3 new political parties

Author: TheUnderdog


Total: 3
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
We have heard of the democrats, republicans, and libetarians.  What about another party called the western party.  They believe in the following:

1) Preserving the values of western civilization.  This includes:

1) Secularism.
2) Closing borders with non western countries.
3) Universal healthcare.
4) More miltiary money to invade non western countries and to make them western.  Note; western is not a dog whistle for white as places like Japan and South Korea are pretty western as is Latin America.
5) Abolishing the death penalty for all crimes, as the only western country that has the death penalty (the US) resembles the 3rd world in it's conservatism on this issue and others.
6) Legalizing homosexuality.
7) Pro choice on abortion up until the moment of birth (because they seen how much pro life laws have failed in Africa).
8) Pro EU, and wants to change the EU to the WU (Western Union) so the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Japan, and South Korea can join.  The flag for this nation is the flag below because the west was the one that spread these ideas:

In addition, we would also have a Christian party, a party that is consistent with the values of the church and the bible.  This includes supporting the following positions:

1) Theocracy, or at least ruling by the Bible and the 10 commandments.
2) More military money to invade non Christian countries and to make them Christian under penalty of death (Deuteronomy 13:13-18).
3) Implementing the death penalty for any crime the Bible deems appropriate.
4) Banning gay sex.
5) Pro life
6) Pro one world nation with the Christian countries.
7) Open borders with the whole world(Exodus 12:49)
8) 100% wealth tax on all assets and the money goes to a central church planner to give to the poor (Matthew 19:21)

There is also the pro science party, that believes in the science.  They believe:

1) Climate change is real and should be addressed.
2) GMOs are safe.
3) Nuclear power is safe.
4) They support more funding for education so society is more invested in science.
5) They are pro life due to the science that confirms a fetus is a human being.
6) They support homosexual rights due to the science that confirms that homosexuality is a mutation and therefore someone is born gay.

All of these parties are very conservative on some issues and very liberal on others, just like the libetarian party.  The hypothetical western party wants Universal healthcare and to close the borders with 3rd world people.  The Christian theocrat party wants the death penalty any time the bible calls for it and wants a 100% wealth tax all because it's the will of the lord.  The Pro science party supports both right wing GMOs, and left wing homosexuality.  The libetarian party wants practically no restrictions on guns or immigration.

Any issue (such as BLM) that isn't consistent with either party is left up to the candidates for this party to decide their stance.

I don't support any of these parties all the time, but wouldn't it be nice if America had either principled parties like the ones above or had no parties at all?  For instance, the democrats and republicans have so many principles that they contradict themselves unlike the western, Christian theocrat, pro science party, and libetarian party.  The democrats for instance are pro gun control (so you could say on guns they are pro life) yet they are not pro life on issues like abortion or nuclear power (the most pro life energy source).  They claim they agree with the science on climate change, yet they oppose the science on GMOs.  The republicans support a small fiscal government, yet they are fine with more money going to the military; one of the biggest social programs the US government funds.
FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar
Well stated, this is why you should run for office.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Thanks.  I want to run for office at some point when I can afford my own campaign (because I don't want to become curropt).  I have a YouTube channel where I post politics.  Want to check it out and subscribe?