, since it seemed Trump would be fine with civil war if it gave him a shot to stay president, which is criminal in my opinion. To me, he showed that if people had gone along with it, he would have broken the law, ignored all protocols and precedents, ignored all rightful procedures, and started a coup based on no solid evidence. He tried, and failed. He was willing to endanger the lives of American people and turn us into a third world non democracy to stay in power, which proves he was always unfit for office. Before that you could say the Democrats were being irrational, but that seemed to prove they were right to obsess and look to impeach him all along. Everything else is politics, but that shows where his head and heart are at which is not with the American people, just ego and obsession of power. 
Lemming's avatar
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Personally, I 'still say after,
the Democrats were being irrational, and wrong to obsess and look to impeach him all along.

From the start, even before he ran for his successful election, he looked as though  he was a lackluster moral character, a liar, a braggart, narcissist, egoist, a poor team player.
He was 'never someone I thought fit to be president.
But that's not reason enough to remove from office.
He was elected with those faults 'clear showing.
Which was the 'problem the entire time, to my thinking.
His faults were visible when he was 'elected.
Throughout, he'd always managed to avoid 'technically being responsible for anything.
Take the leadup to the Capital Riot,
From what I remember, didn't say anything worse than other politicians have, even if the result was the riot. I'm doubtful he was expecting that.

I'm not willing to support division without merit, or dangerous legal precedent without merit.
The Democrats caused division from the start of his presidency, to it's end.
Not that his actions 'ever to my knowledge made 'any attempts at reconciliation or compromise.

I 'am glad he's out of the presidency, seems doubtful he'll see a return.
FLRW's avatar
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"Testing is killing me!" Trump reportedly exclaimed in a phone call to then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on March 18, yelling so loudly that Azar's aides overheard every word. "I'm going to lose the election because of testing! What idiot had the federal government do testing?"
"Uh, do you mean Jared?" Azar responded, citing the president's senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Just five days earlier, Kushner had vowed to take charge of a national testing strategy with the help of the private sector.
Does anybody really think that Trump is presidential material?
Unpopular's avatar
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The Democrats caused division from the start of his presidency, to it's end.

I agree with that, but its like the question if you could go back in time to stop Hitler would you kill him if you saw him as a baby. The Democrats and media were very critical of Trump, and did not give him the benefit of the doubt, but it looks like their obsession calling him a divider in chief, narcissist, dangerous criminal was right all along even if their facts were shaky. I did not think they had enough evidence for the first impeachment and I was strongly against that ordeal, but the second impeachment after the capitol riot should have led to his removal from office, even if it was just symbolic. By that time everyone was tired of Trump  and did  not want to deal with the political repercussions knowing he would be stepping down soon anyway, but to me, that was one of the worst things a president has ever done, because it could have turned out a lot worse. Not only the civil division and loss of life, it exposed our weaknesses to enemies. 
Lemming's avatar
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So because he 'might have influenced the American people in the future to riot a bit at Capital Hill, he should have been impeached early on, even though what he was being impeached for then, had not enough behind it, to impeach him?

They weren't impeaching him for the unforeseen Capital Hill incident back then, thus I can't support their impeachment then.
I 'also didn't agree with the Capital Hill impeachment, as I didn't think there was enough to remove him, but focusing on the first.

His poor leadership was apparent from the start, but he got elected, never mind 'possible futures.

The Democrats and media were very critical of Trump, and did not give him the benefit of the doubt.
Honestly he didn't deserve any benefit of the doubt,
As he 'never showed a willingness to work together.

But I 'still found the press and media 'too against him.
The media slanted pieces about him too often that didn't 'need to be slanted, allowing people to fall for his fake news schtick.
Not to mention every late night comedian 'I ever watched was 'hyper critical against Trump.
Sure the comedians joke about 'all the presidents, but under Trump it was more than that.

I 'also didn't appreciate the media and the Left's utter pushback against near all of his policies.
In particular the border.
The border 'needed to be secured in my eyes, it sucks that we sucked at it,
But the issue 'wasn't that we needed to stop securing our border, but that we needed to stop sucking at it.

. . .

I also still don't care much fore Biden, though I hear many people on the Left claiming he's basically a Republican, so why aren't I happy?
Unpopular's avatar
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So because he 'might have influenced the American people in the future to riot a bit at Capital Hill, he should have been impeached early on, even though what he was being impeached for then, had not enough behind it, to impeach him?
" I did not think they had enough evidence for the first impeachment and I was strongly against that ordeal"

But I 'still found the press and media 'too against him.
There is fair reporting out there if people care to look for it, but most do not want that kind of media, they want to be entertained.

I 'also didn't appreciate the media and the Left's utter pushback against near all of his policies.
In particular the border.
The left is pushing back against everyone, I'm not sure just Trump when many were threatening to not vote for Joe Biden even though they hated Trump. With many issues like the border the left makes it too emotional, makes it too much about Trump being a bad person or incompetent person, rather than focus on the issues and many people saw through that and turned on them for that.

196 days later

badger's avatar
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Is that why you are homeless and your wife left you?
Still in awe of this post. 

666 days later

Greyparrot's avatar
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The devil always has its due.