Historical fact of the martyrdom of apostles as proof of Christianity

Author: n8nrgmi


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Well before taking her to talk to a priest / pastor one has to , As the OP suggest,   Take    (  Historical facts of Christianity ) as proofs
Sooooo,  Before i send her in to speaks with a priest /pastor, i will be attaching my go pro camera to her forehead. 
Not because i think this particular preacher will do or say anything deemed as inappropriate  to her , its just , 
Its just (  historical facts ) that i have seemed to  take into consideration.    
Thats all.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Do any of the gospel writer confirm this? Do any of them for instance tell us that with the destruction of the temple that this was the end of time or the end of old covenant? 
  Mark 12 Matthew 24 Luke 21

Nope. Nothing there at all that mentions the "ending of a covenant with Israel or  the abolition of sacrifices" that accompany the temples destruction.. As you have claimed and that I can see.  Could you point it out for me?

yes I could but since you are this really fantastic bible scholar, I would not want to embarrass you. 

This accomplished historically what had happened spiritually in Jesus' death on the cross. 

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.
I never said it was to usher in the last days.  

But don't you agree that the destruction of the Temple was the catalyst to the "end of days"?   Yes or No?


This last one however will not be ushered in until the church has historically grown up and become an adult - mature and spotless in every way. 

And the bible confirms this does it? Or is this just your own opinion? And  what do you mean by "spotless"? 
Yes. The bible confirms it.  You can go and look up the verse or don't you know it? 

 I don't know it. So it will be nice for me to read for myself once you have posted it up.  What do you mean when you say "spotless" and" mature"
I would refer you to a verse in the NT by the apostle Paul - but given you are such a fantastic bible scholar I don't want to embarrass you. Spotless and mature - or without wrinkle. I mean grown up. 

Given that the church is very much an adolescent. One which is having trouble understanding its identity, it is very unlikely it has occurred. 

Which church?
The church - invisible for want of a better word. 
What do you consider this "invisible churches understanding and identity" actually to be?
the point of an invisible church is to remove identity except generally. 

For the record, I don't think the Last Day of the world - when Jesus returns to judge the world - is the end of the world.

Neither do I. Jesus/bible only mentions the "end of the age"  which in my own opinion is clearly a term used often in astronomy of which the bible and Jesus makes many references to.
Age  / world often used synonomously. Eaon v kosmos.

Do you have a a biblical  example?
Yes.  Don't you? 

The imagery we have in Revelation - brings down that division - so that the city of Heaven - will be on earth.

You do know that none of the things that were expected of Jesus as messiah never came to fruition don't you? Not one.
Well - I obviously have a different position. How about you start by telling me what things were expected of Jesus that you say never came to fruition? 

Just to name a few. Jesus;

failed  to inherit the throne of David as was promised to his mother.
failed to become king of the Jews.
failed to free the Jews from the Roman yoke.
failed rebuild the Temple.
This wouldn't make him a Messiah, although some of his close disciples believed him to be.
I guess you are reading a different NT to me then.  I know you have an aversion to the book of Hebrews. 

Jesus has not yet returned in his fully glory to collect his bride.  

 I agree. Jesus hasn't returned in my time. But then the bible does mention that Jesus was  physically "resurrected" from being a three day old corpse as a man 2000 years ago and in his own body:
Well actually the bible is very clear that Jesus was physically resurrected. 

Indeed and  as I have already mentioned, Jesus is alleged to have been "resurrected from the dead" as a flesh and blood human man too. 
Well yes Jesus was resurrected flesh and blood. 

Jesus  appearing to his  some of his followers said- " Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
Where does it say that? 
In the Bible.
Where specifically? 

And Paul says - "I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable".

 So you don't understand that verse then?  Paul is denying that Jesus resurrected from being of flesh and blood and physically dead  to being alive and living flesh and blood physically . If he had been he "cannot inherit the kingdom of God". 

Oh I am pretty sure I understand it as much as the next person.  Paul is doing no such thing.  You just need to read a little wider. 

So with this in mind and your own opinion that the "last days" started with the destruction of the temple isn't it more likely that your lord Jesus has indeed been and gone and you have missed the bus?

Jesus has not returned yet.  Nothing you have said - would indicate anything else.  Perhaps you should fill in the gaps that you seem to see - but no one else does. 
I don't need to fill in any gaps, but you need to fill in the gap of some 2000+ years and the promise to return. I am of the opinion that you missed your heavenly ride to paradise. But it is only my opinion.
Jesus said he would return.   I haven't missed any ride yet.  In fact my view is that I will be long dead before he returns.  Thousands and thousands of years yet. 

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.
I never said it was to usher in the last days.  

So the death of Christ the messiah on the cross and the destruction of the Temple were not the beginning  of the ushering in of the end times?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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O NO .

" Two guys one script " 

Shhhhhhhh. Don't disturb them 
Just Watch closely now kids. 

One script / passage has thrown out two different meanings.  
We know that doesn't add up. 

It is obvious that one of them  has a " broken bible "  
But whom ?

This is going to be epic
Watch em. 
' crouches back behind the bush ' 

Stephen's avatar
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Do any of the gospel writer confirm this? Do any of them for instance tell us that with the destruction of the temple that this was the end of time or the end of old covenant? 
  Mark 12 Matthew 24 Luke 21

Nope. Nothing there at all that mentions the "ending of a covenant with Israel or  the abolition of sacrifices" that accompany the temples destruction.. As you have claimed and that I can see.  Could you point it out for me?

yes I could but since you are this really fantastic bible scholar, I would not want to embarrass you. 

I have never claimed to be scholarly. That will be your forte, you never seem to tire of telling us about your own exceptional theological education under all of those biblical and ancient language scholars. Would you like reminding?
  So are you going to point out for us where in those verses that you have offered up show where they speak of the "ending of a covenant with Israel or  the abolition of sacrifices" that accompany the temples destruction?  

This last one however will not be ushered in until the church has historically grown up and become an adult - mature and spotless in every way. 

And the bible confirms this does it? Or is this just your own opinion? And  what do you mean by "spotless"? 
Yes. The bible confirms it.  You can go and look up the verse or don't you know it? 

 I don't know it. So it will be nice for me to read for myself once you have posted it up.  What do you mean when you say "spotless" and" mature"
I would refer you to a verse in the NT by the apostle Paul - but given you are such a fantastic bible scholar I don't want to embarrass you. Spotless and mature - or without wrinkle. I mean grown up. 
But this doesn't explain "spotless". ie absolutely clean or pure; immaculate without fault or blemish.

Given that the church is very much an adolescent. One which is having trouble understanding its identity, it is very unlikely it has occurred. 

Which church?
The church - invisible for want of a better word. 
What do you consider this "invisible churches understanding and identity" actually to be?
the point of an invisible church is to remove identity except generally. 

That is making no sense to me. Could you expand?

For the record, I don't think the Last Day of the world - when Jesus returns to judge the world - is the end of the world.

Neither do I. Jesus/bible only mentions the "end of the age"  which in my own opinion is clearly a term used often in astronomy of which the bible and Jesus makes many references to.
Age  / world often used synonomously. Eaon v kosmos.

Do you have a a biblical  example?
Yes.  Don't you? 

Sorry, I don't , that is why I asked you.  So will you be offering up any examples?

The imagery we have in Revelation - brings down that division - so that the city of Heaven - will be on earth.

You do know that none of the things that were expected of Jesus as messiah never came to fruition don't you? Not one.
Well - I obviously have a different position. How about you start by telling me what things were expected of Jesus that you say never came to fruition? 

Just to name a few. Jesus;

failed  to inherit the throne of David as was promised to his mother.
failed to become king of the Jews.
failed to free the Jews from the Roman yoke.
failed rebuild the Temple.
This wouldn't make him a Messiah, although some of his close disciples believed him to be.
I guess you are reading a different NT to me then.  I know you have an aversion to the book of Hebrews
Not at all.  If you disagree simply show us where Jesus fulfilled all that was expected of his role as the expected Messiah. It shouldn't be difficult seeing that you are adamant that he did all that was expected of a Messiah.

Jesus has not yet returned in his fully glory to collect his bride.  

 I agree. Jesus hasn't returned in my time. But then the bible does mention that Jesus was  physically "resurrected" from being a three day old corpse as a man 2000 years ago and in his own body:
Well actually the bible is very clear that Jesus was physically resurrected. 

Indeed and  as I have already mentioned, Jesus is alleged to have been "resurrected from the dead" as a flesh and blood human man too. 
Well yes Jesus was resurrected flesh and blood. 

Yes. I have agreed with you on this many times  on this thread alone. Why are you still arguing something that we both agree on? 

Jesus  appearing to his  some of his followers said- " Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
Where does it say that? 
In the Bible.
Where specifically? 

Please. Don't tell me that you amazing memory of the bible has let you down again.  Are you trying to tell us that you cannot remember one of the most famous stories surrounding the events of resurrection?

And Paul says - "I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable".

 So you don't understand that verse then?  Paul is denying that Jesus resurrected from being of flesh and blood and physically dead  to being alive and living flesh and blood physically . If he had been he "cannot inherit the kingdom of God". 

Oh I am pretty sure I understand it as much as the next person.  Paul is doing no such thing.  You just need to read a little wider. 

You obviously do not. Paul is more than clear saying that;  stinking perishable rotting three day old flesh cannot return to its previous condition.

This accomplished historically what had happened spiritually in Jesus' death on the cross. 

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.

The last days of the world however is another occasion - the one which is also often mentioned. 

 " the last days of the world"? And where or who by is it mentioned?

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.
I never said it was to usher in the last days.  

So the death of Christ the messiah on the cross and the destruction of the Temple were not the beginning  of the ushering in of the end times?


So the destruction of the temple and the death of the Christ didn't signify anything at all then? 

Tradesecret's avatar
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I have never claimed to be scholarly. That will be your forte, you never seem to tire of telling us about your own exceptional theological education under all of those biblical and ancient language scholars. Would you like reminding?
  So are you going to point out for us where in those verses that you have offered up show where they speak of the "ending of a covenant with Israel or  the abolition of sacrifices" that accompany the temples destruction?  


I would refer you to a verse in the NT by the apostle Paul - but given you are such a fantastic bible scholar I don't want to embarrass you. Spotless and mature - or without wrinkle. I mean grown up. 
But this doesn't explain "spotless". ie absolutely clean or pure; immaculate without fault or blemish.
Are you sure? 

the point of an invisible church is to remove identity except generally. 
That is making no sense to me. Could you expand?
Sure, but what would be the point? You don't really care anyway.  

Yes.  Don't you? 
Sorry, I don't , that is why I asked you.  So will you be offering up any examples?

I guess you are reading a different NT to me then.  I know you have an aversion to the book of Hebrews. 
Not at all.  If you disagree simply show us where Jesus fulfilled all that was expected of his role as the expected Messiah. It shouldn't be difficult seeing that you are adamant that he did all that was expected of a Messiah.
Seriously.  Just go to a Christian bookshop. Most towns have them these days.  Try asking for some help.   It should be too difficult for you to do this - if you are genuinely interested.   

Jesus  appearing to his  some of his followers said- " Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
Where does it say that? 
In the Bible.
Where specifically? 

Please. Don't tell me that you amazing memory of the bible has let you down again.  Are you trying to tell us that you cannot remember one of the most famous stories surrounding the events of resurrection?
LOL! in other words, the verse you claim to be quoting does not exist in the manner in which you alleged.  Surprise surprise. But thanks for the concession. 

And Paul says - "I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable".

 So you don't understand that verse then?  Paul is denying that Jesus resurrected from being of flesh and blood and physically dead  to being alive and living flesh and blood physically . If he had been he "cannot inherit the kingdom of God". 

Oh I am pretty sure I understand it as much as the next person.  Paul is doing no such thing.  You just need to read a little wider. 

You obviously do not. Paul is more than clear saying that;  stinking perishable rotting three day old flesh cannot return to its previous condition.
Wrong. Well mostly.  such things cannot return to its original condition - unless something happens.  It is always the something else that you tend to miss.  

This accomplished historically what had happened spiritually in Jesus' death on the cross. 

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.
Your the one telling the story.  

The last days of the world however is another occasion - the one which is also often mentioned. 

 " the last days of the world"? And where or who by is it mentioned?

Go down to the local street corner.  I am sure you will find someone with a poster saying the "the end is nigh". Or perhaps you turn on netflix - there is likely to be some show there discussing the end of the world. 

So the death of Christ the messiah on the cross and the destruction of the Temple were not the beginning  of the ushering in of the end times?


So the destruction of the temple and the death of the Christ didn't signify anything at all then? 

I love how when I don't answer in the way you want that you immediately jump to the opposite position. 

His death was not signifying the end of times.  It surely had a lot of things to signify though.  

Stephen's avatar
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  So are you going to point out for us where in those verses that you have offered up show where they speak of the "ending of a covenant with Israel or  the abolition of sacrifices" that accompany the temples destruction?  


 So you , as usual are misquoting the bible hoping no one will check for themselves and are lying.

I would refer you to a verse in the NT by the apostle Paul - but given you are such a fantastic bible scholar I don't want to embarrass you. Spotless and mature - or without wrinkle. I mean grown up. 
But this doesn't explain "spotless". ie absolutely clean or pure; immaculate without fault or blemish.
Are you sure? 
Yes I am sure. You used the word "spotless" not me. So why don't you simply explain what you mean by the "invisible church has to be spotless" and stop being so evasive.

the point of an invisible church is to remove identity except generally. 
That is making no sense to me. Could you expand?
Sure, but what would be the point? You don't really care anyway.  
I wouldn't have asked you to expand if I wasn't interested in hearing your explanation.  So when you are ready.

Yes.  Don't you? 
Sorry, I don't , that is why I asked you.  So will you be offering up any examples?
This from the teacher that often says he is more than willing " to answer any genuine religious questions".

I guess you are reading a different NT to me then.  I know you have an aversion to the book of Hebrews. 
Not at all.  If you disagree simply show us where Jesus fulfilled all that was expected of his role as the expected Messiah. It shouldn't be difficult seeing that you are adamant that he did all that was expected of a Messiah.
Seriously.  Just go to a Christian bookshop. Most towns have them these days.  Try asking for some help.   It should be too difficult for you to do this - if you are genuinely interested.   
Yes "seriously". You don't agree with me that Jesus failed in his mission as the messiah, so why not simply state your case as you see it. 

Jesus  appearing to his  some of his followers said- " Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
Where does it say that? 
In the Bible.
Where specifically? 

Please. Don't tell me that you amazing memory of the bible has let you down again.  Are you trying to tell us that you cannot remember one of the most famous stories surrounding the events of resurrection?
LOL! in other words, the verse you claim to be quoting does not exist in the manner in which you alleged.  Surprise surprise. But thanks for the concession. 

 Oh it exists, Reverend. I, unlike yourself, am not in the habit of injecting anything into scripture that isn't there and neither do I put words into the mouth's of any biblical characters as you often do when on the backfoot, I don't need to lie about what is in the bible. And this verse appears to be a very awkward verse for Christians .

So you are now  saying that this verse>>" Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” does not exist in the bible, YES OR NO?  

And Paul says - "I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable".

 So you don't understand that verse then?  Paul is denying that Jesus resurrected from being of flesh and blood and physically dead  to being alive and living flesh and blood physically . If he had been he "cannot inherit the kingdom of God". 

Oh I am pretty sure I understand it as much as the next person.  Paul is doing no such thing.  You just need to read a little wider. 

You obviously do not. Paul is more than clear saying that;  stinking perishable rotting three day old flesh cannot return to its previous condition.
Wrong. Well mostly.  such things cannot return to its original condition - unless something happens.  It is always the something else that you tend to miss.  

 Paul makes it clear what he means. You just cannot accept what Paul says;  that a dead and stinking rotten corpse cannot return to its original living state. 

This accomplished historically what had happened spiritually in Jesus' death on the cross. 

Do you have any biblical evidence to support that, or is this just your own opinion? It appears that Christians have quite a few opinions on why Jesus died on the cross and none are to do with ushering in  "old last days" or new ones.
Your the one telling the story.  

You are the one making all the claims about what the destruction of the temple and the death of Jesus on the cross meant or caused and signified. You seem to be having a lot of problems your memory on this thread with what you have already said. This is what happens when the right hand doesn't know what the left hand has written. 

The last days of the world however is another occasion - the one which is also often mentioned. 

 " the last days of the world"? And where or who by is it mentioned?

Go down to the local street corner.  I am sure you will find someone with a poster saying the "the end is nigh". Or perhaps you turn on netflix - there is likely to be some show there discussing the end of the world. 

So you cannot support yet another claim. Don't worry. No one will be surprised in the least. We are all well used to your evasive BS, by now Reverend Munchhausen.

So the death of Christ the messiah on the cross and the destruction of the Temple were not the beginning  of the ushering in of the end times?


So the destruction of the temple and the death of the Christ didn't signify anything at all then? 

I love how when I don't answer in the way you want that you immediately jump to the opposite position. 

 Not at all. I just want you to make yourself perfectly clear. because if you read from where our conversation started , it now appear to have contradicted most of what you have already  said.. Was this purposeful done to add to confuse? 

His death was not signifying the end of times. 

Then what was it signifying if anything? 

It surely had a lot of things to signify though.  

And you have biblical examples do you? 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Honestly, it is easier to have a discussion with a JW than it is with you.

They at least try to think.  
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a “MAN TO A WOMAN,” and then to “OTHER,” then went to her being 53 years old, then 12 years old, then changed to being 14 years old, Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity she follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding the Noah's Ark narrative, SHE SAYS THAT OFFSPRING THAT CURSE THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BE KILLED, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19, 2 Timothy 4:3, and 1 Timothy 2:12, she obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, she goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, and she is "AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT!"

Remember I told you that this forum is sick and tired of your Bible STUPIDITY?!  Remember?  Then you display your complete stupidity upon the Bible AGAIN  where you  embarrassingly said to Stephen: "Where does it say that" regarding the Jesus passage relating to "Look at my hands and my feet ...." in your limp pseudo-christian post #88!  

OUR SERIAL KILLER JESUS SAID: "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” (Luke 24:39)

God damn it  Miss transgendered Tradesecret 2nd class woman, you are a continued embarrassment to Christianity within this forum, therefore do Jesus a favor and take your pseudo-christian dumb ass "Dog and Pony Show" to a children's Christian forum where you will be more at home with your Bible ignorance!  GO NOW BIBLE FOOL!


Stephen's avatar
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Remember I told you that this forum is sick and tired of your Bible STUPIDITY?!  Remember?  Then you display your complete stupidity upon the Bible AGAIN  where you  embarrassingly said to Stephen: "Where does it say that" regarding the Jesus passage relating to "Look at my hands and my feet ...." in your limp pseudo-christian post #88!  

OUR SERIAL KILLER JESUS SAID: "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” (Luke 24:39)

The verse in Luke is clear and it isn't hard to find, Brother D. And the story of Doubting Thomas has to be one of the most famous stories in the New Testament UNLESS of course his alleged incredible power to  "memorise the bible from a very early age"  let him down AGAIN!

Tradesecret wrote: I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year.  I know it reasonable well and can even read Hebrew and Greek"#52.

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YOUR QUOTE REGARDING THE #1 BIBLE IGNORANT AND STUPID PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN MISS TRADESECRET: "Tradesecret wrote: I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young."

If I can be frank, and you remain Stephen, the transgendered 14 year old Miss Tradesecret continues to show her outright Bible stupidity on a daily basis within this prestigious forum, where she has absolutely no business in being here in the first place!  As we, and many other members have easily shown, what she thinks she knows in her OPINIONS relative to the JUDEO-Christian Bible, she actually doesn't when we give her actual biblical axioms that easily bury her Satanic lies!  

As we have learned, when her pseudo-christian OPINIONS are easily shown to be once again wrong, we don't see her for a brief time because she is perusing her many differing and Satanic Christian Apologetic Books to at least ferret out something to use to "try" and refute the members biblical knowledge that was superior to hers in showing her to be bible stupid again!  Without question, Miss Tradesecret is an embarrassment to Christianity and to Jesus as He looks down upon this 2nd class Sister of Eve! (Hebrews 4:13)

Miss Tradesecret has been silent subsequent to a few posts that were directed to her showing her outright Bible ignorance, whereas Jesus and I cannot wait for her sheepish return, hang on!


amandragon01's avatar
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Can I ask what sources you'd suggest as being reliable for genuine research. As for the simplest solution being the most likely. I agree up to a point, but where does that end? At what point do we consider if the 'simplest solution matches what we know to be possible? What should lead us to conclude a dead man being ressurected is the most plausible explanation?
zedvictor4's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret is an embarrassment to Christianity and to Jesus as He looks down upon this 2nd class Sister of Eve! (Hebrews 4:13)

S/he is an embarrassment to her/himself too, Brother D.  I mean, who in the whole of the world has never heard of Doubting Thomas?

This is the same clown that didn't know that Lot - another famous character and story from the bible- was righteous man?

Tradesecret wrote: I am not sure if you read the story or not? 

Stephen wrote:  I have serious doubts whether you have ever read the whole  scriptures for yourself, or questioned them for yourself, Reverend Chaplin Tradesecrete? https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/5194-i-have-two-virgin-daughters?page=1&post_number=8

Tradsecret wrote: I can't seem to recall where Lot was ever held up as a paragon of virtue or righteousness.  

Can you think of anywhere in the Scriptures where Lot is help up as being a model for Jews or for Christians? I can't and I would never hold him up as so.  

Stephen wrote: 2 Peter 2:7

"and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless" . https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/5194-i-have-two-virgin-daughters?page=1&post_number=8
Couldn't recall s/he says. S/he with the most amazing memory of the bible in the whole wide world "didn't remember reading that LOT was a righteous man and a paragon of virtue "in the eyes of god himself!!!! and" couldn't recall"  why god chose to save Lot and his kinfolk
And she had the balls to tell me that I hadn't even read the story!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tradesecret wrote: I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year.  I know it reasonable well and can even read Hebrew and Greek"#52.


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Can I ask what sources you'd suggest as being reliable for genuine research. As for the simplest solution being the most likely. I agree up to a point, but where does that end? At what point do we consider if the 'simplest solution matches what we know to be possible? What should lead us to conclude a dead man being ressurected is the most plausible explanation?
Great question.  If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence.  If we were to research the works of Aristotle or Caesar, we would do the same thing.  Interestingly there are copious amounts of manuscripts for the alleged existence of Jesus.  Not just close in times of date but also multiple copies of similar documents.  For those interested in ancient documents - the narratives around the life of Jesus are quite extraordinary.  

Those would be the primary documents. There are of course many secondary sources and others which articulate very well the arguments attached too in relation for the resurrection and against the resurrection.   To find those- either attend at pretty much any seminary college and they typically have books both for and against.  Even a quick search on google will provide some basic coverage of the topic. 

I take the view that when it comes to understanding the resurrection of Jesus - that the biggest hurdle people have is God not facts.  If you don't believe in God, then the resurrection becomes an impossibility, no matter what the facts ought to lead us to conclude.  In other words, facts become a side issue - to what we "know with our own experience". This is where many atheists tend to fall down.  You can't beat something with nothing. In other words, historians of all positions accept something extraordinary happened in history that took a new Jewish cult in the backwaters of the world from almost next to nothing with few subscribers to a cult that within a couple of hundred years - had captured a very large proportion of the Roman empire.  This occurred in a time while Christianity was still illegal and participants could very much expect to be sentenced to death. The question is what happened? 

We know something happened. This type of growth is not atypical.  Why would a Jewish cult transcend national boundaries and become such a thing as it did.  What is the explanation? 

Atheists attribute all sorts of explanations. Yet none really make sense.  Persecution per se is not a satisfactory explanation.  Some like to suggest that Constantine was the lever. Yet, the fact is - the increase in numbers was actually the reason he made it a state religion. The numbers were well and truly exponential before he came along. And I suspect along with many others - that it was his conversion along with the state approval which caused the slow down of Christianity.  That also requires a sufficient answer. 

When all of the varied theories put forward to the questions around the death and resurrection are considered - and weighted against plausibility. Against likelihood. Against possibilities, the preponderance of evidence is significant. I think overwhelming. For me - the resurrection of Jesus is not something I believe in faith. In fact I would counsel against Christians to believe such in faith. It is a historical fact for the church.  

Hence the answer to your last questions is FACTS should have us arrive at that conclusion.  We ought not let the bias and assumptions we have either in the belief or the disbelief of God come into it. 

For there not to be a resurrection, requires a better, more plausible explanation. At this point in time, that still remains remarkably missing. Many people account for some part of the question - but NOT one takes into the account the entirety of the story.  Where is the body? Why were there so many actual witnesses of the resurrection - who were prepared to die - if they knew it was a lie or a conspiracy? What caused the exponential growth of the church - that has so baffled historians? 

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Somebody remember they had a second account they can use to post.
GnosticChristianBishop's avatar
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"the Resurrection of Jesus has more evidence to support it historical reality than many other things in history. "

Do not the others, what was it, 6 Gods who have dies for us in history make a difference?

Why ignore those others. Jesus and his Armageddon are likely more evil.

The Gnostic Jesus is ok, but that Roman genocidal; prick, is a prick.

Moral people will agree.


Stephen's avatar
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If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence. [...........]  Interestingly there are copious amounts of manuscripts for the alleged existence of Jesus.  Not just close in times of date but also multiple copies of similar documents.  For those interested in ancient documents - the narratives around the life of Jesus are quite extraordinary.  

Those would be the primary documents. 

Are you suggesting that the bible on its own is not good enough proof of the resurrection?

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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TRADESECRET, whose gender went from a “MAN TO A WOMAN,” and then to “OTHER,” then went to her being 53 years old, then 12 years old, then changed to being 14 years old, Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity she follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding the Noah's Ark narrative, SHE SAYS THAT OFFSPRING THAT CURSE THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BE KILLED, states there is FICTION within the scriptures, and is guilty of Revelation 22:18-19, 2 Timothy 4:3, and 1 Timothy 2:12, she obviously had ungodly Gender Reassignment Surgery, Satanic Bible Rewriter, she goes against Jesus in not helping the poor, teaches Christianity at Universities in a “blind leading the blind” scenario, and is a False Prophet, says that Jesus is rational when He commits abortions and makes His creation eat their children, and that Jesus is rational when He allows innocent babies to be smashed upon the rocks, and she is "AN ADMITTED SEXUAL DEVIANT!"

YOUR SLAPPING JESUS IN THE FACE QUOTE IN POST #104!: "Great question. If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence."

What did you just propose in your questionable link shown above?! You specifically stated "Jesus' alleged existence?" Huh?  Whoops, slipped on your Freudian again Miss Tradesecret? LOL!   Once again, you are truly an embarrassment to this Religion Forum and Christianity you outright Bible FOOL!!

ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR DUMBFOUNED QUOTES REGARDING THE RESURRECTION OF OUR SERIAL KILLER JESUS: "I take the view that when it comes to understanding the resurrection of Jesus - that the biggest hurdle people have is God not facts."

WRONG again as usual!  The facts are that our serial killer Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate, is just a copycat of the Persian God "Mithra," who was a copy cat verbatim of other Sun gods before Him. Christianity copied and borrowed from Mithraism that cannot be denied!  Besides, unfortunately Jesus was a "Demigod" being born from His human mother Mary which makes Him being a "minor God" concept, resurrected or not!. 

As I have said before, the only reason that I have to accept Jesus is the fact that His words preclude that there will be no woman in heaven, praise!

Miss Tradesecret, I am sorry that you have to ONCE AGAIN runaway from my godly posts directed to you in other threads, what's new? NOTHING! Therefore, you are to SCARED to at least "try" and refute them, and this is why you are known upon this Religion Forum as the "#1 RUNAWAY Bible fool from biblical axioms!"  


FLRW's avatar
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That’s right, ladies, there will be NO females in Heaven. The thinking goes something like this: God, the father is male and Jesus is male. In Heaven, Christians will receive perfect resurrected bodies just like Jesus’. Thus, everyone in Heaven will be a thirty-three-year-old male. This means, of course, that God promotes and supports Transgenderism for women. Time to get your male on, ladies. Prepare now for eternity in Heaven as a m-a-n.

The above was written by  Bruce Gerencser

Bruce Gerencser, 64, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 43 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
Stephen's avatar
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  Besides, unfortunately Jesus was a "Demigod" being born from His human mother Mary which makes Him being a "minor God" concept, resurrected or not!. 

Yes Brother D..  His very human mother and riddled with inherited sin if we are to believe the Christian idea of inherited sin.
amandragon01's avatar
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amandragon01's avatar
Great question.  If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence.  If we were to research the works of Aristotle or Caesar, we would do the same thing.  Interestingly there are copious amounts of manuscripts for the alleged existence of Jesus.  Not just close in times of date but also multiple copies of similar documents.  For those interested in ancient documents - the narratives around the life of Jesus are quite extraordinary. 
Can you give some examples of these sources? I am of course not asking for anything unduly extensive, but manuscripts that support biblical claims of miracles and divine acts would be welcome. I personally see little issue with claims that a Jesus existed, or that he was Crucified.

Beyond his baptism and crucifixion there seems to be little of Jesus' life that is accepted by a wide range of historical scholars. So I'd be interested in some sources you'd suggest that clarify these details.

As for the persecution of Christians, I am again less than versed in the subject than I might like, day to day life gives less time to read than I might like. That said, I do find the idea put forward by some that the early Roman church muddied a lot of our historical records seems reasonable.

The spread of Christianity is interesting, but then Buddhism and and Islam also showed rapid spread if I'm not mistaken. I can certainly see an appeal in Christianities claims of eternal salvation which many religions are less clear. Again, I am always interested in reading material people might suggest.

I take the view that when it comes to understanding the resurrection of Jesus - that the biggest hurdle people have is God not facts.  If you don't believe in God, then the resurrection becomes an impossibility, no matter what the facts ought to lead us to conclude.

You aren't concerned that by accepting the existence of God as true leads to a bias? That the spread of Christianity was quick and impressive isn't really the question. The real questions are why did Christianity spread so well, what factors can we attribute to this spread and how does this support the claims put forward by Christianity? Does it really follow that people believing the claims makes them valid? Buddism went from Buddha to being the dominant religion of the Mauryan Empire within a few short centuries after all.

In other words, facts become a side issue - to what we "know with our own experience". This is where many atheists tend to fall down.
I have to disagree here. I feel the issue is more connecting proposed facts to proposed conclusions. To give an example. I won't argue the spread of Christianity is an interesting and remarkable event. However, I don't take that fact to conclude that it's claims are true and see no logical reason to do so.

You can't beat something with nothing. In other words, historians of all positions accept something extraordinary happened in history that took a new Jewish cult in the backwaters of the world from almost next to nothing with few subscribers to a cult that within a couple of hundred years - had captured a very large proportion of the Roman empire. This occurred in a time while Christianity was still illegal and participants could very much expect to be sentenced to death. The question is what happened? 
Firstly, that is a very good question. If we had a solid answer for that we'd likely have far less reason for discussion. That said, the contrarian in me has taken an interest in books and papers that question the extent of Christian persecution. My understanding is that it was fairly late... I am tempted to say late 3rd Century, that there were any laws passed that  made persecution of Christians a widespread and legally supported act (the exception being Tacticus, but there are disputing theories on how much that was aimed at Christianity and how much it was aimed at finding a scspegoat/arsonist, I don't have enough information at present to dismiss either position). Yet even the Diocletianic persecution targeted those unwilling to sacrifice to the Imperial Cult, rather than Christians in particular. Which also reminds me of Manichaeism which while not surviving spread incredibly quickly despite being younger and just as victimised by Diocletianic persecution. All this often leads me to question more 'why do religions spread so quickly' and 'Why did Christianity manage to survive.' while both interesting questions, I'm not convinced they support the validity of the religions claims so much as the appeal of those claims.

When all of the varied theories put forward to the questions around the death and resurrection are considered - and weighted against plausibility. Against likelihood. Against possibilities, the preponderance of evidence is significant. I think overwhelming. For me - the resurrection of Jesus is not something I believe in faith. In fact I would counsel against Christians to believe such in faith. It is a historical fact for the church. 
This I can't quite agree with. I find the questions fascinating, but as of yet, unanswered. Are you proposing that the fact people believed a claim (even to the point of facing persecution and death) is evidence of the claims validity?

Hence the answer to your last questions is FACTS should have us arrive at that conclusion.  We ought not let the bias and assumptions we have either in the belief or the disbelief of God come into it. 

I agree completely. 

For there not to be a resurrection, requires a better, more plausible explanation. At this point in time, that still remains remarkably missing. Many people account for some part of the question - but NOT one takes into the account the entirety of the story.  Where is the body? Why were there so many actual witnesses of the resurrection - who were prepared to die - if they knew it was a lie or a conspiracy? What caused the exponential growth of the church - that has so baffled historians? 
I would disagree. I would argue that a lack of an answer doesn't on its own make other answers more valid.

The questions are good ones, yet even if the ressurection would answer them all, that alone hardly seems to be reason to accept the ressurection as fact. Occam's razor is a fine principle, but it is hardly a universal principle. If the simple answer requires something extraordinary enough that we have no other documented account of such a thing happening in literally billions of cases, then being intensely sceptical seems reasonable. 

Why did Christianity spread so fast? Manicheaism spread to be a primary contender with Christianity, despite similar persecution and not beginning until the third century I believe. This would suggest a faster growth than Christianity. Buddhism spread with incredible speed as well, becoming a state within a few centuries of its inception.

What happened to the body? Not a clue, I haven't read any accounts from authors who I have reason to believe were there, so such deductions seem difficult if not impossible.

As for why they would martyr themselves for a lie or conspiracy. I would say they wouldn't, but how do we know what they did Martyr themselves for didn't require a lie and/or a conspiracy?

You say you can't beat something with nothing. This implies an answer should be accepted unless it can be disproven. I would say the reverse is true. An answer is valid once it. Can be shown to be a plausible explanation for a question.

I'm not ready to take an explanation that goes against all human experience as true without some very serious backing. The questions of:

why did Christianity spread so quickly?

Why were people willing to die for a lie/conspiracy?
what happened to a body?

Don't seem suitable reasons to believe a person rose from the dead, at least not without very extensive accounts of said ressurection. This is why I ask what sources you'd suggest, because I need a lot more to convince me than the biblical texts and the fact that some people were committed enough to a cause to die for it.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence. [...........]  Interestingly there are copious amounts of manuscripts for the alleged existence of Jesus.  Not just close in times of date but also multiple copies of similar documents.  For those interested in ancient documents - the narratives around the life of Jesus are quite extraordinary.  

Those would be the primary documents. 

Are you suggesting that the bible on its own is not good enough proof of the resurrection?
So just to be clear? Are you asking me a personal question or an objective theological question? 

It certainly fits the criteria for the first one and not the latter.   Why don't you rephrase your question - taking the personal pronoun out of it?  After all, it is not a matter of me suggesting anything, is it?  You have certainly said it lots of times that you don't care what I think.  So please be consistent. If at all possible.   
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
If we are to research what happened to Jesus, then the sources which would be most reliable would be the manuscripts which are closest or oldest to his alleged existence. [...........]  Interestingly there are copious amounts of manuscripts for the alleged existence of Jesus.  Not just close in times of date but also multiple copies of similar documents.  For those interested in ancient documents - the narratives around the life of Jesus are quite extraordinary.  

Those would be the primary documents. 

Are you suggesting that the bible on its own is not good enough proof of the resurrection?
So just to be clear? Are you asking me a personal question or an objective theological question? 

I have responded to what you have wrote concerning a  theological matter. Or do you not understand what you have written yourself?  

And AGAIN for the record, I don't and never have doubted the existence of Jesus the man they call the Christ.

 Is the bible on its own  not good enough proof of the resurrection?

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Trouble is we're very short on real, substantial facts.

The best that we can say about the Jesus character, is that a person relative to the said character, probably did exist.

And that said Jesus character was perhaps executed by the Roman State, for the crime of sedition.

Other more fanciful tales that promote super-natural intervention, are pretty typical theistic non-factual hypothesising.

In so much as, it must be a GOD what did it. 

And the successful spread of the new religion, or new religions *, is perhaps best explained by location and social, technological, intellectual, evolutionary development.

Though the other trouble, is that some people try to ignore the fact that our innate scientific ability has moved us on way beyond the real necessity for biblical style super-nature.

* Let's not overlook the same successful spread of other similar socio-religious ideologies.

Nor let us overlook ongoing older style super-natural hypotheses.

All backed up with with very unsound, unscientific non-factual pseudo-evidence.

A narrative in itself, is only proof of itself and does not necessarily contain facts.....Hence there is a tendency to end up with mythology.

As ever...GOD principle sound.....Floaty about bloke, not so.

109 days later

Shila's avatar
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Info on the martyrdom of the apostles as historical fact

What do skeptics think of this argument?
Jesus claimed that a dead Jew like him could forgive sins and even offer salvation.

Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor. 15:3).

The concept was very appealing to the Gentiles that dead Jews could forgive sins. The killing of the apostles, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD and the 6 million Jews exterminated in the Holocaust are examples  of how Jesus convince Gentiles salvation was possible and how Jews could participate.