Contrary to ....

Author: Stephen


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MISS TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a “MAN TO A WOMAN,” and then to “OTHER,” then went to her being 53 years old, then 12 years old, then changed to being 14 years old, Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity she follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding the Noah's Ark narrative, SHE SAYS THAT OFFSPRING THAT CURSE THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BE KILLED, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19, 2 Timothy 4:3, and 1 Timothy 2:12. She obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, she goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, will not debate me on the Trinity Doctrine or the Virgin Birth, has a myriad of EXCUSES not to answer your questions, and she is "AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT!"


1.  “He could not be mentioned in the OT because he was not born then.” 

2.  "Now to your thoughts that since Jesus is God and since there is only ONE God, Jesus must have been mentioned in the OT.   I suppose you could be right."

HUH? WTF! Miss Tradesecret, can you spell “C-O-N-T-R-A-D-I-C-T-I-O-N” in terms? OMG!!! STOP THE PRESSES! .....  H-E-L-L-O?!  …. LOL! 

We thank you for slipping on your Freudian again, well done dear, you agree with me that Jesus is mentioned in the Old Testament, whereas before you didn't, therefore all of your pitiful and Bible stupid statements where you said He wasn’t mentioned in the Old Testament are now gone at your embarrassing expense,  priceless!


+++++++++   Miss Tradescret, psssst, any updates in handling your SEXUAL DEVIANCY with family members that goes directly against Jesus' teachings within His JUDEO-Christian Bible, whereas you going to Hell upon your demise (Jude 1:7)? 

The least of which, I am sure the membership would donate money for you to acquire an  "asbestos suit"  to wear when your Judgment Day comes in the name of Jesus, where His Judgment to YOU will be in the same vein as His Great Flood that you agree with in judging His creation with death, praise! +++++++++

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR PITIFUL AND BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE RELATING TO JESUS NOT BEING A SERIAL KILLER IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: “Again, there simply is no evidence suggesting so.  Since you can't find anything in the NT.”

As I have stated so many times, your Bible ignorance and stupidity has no bounds within this Religion Forum!

JESUS SAID: “I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, "bring them here and slay them in front of me." After Jesus had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.….” ( Luke 19:26-28)

Yes, this is a parable of Jesus’ Second Coming, nonetheless, when Jesus AS THE ONE GOD that you admit too uttered to His disciples to “bring them here and slay them before me,” this turned into Jesus being an instigator, and by proxy, a premeditated murderer in commanding His disciples to KILL people in His behalf, judgment or not, BIBLE FOOL!

There’re other passages in the New Testament that show our Jesus being in a premeditated state to kill His creation, but I don’t want to tax your biblical stupidity to a greater extent, of which you can thank me later for saving you further embarrassment in front of the membership.

I am sorry that you had to take 3-4 days off from being within this forum to frantically thumb through your Satanic apologetic books to “TRY” and address my posts to you upon the topics at hand, where your outcome only shows you to continue in being the #1 Bible stupid fool upon this Religion Forum, BAR NONE!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
1.  “He could not be mentioned in the OT because he was not born then.” 

2.  "Now to your thoughts that since Jesus is God and since there is only ONE God, Jesus must have been mentioned in the OT.   I suppose you could be right."
Hmm - how is this a contradiction?  I suppose a simpleton might make that error.  But let's put it this way - so that even you might understand. Although I doubt that you would ever concede the point since it only reveals how inept you are.

Jesus was born in the NT. He could therefore NEVER be referred to by name in the OT.  

I will tell you what, if you can find Jesus' name in the OT, I will concede there is a contradiction.  And you can have all of the kudos.  

If however you can't and are only able to  infer that Jesus is in the OT - because Jesus is God - or because Jesus is the messiah - or Jesus is the suffering servant, then I see no contradiction.   

Also - saying "I suppose you could be right" is not an absolute statement which is part of the reason I said "I suppose". Suppose is intentionally a non-absolute statement.  I know you have problems with primary school grammar - but it is what it is. 

I have never denied Jesus is God. Nor have I denied that God the Trinity is in the OT.  I also think that God the Trinity is in the NT.  

I have maintained and continue to do so - to say that the God we see in the OT is the Trinity. Yes, sometimes revealed as the Father, sometimes as the Son, sometimes as the Spirit.    And this is the same in the NT. In the NT however God reveals himself in a visible and human form. Jesus.  He did not do this in the OT.  

Jesus does not talk about himself in the OT.  Yet in every passage - there is never a reference to the name Jesus.  It is to be inferred - and interestingly in those references Jesus is not talking about himself as God, but as the Messiah or the suffering servant. There is a possibility that when Jesus used the term "I AM: that he was suggesting he is God.  But he doesn't direct us to a passage and he is not saying that he was personally there in the OT in the same body as Jesus. 

This is one of the issues with the Trinity.  It is not easy to understand.  

Having said that - again I repeat - It worries me not about you referring to Jesus as the OT God.  I can totally embrace that idea.  What I reject entirely as I have said on numerous occasions - is that the God of the OT or Jesus in the NT is a serial killer and I reject categorically that this is a proper characterization of him. 

A serial killer is someone who kills for the sake of killing.  Sometimes for political gains. Sometimes out of pleasure.  Sometimes out of opportunity.  God authorized the killing of persons in legitimate situations as a judge.   God judged the world in Noah's time and found it guilty.  This was the whole world - humans, animals, vegetation.  As God. As judge. he had the authority and power to judge and to carry out the judgment. This is not the stuff of serial killers. It is the stuff of judges who exercise moral and holy justice.  

What is significant about the story of Noah's flood is that God chose to save anyone.  That is the question.   It would have been totally appropriate for God to have wiped out everything - the entire world.  Yet even in this time when the world had got to its worst - and most evil - God showed mercy and compassion.  Yes to a very small number of people.  To a very small number of animals. 

Exercising judgement as a legitimate and just judge - is not the same thing at all as a serial killer.   I get that you hate God.  Entirely a matter for you. But mischaracterizing him - well that is on you.  God will not be mocked.  Your words will not just fall on deaf ears.  That is a matter for you.  Ultimately it will be a matter for a judge.   I suggest that you get yourself a really good lawyer - advocate.     I could give you a name - you won't find it in the OT though.  
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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MISS TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a “MAN TO A WOMAN,” and then to “OTHER,” then went to her being 53 years old, then 12 years old, then changed to being 14 years old, Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity she follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding the Noah's Ark narrative, SHE SAYS THAT OFFSPRING THAT CURSE THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BE KILLED, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19, 2 Timothy 4:3, and 1 Timothy 2:12. She obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, she goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, will not debate me on the Trinity Doctrine or the Virgin Birth, has a myriad of EXCUSES not to answer your questions, and she is "AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT!"

YOUR RUNAWAY QUOTE REGARDING JESUS WAS AN INSTIGATOR, AND PROXY SERIAL MURDERER: “What I reject entirely as I have said on numerous occasions - is that the God of the OT or Jesus in the NT is a serial killer and I reject categorically that this is a proper characterization of him.” 

THE PASSAGE THAT YOU RAN AWAY FROM AGAIN: “I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, "bring them here and slay them in front of me." After Jesus had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.….” ( Luke 19:26-28)

In my post #32 to you shown in the above passage that you ran away from by Jesus being a blatant instigator, and a proxy serial murderer in commanding His disciples to “bring them here and slay them in front of me” the creation that do not want Him to rule over them. 

2+2=4, oil and water don’t mix, and your pathetic lame girly excuses of Jesus not being a serial murderer as shown herein always go severely wanting, laughable, and irrational as usual!  CASE CLOSED AT YOUR IRRATIONAL EXPENSE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN UPON THIS TOPIC!

Miss Tradesecret, there are other examples of Jesus in the NEW TESTAMENT in being blatantly GUILTY of being the instigator and proxy serial murderer, but to save you from further embarrassment in twisting yourself into another befuddled pretzel, I’ll not bring them forth at this time because you’ll just RUN AWAY from them as well in front of the membership!  You can thank me later, dear.

Miss Tradesecret, your problem has always been that you think the membership is as Bible dumbfounded as you are, and where you further think that the membership are totally irrational thinkers as you are in you using some of the most pathetic excuses ever seen to say that you are correct in Jesus NOT being a serial murderer!  LOL!  You do make us laugh though, thank you!


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MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #1: Tradesecret will call you a “bully,” for making her the Bible fool, or for asking questions that she could not answer, even though the questions asked were logically valid and biblically axiomatic!

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #2: Tradesecret will accuse you of “stalking” her if you repeat more than once why Tradesecret hasn’t addressed your questions in the first place! 

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #3: Tradesecret will use the ruse of “attacking them personally,” by name calling, which has nothing to do with the questions asked to her. Where the irony is she performs this act as well. Can Tradesecret spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?  Sure she can.

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #4: she will just go “SILENT” to your questions in the hopes that you will forget about the fact that you presented them to her in the first place!  

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #5:  she will give you “cutesy” excuses and images to try and take your mind off of the FACT that she is running away again from your valid axiomatic biblical questions! Child-like, but what did we expect. :(

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #6: Now if you want to make her the continued Bible fool, she “may” answer you if your question or statement to her is “properly presented to her!“ LOL!

MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #7:  She will tell you that you are not interpreting the scripture correctly, even though it is LITERAL in nature. She disagrees with the literal presentation of any passage or narrative that embarrasses her, then she will come up with another ungodly "convenient interpretation" of said verse to make you wrong!
MISS TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #8:  She will tell you that what you have found regarding her ungodly and despicable nature is because you have "hacked" into her DA account, and changed her posts to disgusting posts to further embarrass her! Priceless runaway tactic.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #9: She will divert the attention away from her in failing to prove her point by calling you a “creepy old man or a dunce.”

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #10”:  She will use the term that you “Distract and Attack” to save her from further embarrassment to her outright Bible stupidity and ignorance that has no bounds!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #11: She will say that she is not answering personal questions even though she at times presents personal things of hers in her posts, like showing us she is an admitted SEXUAL DEVIANT!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #12:  When you challenge her to a debate like I did, she will  tell you that you argue like a 12 year old girl or boy and have not matured enough, therefore she will RUN away from debating you, because in essence, she can't debate you in the first place!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #13:  She will tell you that you don’t have a brain and that you are a fake, and you don’t have the background to discuss religion with her. 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #14:  She will tell you that you look “dumb” and that you couldn’t really grasp the subject matter, therefore she will RUN AWAY from your posst to her and hide. 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #15:  Zeus forbid if you are an Atheist who outright owns her Bible stupidity, because she'll send up a smoke screen to prevent the Atheist from further embarrassing her regarding the Bible, she will call you names and blanket unwarranted claims about your denying any God.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #16:  Her computer tells her that she should not open up webpage links it does not recognize that you have posted to her, therefore releasing her from further biblical embarrassment!  LOL! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #17:  If you make a derogatory comment to her it is enough for her to not address your question, BUT, she makes these same remarks to other members, can we say HYPOCRITE, sure we can!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #18: She will call your posts to her as LIES, therefore there is no need for her to discuss your posts, yes, this is true! Can we call Miss Tradesecret the habitual RUNAWAY? Sure we can! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #19:  She will tell you that your posts are “not worth it” to respond too, in once again showing her outright Bible ignorance to run away from them!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #20:  She will tell you that she doesn’t give a “toss” about your stupid ideas of a post you’ve directed to her, again, in running away from it as usual.

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #21:  When she opens a previous link that was directed to her, and after opening it and it showed her that she was wrong in her perceived biblical knowledge, she will tell you that she DID NOT open said post because she could care less in what you proposed!  LOL

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #22:  She will tell you that you don’t have enough “integrity” to take her time in debating you or answer your questions as a little crybaby!

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #23: If she knows you will easily “own her Bible stupidity,” and allegedly you are using a fake personna, she will not debate you or answer your questions, other than to run away and HIDE from them! 

MISS TRADESECRET EXCUSE #24: She will answer questions that she wants to answer, and not other questions that makes her the Bible fool! 

We can only assume that poor ol’ Miss Tradesecret, in being the #1 Bible stupid runaway fool of this forum, at one point will have so many excuses piled up not to address questions posed to her, that she will not be able to be in this forum anymore because the MANY EXCUSES that she has will cause her to be SILENT!  LOL!

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
“I tell you that everyone who has will be given more; but the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, "bring them here and slay them in front of me." After Jesus had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.….” ( Luke 19:26-28)

I have addressed this verse several times. You just don't like answers. That you don't like my answers is not me running away.  What a cop out response.  Let me repeat myself - 

Firstly, these words in Luke are Jesus' words recorded for all of us to hear.  The context as I say repeatedly is important. Jesus is near Jerusalem v. 11. The people around him thought that since the Messiah was here, that the kingdom was going to appear at once.  Jesus in his role as teacher wants to correct the people who are around him, calling for the kingdom to come immediately. 

Jesus does his teaching in this passage in a form of literature or genre known as a parable.  This parable rungs from v. 12 - v.27. A parable is not historical narrative. It is a very different genre. It is different to a poem, it is different from apocalyptic genre. It is a parable. 

A parable is a story or an illustration which tells one main point.  This point is typically in response to a question asked of Jesus or will be used to teach his listeners in relation to whatever situation is going on. 

Here the point Jesus is making is quite profound really.  The people are wanting Jesus the messiah to bring in the kingdom immediately - to get rid of the Romans and to establish the Kingdom of God in a political sense.  Jesus' ultimate point is that people should be careful what they wish for - for when the kingdom of God is ushered in in a political sense it will mean death and destruction for the enemies of the kingdom.  In other words, he is instructing them to consider the here and the now and what Jesus is doing in his time and place 2000 years ago.  Jesus was coming to die - to usher in his kingdom, first in the hearts of people, and then ultimately after he returns in a political and comprehensive sense.  Basically he is saying to the people - you don't know what you are asking for. 

The parable unfolds from v. 12 - a nobleman went to a foreign land to have himself appointed as king and then to return home to his own country. We don't know from this story why or how this was going to take place. Or whether this is legitimate or not. v.13 tells us that he called his servants together and gave them some money and told them to invest it or to work it. This appears to be the case before he leaves his original country on his way to be appointed king. He just says "work the money until I return".  v.14 informs us that his subjects hate him and send a delegation after him - saying "we don't want him to be our king".  We don't know why the subjects hate him. We don't know whether it is a legitimate reason or not. 

v.15 tells us that despite the subject's delegation and their hatred for him that this noble man was made king anyway.  The king returned home and sent for his servants to see what he had gained from their work. 

v.16 -25 then explores this aspect of the parable - of the work that his servants did while he was away. The first one did well and was rewarded. The second one did well - but not as well as the first one, but was still commended and appropriately rewarded. The third one came and said he had not invested or worked the money but rather put it away in a cloth. He then explained why he did this in v. 21. "I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take what what you did not put in and reap where you did not sow." 

v.22, the king replies.  He calls this man wicked. He tells him he will be judged by his own words. His response is to say - if you really believed your excuse, why didn't you do what I asked you, rather than nothing.  This short section really doesn't tell us much about the king except he is insightful. It doesn't tell us whether he is bad or even hard. The servant obviously is using it as an excuse - but does he believe it? Probably not or he would have acted. v23 -24 further elaborate on this and then provides the consequences of doing nothing. 

v.26 informs us that those who are wise with their monies will end up with more and those who are not wise with their money will lose it.  

v. 27 then completes the parable.  The king now refers not to the servants but to those "enemies of mine". They don't want me to be their king, so let it be so. 

Is Jesus referring to himself? Probably.  And the parable is not to be taken literally.   It is not historical narrative. Jesus is the nobleman who will go back to heaven to claim his crown.  He leaves his servants here to continue the work of the kingdom.   But there are some who don't want him to be king. The parable talks of a delegation.  Obviously not literal in a historical narrative sense. No one has gone up to heaven to say they don't want Jesus to be king.  Yet the sentiments are true, here on earth, many people hate Jesus and do not want him to be their king.  And they will tell everyone that Jesus is evil and a serial killer and does not deserve to be a king. 

Yet Jesus is crowned and made king in heaven.  

One day he is going to return.  And when he does, he will call his servants to account.  How have you been investing in the kingdom of God? And he will reward them according to their work.   Some will do well and some won't.  Some will find excuses for not investing but simply doing whatever they do.  

And then King Jesus will call for all his enemies. All those who have said "we don't want you as our king".  And he will give them what they want.  

That is the message - be careful what you wish for.  You just might get it. 

It is not a story of a serial killer.  

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
It's not a story of a serial killer.

AH....But it is a story.

Freudian slip.

54 days later

Shila's avatar
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the beliefs and some  comments in this thread

#1 It's recorded in Matthew 10:34 that Jesus says:"Do not suppose I have come to bring peace to the  earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter in law against her mother in law a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

Jesus, in my view[,………………………………...]
I think part of the answer lies in the type of sword Jesus is talking about. Obviously it is a metaphorical sword, but the Greek word here is a dagger. Not a great big swashbuckling broad sword, but a short dagger. #34

I don’t agree. There is absolutely nothing in the New Testament BIBLE that shows anything contrary to what Matthew 10:34 actually states and means. And, there are many other verses that clearly show that Jesus ‘ appearance in Palestine as a king returned to claim his throne and title would create conflict/war with Rome, it was unavoidable, which in turn would create division of opinions within the family. These difference of opinions would, as Jesus himself admits, set “'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter in law against her mother in law a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."
You see, there is no doubt that the reason for this is simple. Generations of Jews at the time had been Hellenised after centuries of influence under the Greek rule and their gods (weren’t even the gospels recorded in Greek?). So here we had an older generation still aligned to or hadn’t forgotten their Old Testament god Yahweh while the younger generations were not; “the children of Israel had gone astray”..
The BIBLE clearly tells us that Jesus’ “mission” was to unite those Jews that had been “lost” Matthew 15:24 under one god and one rule.

   In short Jesus was building an army. And I believe there is evidence in the New Testament that does go some way in proving this. And, as with all ends of conflict, there would be the peace under one god and one rule and Jesus believed himself to be the man to bring this peace about. This is a recurring pattern throughout the whole of the BIBLE….. if not the whole of history. Many Jews were happy with the situation under Greek rule as were many happy under Babylonian rule so much so many decided to remain in Babylon and many were full and active members of Babylonian society. After some 70+ years many Jews prospered. It is easy to imagine that many second and third generation Jewish Babylonians had no interest in leaving. As were many happy with the status quo under Roman rule and didn’t want any self proclaimed pretender king upsetting it:

John 11:48
If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our temple and our nation.”

Luke 22:36King James Version
 Then said he [Jesus] unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
The Scriptures tell us what Jesus was armed with just before he was arrested. Jesus was not carrying a sword but a wine cup which he prayed would be taken away from him to help him with his alcoholism.
Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Stephen's avatar
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The Scriptures tell us what Jesus was armed with just before he was arrested. Jesus was not carrying a sword but a wine cup which he prayed would be taken away from him to help him with his alcoholism.
Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

That's correct. He didn't want this burden (cup) of dying or being used as the sacrificial lamb.  . It wasn't his "will" to die , he was so frightened of dying that it is said that he suffered hematohidrosis.  It wasn't a literal cup.

Tell me, why a blood sacrifice anyway. What is it with god and blood sacrifices?

Shila's avatar
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That's correct. He didn't want this burden (cup) of dying or being used as the sacrificial lamb.  . It wasn't his "will" to die , he was so frightened of dying that it is said that he suffered hematohidrosis.  It wasn't a literal cup.

Tell me, why a blood sacrifice anyway. What is it with god and blood sacrifices?

The whole of the Old Testament, every book, points toward the Great Sacrifice that was to come—that of Jesus’ sacrificial giving of His own life on our behalf. Leviticus 17:11 is the Old Testament’s central statement about the significance of blood in the sacrificial system. God, speaking to Moses, declares: “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”

A “sacrifice” is defined as the offering up of something precious for a cause or a reason. Making atonement is satisfying someone or something for an offense committed. The Leviticus verse can be read more clearly now: God said, “I have given it to you (the creature’s life, which is in its blood) to make atonement for yourselves (covering the offense you have committed against Me).” In other words, those who are covered by the blood sacrifice are set free from the consequences of sin.

That is why menstruating women were deemed unclean in the Bible. Blood had to be spilled to make an atonement. Women menstruate blood to discharge monthly buildup.

Stephen's avatar
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That is why menstruating women were deemed unclean in the Bible. Blood had to be spilled to make an atonement.

So a woman menstruating is deemed unclean but a man shedding blood is a sacrifice? Stop talking complete shite! 

Women menstruate blood to discharge monthly buildup.

FFS!  A women's menstruation is simply discharging an unfertilised and  lining of the uterus.

The whole of the Old Testament, every book, points toward the Great Sacrifice that was to come—that of Jesus’ sacrificial giving of His own life on our behalf.

But he didn't want to die did he? He asked his "father" to be relieved of his burden? And was totally ignored. And it can hardly be a sacrifice if he knew he wasn't going to die, ie that he would be resurrected back to life as a man.

 “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”
A creature being an animal. We are talking a human sacrifice.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
BrotherD got dumped by a Jewish girl. Hence the new influx of anti-Semitism in his posts. 
Shila's avatar
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That is why menstruating women were deemed unclean in the Bible. Blood had to be spilled to make an atonement. 

So a woman menstruating is deemed unclean but a man shedding blood is a sacrifice? Stop talking complete shite! 

Women menstruate blood to discharge monthly buildup.

FFS!  A women's menstruation is simply discharging an unfertilised and  lining of the uterus.

The whole of the Old Testament, every book, points toward the Great Sacrifice that was to come—that of Jesus’ sacrificial giving of His own life on our behalf.

But he didn't want to die did he? He asked his "father" to be relieved of his burden? And was totally ignored. And it can hardly be a sacrifice if he knew he wasn't going to die, ie that he would be resurrected back to life as a man.

 “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”
A creature being an animal. We are talking a human sacrifice.
Jesus summed up the blood sacrifices and unappreciated women menstruation which was obviously very much on his mind on the cross.
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”