Who here misunderstand easy things and people?

Author: Nd24007


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Nd24007's avatar
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Nd24007's avatar
I'm asking bec i wanna know why it soo hard to understand simple tasks and why it so HARD to understand people...

This is for mostly people in General.... 

Why is it HARD to understand people???

I also hate when you say something and that person never LISTEN.... Why?  Why people tend to hear only what there wanna hear? 

Why don't people EVER let the other person answer?

Why does communication soo hard for some people?

Like when you have something important to say to them, they just ignore you and just don't LISTEN to anything factual... Why???? 

Why do people leave a conversation without hearing all the facts or at least let that person explain his or her positions?

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
The thing I don't get about people is when they could give a fuck less about winning. For example when you give somebody 2 options, thinking they will be logical and pick the one that gives them the best results, but they pick the worst option anyway. I will often put an opponent into a corner where he only has two options. Usually one option will benefit us both me more than him and the other will hurt both of us, him more than me, and I find more often than not people will resent being put in that position and choose the option that hurts us both. I played that game once with Airmax thinking he had a high enough IQ to make the correct decision, and he also made the decision to hurt us both. So now I just assume people are two stupid to think through a decision logically, and I can only apply those strategies to autistic people.

By the way if you are ever in a position like the following and you decide to hurt both you and your opponent instead of helping you both, you are a retard.

Let's pretend that you have been back mailed by somebody. They have photographic evidence that you have cheated on your wife. You know for a fact that they have in their hand the only piece of evidence in existence for that, and you also know for a fact the fallout from your wife finding out will irrepairably harm your relationship, even if she does forgive you.

Now you also happen to have recorded him trying to black mail you and you both have a piece of evidence, the only one in existence that can do harm to each other.

The black mailer needs $200 from you to save his own neck from a loan shark and you'll still be able to pay bills after handing him the $200, but you won't have fun money. You also have to hand over your evidence he was trying to black mail you.

SO you have 2 options

Option A- hand over the evidence and $200, so that way he will hand you the evidence he has on you. You both benefit by not having your lives ruined.

Option B - You call the cops on him and report him for black mail so he is put in jail for a few months, but he mails the tape to your wife and does irrepairable harm to your marriage.

Most of you guys are idiots and out of a sense of pride or whatever will choose option B. The correct decision though is the decision where everyone wins as opposed to loses, which is option A. Seriously, if you read the scenarios and felt like taking option B., please do not reproduce but in the real world it is the most commonly taken answer to similar problems.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar

I can explain this even though I am genuinely autistic in a high-functioning manner and completely enjoyed the compliment you made to us at the end of your first paragraph.

The idea behind it is that they are helping humanity and the world as a whole by the hurting, they are operating with a system less self-oriented than yours or mine and in fact even autistic people would decide to do it if they felt morally obligated enough to do so, I would know.
Nd24007's avatar
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Nd24007's avatar
Interesting take... I tend to agree with you..  Ppl usually make the wrong decision.. I do have more to say but i will LEAVE t at this for now..