The case for the Historical Jesus

Author: Shila


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Stephen confirmed everything I said - in post 251.  
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

Shila, as Bible dumbfounded as Miss Tradesecret,

YOUR QUOTE IN POST #268 IN SAYING JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS ARE LIES AND WHERE JESUS DID NOT WRITE THE BIBLE!:  "You are quoting scriptures that Jesus did not write or inspire."


Shila, what part of the passage above don't you understand, bible dumb ass! Who is God again? YES, Jesus the Christ, so you fail once again in your Satanic quote above!  Therefore, Jesus did not write the Bible literally, but through His inspiration to the Bible writers that did, THEREFORE JESUS DID WRITE THE BIBLE, understood Bible fool?

God damn, you are miserably Bible stupid at all costs!  You will definitely go down in this DEBATEART Religion Forum's history as one of the most dumbfounded pseudo-christian women that it has ever seen!!!


Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar

--> @Shila
 misogynist he [Brother D.] is.

Well arn't you the one that says the bible should be taken literally?
But at the least one should know who said it.
BrotherD. keeps quoting Paul who never met Jesus during his ministry. Then he quotes Proverbs which was written by Solomon. All the time claiming they were inspired by Jesus. Solomon was from 970 to 930 BCE.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Stephen confirmed everything I said - in post 251. 
Post #251 was your post.

You posted, “ Shila, Stephen lives in a delusional la la land where everyone else is delusional and attacks him but where he never does anything wrong.

He doesn't see insulting, refuting, arguing, using ad hominem arguments, gee pretty much everything as "attacking". 

It would be nice if Stephen gave us an example of what an attack is - since he is the only one on this site who knows what an "attack" is.

But don't hold your breath. Just wait for the non-attacking replies that Stephen will send our way - all for our own good.”

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila

Shila, as Bible dumbfounded as Miss Tradesecret,

YOUR QUOTE IN POST #268 IN SAYING JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS ARE LIES AND WHERE JESUS DID NOT WRITE THE BIBLE!:  "You are quoting scriptures that Jesus did not write or inspire."

Paul/Saul wrote Timothy. Jesus asked Paul to stop persecuting him in a vision Paul had on the road to Damascus. Can’t you find someone better to quote?

Acts 9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Shila, what part of the passage above don't you understand, bible dumb ass! Who is God again? YES, Jesus the Christ, so you fail once again in your Satanic quote above!  Therefore, Jesus did not write the Bible literally, but through His inspiration to the Bible writers that did, THEREFORE JESUS DID WRITE THE BIBLE, understood Bible fool?

You are quoting scriptures that Jesus did not write or inspire.
Jesus never wrote a Gospel  or any part of the Bible even though the Gospels tell us he could read and write.
The only thing  Jesus ever wrote was a message to a woman  in the sand once.

John 8:But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

You are scripturally ignorant BrotherD.
God damn, you are miserably Bible stupid at all costs!  You will definitely go down in this DEBATEART Religion Forum's history as one of the most dumbfounded pseudo-christian women that it has ever seen!!!
You are so much lesser educated than Shila and earn a fraction of what Shila earns. Why  do you continue to deny you are so much more  inferior than Shila a woman?
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

--> @Shila
 misogynist he [Brother D.] is.

Well arn't you the one that says the bible should be taken literally?
But at the least one should know who said it.

One does know who said it. It was you.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Stephen confirmed everything I said - in post 251. 
Post #251 was your post.

You posted, “ Shila, Stephen lives in a delusional la la land where everyone else is delusional and attacks him but where he never does anything wrong.

He doesn't see insulting, refuting, arguing, using ad hominem arguments, gee pretty much everything as "attacking". 

It would be nice if Stephen gave us an example of what an attack is - since he is the only one on this site who knows what an "attack" is.

But don't hold your breath. Just wait for the non-attacking replies that Stephen will send our way - all for our own good.”

Yes exactly, post 251 is my post. 

And in post 253 I was noting that Stephen's response in post 252 confirmed everything I said about him in post 251.  Nothing in Post 252 by Stephen is true per se.  In fact it is a pack of lies. Yet the manner and style and emotion of his message in post 252 as a totality confirmed what I was saying about him in post 251.  And he did not let me down.  

He did exactly what I said he would. Predictable as they come, is Stephen our own local stalker.   

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
-> @Shila

--> @Shila
 misogynist he [Brother D.] is.

Well arn't you the one that says the bible should be taken literally?
But at the least one should know who said it.

One does know who said it. It was you.
When one is quoting scriptures like Timothy and Proverbs one should know who said it.
But at the least one should know who said it.
BrotherD. keeps quoting Paul who never met Jesus during his ministry. Then he quotes Proverbs which was written by Solomon. All the time claiming they were inspired by Jesus. Solomon was from 970 to 930 BCE.

In our example.
Who wrote most of the Proverbs in the Bible?

Proverbs 1–9: "Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel" Proverbs 10–22:16: "Proverbs of Solomon"
Proverbs was written by  Solomon around 970 to 930 BCE.

Paul/Saul wrote Timothy. Jesus asked Paul to stop persecuting him in a vision Paul had on the road to Damascus. Can’t you find someone better to quote?

Acts 9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

Jesus never wrote a Gospel  or any part of the Bible even though the Gospels tell us he could read and write.
The only thing  Jesus ever wrote was a message to a woman  in the sand once.

John 8:But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

You are dealing with a scripturally ignorant BrotherD.

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Yes exactly, post 251 is my post.

And in post 253 I was noting that Stephen's response in post 252 confirmed everything I said about him in post 251.  Nothing in Post 252 by Stephen is true per se.  In fact it is a pack of lies. Yet the manner and style and emotion of his message in post 252 as a totality confirmed what I was saying about him in post 251.  And he did not let me down. 

He did exactly what I said he would. Predictable as they come, is Stephen our own local stalker.  

post #252

Shila, Stephen lives in a delusional la la land where everyone else is delusional.
Stephens response to Tradesecret below:

“Nope. Just you.

I have said it before Reverend tadesecret.  Your self centred personality is only overshadowed by your self-delusion which borders on the pathological. When faced with facts that don't suit you, you will ignore them and make up alternative ones. Of course, the sycophantic fawning you used to receive from some here did go a long way to feed your over inflated ego. That of course has subsided immensely since I exposed you for what you are.

Individuals such as you with narcissistic personality problems don't respond well to criticism.  This comes about simply because you believed your own BS.
Having seen and read much haughty self-aggrandizing but ineffectual praises of yourself written by yourself your jumbled up mind can’t decide fantasy from reality.
Individuals like you with narcissistic personality disorders do not respond well when their illusions of personal superiority are challenged and will adopt the role of victim having had their over inflated sense of personal worth and power challenged and then shattered.

The believability of the fantasy seems to be of no consequence. All that seems to count is whether the tall tale helps him rebuild the facade of his perceived greatness while just struggling to be relevant.
Individuals such as you "tradey" with narcissistic personality disorders (NPD) often do not care who they manipulate and lie to or how much harm it may cause by lying.

Of prime importance to NPD suffers is their self-aggrandizement and the propping up of their fragile egos, not the wellbeing of their fellow men and women. .

Off you go now. There's a good lad.”

It might have been necessary to stalk you to get all the information about you that he managed  to get and post here.

Now if you also add to stephen’s list what BrotherD. had to say about you, Reverend you need some serious help. You might even need to get all that eastern religion flushed out of your system to help you start anew.
Or even temporarily drop the name Reverend out of respect for the Christian institution you belong to.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Shila has presented the case for the Historical Jesus.
The next step is to determine who and what Jesus was to the Jews of his time and his ascension into modernity.

“Who do you say that I am.”

“ Peter’s ability to recognize and accept the unfathomable mystery of the God of the universe becoming a human being in the person of Jesus of Nazareth is a gift of grace. Now, Peter’s confession of faith in the divine sonship of Jesus is not contrary to his human intellect. After all, Peter witnesses lots of events that point to Jesus’s unique identity, such as the walking on water, the stilling of the storm, and the Transfiguration. In the end, however, according to Jesus, Peter is only able to believe the incomprehensible mystery that Jesus is really “the Son of” “the living God” because God himself reveals it to him. As the apostle Paul would later put it: “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3).

The same thing, I would suggest, is true for us today. I can give you all the historical arguments for how we got the Gospels, all the reasons we should believe they go back to the apostles and their disciples. I can give you all the historical evidence for concluding that Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah, the heavenly Son of Man, and the divine Son of God. I can do all these things—and I’ve tried to do them to the best of my ability. But there is one thing I can’t do. I can’t answer the ultimate question—the question of whether Jesus of Nazareth was in fact God. That is a question you have to answer for yourself.

“At least, that’s what Jesus seems to have thought. For today, as in the first century, there are lots of opinions about who the man from Nazareth really was. Apparently, it has always been that way, and it probably always will be. But the question Jesus poses to his disciples—the question of his identity—abides. It does not pass away. Despite the almost two thousand years that have transpired since the writing of the Gospels, Jesus’s words to Simon Peter at Caesarea Philippi echo down through the centuries, inviting each and every one of us to encounter him as a real historical person and to answer the question he once asked a lowly fisherman from Galilee: “But who do you say that I am?”

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

SHILA, that allegedly has a Bacholor's Degree that her parents paid for which is all for naught as shown with her stupid bible posts,

YOUR BIBLE DUMBFOUNDED QUOTE AGAIN: "Paul/Saul wrote Timothy. Jesus asked Paul to stop persecuting him in a vision Paul had on the road to Damascus. Can’t you find someone better to quote?"

"ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD” (2 TIMOTHY 3:16), that includes the book of Timothy, get it?  And, it is irrelevant what Jesus asked Paul regarding the topic at hand that you RUN AWAY from, you blatant Bible stupid woman!  THINK, All, and I repeat, ALL scripture was INSPIRED BY JESUS AS OUR SERIAL KILLER YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE!  Therefore, Jesus didn't literally write the Bible you Bible inept fool, but the Bible writers did it for Him through His inspiration, THEREFORE JESUS DID WRITE THE BIBLE!!!!   CASE CLOSED!!!

Now, as shown time and time again, you are still going against Jesus' direct inspired words!

1. You are a hell bound woman!

2. As a woman you are not following 1 Timothy 2:11-14 where it explicitly says that you are NOT to teach or to exercise authority over the superior man, rather you as a woman are to STFU, period! UNDERSTOOD?!

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." (1 Timothy 2:11-14)”

Therefore, AGAIN, EVERY Post in your ungodly and ever so wanting Satanic thread is going against Jesus' INSPIRED WORDS in 1 Timothy 2:11-14 written by the Bible writers through Jesus' every word inspiration, you Bible idiot!

Shila, tell you what, I am going to ask my neighbor's little 2nd grader Christian to try and approach your kindergarten mentality to try and get this ever so simple proposition that Jesus wrote the Bible, okay? You can thank me later.


BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

SHILA, the blatant Bible fool of this Religion Forum,

As we can all see, you’re overdosing on your “Bible Stupid Pills®️" again relating to you just don't understand that Jesus wrote the Bible through inspiration to the actual Bible writers!”  Therefore, I have gotten my neighbor’s 2nd grader named “Tommy” for him to try and get though your kindergarten mentality relative to Jesus actually writing the Bible!  You can thank me later.

Hi doofus Shila, my name is Tommy  & Brother D. has asked me to tri and get thru your preskool mentality in u sayin that jesus didn’t wrote the bible, ok? ……  even my 2nd graders in my Chistan skool can understand that jesus rote the bible, okay dumb ass girl, hehehehe …….?

lisin, hear hows it goes, reedy?  as the d-man has shown u in the followin bible verse and others, the writers of the bible, I repet, the righters of the bible thanked jesus as god all the time, that wen his followers receved hIs word that u herd from them, u accepted it not as the word of the bible writters,  butt as what it reely was, which was the worrdS of god, where jesus is god!  get it bible dumb-ass Shila?

“And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

using the verce above, thier4, the bible writters in behalff of Jesuss every word rote the bible thru jesuss "inspiration" to them as the passage in questin abuv shos, wher doing simplee math, jesus there4 wrotte the bible, get it?! ……. 2+2-=4, oil and watter dont mix, & if u cant underrstand this simple bible explaanation then u are dumber than tradesecret ,,,!  

Another verce is "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, ...(2 Timothy 3:16).... who is god? CORRECTO, it is Jesus, praise!  There4, thru Jesuss inspiration to the Bible riters, they rote down every word of his inspiration, there4, JESUS ROTE THE BIBLE, get it u 2nd class dummy woman?  

Bruther D, how do u put up with such bible stuped woman like Shila......?

Thank you Tommy, like I promised to you, I’ll give you a big Mickey D’s credit card for you and your sister, thank you for trying to get through to one of DEBATEART’s most dumbfounded pseudo-christian women that this forum as ever seen, bar none!



Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
SHILA, that allegedly has a Bacholor's Degree that her parents paid for which is all for naught as shown with her stupid bible posts,

YOUR BIBLE DUMBFOUNDED QUOTE AGAIN: "Paul/Saul wrote Timothy. Jesus asked Paul to stop persecuting him in a vision Paul had on the road to Damascus. Can’t you find someone better to quote?"

"ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD” (2 TIMOTHY 3:16), that includes the book of Timothy, get it?  And, it is irrelevant what Jesus asked Paul regarding the topic at hand that you RUN AWAY from, you blatant Bible stupid woman!  THINK, All, and I repeat, ALL scripture was INSPIRED BY JESUS AS OUR SERIAL KILLER YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE!  Therefore, Jesus didn't literally write the Bible you Bible inept fool, but the Bible writers did it for Him through His inspiration, THEREFORE JESUS DID WRITE THE BIBLE!!!!   CASE CLOSED!!!

Now, as shown time and time again, you are still going against Jesus' direct inspired words!

1. You are a hell bound woman!

2. As a woman you are not following 1 Timothy 2:11-14 where it explicitly says that you are NOT to teach or to exercise authority over the superior man, rather you as a woman are to STFU, period! UNDERSTOOD?!

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." (1 Timothy 2:11-14)”

Therefore, AGAIN, EVERY Post in your ungodly and ever so wanting Satanic thread is going against Jesus' INSPIRED WORDS in 1 Timothy 2:11-14 written by the Bible writers through Jesus' every word inspiration, you Bible idiot!

Shila, tell you what, I am going to ask my neighbor's little 2nd grader Christian to try and approach your kindergarten mentality to try and get this ever so simple proposition that Jesus wrote the Bible, okay? You can thank me later.
When one is quoting scriptures like Timothy and Proverbs one should know who said it.
But at the least one should know who said it.
BrotherD. keeps quoting Paul who never met Jesus during his ministry. Then he quotes Proverbs which was written by Solomon. All the time claiming they were inspired by Jesus. Solomon was from 970 to 930 BCE.

In our example.
Who wrote most of the Proverbs in the Bible?

Proverbs 1–9: "Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel" Proverbs 10–22:16: "Proverbs of Solomon"
Proverbs was written by  Solomon around 970 to 930 BCE.

Paul/Saul wrote Timothy. Jesus asked Paul to stop persecuting him in a vision Paul had on the road to Damascus. Can’t you find someone better to quote?

Acts 9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

Could Jesus have inspired Proverbs or Timothy?

Jesus never wrote a Gospel  or any part of the Bible even though the Gospels tell us he could read and write.
The only thing  Jesus ever wrote was a message to a woman  in the sand once.

John 8:But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

You are dealing with a scripturally ignorant BrotherD.

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
SHILA, the blatant Bible fool of this Religion Forum,

As we can all see, you’re overdosing on your “Bible Stupid Pills®️" again relating to you just don't understand that Jesus wrote the Bible through inspiration to the actual Bible writers!”  Therefore, I have gotten my neighbor’s 2nd grader named “Tommy” for him to try and get though your kindergarten mentality relative to Jesus actually writing the Bible!  You can thank me later.
The Bible is not taught in junior grade public  schools because of a ruling by the Supreme Court. But it appears Tommy learnt to lie as a 2nd grader.
What is a 56 year old BrotherD doing with a 2nd grader named Tommy should be of concern to mods.

Hi doofus Shila, my name is Tommy  & Brother D. has asked me to tri and get thru your preskool mentality in u sayin that jesus didn’t wrote the bible, ok? ……  even my 2nd graders in my Chistan skool can understand that jesus rote the bible, okay dumb ass girl, hehehehe …….?
Jesus never wrote a Gospel  or any part of the Bible even though the Gospels tell us he could read and write.
The only thing  Jesus ever wrote was a message to a woman  in the sand once.

John 8:But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

lisin, hear hows it goes, reedy?  as the d-man has shown u in the followin bible verse and others, the writers of the bible, I repet, the righters of the bible thanked jesus as god all the time, that wen his followers receved hIs word that u herd from them, u accepted it not as the word of the bible writters,  butt as what it reely was, which was the worrdS of god, where jesus is god!  get it bible dumb-ass Shila?
The Jews wanted to stone Jesus for teaching blasphemy.
John 10:33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

The Jews went even further and demanded Jesus be crucified.
Luke 23:21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”

Not a very inspirational outcome for Jesus.
“And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

using the verce above, thier4, the bible writters in behalff of Jesuss every word rote the bible thru jesuss "inspiration" to them as the passage in questin abuv shos, wher doing simplee math, jesus there4 wrotte the bible, get it?! ……. 2+2-=4, oil and watter dont mix, & if u cant underrstand this simple bible explaanation then u are dumber than tradesecret ,,,!  

Another verce is "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, ...(2 Timothy 3:16).... who is god? CORRECTO, it is Jesus, praise!  There4, thru Jesuss inspiration to the Bible riters, they rote down every word of his inspiration, there4, JESUS ROTE THE BIBLE, get it u 2nd class dummy woman?  

Bruther D, how do u put up with such bible stuped woman like Shila......?
The Jews wanted to stone Jesus for teaching blasphemy.
John 10:33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

The Jews went even further and demanded Jesus be crucified.
Luke 23:21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”

Not a very inspirational outcome for Jesus.

Thank you Tommy, like I promised to you, I’ll give you a big Mickey D’s credit card for you and your sister, thank you for trying to get through to one of DEBATEART’s most dumbfounded pseudo-christian women that this forum as ever seen, bar none!

It that how BrotherD. got to Tommy’s sister by bribing them with “a big Mickey D’s credit card for you and your sister.”

Finally you introduced your neighbours children as your source for scriptures. Busted BrotherD!!!
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Having established the case for the Historical Jesus. The question on everyone’s mind has to be why and how did the Historical Jesus die?

Let us read “the words of Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian:
Let him that blasphemes God (Greek blasphēmēsas theon) be stoned, then hung for a day, and buried ignominiously and in obscurity. (Josephus, Antiquities, 4.202)20
In other words, when it comes to a case of blasphemy against God himself, execution alone is not enough. The offense requires crucifixion—being “hung” so that all can see the shame of the one who has dared to blaspheme God. Although under Rome it was not “lawful” for the Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death by stoning (John 18:31), they can still hand him over to be “hung” on a tree by the Romans. And that is what they do.”

In “Both the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John testify to previous incidents when Jesus is accused of blasphemy during his public ministry:
And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” (Matthew 9:3)
Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Mark 2:6-7)
[Jesus said:] “I and the Father are one.” The Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of these do you stone me?” The Jews answered him, “We stone you for no good work but for blasphemy; because you, being a man, make yourself God.” (John 10:30-33)

These other charges of blasphemy are consistently ignored by those who claim that Jesus was condemned to death for speaking against the Temple.21 The reason: this evidence poses great difficulties for those who contend that Jesus never claimed to be God. And that is one reason why such an idea fails as a historical explanation. In order to work, it has to ignore “or dismiss key pieces of evidence.22 According to the Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth was accused of and, ultimately, condemned for blasphemy because of who he claimed to be.
By the way, the evidence that Jesus was condemned for blasphemy isn’t just in the Synoptic Gospels; it’s also in the Gospel of John.23 Although John’s Gospel does not contain an account of Jesus’s proclamation before Caiaphas, it does report that the chief priests and scribes publically accused Jesus of blasphemy on the day of his crucifixion:
So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out, “Crucify him, crucify him!” “Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no crime in him.” The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and by that law he ought to die, because he has made himself the Son of God.” (John 19:5-7)

What is this law to which the chief priest and scribes are referring? It is the biblical law against blasphemy: “He who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall be put to death” (Leviticus 24:16).24 Thus, both the Synoptics and the Gospel of John agree that it is the charge of blasphemy that lands Jesus on the cross.
The evidence presented here suggests that the now popular idea that Jesus never claimed to be anything more than an ordinary human being totally fails to deal with the actual historical evidence. Jesus’s words and actions regarding the Temple might have got him hauled into the Jewish court, but it was what he said about himself that got him crucified.”

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Now if you also add to stephen’s list what BrotherD. had to say about you, Reverend you need some serious help. You might even need to get all that eastern religion flushed out of your system to help you start anew.
Or even temporarily drop the name Reverend out of respect for the Christian institution you belong to.
Perhaps it might be worthwhile knowing that I have never said I was a reverend or asked to be called one. Infact Stephen lied about this as well - and when challenged, came up with nary a response.  All his stalking left him with more egg on the face.

As for stalking, it is very clear Stephen is the no. 1 creepy stalker on this site.   Brother is coming close as no. 2.  

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
Now if you also add to stephen’s list what BrotherD. had to say about you, Reverend you need some serious help. You might even need to get all that eastern religion flushed out of your system to help you start anew.
Or even temporarily drop the name Reverend out of respect for the Christian institution you belong to.
Perhaps it might be worthwhile knowing that I have never said I was a reverend or asked to be called one. Infact Stephen lied about this as well - and when challenged, came up with nary a response.  All his stalking left him with more egg on the face.

As for stalking, it is very clear Stephen is the no. 1 creepy stalker on this site.   Brother is coming close as no. 2
Thank you for admitting you are not a Reverend. I will no longer address you as that and will continue to demand  you are more humanely treated despite your condition. But my primary goal is to defend the Historical Jesus and the Christian institutions that bear his name.

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Tradesecret's avatar
Thank you for admitting you are not a Reverend. I will no longer address you as that and will continue to demand  you are more humanely treated despite your condition. But my primary goal is to defend the Historical Jesus and the Christian institutions that bear his name.
I am neither admitting nor denying anything in relation to what or who I am. I have a name on this site and that is how I wish to be addressed. namely: Tradesecret.  Thanks for your courtesy in this regard.  I just repeat I have never requested or asked to be called reverend. 

In respect to the historical Jesus, why is it necessary to defend what is clearly in the OT and the NT?  I believe it was Charles Spurgeon who indicated there was no reason to defend a lion.  

As for the Christian Institutions whom bear his name, are you prepared to defend each and every one of them or just a select few?  

It does sound like an honourable task - and I wish you all the best. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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Well, Charles Spurgeon was proved wrong, as the defence of the Lion has become a necessary part of its survival strategy.

Just as the defence of the Jesus/God concept ensures its survival as a fantasy creation hypothesis.

Charles and I enjoy being analogical.
Stephen's avatar
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Perhaps it might be worthwhile knowing that I have never said I was a reverend or asked to be called one. Infact Stephen lied about this as well - and when challenged, came up with nary a response.

I have said it many times to you before REVEREND, you dulcet dunce.  You must be the only Chaplain & Pastor in the whole world that doesn't know he's to be addressed as Reverend.

Chaplains to the Armed Services
  1. The Reverend A B Smith RN (or CF or RAF).

I am also a chaplain to our Countries Defence forces, a position I could not have without proper qualifications.  #20

The title Reverend applies to Pastors too. 

But in my role as a pastor - which I also do, I counsel in pastoral care.#20

And is all you have ever done is deny that you are a Reverend.


  And I am not a reverend. #29
I keep telling you, you are very ill, Reverend.

Shila wrote: drop the name Reverend out of respect for the Christian institution you belong to.

Shila,  He has no respect for anyone. He's a lying narcissist that I believe suffers from severe Munchausen's. The believability of lie and the fantasy are of no consequence, to someone in his condition. SEE HERE>>#207

He may not want to be called Reverend, but he is stuck with that  title until he simply admits he is a compulsive pathological liar.
You have been suckered into supporting this lying clowns lies and should know better. It makes you a worse liar then he is. You are more a disgrace than he ever will be..
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

I can't speak for every congregation of the church but not all are the same and not all fit the label you "assume".

in the church of christ for instance - they don't have reverends - even though they are educated and even called to the position. 

In the baptist church you can be a pastor - but not ordained and therefore not entitled to be called reverend. 

In the salvation army they use the ranks of the services - no reverends. 

In the Pentecostal or charismatic and brethren churches they don't use the title of reverend either - most haven't been educated and most would reject the title reverend as unbiblical. 

In the Pressie church - you can be a pastoral assistance, a student pastor - educated in both instances - but still not entitled to be called reverend. 

now perhaps it works differently with the posts you have googled. Again I don't care. 

you were wrong then and you are still wrong and I don't care - you simply have no idea. 
Shila's avatar
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Tradesecret posted: Perhaps it might be worthwhile knowing that I have never said I was a reverend or asked to be called one. Infact Stephen lied about this as well - and when challenged, came up with nary a response.  All his stalking left him with more egg on the face.

As for stalking, it is very clear Stephen is the no. 1 creepy stalker on this site.   Brother is coming close as no. 2

--> @Shila
Thank you for admitting you are not a Reverend. I will no longer address you as that and will continue to demand  you are more humanely treated despite your condition. But my primary goal is to defend the Historical Jesus and the Christian institutions that bear his name.
I am neither admitting nor denying anything in relation to what or who I am. I have a name on this site and that is how I wish to be addressed. namely: Tradesecret.  Thanks for your courtesy in this regard.  I just repeat I have never requested or asked to be called reverend. 

In respect to the historical Jesus, why is it necessary to defend what is clearly in the OT and the NT?  I believe it was Charles Spurgeon who indicated there was no reason to defend a lion.  

As for the Christian Institutions whom bear his name, are you prepared to defend each and every one of them or just a select few?  

It does sound like an honourable task - and I wish you all the best. 

Luke 14:27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

You never said you are a reverend. But you did say all the other depraved things Stephen and BrotherD. accuse you of being. You can’t be a reverend and pervert but here you are making  that possible by admitting “that I have never said I was a reverend or asked to be called one.”
Shila's avatar
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Shila wrote: drop the name Reverend out of respect for the Christian institution you belong to.

Shila,  He has no respect for anyone. He's a lying narcissist that I believe suffers from severe Munchausen's. The believability of lie and the fantasy are of no consequence, to someone in his condition. SEE HERE>>#207

He may not want to be called Reverend, but he is stuck with that  title until he simply admits he is a compulsive pathological liar.
You have been suckered into supporting this lying clowns lies and should know better. It makes you a worse liar then he is. You are more a disgrace than he ever will be..
Tradesecret makes a distinction between Pastor which he admitted he was and Reverend that  he  never said he was a reverend or asked to be called one.

To the average person a Pastor and Reverend are both members of the clergy.

But according to Tradesecret a Pastor is a lower title than Reverend. And he wishes to be seen as the lower of the two.

The title Reverend is commonly used in the following Religious faiths; Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Jump to Reverend vs Pastor: 

The title Pastor is commonly used in the following Religious faiths; Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian.

Please sort this out with him so we don’t give him more credit than he deserves.
Stephen's avatar
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To the average person a Pastor and Reverend are both members of the clergy.

Remember you are dealing with a compulsive liar one that will only lie further in an attempt to cover previous lies.

The title Reverend applies to both a pastor and a chaplain. <<<This is a fact. Simply check it for yourself and stop bothering me. You are no better than him, if fact, you are worse.

Please sort this out with him so we don’t give him more credit than he deserves.

YOU are the one that keeps heaping credit on him.  I have proven him to be a liar and you simply encouraged and perpetuated his lies by agreeing with his lies.
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Shila, the unsurpassed Bible fool here at DEBATEART Religion Forum,

Addressing your Bible dumbfounded post #284,

YOUR CONTINUED STUPIDITY IN CIRCULAR REASONING SHOWN ONCE AGAIN: "The Bible is not taught in junior grade public  schools because of a ruling by the Supreme Court."

HELLO?!  Read in what Tommy said at your continued embarrassing expense, BIBLE DOOFUS WOMAN!   Tommy quote: " .... even my 2nd graders in my Chistan skool can understand that jesus rote the bible, okay dumb ass girl, hehehehe …….?  Get it? Huh?  Tommy goes to a Christian school where the Bible is taught, now, wipe the egg from your Satanic face once again in front of the membership, Shila the Bible fool!  LOL!

YOUR CIRCULAR REASONING QUOTE ONCE AGAIN: "What is a 56 year old BrotherD doing with a 2nd grader named Tommy should be of concern to mods."

Look at the low levels you have to go in response to myself making you the true Bible fool that you are!  In alluding that there should be a concern with my neighbors boy in the 2nd grade.  All you are doing, like Miss Tradesecret, is to propose a diversion tactic to take the lime-light off you you making a complete fool of yourself relating to the Bible!   The ONLY  CONCERN for the mods should be your outright Bible stupidity that gives this Religion Forum a bad name!!!!

The rest of your Satanic diatribe in your pitiful post #284 is COPY AND PASTE from your previous posts to me in "trying" to defend your Satanic position, therefore since I proved you wrong previously, and to save you any further embarrassment, I will not respond to a continuous C&P ungodly rhetoric of yours!



Stephen's avatar
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 All you are doing [shila], like Miss Tradesecret, is to propose a diversion tactic to take the lime-light off you you making a complete fool of yourself relating to the Bible!   

Indeed Brother D. This is all they have left once the mask slips. 👍
Neither want to seriously discuss scripture once they have been shown to be so bible ignorant. 
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Shila, in being a woman, will be going to Hell upon her demise anyway, therefore her time here in going against God's word is all for naught,

Addressing once again your Bible stupidity in your post #285;

YOUR PITIFUL QUOTE IN CONTINUING TO SLAP JESUS IN THE FACE AS A WOMAN THAT IS NOT TO TEACH:   "Having established the case for the Historical Jesus. The question on everyone’s mind has to be why and how did the Historical Jesus die?"


DIE: to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead.
Listen up Bible fool Shila, Jesus DID NOT remain dead, because He came back after a 3 day tomb nap and walked out as being flesh and blood, understood Bible fool, huh?  In the real primitive bible sacrifices the individual or animal remained DEAD, which is a true meaningful sacrifice!  Deduced, since our Jesus did not remain dead, he therefore did not die by remaining dead as the definition in how one dies shown above! 

 A factual and real sacrifice is that you remain DEAD, period, where one does NOT come back to life three days later!  HELLO?!  As an example, a true sacrifice  is when USA  soldiers remained dead after they gave their lives to protect the United States of America in WW2!

SHILA the continued Bible fool, the question on everyone’s mind has to be when are you going to TRUTHFULLY show that our Jesus we worship, as the Serial Killer Yahweh God incarnate, was embarrassingly, greedy, jealous, selfish, self-centered, petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capricious, and malevolent!

The aforementioned biblical axioms about our Jesus as God of the Bible has been accepted by me as a true Christian upon this Religion Forum!  Shila, do you accept the above facts about are Jesus as well, and if not, where do you get the authority to NOT accept them?  Would you be to SCARED to discuss said facts about our Jesus?


Shila's avatar
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--> @Shila
To the average person a Pastor and Reverend are both members of the clergy.

Stephen: Remember you are dealing with a compulsive liar one that will only lie further in an attempt to cover previous lies.

The title Reverend applies to both a pastor and a chaplain. <<<This is a fact. Simply check it for yourself and stop bothering me. You are no better than him, if fact, you are worse.

Please sort this out with him so we don’t give him more credit than he deserves.

Stephen: YOU are the one that keeps heaping credit on him.  I have proven him to be a liar and you simply encouraged and perpetuated his lies by agreeing with his lies.
Stephen, You two have known each other for over 4 years. Yet Tradesecret denies he ever called himself Reverend. Yet you and BrotherD. Calls him Reverend.  So either you and BrotherD. is showing Tradesecret respect by calling him Reverend or you two are lying. So which is it?

Shila's avatar
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Shila, the unsurpassed Bible fool here at DEBATEART Religion Forum,

Addressing your Bible dumbfounded post #284,

YOUR CONTINUED STUPIDITY IN CIRCULAR REASONING SHOWN ONCE AGAIN: "The Bible is not taught in junior grade public  schools because of a ruling by the Supreme Court."

HELLO?!  Read in what Tommy said at your continued embarrassing expense, BIBLE DOOFUS WOMAN!   Tommy quote: " .... even my 2nd graders in my Chistan skool can understand that jesus rote the bible, okay dumb ass girl, hehehehe …….?  Get it? Huh?  Tommy goes to a Christian school where the Bible is taught, now, wipe the egg from your Satanic face once again in front of the membership, Shila the Bible fool!  LOL!
The Bible is not taught in junior grade public  schools because of a ruling by the Supreme Court. But it appears Tommy learnt to lie as a 2nd grader.
What is a 56 year old BrotherD doing with a 2nd grader named Tommy should be of concern to mods.

YOUR CIRCULAR REASONING QUOTE ONCE AGAIN: "What is a 56 year old BrotherD doing with a 2nd grader named Tommy should be of concern to mods."

Look at the low levels you have to go in response to myself making you the true Bible fool that you are!  In alluding that there should be a concern with my neighbors boy in the 2nd grade.  All you are doing, like Miss Tradesecret, is to propose a diversion tactic to take the lime-light off you you making a complete fool of yourself relating to the Bible!   The ONLY  CONCERN for the mods should be your outright Bible stupidity that gives this Religion Forum a bad name!!!!
It that how BrotherD. got to Tommy’s sister by bribing them with “a big Mickey D’s credit card for you and your sister.”

The rest of your Satanic diatribe in your pitiful post #284 is COPY AND PASTE from your previous posts to me in "trying" to defend your Satanic position, therefore since I proved you wrong previously, and to save you any further embarrassment, I will not respond to a continuous C&P ungodly rhetoric of yours!

Finally you introduced your neighbours children as your source for scriptures. Busted BrotherD!!!

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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In addressing your post #296 relative to the Bible fools Tradesecret and Shila, they are at the point where they have to derogatorily confront us with circular reasoning, assuming as a premise, the conclusion in which they have to reach to try and save face because the both of us are easily making them the Bible fools that they are!

Case in point, look at how Miss Tradesecret has made a Bible fool of herself ad infinitum in my following posts to her shown below:

As I have said towards the Bible inept Miss Tradesecret, watch her vanish from this Religion Forum again and go into hiding like she has done before when the kitchen got to hot for her because of outright biblical axioms!  LOL!
