Ideas that I don't like

Author: TheUnderdog


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TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
The following ideas I don't like because of a reason you can figure out and nobody has a plan for how they will do it:

1) "Lets reform education."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform education?
2) "Lets end single motherhood."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you end single motherhood.
3) "Lets reform the immigration process."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform immigration?
4) "Lets make it harder to get a gun."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you make it tougher to get a gun?
5) "Lets increase taxes on the rich. My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to raise taxes on the rich and what would be the point of it?
6) "Lets cut taxes (in general)" My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to cut taxes and what government programs are you willing to cut to make it a reality?  Will we go deeper into debt.  If you or a parent is a federal employee, are you willing to but their salary to make your tax cuts a reality?
7) "Lets reform/fix up the foster system".  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How, specifically, are you willing to reform the foster system?

All these lazy thinkers (on both sides) advocate these very vague, good sounding ideas to try and make America better in their view.  But nobody has a plan for how they would accomplish their goals.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The propaganda that people have no solutions is only spread by those who gain power from not solving any of these issues.
sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
All can be solved by the able bodied individual not being a financial drain of society and taking personal responsibility for everything in their life no matter if its your fault or not and not being a law breaking fucking criminal.

TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
How do you propose "not being a financial drain" on society and by, "taking personal responsibility"?  How do you propose "not being a criminal?"  Does this extend to, "Don't speed, it's the law." because most Americans break that law.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
unfortunately not a single government policy will solve any of these issues. It all stems in the people. If the people are moral, Christian, and god-fearing then these problems will sort itself out. Single motherhood? No amount of politicians can solve that. That is based on the society that promotes family and Christian values. "lets reform education". Again, if the population had a focus on education as a core value then we wouldn't go from 1st in math and reading in 1950 to well behind many countries now. "let's increase taxes on the rich". Again, this wouldn't be a problem if the rich had some fucking loyalty to their communities and the society stressed fair wages. Henry Ford created the middle class and raised wages because he was a Christian who believed in the Christian value of paying fair wages(1 Timothy 5:18). Again, no government interference was needed here as the population was Christian and moral. BUT if the population isn't, then the government needs to step in somehow.

This quote comes to mind "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."-John Adams
zedvictor4's avatar
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All Motherhoods are single.
Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
1) "Lets reform education." --- First of, make education fair. Simply living in a poor neighbourhood should not be reason for your school to lack necesary funding. Second, college tuitions should not put you in dangerous levels of debt and college should focus on teaching skills that actually are valuable in the workplace rather than purely academics and politics. Throughout the education process, at least untill high school, standardized testing and excessive homework should be abolished. These make children stressed and worsen their life quality while providing no concrete benefit. Having time for sleep, social life, recreational activities and resting is far more important and benefitial for students. We haven't changed the school system much since it was invented. If we want to reform it we will have to revise the way school works while utilizing new scientific findings about mental health in particular and learning generally.

Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Lets end single motherhood."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you end single motherhood.
I think you are not only disagreeing with people's whose views you don't understand, but you are doing a but of straw manner without realizing it. 

You would prevent a lot of women from being forced to raise a child alone, by doing things that encourage a nuclear family type environment.  For example Ending too many government subsidies that give women a safety net that allows them to remain children and screw around with no consequences as opposed to staying with their husband's. 

You would prevent over incarceration by reforming drug laws and having prisons become a rehabilitation system as well. Also make laws that stop employers from being prejudiced against felons, and forcing them back into a life of crime because their options are eliminated,  and thus taking them out of the home. 

Society should also stop praising single mothers as heros. They should be ashamed to be single mothers for the most part. Choosing a partner that will leave them because they are turned on by "bad boys", engaging in premarital sex, these are not good things. 

We can also prevent a lot of single mother hood by making it hard for women to just deny their baby daddy the right to see their kids by playing games with the legal system. For example, damn near every single mother in a custody battle, once they feel like their husband is getting too many rights will claim the husband molested their kid. 

We also have a lot of women who don't like the father seeing the kid at all and will engage in parental alienation syndrome, which can make the kid hate their father.

Men need to be more masculine as well. Masculine is attractive to women, and they are just less likely to fuck around on an alpha male. Not being a beta bitch boy will just save a lot of relationships. 
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar

1) "Lets reform education." --- First of, make education fair. Simply living in a poor neighbourhood should not be reason for your school to lack necesary funding. 
Poor schools get more funding. Look at Washington DC where 7x the normal rate in the United States is spent on public schooling per child. 

Yet private schools that spend below the normal rate per child get better results. This is the problem with liberalsnin general. 

Black kids are not performing worse in school because of lack of funding. It's because of a lacknof a prefrontal cortex that allows for impulse control as well as having lower IQs in general.
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
) "Lets reform/fix up the foster system".  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How, specifically, are you willing to reform the foster system?

I've seen it first hand. I have about a million ways to do it. First off, pay social workers and do not put too much on their plate, require a bacchelors degree. The average social worker moves onto a new less stressful job within 2 years kf becoming one. 

Social workers are predominantly stupid and First generation college students. They are also overzealous or lazy. Nothing in between.  Paying them enough will attract better people. Stupid and overzealous means many kids and families are unfairly persecuted. Stupid and lazy means abused kids often aren't saved. Eliminate Stupid people in the job. 

Foster parents are shit tier quality. Almost all of them are abusive. Not forgetting about foster kids when they get into foster care would prevent a lot of this. Maybe incentivizing good people to foster or going back to boys homes and leaving foster parents out of it. I can tell you I received less abuse in a boys home than in foster care. 

I actually can't stand foster parents who bitch about too many requirements to be foster parents or to stay parents. It cannot be simultaneously true that they receive too many requirements and that too many are abusive. 

I would also like to see more charitable donations go to groups like boys town. Boys Town was the only people useful when I was in foster care. My guardian ad litem was useless, and decided her incompetence was true and quit, then went to being a 911 operator, which kind of pissed me off. Given the choice of an incompetent guardian ad listen and 911 operator, surely the incompetent guardian ad litem is better. Every element of the system made my life worse, and the life of my siblings worse. The only exception.  The only people who cared and did something was boystown. They got me out of an abusive foster home, got me back with family that actually loved me and were the only reason I didn't kill myself. So organization's like boys town need more charitable contributions.  
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
I also watched a kid get raped in foster care, but other foster kids. He was 6. So good job government, taking an abused kid and apparently believing their wasn't enough abuse with their parents so putting them in a more abusive environment.  
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I actually can't stand foster parents who bitch about too many requirements to be foster parents or to stay parents. It cannot be simultaneously true that they receive too many requirements and that too many are abusive. 
I'm playing Devil's advocate: If there are more requirements to adopt, it will lead to less people adopting.  But if you advocate more requirements to be a foster parent, what particular additional requirement(s) would you add?  I think there are restrictions that ban child rapists from adopting for example, yet child rape still occurs.

I also watched a kid get raped in foster care, but other foster kids. He was 6. So good job government, taking an abused kid and apparently believing their wasn't enough abuse with their parents so putting them in a more abusive environment.  
How do you plan on ending child rape within the foster care system?  It seems (at least to me) that everyone who wants to end child rape anywhere doesn't have a good plan for how to do it.  How would you like to end child rape and how do you know the plan hasn't been thought of before (if the plan was thought of before, it would have been widely adopted and the foster system would have no child rape).  Trying to end child rape is like trying to end murder, it would be nice if there was no child rape or murder, but I don't know how we are going to accomplish such a goal.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
 For example Ending too many government subsidies that give women a safety net that allows them to remain children and screw around with no consequences as opposed to staying with their husband's.
If this happens, then it will lead to single mothers setting their kids up for adoption because they can't afford them and then the children (who at least had 1 biological parent taking care of them) now don't have any.  Single motherhood is better for a kid than being an orphan.

You would prevent over incarceration by reforming drug laws and having prisons become a rehabilitation system as well.
Only about 18% of prisoners are in jail for drug use.  If every single drug user was freed and rehabilitated, America will still have a lot of prisoners.

Society should also stop praising single mothers as heros. They should be ashamed to be single mothers for the most part. Choosing a partner that will leave them because they are turned on by "bad boys", engaging in premarital sex, these are not good things. 
I think society sees single mothers as victims for the most part.  But people really shouldn't have premarital sex.

Men need to be more masculine as well. Masculine is attractive to women, and they are just less likely to fuck around on an alpha male. Not being a beta bitch boy will just save a lot of relationships. 
Who tends to be more promiscuous, alphas or betas?  Because I would think alphas are the ones who are more promiscuous (think Donald Trump).  I'm a beta according to many people and I don't want to have sex.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
1) "Lets reform education." --- First of, make education fair. Simply living in a poor neighbourhood should not be reason for your school to lack necesary funding. Second, college tuitions should not put you in dangerous levels of debt and college should focus on teaching skills that actually are valuable in the workplace rather than purely academics and politics. Throughout the education process, at least untill high school, standardized testing and excessive homework should be abolished. These make children stressed and worsen their life quality while providing no concrete benefit. Having time for sleep, social life, recreational activities and resting is far more important and benefitial for students. We haven't changed the school system much since it was invented. If we want to reform it we will have to revise the way school works while utilizing new scientific findings about mental health in particular and learning generally.
This kind of proves TheUnderdog's point, though. It's easy to say "let's make education fair" but a lot harder in practice. As Wylted pointed out, a lot of school districts with large numbers of poor students aren't actually that poorly funded at all. I know a few people who work with low-income students and what burns them out isn't a lack of funding, but having to deal day in and day out with the constant dysfunction that is life for poor people, which the overwhelmingly middle class people who become teachers have no idea how to deal with. Parents who don't give a shit, parents who are totally absent, parents who get aggressive and violent, kids disappearing for days at a time, physically violent kids who beat up others or hit teachers, kids coming to school with holes in their shoes or an empty stomach, kids who won't pay attention and cuss out teachers, the heart break of seeing a kid who you know has potential, who you try your best to help, but who you know in your heart just isn't going to make it and break out of the cycle of just goes on and on. These kids would obviously be better off if they were able to go to a school district with middle class or rich kids, but that also has significant costs. That happened to my school district after Hurricane Katrina, and the kids they brought in were excessively cruel, immediately started bullying other students, and just generally caused a lot of problems. I'm sure it was good for them overall, but it wasn't fair to us. 

There are some places where the schools are truly underfunded and teachers get paid ridiculously low salaries but the fact that these problems exist even where there is adequate funding proves that it isn't a simple issue. Teachers in Detroit make like $45-70k a year, which given the low cost of living of the area is extremely good. And the funding per student is higher than where I went to school, where the top 25% of students were graduating with 8-12 AP classes under their belt. Ultimately the quality of the school is dictated by the quality of the students, and that fact is always going to be unfair to the poor students who are willing and able to learn. We could do a better job of identifying these students, but it's a bit politically toxic due to the ruckus it would cause when one persons child gets to go to the rich school while others can't. I personally would just do it anyway but the American leadership class isn't well known for it's abundance of backbone and willingness to acknowledge and deal with hard truths.

College tuition is out of control, but a big part of the reason it's out of control is because of unintended consequences of policies designed to make it more affordable. Student loans came into existence to help kids who didn't have the cash afford tuition, and as a result colleges eventually came to gobble up as much as the bank would loan the students. I agree with you about homework being largely unnecessary and a waste of time though, with the exception of math. That is something that does seem rather simple to fix. I agree that it's ridiculous that kids come out of TWELVE YEARS of mandatory education and have zero marketable skills, but it really isn't that simple to give them marketable skills...any field that is taught at scale is going to become saturated extremely quickly. The only developed country I've seen that effectively reckons with this issue is Germany
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
I'm playing Devil's advocate: If there are more requirements to adopt, it will lead to less people adopting.  But if you advocate more requirements to be a foster parent, what particular additional requirement(s) would you add?  I think there are restrictions that ban child rapists from adopting for example, yet child rape still occurs.
You are conflating fostering with adoption. Most kids end up returned to their biological families.

 How do you plan on ending child rape within the foster care system?  It seems (at least to me) that everyone who wants to end child rape anywhere doesn't have a good plan for how to do it.  

In a free society, you can't end any crime for the most part. Foster child advocates have longed pushed for states to stop putting vulnerable children with children more likely to be abusive.

Not being able to entirely eliminate a crime however, doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue things that make the crime less common.

If this happens, then it will lead to single mothers setting their kids up for adoption because they can't afford them and then the children (who at least had 1 biological parent taking care of them) now don't have any.  Single motherhood is better for a kid than being an orphan.
Studies show that the rate of single motherhood has went up after we started barreling towards a welfare state. All evidence points to the opposite of your conclusion.

Only about 18% of prisoners are in jail for drug use.  If every single drug user was freed and rehabilitated, America will still have a lot of prisoners
Let's think about this for a minute. Most first time offenders are those with drug charges. Now they go to prison and since they are only among the 18% they start making connections to the underworld and now have new things they can do such as stealing or fraud. 

When the 18% gets out of prison, then they cannot get a job because of a felony, they have no skills because they were in prison instead of learning them. Now they are in a position where the most logical course of action is doing illegal things to make money. 

Instead of looking at stats about what percentage of prisoners are for drug charges, it would be more accurate to look at how most people get their first charge whether it lands them in prison or not. Did most people get their first charge as murder and car theft or more likely was it petty stuff like drugs and shoplifting etc.?

Who tends to be more promiscuous, alphas or betas?  Because I would think alphas are the ones who are more promiscuous (think Donald Trump).  I'm a beta according to many people and I don't want to have sex.
First for the advice. Start lifting, start being assertive and eat nutritious food. If you aren't craving sex your hormones are out of whack. Fix it with the above advice. 

It's not about how many women somebody sleeps with, it is about keeping a woman happy and loyal to you. Being a bitch is not what makes a woman's pussy wet. Be a man, keep her horny and jealous, treat yourself and her with respect and you'll have a lasting relationship.  Women are usually the ones that initiate divorce, so I am telling men to be somebody worthy of loyalty. 

If I had advice to women, it would be to be choosy about men, not in the physical sense, but in the quality of their character and to totally and completely submit to them. 
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Let's think about this for a minute. Most first time offenders are those with drug charges. Now they go to prison and since they are only among the 18% they start making connections to the underworld and now have new things they can do such as stealing or fraud. 

When the 18% gets out of prison, then they cannot get a job because of a felony, they have no skills because they were in prison instead of learning them. Now they are in a position where the most logical course of action is doing illegal things to make money. 

Instead of looking at stats about what percentage of prisoners are for drug charges, it would be more accurate to look at how most people get their first charge whether it lands them in prison or not. Did most people get their first charge as murder and car theft or more likely was it petty stuff like drugs and shoplifting etc.?
Good points.

First for the advice. Start lifting, start being assertive and eat nutritious food. If you aren't craving sex your hormones are out of whack. Fix it with the above advice. 
I lift.  I eat food more nutritious than the typical person.  I'm not that assertive I think though.

If I had advice to women, it would be to be choosy about men, not in the physical sense, but in the quality of their character and to totally and completely submit to them. 
Don't you think it's a little biased to tell women to "totally and completely submit to" men?
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Don't you think it's a little biased to tell women to "totally and completely submit to" men?

Maybe, but I am discussing what is going to lead to the happiest relationships. I think men have this opinion where because they will hate to submit, it is wrong for women to submit.  Or maybe they think women don't want to submit. They do want to. They will rationalize things and try to pretend to be men, but they love being dominated. It's a turn on, and if they try to dominate you, usually it is a test to see if you are man enough to knock them down a peg, if you do, they'll want you. 

Women are recorded as being less happy overall now than in the 1950s, and all of the reasons for this, is the false notion of egalitarianism.  

First for the advice. Start lifting, start being assertive and eat nutritious food. If you aren't craving sex your hormones are out of whack. Fix it with the above advice. 
I lift.  I eat food more nutritious than the typical person.  I'm not that assertive I think though.
I don't want to comment further until I know your individual situation. A lot of things could be at play here, such as eating too many estrogenic food, or lacking magnesium. I can't help you publicly. 
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
You're 19 years old. There is almost no excuse not to be walking around with a constant election. There is something going on here. Perhaps you masturbate too much. Perhaps something else is going on like low self esteem which can effect sex drive
Vader's avatar
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Vader's avatar
You can say that for any topic though
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
They will rationalize things and try to pretend to be men, but they love being dominated. It's a turn on, and if they try to dominate you, usually it is a test to see if you are man enough to knock them down a peg, if you do, they'll want you. 
I don't think this is accurate.  If you grab random women's butts (I think it's gross because that's where the poop comes out of), they won't be turned on by it.  Your more likely to get slapped than to have a woman like you for it.

You're 19 years old. There is almost no excuse not to be walking around with a constant election.
Most 19 year olds I met don't have constant erections.

I do have low self esteem though.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
So you expect the average person to have a regulation or policy figured out to the letter in how they want it implemented?
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
I don't think this is accurate.  If you grab random women's butts (I think it's gross because that's where the poop comes out of), they won't be turned on by it.  Your more likely to get slapped than to have a woman like you for it.
Consensual domination genius. What you are referring to is assault. 

Also women's bodies are beautiful, stop with the blasphemy. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Women are recorded as being less happy overall now than in the 1950s, and all of the reasons for this, is the false notion of egalitarianism.  
The entire series of bullshit you wrote before this line is a separate issue of you not believing that non-sub women exist and that variations within 'sub' exist too where some are not sub much at all in the ways you imply and are not submitting to his 'manliness' but more to other elements of his personality or style of dominance (there are lesbian and pansexual subs that submit to women).

However, this line in particular is bullcrap. People are happier now than ever before in nations that have increased mental health awareness and embraced letting people be freer and less repressed. Women in the past were scared shit to admit how unhappy they were, that's what's changed.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
The following ideas I don't like because of a reason you can figure out and nobody has a plan for how they will do it:

1) "Lets reform education."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform education?
2) "Lets end single motherhood."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you end single motherhood.
3) "Lets reform the immigration process."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform immigration?
4) "Lets make it harder to get a gun."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you make it tougher to get a gun?
5) "Lets increase taxes on the rich. My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to raise taxes on the rich and what would be the point of it?
6) "Lets cut taxes (in general)" My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to cut taxes and what government programs are you willing to cut to make it a reality?  Will we go deeper into debt.  If you or a parent is a federal employee, are you willing to but their salary to make your tax cuts a reality?
7) "Lets reform/fix up the foster system".  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How, specifically, are you willing to reform the foster system?
I will elaborate on these, however to make it worth my time suggest how you would do it first before calling me lazy.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
The sexist, racist, toxic and bigoted things you've said here are too far gone for me to genuinely respect you anymore as somebody who will genuinely debate as opposed to just say your troll stuff to hurt people's feelings and enjoy it.

Somebody at 19 isn't wrong for having a certain approach to sex nor is it your business to tell him what his libido and approach to sex should be. Almost everything you posted in this thread is just plain wrong on so many levels.
spacetime's avatar
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Ultimately the quality of the school is dictated by the quality of the students

Yup. There's only so much the school can do when parents refuse to raise their kids properly. Doesn't matter how well-paid the teachers are, or how well-designed the curriculum is. It sucks to admit as a policy wonk, but some problems really are entirely cultural and out of the government's hands. 
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
Yup. There's only so much the school can do when parents refuse to raise their kids properly. Doesn't matter how well-paid the teachers are, or how well-designed the curriculum is. It sucks to admit as a policy wonk, but some problems really are entirely cultural and out of the government's hands. 
This is the one thing wonks don't want to hear, but it's just the truth. A lot of politics is downstream of culture, and that can take generations to change.

Smart people generally make smart decisions because those are the right decisions to make, but people who aren't so fortunate or educated sometimes need some nudging. Life was never easy for the poor, but the old cultural norms of shaming parents to be into getting married, encouraging going to church every week where people are told basically to be a good person or they'll suffer, and shaming men for not working when they have the opportunity, and those jobs actually being out there, nudged a lot of people in the right direction. We can see just how dysfunctional life got for a lot of people on the lower end of the economic spectrum when those norms went away. Western thought and political leaders have a lot to answer for imo, and generations of damage can't be fixed simply by adding more money to the schools
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
So you expect the average person to have a regulation or policy figured out to the letter in how they want it implemented?

Yes.  If people want to change ANYTHING about how society currently operates, they should be specific as to how they want it changed.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar

The following ideas I don't like because of a reason you can figure out and nobody has a plan for how they will do it:

1) "Lets reform education."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform education?
2) "Lets end single motherhood."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you end single motherhood.
3) "Lets reform the immigration process."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you reform immigration?
4) "Lets make it harder to get a gun."  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How would you make it tougher to get a gun?
5) "Lets increase taxes on the rich. My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to raise taxes on the rich and what would be the point of it?
6) "Lets cut taxes (in general)" My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How much are you going to cut taxes and what government programs are you willing to cut to make it a reality?  Will we go deeper into debt.  If you or a parent is a federal employee, are you willing to but their salary to make your tax cuts a reality?
7) "Lets reform/fix up the foster system".  My concern with this idea: All the people I met that advocate this idea have no idea how they would do it.  How, specifically, are you willing to reform the foster system?
I will elaborate on these, however to make it worth my time suggest how you would do it first before calling me lazy.
1) Replace the following 2 classes:
       a) World language
       b) History(most of it)

with the following 2 classes:

       a) Computer languages
       b) Grit

We have google translate; we don't need to learn other languages anymore if there are other things we can be learning with our limited school day (like computer languages).  All the History Americans need to know can be taught in 1 year with the following units:

Unit 1: Revolutionary War (So America protects its sovereignty).  Here children learn the Bill of Rights and have to memorize ideally all of them for a quiz at the end of the unit.
Unit 2: Civil War (So America doesn't bring back race-based slavery).  Here children learn the 13th amendment, and get quizzed on amendments 11 to 20 to the constitution.
Unit 3: WWII (So America learns not to repeat Natzism).  Here children learn the remaining 7 amendments to the constitution and are expected to know the entire constitution.
Unit 4: Cold War (So America learns not to repeat communism).  In addition, children get quizzed on the entire constitution (all 27 amendments)

The rest of the time spent studying history can be spent on building grit in our kids.

2) How to end single motherhood: Implement a punishment for causing someone to be a single mother unless divorced (like sterilization).  Smash and dash should be illegal and punished by sterilization if single motherhood is to be eliminated (America has the highest rate of single motherhood in the world and this is why we have so many people in jail (U.S. has world's highest rate of children living in single-parent households | Pew Research Center)).

3) Open borders.

4) Remove all gun control that has not been shown to reduce the homicide rate (which includes an assault weapon ban and a background check)(Why I'm Pro AK 47 and anti background check - Google Sheets)

5 and 6) Replace the income tax with a 14% sales tax on necessities, a 17% capitol gains tax, and a 20% sales tax on luxuries.  Make tampons taxed as necessities and make condoms taxed as luxuries.

7) I have no idea how I would do this one, so I can't advocate for fixing the foster system as I don't know how I would do it and any changes made to the foster system might make things worse.  How you go about doing something matters more than the problem its self.

Lets say you wanted to end homelessness.  I can think of 2 ways to do that.  The first way I would support.  The 2nd I would oppose.

1st way: Putting all the homeless people in the homes of Bernie Sanders supporters.
2nd way: Murdering all the homeless people, thereby ending homelessness.

If we are to change the foster system, we need to make sure the way it gets changed is more like the first way and not like the 2nd way.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Yes.  If people want to change ANYTHING about how society currently operates, they should be specific as to how they want it changed.

The whole point of a representative democracy is that people have responsibilities and cannot be entirely informed on every available issue. You elect people who make specific plans.....