Happening somebody else suicided by Clinton

Author: Wylted


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Well stated.
oromagi's avatar
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What are you talking about, we gave more money to Israel than americans during covid and we stand to gain nothing from any wars in the middle east. The only people who benefit from killing muslims, are Israelis 

I take it then that you concede your previous assertion that Israel supported either the War in Afghanistan or the Iraq War?
oromagi's avatar
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Speculation.  You are accusing real human beings of murder 72 hours ago.  What evidence do you have?  Or are you just bearing false witness for the trolls?
Why do their enemies keep getting suicides? These are very convenient deaths, and Epstein died just prior to being able to roll over on all the pedophiles who visited pedophile island? 

Speculation.  You are accusing real human beings of murder 72 hours ago.  What evidence do you have? I think we've answered the question of whether or not you are merely trolling.

Wylted's avatar
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No lol. Tell me how killing muslims and  causing blowback like 9 11 benefits america? Hell Netanyahu when asked, said that the 9 11 attack was good, until he corrected himself. Mossad agents were dancing in celebration of 9 11 in NY. 

The whole plan is stated to create a lightning rod in the middle east to draw terrorists towards american soldiers and away from Israel. 

Perhaps israel lobby in Washington disagreed with the publicly stated opinion of Israel (which may have only happened to create plausible deniability). 

We know america doesn't benefit from causing blowback like 9 11. Who benefits? I think the fact Netanyahu and mossad agents celebrating on 9 11, tell you who benefits

Wylted's avatar
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Speculation.  You are accusing real human beings of murder 72 hours ago.  What evidence do you have? I think we've answered the question of whether or not you are merely trolling.
The aren't human they are politicians 

Wylted's avatar
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How many coincidences have to happen before you realize the Clinton's are not altruistic 
oromagi's avatar
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The whole plan is stated to create a lightning rod in the middle east to draw terrorists towards american soldiers and away from Israel. 

Perhaps israel lobby in Washington disagreed with the publicly stated opinion of Israel (which may have only happened to create plausible deniability). 

We know america doesn't benefit from causing blowback like 9 11. Who benefits? I think the fact Netanyahu and mossad agents celebrating on 9 11, tell you who benefits
This remark strikes me as pretty ignorant of history and geopolitics. 

Before the Holocaust, Zionism was mostly a dirty word and deeply unpopular among American Jews but just as the scale of the German and Russian genocides became apparent in 1945,  Israel suddenly seemed like a popular solution to all parties.

 The millions of surviving Jews in Europe and Russia wanted to come to the US as the first choice to join the largest surviving Jewish population in the world but even after the war, 77% of Americans polled opposed increasing the immigration limits on Europe and wanted no more than about 10,000 Jewish immigrant per year.  UK citizens were similarly unwelcoming and at the time, a new Israeli state was seen viewed like a Sioux reservation, a patch of unwanted land in which to herd an unwanted population.  Since Western apartheid neatly coincided with the Jewish sense of destiny, Zionism suddenly became popular.  The USSR was the first state to recognize Israel, followed by Czechoslovakia,  Yugoslavia, and Poland.  They weren't celebrating Jewish destiny, they were exiling unwanted peoples to a far and desert land.

The US is 33 times the population and 53 times the economy of Israel.  The US's annual defense budget is 37 times that of Israel's (and even then the US comps about 40% of Israel's defense  bill).   Israel serves as the US's favorite aircraft carrier and submarine in the Middle East, extending the American eyes and ears and airpower that made oil cheap and plentiful for a superpower addicted to the stuff.   Israel was created because the US defied the UN (to the everlasting deficit of that organization) and ever since America is the only foreign nation who's opinion really counts in Israel.  These facts were not lost on Osama bin-Laden when listing the grievances he thought justified 9-11.

"The expansion of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily.....reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens and to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines."
bin-Laden correctly credited the US for US military interventions against Muslims and not Israel but even subtracting Israel from the equation, al-Qaeda still had many more rationalizations for attack.   Even so, many experts note that bin-Laden never showed much interest in Palestine and  the relationship between al-Qaeda and Hamas was always antagonistic.  Long before 9-11, Palestinians considered bin Laden just another in a long list of Arab leaders looking to exploit the name of Palestine but ignore that people's plight.

You state that the US is in the Middle East because of Israel's plan to deflect terrorism away from their borders but the history never supports that conclusion.  For example, in 2003 the year the US re-invaded Iraq, Israel suffered 26 realized terrorist attacks (many more foiled) resulting in 142 deaths while the US survived 7 bombings in Iraq, three in Afghanistan with no American casualties (18 Italian soldiers were killed in one attack).

Historically, the US has done a lot more to save Muslims from the wrath of Israel than the other way around. The US works to protect Palestinians from Israeli incursions far more often than to protect Israel.  Kissinger strongly intervened to keep Israel from destroying Egypt's Third Army (100,000 soldiers) trapped on the wrong side of the Red Sea at the end of the Yom Kippur War and Egypt's gratitude made the peace of Camp David possible.  Kennedy opposed an Israeli nuclear program so vehemently that he threatened air strikes and it was only Kennedy's assassination that really made it possible to develop the bomb.

Many experts view Netanyahu as another likely pawn of Putin's, like Trump.  In his youth, Jared Kushner used to have to give up his bed when Netanyahu was in town, their relationship was so close and Ivanka's marriage to Netanyahu's favorite American family is easily interpreted as an alliance between two of Russia's favorite politicians.

I consider Israel's treatment of Palestinians no better than the racist apartheids in the US or South Africa or in the case of Gaza, a kind of slow-motion ghetto genocide.  I have long encouraged a non-violent opposition to Israeli policy along the lines of Mandela or MLK or Gandhi and consider Palestinian reliance on terrorist tactics the primary obstacle to liberation and peace.

 Palestinians and Israelis share a common ancestry from ten thousand years ago and ultimately are more alike one another than either is like any other people. Palestinians are not Arabs- they are the Philistines that fought David and the Sea Peoples that fought Ramses II.  They are the Phoenicians from which we derive our alphabet.  They built the Palace of Minos on Crete, founded Carthage, and conquered the Spanish coast.  Hannibal Barca was a Palestinian.  Alongside those Palestinians, the Israelis share a most incredible story of endurance, survival, and relevance that traces back to the settlement of Jericho and the advent of Civilization itself.

oromagi's avatar
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The aren't human they are politicians 
In Abraham Lincoln's America- of, by, and for the people- everybody is a politician and therefore inhuman in your eyes. Lincoln the lizard king.
oromagi's avatar
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How many coincidences have to happen before you realize the Clinton's are not altruistic 
I have never suggested that the Clintons are altruistic. Look at how absurdly concrete you are in your reasoning- either x is a murderer or x is altruistic- as if there aren't a million potential states of being between those poles.
Wylted's avatar
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.  Kennedy opposed an Israeli nuclear program so vehemently that he threatened air strikes and it was only Kennedy's assassination that really made it possible to develop the bomb.
What a coincidence that Israel needed kennedy dead and he died. They are truly America's greatest allie.

The lightning rod theory is referred to by many conservatives at the time who were using it go justify the Iraq war. You know, the talking heads. 
Wylted's avatar
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In Abraham Lincoln's America- of, by, and for the people- everybody is a politician and therefore inhuman in your eyes. Lincoln the lizard king.

That's not how it works anymore. You really can't even win a major office right now unless some big corporation is willing to funnel millions of dollars for your campaign. This is an oligarchy. 
oromagi's avatar
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So, in spite of several requests, OP was unable to provide one piece of evidence to support his OP claim that Hillary murdered some guy last Saturday.
Wylted's avatar
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If people exposing you keep dying and it is always 3 to 6 years after the event to create plausible deniability than at some point we have to be honest about what is going on. 

I bet if you zoom out and it isn't a Democrat exposed, you will understand. Did you know that several billionaires critical of China have disappeared in China? Do you think that is a coincidence or do you think Jack Woo is just tired of the spotlight? 

I bet you see the China one as obvious corruption and are dismissive of the Hillary one. I bet people loyal to the chinese government easily see the reverse
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Who is Jack Woo?
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Don’t be swayed by the number of names listed on screeds like this. Any public figure is bound to have a much wider circle of acquaintance than an ordinary citizen would. Moreover, the acquaintanceship is often one-sided: though many of the people enumerated on this list might properly claim to have “known” Clinton, he wouldn’t know or remember having met a great number of them.

“Body count” lists are not a new phenomenon. Lists documenting all the allegedly “suspicious” deaths of persons connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been circulating for decades, and the same techniques used to create and spread the JFK lists have been employed in the Clinton version:

  • List every dead person with even the most tenuous of connections to your subject. It doesn’t matter how these people died, or how tangential they were to your subject’s life. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone will be to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they’ll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about the death of people such as Bill Clinton’s mother’s chiropractor.
  • Play word games. Make sure every death is presented as “mysterious.” All accidental deaths are to be labelled “suspicious,” even though by definition accidents occur when something unexpected goes wrong. Every self-inflicted death discussed must include the phrase “ruled a suicide” to imply just the opposite. When an autopsy contradicts a “mysterious death” theory, dispute it; when none was performed because none was needed, claim that “no autopsy was allowed.” Make liberal use of words such as ‘allegedly’ and ‘supposedly’ to dismiss facts you can’t support or contradict with hard evidence.
  • Make sure every inconsistency or unexplained detail you can dredge up is offered as evidence of a conspiracy, no matter how insignificant or pointless it may be. If an obvious suicide is discovered wearing only one shoe, ignore the physical evidence of self-inflicted death and dwell on the missing shoe. You don’t have to establish an alternate theory of the death; just keep harping that the missing shoe “can’t be explained.”
  • If the data doesn’t fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don’t have to explain why the people who claimed to have the most damaging goods on Bill Clinton (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr), walked around unscathed while dozens of bit players were supposedly bumped off. It’s inconvenient for you, so don’t mention it.
  • Most important, don’t let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off a death by pneumonia as a “suicide,” do it! If a cause of death contradicts your conspiracy theory, claim it was “never determined.” If your chronology of events is impossible, who cares? It’s not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff …

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The belief in a curse was brought to many people's attention due to the deaths of a few members of Howard Carter's team and other prominent visitors to the tomb shortly thereafter. Carter's team opened the tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in 1923, launching the modern era of Egyptology.

The famous Egyptologist James Henry Breasted worked with Carter soon after the first opening of the tomb. He reported how Carter sent a messenger on an errand to his house. On approaching his home the messenger thought he heard a "faint, almost human cry". Upon reaching the entrance he saw the birdcage occupied by a cobra, the symbol of the Egyptian monarchy. Carter's canary had died in its mouth and this fueled local rumors of a curse.  Arthur Weigall, a previous Inspector-General of Antiquities to the Egyptian Government, reported that this was interpreted as Carter's house being broken into by the Royal Cobra, the same as that worn on the King's head to strike enemies (see Uraeus), on the very day the King's tomb was being broken into.  An account of the incident was reported by The New York Times on 22 December 1922.

The first of the deaths was that of Lord Carnarvon, who financed the excavation. He had been bitten by a mosquito, and later slashed the bite accidentally while shaving. It became infected and that resulted in blood poisoning. Two weeks before Carnarvon died, Marie Corelli wrote an imaginative letter that was published in the New York World magazine, in which she quoted an obscure book that confidently asserted that "dire punishment" would follow any intrusion into a sealed tomb. A media frenzy followed, with reports that a curse had been found in the King's tomb, though this was untrue.  The superstitious Benito Mussolini, who had once accepted an Egyptian mummy as a gift, ordered its immediate removal from the Palazzo Chigi.

The death of Lord Carnarvon six weeks after the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb resulted in many curse stories in the press.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, suggested that Lord Carnarvon's death had been caused by "elementals" created by Tutankhamun's priests to guard the royal tomb, and this further fueled the media interest.  Arthur Weigall reported that six weeks before Carnarvon's death, he had watched the Earl laughing and joking as he entered the King's tomb and said to a nearby reporter (H. V. Morton), "I give him six weeks to live."  The first autopsy carried out on the body of Tutankhamun by Dr. Derry found a healed lesion on the left cheek, but as Carnarvon had been buried six months previously it was not possible to determine if the location of the wound on the King corresponded with the fatal mosquito bite on Carnarvon.

A study of documents and scholarly sources led The Lancet to conclude it unlikely that Carnarvon's death had anything to do with Tutankhamun's tomb, refuting another theory that exposure to toxic fungi (mycotoxins) had contributed to his demise. The report points out that the Earl was only one of many to enter the tomb, on several occasions and that none of the others were affected. The cause of Carnarvon's death was reported as "'pneumonia supervening on [facial] erysipelas,' (a streptococcal infection of the skin and underlying soft tissue). Pneumonia was thought to be only one of various complications, arising from the progressively invasive infection, that eventually resulted in multiorgan failure." The Earl had been "prone to frequent and severe lung infections" according to The Lancet and there had been a "general belief ... that one acute attack of bronchitis could have killed him. In such a debilitated state, the Earl's immune system was easily overwhelmed by erysipelas."

In 1925, the anthropologist Henry Field, accompanied by Breasted, visited the tomb and recalled the kindness and friendliness of Carter. He also reported how a paperweight given to Carter's friend Sir Bruce Ingram was composed of a mummified hand with its wrist adorned with a scarab bracelet marked with, "Cursed be he who moves my body. To him shall come fire, water, and pestilence." Soon after receiving the gift, Ingram's house burned down, followed by a flood when it was rebuilt.

Howard Carter was entirely skeptical of such curses,  dismissing them as 'tommy-rot' and commenting that "the sentiment of the Egyptologist ... is not one of fear, but of respect and awe ... entirely opposed to foolish superstitions".  In May 1926 he reported in his diary a sighting of a jackal of the same type as Anubis, the guardian of the dead, for the first time in over thirty-five years of working in the desert, although he did not attribute this to supernatural causes.

Skeptics have pointed out that many others who visited the tomb or helped to discover it lived long and healthy lives. A study showed that of the 58 people who were present when the tomb and sarcophagus were opened, only eight died within a dozen years. All the others were still alive, including Howard Carter, who died of lymphoma in 1939 at the age of 64.  The last survivors included Lady Evelyn Herbert, Lord Carnarvon's daughter who was among the first people to enter the tomb after its discovery in November 1922, who lived for a further 57 years and died in 1980,[24] and American archaeologist J.O. Kinnaman who died in 1961, 39 years after the event.

Deaths popularly attributed to Tutankhamun's curse

The tomb was opened on 29 November 1922.
  • George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, financial backer of the excavation who was present at the tomb's opening, died on 5 April 1923 after a mosquito bite became infected; he died 4 months and 7 days after the opening of the tomb.
  • George Jay Gould I, a visitor to the tomb, died in the French Riviera on 16 May 1923 after he developed a fever following his visit.
  • A. C. Mace, a member of Carter's excavation team, died in April 1928, having suffered from pleurisy and pneumonia in his final years.
  • Captain The Hon. Richard Bethell, Carter's secretary, died on 15 November 1929: died in bed in a Mayfair club, the victim of a suspected smothering.
  • Howard Carter opened the tomb on 16 February 1923, and died well over sixteen years later on 2 March 1939; however, some have still attributed his death to the curse.