The Jan 6 committee will issue their report, Criminal referrals for Trump

Author: IwantRooseveltagain


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Just admit you like Biden.
ebuc's avatar
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Just admit you like Biden.
I cant think of any democrat I wouldnt take over any Republicans who soft in head i.e. soft on Trumpet last 8 years.

Just admit it, you not only like Trumpet, you adore him. ( * ? * ).  You know what Gump says to Trumpist....' hey, dont be dumb '.

Liz Cheney sure dont be dumb.
Greyparrot's avatar
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lol, you did ha
ebuc's avatar
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lol, you did ha
Yes, you walk in fear of admitting, that, you not only like Trumpet, you adore Trumpet.  Trumpet belongs in prison with his fellow conspirators.

Lets see now, we can count how many of the Trumpist cult member are here at DArt. Starting with Orange-Gray-Parrot.

Please,  ' dont be dumb '. Liz Chney  doesnt be dumb, and that is because she is not a soft-in-the-head Republican  Trumpist cult member.

Is De Santis a soft-in-the-head Republican? Yes, because he models himself after Trumpet, only with a lime twist { Margarita-ville }, so as not to be perceived as the typical, soft-in-the-head, Trumpet lemon-ade.

Most Republicans other than Cheney do not even know what the words, integrity, morals, and ethics mean. End-date-for-humanity 2232, give or take 50 years.

Trumpet [ lemons }, De Santis { limes },
Putin {  sour grapes }, Kim Pooh Ung {radio-active fermentation },

Ali Khamenei { stinky cheese },  Mohammed bin { fungus amongest },
Bashar Al-Assad { fig nutter }. Xi Jinping [ the Great  Fruity-cake },  

Pakistan-India [  Bad Mangoes },  ? ? ?

ebuc's avatar
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..." The vast majority of insurrectionists were not only white people; they were white men. "....

Angry white men { X y }

..." . According to data compiled a few months after the insurrection by researchers at the University of Chicago, of those arrested and charged with committing crimes at the Capitol, 93 percent were white, and 86 percent were men. "....

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that, the person who shot the  power station energy source in North Carolina and was angry --and a nutter--- white male { X y }.

So now we see also that similar power station attacks in South Carolina.  Again, wild guess here,  it was an angry white male [ X y }
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What a proud used car owner. beep beep!

9 days later

Greyparrot's avatar
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Democrats accidentally throw Ray Epps under the  bus.

Jan 6 committee releases a text from Ray Epps saying he "orchestrated" Jan 6.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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loyal Americans are nevertheless bound by oath and honor to persist in protecting America from enemies foreign and domestic and Trump is unquestionably that.
That's actually what loyal Americans were doing on January 6th. We had evil people about to take power who would make inflation so high that people are now starving in the streets, they would piss on the constitution and they would start passing mandates to allow teachers to encourage 7 year olds to transition and start the process of getting their dicks cut off.

There is nothing more American than protecting the constitution by attempting to prevent the illuminati who is inherently anti American from taking power
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
That's actually what loyal Americans were doing on January 6th. We had evil people about to take power who would make inflation so high that people are now starving in the streets, they would piss on the constitution and they would start passing mandates to allow teachers to encourage 7 year olds to transition and start the process of getting their dicks cut off.
Ok, I figured you were nuts from your childhood. This confirms it.

oromagi's avatar
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That's actually what loyal Americans were doing on January 6th.
  • False.  Most participants state they acted out of loyalty to Trump or the office of the President, not the US Constitution or the US Government.  By itself, that is admission of failure of loyalty and oaths sworn.  Americans don't follow one man against the people, ever.
We had evil people about to take power
  • Evil is a supernatural claim.  Your claim lacks any rational basis.
who would
  • You're saying that the Jan 6th attackers knew the future?  Another supernatural claims far away from the way reasonable men think.
make inflation so high that people are now starving in the streets,
  • Flat out ignorant lie.  Starvation is so rare in America that it is generally not tracked as a natural cause of death.  An average of 100 Americans starve to death each year, almost all are children or elderly incapable of feeding themselves and mostly cases of intentional neglect by parents or other caregivers.  Almost all starvation cases in the US are treated as homicide.
they would piss on the constitution
  • Trump is the only American leader who has ever publicly state that the US Constitution was subordinate to Trump's personal need.  Trump's adminstration is the only government entity to have formally developed and executed a plan to reject the Constitution as the final authority and ignore Constitutional mandates for personal gain.  Trump's followers are are the only the US Citizens to have sucessfully interrupted a Constitutionally mandated process.   Of all Presidents, only Trump has a documented sexual fetish involving urination.
and they would start passing mandates to allow teachers to encourage 7 year olds to transition and start the process of getting their dicks cut off.
  • Pure mentally-ill fanstasy.   I assume you have confused, conflated your sexual fantasies with reality.
There is nothing more American than protecting the constitution by attempting to prevent the illuminati who is inherently anti American from taking power

  • WiKiPEDiA:
    • The Order of the Illuminati was an Enlightenment-age secret society founded by university professor Adam Weishaupt on 1 May 1776, in Upper Bavaria, Germany. The movement consisted of advocates of freethought, secularism, liberalism, republicanism, and gender equality, recruited from the German Masonic Lodges, who sought to teach rationalism through mystery schools. In 1785, the order was infiltrated, broken up, and suppressed by the government agents of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, in his preemptive campaign to neutralize the threat of secret societies ever becoming hotbeds of conspiracies to overthrow the Bavarian monarchy and its state religion, Roman Catholicism.  There is no evidence that the Bavarian Illuminati survived its suppression in 1785.
      In the late 18th century, reactionary conspiracy theorists, such as Scottish physicist John Robison and French Jesuit priest Augustin Barruel, began speculating that the Illuminati had survived their suppression and become the masterminds behind the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. The Illuminati were accused of being subversives who were attempting to orchestrate a revolutionary wave secretly in Europe and the rest of the world to spread the most radical ideas and movements of the Enlightenment—anti-clericalism, anti-monarchism, and anti-patriarchalism—and to create a world noocracy and cult of reason. During the 19th century, fear of an Illuminati conspiracy was a real concern of the European ruling classes, and their oppressive reactions to this unfounded fear provoked in 1848 the very revolutions they sought to prevent.
      During the interwar period of the 20th century, fascist propagandists, such as British revisionist historian Nesta Helen Webster and American socialite Edith Starr Miller, not only popularized the myth of an Illuminati conspiracy but claimed that it was a subversive secret society which served the Jewish elites that supposedly propped up both finance capitalism and Soviet communism in order to divide and rule the world. American evangelist Gerald Burton Winrod and other conspiracy theorists within the fundamentalist Christian movement in the United States—which emerged in the 1910s as a backlash against the principles of Enlightenment secular humanism, modernism, and liberalism—became the main channel of dissemination of Illuminati conspiracy theories in the U.S.. Right-wing populists, such as members of the John Birch Society, subsequently began speculating that some collegiate fraternities (Skull and Bones), gentlemen's clubs (Bohemian Club), and think tanks (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission) of the American upper class are front organizations of the Illuminati, which they accuse of plotting to create a New World Order through a one-world government
    • The Illuminati is silly little anti-semetic conspircacy  theory.  You have done an excellent job of demonstrating why your deranged opinion is entirely unworthy of respect.  Please seek medical attention for your personal, dangerous mental health problems.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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Ok, I figured you were nuts from your childhood. This confirms it
Only a sick fuck would call somebody crazy about saying it's unethical to chop off a 7 year old's dick
Greyparrot's avatar
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loyalty to...the US Government
Who ever pledges loyalty to the Federal Government is a traitor to every patriot that founded this country.
PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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The Illuminati is silly little anti-semetic conspircacy theory. You have done an excellent job of demonstrating why your deranged opinion is entirely unworthy of respect. Please seek medical attention for your personal, dangerous mental health problems
Yep, call it antisemitic and you can easily sweep it under the rug. The skull and bones society has it's roots in the Bavarian illuminati. So it still exists and George Bush as well as Al Gore are both in the skull and bones society and part of that illuminati. 

Americans don't follow one man against the people, ever.
He is the voice of the people. He's a populist LOLl

Evil is a supernatural claim. Your claim lacks any rational basis
You claim to be a Christian. You know evil exists. Jeffrey Dahmer is not a good person, nor is near 100% of politicians who work together secretly against the public

Flat out ignorant lie. Starvation is so rare in America that it is generally not tracked as a natural cause of death. An average of 100 Americans starve to death each year

Americans are fat, it's going to take a few years of starving them to kill them off. I say they start dropping dead in 2025 once they work through their fat stores. 

You're saying that the Jan 6th attackers knew the future? Another supernatural claims far away from the way reasonable men think.
I am pretty sure cause and effect is a thing and you can judge by a party's platform where the country is headed and having the same platform as Hitler

1. Economic interventionism
2. Banning of guns
3. Eugenics through abortion and euthanasia

It's pretty obvious where things are headed. They were literally trying to stop people with the exact same platform as Hitler. We even see antisemitism becoming very rampant in many leftist circles

Pure mentally-ill fanstasy. I assume you have mixed up your sexual fantasies with reality.
Would you like to debate whether or not there are some teachers who assist their students in their transitioning ambitions? Dude I am on Reddit everydaym I know how you guys think. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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It's also a direct threat to Democracy to pledge loyalty to the Federal Government.

Anyone who believes the US Government is above scrutiny should lose voting privileges for dereliction of civic duty.
PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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It really is and these people are very transparent about their intellectual dishonest. For example

1. We believe in bodily autonomy so women should be able to murder their babies.

Not even lying about the above premise, this is what is brought up in most debates. Not that they are claiming the baby is not a person but that it doesn't matter because of bodily autonomy. And then.....

2. We believe if you aren't vaccinated you should be punished by laws preventing you from participating in society.

Immediately their supposed premises is dropped. Many such cases. Look at the following.

1. Men and women are equal every single way and gender differences are strictly a social construct.

2. Trannies are women on the inside and should be treated like a woman and saying gender is a social construct and they can just start acting like men is bigoted.

Their ideologies aren't at all consistent, the reason being and you should look up The Jolly Heretic if he is still on YouTube because he elaborates on this better. They are liberals because they feel it advantages them in some socially way, and the genuinely think conservatives are stupid people for valuing honestly over games for social dominance. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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I wonder if the GOP will donate to penis chopper primary candidates next cycle.
oromagi's avatar
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The Illuminati is silly little anti-semetic conspircacy theory.  You have done an excellent job of demonstrating why your deranged opinion is entirely unworthy of respect. Please seek medical attention for your personal, dangerous mental health problems
Yep, call it antisemitic and you can easily sweep it under the rug.
  • Sweeping bullshit under the rug is unhygienic.  I suggest you use a pooper scooper on your bigoted religious beliefs followed by a vigorous pine-sol scrub.
The skull and bones society has it's roots in the Bavarian illuminati.
  • Totally false conspiracy theory
So it still exists and George Bush as well as Al Gore are both in the skull and bones society and part of that illuminati. 
  • Al Gore went to Harvard, you incompetant boob
[Trump] is the voice of the people. He's a populist LOLl
  • You get an F- in Americans civics.  Please leave this country and make way for immigrants who earned their place by studying American civics.
You claim to be a Christian.
  • False.  I don't believe that God or Jesus are proven facts.  I think the Sermon on the Mount is an excellent, succinct moral standard.
You know evil exists.
  • False.  Evil is a social construct bad people use to justify their harms against others.  If there is evil in the world it is because you made it and continue to justify that evil with your contant streams of deceptions and crazy justifications for harming strangers.
Jeffrey Dahmer is not a good person, nor is near 100% of politicians who work together secretly against the public
  • According to what I read on Redditt, Jeffrey Dahmer was your mom.
Americans are fat, it's going to take a few years of starving them to kill them off. I say they start dropping dead in 2025 once they work through their fat stores. 
  • In other words, you admit to telling YET ANOTHER total fucking lie without evidence.  When will your shame destroy you?
1. Economic interventionism
2. Banning of guns
3. Eugenics through abortion and euthanasia
  • Another fucked up lie.  None of these things are on the Democratic Party Platform.  They Republicans have refused to write a new Party Platform since 2012, since they essentially have no public agenda or plan for doing anything except highway robbery.
hey were literally trying to stop people with the exact same platform as Hitler. We even see antisemitism becoming very rampant in many leftist circles
  • 100% lie.
Would you like to debate whether or not there are some teachers who assist their students in their transitioning ambitions? Dude I am on Reddit everydaym I know how you guys think. 
  • Here's what I know:
    • Back in December '21, Tucker Carlson heavily promoted a religious mother's false claim that 2 teachers at a California school reportedly coached a 12 year old into a trans identity behind her parents back. The school also changed her name and pronouns without informing the parents.  The Christian Mom made a speech in front of hundreds before the school board that every right-wing venue ran over the next days.  The school district suspended the teacher for 6 months while adminstration officials and police investigated.  The Mom filed two lawsuits.  
    • Six months later, police and school officials determined that every accusation made that Christian mom were purely slanderous, homophobic lies.  The Mom was angry because her 11 year old daughter came out as bisexual to teachers and classmates but was too frightened of her mother's religious bigotry to come out at home.  CA law prevents teachers from outing students to their parents without the student's permission and the 11 year old girl had explicitly requested that her mother remain uninformed.  All of the trans shit that Tucker told you about was 100% in the Mom's imagination.  The 11 year old girl was not trans, was not talking about transitioning, no teachers were talking to her about transitioning, she was just feeling some feelings about girls.  The teachers returned to their jobs and got all their back pay.
    • But FOX News and all the other lying Republican news media never corrected the lie they told about innocent teachers over and over on National news.  Hundreds showed up to condemn those two teachers last December but only 10 people came to the meeting in July where the school board explained that it was the Christian Mom and not the gay friendly teachers who was doing all the lying and harming and humiliation and fear-mongering.
    • A year later, you are in full witchhunt mode because Tucker told a lie and all the right-wing believed that lie was true without any interest in the facts and repeated that lie over and over and when the official truth came out, the right wing didn't even bother check in.   Your need to believe you are under attack by the left was already established and no amount of fact-checking or telling truth was going to change your phony gay panic.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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The skull and bones society has it's roots in the Bavarian illuminati.
Totally false conspiracy theory
How would you know? It isn't exactly an open society? However regardless of whether the current illuminati is connected with the Bavarian illuminati is of no importance. We have over 100 groups claiming to be Rosicrucians, we don't claim Rosicrucianism died merely because none of them are the original group and are only loosely connected at best. 

Al Gore went to Harvard, you incompetant boob
I guess that explains why he wasn't allowed to be president.

You get an F- in Americans civics. Please leave this country and make way for immigrants who earned their place by studying American civics
They didn't offer civics in any school I attended. The most I was told is that the government is of by and for the people, but if that were the case there would be no such thing as political dynasties and you would not have this revolving door between regulators and big business where one year a person works at Pfizer the next the FDA and visa versa.

1. Economic interventionism
2. Banning of guns
3. Eugenics through abortion and euthanasia
Another fucked up lie.  

I had no ideal that Democrats were anti-abortion, opposed to gun restrictions and for deregulation. Maybe I was wrong about them

A year later, you are in full witchhunt mode because Tucker told a lie and all the right-wing believed that lie was true without any interest in the facts and repeated that lie over and over and when the official truth came out, the right wing didn't even bother check in. Your need to believe you are under attack by the left was already established and no amount of fact-checking or telling truth was going to change your phony gay panic.
No, I just seen some random articles pop up on my feed. I don't watch the news. When I do it tends to be fake news (sensationalism, sound bites and covering topics in a very cosmetic way instead of going in depth) . You combine this with the fact that reporters tend to go into things with presuppositions that are entirely wrong and assume certain world views as opposed to being completely unbiased. News is bad mmkay. If I could find a perfect news source that just states dry facts and doesn't cherry pick topics to fit an agenda or narrative, I'd be very happy. 

I never heard about the case you mentioned but you did point out the problematic law when talking about that case, so thanks for pointing out the problematic law. I personally have heard teachers calling into radio shows saying they have students they keep a bag in class for so they can change into their girl clothes at school and that radio call in was what I was thinking of. 

Your need to believe you are under attack by the left 
It's actually true at work you can state all kind of ignorant shit, if I were to mention to a coworker that I believe in a small government restrained by the constitution, I would be fired for racism. 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
The skull and bones society has it's roots in the Bavarian illuminati.
Totally false conspiracy theory
How would you know? It isn't exactly an open society?
  • And yet you told your lie. It is not as if there is any similarity between the two group's politics, or motivations, or maturity level.
However regardless of whether the current illuminati is connected with the Bavarian illuminati is of no importance.
  • In other words, you concede yet another pointless lie.
We have over 100 groups claiming to be Rosicrucians, we don't claim Rosicrucianism died merely because none of them are the original group and are only loosely connected at best. 
  • Well that is different because it was never more than some silly people playing spooky games.  That's like saying people playing ouija boards in the 19th century are connected to peole playing with ouija boards in the 21st century. Fine to say but your not claiming that any of those people are some secret tribe  conspiring against you in continuity.
I guess that explains why he wasn't allowed to be president.
  • I'm glad you did not deny "incompetant boob"
They didn't offer civics in any school I attended.
  • Believe me, it shows.  SInce that is a pretty basic requirement for US edcuation, I'll assume you were home schooled or educated outside of this county.
I had no ideal that Democrats were anti-abortion, opposed to gun restrictions and for deregulation. Maybe I was wrong about them
  • That's because you lack education are are too lazy to learn the truth.  Jimmy Carter is anti-abortion and famously dergulated trucking, airline, railroads, and banking.  Bennie Thompson opposes background checks at gun shows.   Only zealots and extremists assume that if you think women  have a right to abortion, you must be pro-Eugenics.  Only loons and goons think that support restriction on guns you must favor banning guns.  In fact,  the DNC explicitly supports the Second Ammendment but argues that there should be gun liscenses with similar hoops and fees and checks as a driver's liscence.
No, I just seen some random articles pop up on my feed. I don't watch the news. When I do it tends to be fake news (sensationalism, sound bites and covering topics in a very cosmetic way instead of going in depth) .
  • Then in all fairness you should consider yourself too ignorant to hold an opinion, right?  Let's agree you lack the basic information to hold an opinion on most subjects.
if I were to mention to a coworker that I believe in a small government restrained by the constitution, I would be fired for racism. 
  • Again- totally paranoid bullshit.  You live in a dark closet and waste your life imagining monsters constructed from the vague noises you hear from the other side.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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PREZ-HILTON's avatar
And yet you told your lie. It is not as if there is any similarity between the two group's politics, or motivations, or maturity level.
I don't have time to explain all the connections to you. It is my belief that the Bavarian illuminati went underground and survived as the skull and bones society, and for a brief period also has a lot of influence on free masonry.

In other words, you concede yet another pointless lie.
No, I am explaining that the pilpul on whether the current secret societies running everything are named the illuminati is a red herring.

Fine to say but your not claiming that any of those people are some secret tribe conspiring against you in continuity.
Yeah, well those tribes exist. Ever heard of the Fabian society? Did you ever hear about when the financiers secretly met on Jekyll island to screw over America and successfully did so? These groups exist

Believe me, it shows. SInce that is a pretty basic requirement for US edcuation, I'll assume you were home schooled or educated outside of this county.

As I have explained hundreds of times. I had to drop out at 16 after being failed the prior year anyway because I was emancipated and won custody of my younger siblings after being placed in abusive foster homes. 

I know a lot of the things I learned about in school was bullshit anyway, and Ii learned more by checking books out from the library. At that time it was astronomy. I also recall my social studies education having a map of the USSR on the curriculum, long after it's fall, but civil studies wasn't a thing. 

What part of civil studies covered which political philosophy was correct?

the DNC explicitly supports the Second Ammendment but argues that there should be gun liscenses with similar hoops and fees and checks as a driver's liscence.
Loom through the debate portion of the website. Are there more Democrats calling for a complete ban on guns in that section, or are they asking for merely a couple more restrictions?

Let's assume they are legitimately claiming to be pro 2nd amendment but just want restrictions on guns. I think me and you both know where continued restrictions occur?

Why hasn't a single Democrat listed the restrictions they want and then maybe suggest passing a bill that no new gun laws will ever be passed after that, to prove it is not just them trying to boil a frog?

Then in all fairness you should consider yourself too ignorant to hold an opinion, right? Let's agree you lack the basic information to hold an opinion on most subjects.
I would agree that I am too ignorant to strongly hold an opinion LOL, but weak opinions that Ii always doubt are impossible to avoid. For example I don't even know if I am talking to a conscious entity at the moment. Solipsism could be true. It's one of the things my therapist seemed concerned about. Me having no strong principles because I doubt everything about everything. 

Trust me, when republicans really were in control, I hated them as well, but they have been losing since George Bush. 

Again- totally paranoid bullshit. You live in a dark closet and waste your life imagining monsters constructed from the vague noises you hear from the other side.

I can show you news article after news article about conservatives being cancelled for stupid shit. You can freely share your opinions in public. I don't have freedom, I am not allowed to.

Look at Dennis Miller. He was canceled because he stated that a black quarterback was overrated because the media was racist. That's not even a conservative opinions. Shit the guy was overrated by the media and it was because of the media's racism, but he was canceled.

There was an attempt to cancel Robert Downey Jr. Because he stated that he was a republican one time like 15 years ago. 

Tim Allen cannot get  movie because of his political persuasion. 

There was a canvasser for a republican in Florida recently attacked for being a conservative. We have actors trying to cancel conservatives as a whole by pretending like he was attacked by them and he has supporters who believe him still.

Just after the 2016 election, footage was coming out of antifa attacking elderly white trump supporters at protests. 

That girl that was on DDO, I think her name was Rosalina or something she ran for president with me. She was at a Maga event and was attacked by Democrats. She was on the front page of some newspapers showing a milkshake being hurled at her. 

If I revealed my political opinions in person I would be physically attacked by Democrats and then I would lose my job. I know this is true because we have lots of examples of it happening. 

BTW, if a liberal is against economic interventionism, he would technically be for Laissez-faire capitalism, assuming he was pro 2nd amendment and pro not murdering unborn babies. What exactly would make him a liberal? 

How could that type of liberal even win an election? 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
I don't have time to explain all the connections to you. It is my belief that the Bavarian illuminati went underground and survived as the skull and bones society, and for a brief period also has a lot of influence on free masonry.
  • Classic wide-eyed conspiracy nut:  "Dude! there's so many secret connections that I don't even have time to explain just one!"
No, I am explaining that the pilpul on whether the current secret societies running everything are named the illuminati is a red herring.
  • Dude! I don't have details!  I don't know names and shit.  I just know for certain that secret societies are doing secret shit and I'm determined to fuck things up for every American for reasons I can't jutify or even explain!
Yeah, well those tribes exist. Ever heard of the Fabian society?
  • Sure the Liberal London think tank that influenced Nehru's peaceful transition to Democracy, founded the London School of Economics and once headed by the great George Bernard Shaw?  Nothing secret about those guys.
Did you ever hear about when the financiers secretly met on Jekyll island to screw over America and successfully did so? 
  • That's right, because YOU believe that the US Economy has been in a nosedive since that meeting in 1910.  What a tragic century it has been for the American economy!
I had to drop out at 16 after being failed the prior year anyway because I was emancipated and won custody of my younger siblings after being placed in abusive foster homes. 
  • Yeah, it shows.
What part of civil studies covered which political philosophy was correct?
  • Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Federalist papers, Gettysburg Address
Loom through the debate portion of the website. Are there more Democrats calling for a complete ban on guns in that section, or are they asking for merely a couple more restrictions?
  • Of the six debates calling for an outright gun ban 5 are by Alec (aka TheUnderdog) and one is by you.  SInce neitther of you identify as Democrats, I've got to say Zero democrats calling for a complete gun ban versus more than 20 debates calling for background checks, semi-auto restrictions,etc.
I would agree that I am too ignorant to strongly hold an opinion 
  • That's really my only point.  All of your  opinions seem to be built on a foundation of misinformation and ignorance.
Trust me, when republicans really were in control, I hated them as well, but they have been losing since George Bush. 
  • Such a lie.  You sucked Trump's cock so hard it would slough off into your mouth every couple of days and you would fall on your ass and cry because without Trump's dick in your mouth you didn't know how to think or feel about anything.
I can show you news article after news article about conservatives being cancelled for stupid shit. You can freely share your opinions in public. I don't have freedom, I am not allowed to.
  • Cancelled is just a Republican word for what happends when people express unpopular opinions.  That' just democracy for you:  you are not being oppresed just because people are explaining to you that your opinon is selfish and narrow.
Look at Dennis Miller. He was canceled because he stated that a black quarterback was overrated because the media was racist.
  • That was Rush Limbaugh, you boob.  Limbaugh wasn't cancelled, he resigned in response to a chorus of booing.  Miller's contract was not renewed because John Madden came over from FOX.   Miller has a show on Putin's RT until Putin's attack on Ukraine forced Miller to resign in protest.
There was an attempt to cancel Robert Downey Jr. Because he stated that he was a republican one time like 15 years ago. 
  • It is so sad that he was never given a chance to play Ironman and be the best paid actor in the whole wide world in 2013, 2018, and again in 2019!
Tim Allen cannot get  movie because of his political persuasion. 
  • Poor bastard had to settle for starring in  and executive producing the top rated TV series this Christmas with those libtards at Disney
There was a canvasser for a republican in Florida recently attacked for being a conservative.
  • You might also have mentioned that Christopher Rey Monzon aka Christopher Cedeno is  Proud Boy and second generation Klan member with a long history of racial assaults in Hollywood, during the "Battle of New Orleans" and assaulting 17 year old DeAndre Harris at the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville.
  • Here is a Twitter post of his captured by the Southern Poverty Law Center before he deleted all his  ultra racist shit when his story went national and he was a  paid and vetted campaigner for Marco Rubio;
Just after the 2016 election, footage was coming out of antifa attacking elderly white trump supporters at protests. That girl that was on DDO, I think her name was Rosalina or something she ran for president with me. She was at a Maga event and was attacked by Democrats. She was on the front page of some newspapers showing a milkshake being hurled at her. 
  • Pretty you are saying that the Jan 6th coup was justified because some anonymous but probably liberal person threw a milkshake six year ago?
If I revealed my political opinions in person I would be physically attacked by Democrats and then I would lose my job. I know this is true because we have lots of examples of it happening. 
  • Well, you have expressed some insanely violent hate speech about black people, Jews, Police officers, etc.  Certainly, I would think twice about hiring you for any public-facing job.
BTW, if a liberal is against economic interventionism, he would technically be for Laissez-faire capitalism, 
  • One of the pillars of Classical Liberal economics.
assuming he was pro 2nd amendment and pro not murdering unborn babies. What exactly would make him a liberal? 
  • By definition, Liberals believe that all men are born equal and with a right to be free.  That is what being a Liberal means.  The United States of America was explictly founded as the first Liberal nation on Earth.  You can't be a sincere American without being a Liberal.  All Liberals everywhere love the American Dream and the American success story.   All the Founding Fathers identified as Liberals first and foremost.   Starting in the 1990's FOX News began to educate the dumber half of Americans that Liberalism was bad and that Conservatism and Republicanism were somehow the opposite of Liberalism.  While this obviously false and ridiculous many Americans have been brainwashed by Fox into thinking this way, including you.  All Americans are LIberal by definition, whether or not they are educated enough to understand that  truth.  There's nothing exclusive about Liberalsim and Conservativism.  In fact, many Americans used to identify as Liberal Conservatives.
How could that type of liberal even win an election? 
  • Joe Biden supports Free Trade, the Second Ammendment, and, as a lifelong practicing old-school Catholic, secretly hates abortion although he hasn't said so for twenty.  Biden is a pretty traditional example of an American Liberal Conservative using the pre-FOX News definitions of those words.

PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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PREZ-HILTON's avatar
Classic wide-eyed conspiracy nut: "Dude! there's so many secret connections that I don't even have time to explain just one!"
No, you wouldn't get it. Seriously they date their log books a certain way for example and year zero is when the Bavarian illuminati was. Founded. A lot of the symbolism and rituals are very similar etc. 

Dude! I don't have details! I don't know names and shit. I just know for certain that secret societies are doing secret shit and I'm determined to fuck things up for every American for reasons I can't jutify or even explain!
Other than the fact these people publish names of their members many times,. They are secret societies. 3 presidenta have been skull and bones member. Many other powerful people have been as well. This is a very small club with a hidden agenda. 

I am not fucking things up for Americans. You can look at policies and see what their intentions are. Let's just imagine for a second that you are correct and organizations such as the Fabian society, skills and bones and the bilderburg don't exist. Then we can still see some sort of evil cooperation. 

For example when people get deplatformed it isn't a slow trickle like is natural, but it looks like all organizations are working together in unison. The same with how news stories come out and suddenly at the beginning of 2020 you see 50 organizations in unison pick up the phrase "build back better" like some sort of hive mind. 

I used to be a statanist, so I can pick up the imagery faster than you can but the following have obvious satanic imagery

1. 2001 a space Odyssey, particularly the beginning with the monkeys
2. Lucy

If you include gnostic imagery to be satanic then

3. The matrix
4. Free guy
5. Eyes wide shut
6. Mother
7. Truman show
8 dark City

Honestly there is too many to mention. These people have infiltrated media, politics and business though and if you look at my last round with RM in a recent debate, I lay out why they are pushing certain policies, which is consistent with the goals they laid out on the Georgia Guidestones. 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
eriously they date their log books a certain way for example and year zero is when the Bavarian illuminati was. Founded. A lot of the symbolism and rituals are very similar etc. 
Other than the fact these people publish names of their members many times,.
  • Also not very secret
They are secret societies. 3 presidenta have been skull and bones member. Many other powerful people have been as well. This is a very small club with a hidden agenda. 
  • Delta Kappa Epsilon has had six presidents as members.  Shall we assume that Delta Kappa Epsilon is also a secret society controlling the world.
  • Ivy League colleges are not a secret society but graduates of those schools certainly go on to become the leaders in the most powerful nation on Earth and therefore control much of the world without any conspiracy at all.  I remember Sun Microsystems  used to have a BOB-best of the best program that recruited and funnelled Ivy League graduates straight into upper management.  Frankly I could not discern any particular qualities for such advancement beyond ambition but that was how it worked at very modern tech company.  Such dynamics likely explain the relationship between Ivy League schools and power without the need for any secrets or conspiracy and Skull & Bones is just as easily explained as a slice of that dynamic put under a microscope unnecessarily.
I am not fucking things up for Americans.
  • I meant the conspirators
You can look at policies and see what their intentions are. Let's just imagine for a second that you are correct and organizations such as the Fabian society, skills and bones and the bilderburg don't exist. Then we can still see some sort of evil cooperation. 
  • If the Fabian society, BIlderburg, and Skull and Bones did not exist, other grouups with different names but roughly identical functions would have evolved into those places.   Such organizations are an essential structural element of democracies- the machines by which consensus is acheived.
For example when people get deplatformed it isn't a slow trickle like is natural, but it looks like all organizations are working together in unison.
  • Not a conspiracy.  Once one company makes a decision likely to garner bad publicity, like-minded companies tend to follow quickly behind hoping the front-runner will take the brunt.
The same with how news stories come out and suddenly at the beginning of 2020 you see 50 organizations in unison pick up the phrase "build back better" like some sort of hive mind. 
  • Same reason people start saying "Make America Great Again" in 2016:  it was a popular Presidential campaign slogan.  Not a conspiracy.
I used to be a statanist, so I can pick up the imagery faster than you can but the following have obvious satanic imagery

1. 2001 a space Odyssey, particularly the beginning with the monkeys
2. Lucy

If you include gnostic imagery to be satanic then

3. The matrix
4. Free guy
5. Eyes wide shut
6. Mother
7. Truman show
8 dark City
  • What is the relationship between a global conspiraccy that controls the world and Satanism or Hollywood.  Are you now claiming that George W Bush and Paul Giamatti worship Satan?
Honestly there is too many to mention. These people have infiltrated media, politics and business though and if you look at my last round with RM in a recent debate, I lay out why they are pushing certain policies, which is consistent with the goals they laid out on the Georgia Guidestones. 
  • Well if thinking the Georgia Guidestones are sensible recommendations makes one a Satanist, then let's agree most rational people are Satanists in your book:
    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
    3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
    4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
    9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
    10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
    • If that's what you call Satanism, then it is pretty easy to say that your mental illness is the source of your irratonal belief.

    PREZ-HILTON's avatar
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    PREZ-HILTON's avatar
    If that's what you call Satanism, then it is pretty easy to say that your mental illness is the source of your irratonal belief.
    Establishing the goals of the Georgia Guidestones would require a one world government as predicted in revelations and who does revelations call the head of that one world government?

    We can go over the Guidestones a bit but dropping the flowery rhetoric to show what it means.

    1. Requires genocide
    2. Eugenics
    3. Yeah and lose valuable cultural mythos and practices from indigenous people who pass on their traditions orally and whose languages are currently in jeopardy already
    6. NWO
    8. Incorrect the government should be solely concerned with individual rights, while citizens should prioritize social responsibility

    Same reason people start saying "Make America Great Again" in 2016: it was a popular Presidential campaign slogan. Not a conspiracy.
    I am talking about separate organizations using the slogan simultaneously not Biden supporters. I mean all at the same time just using it . I think the WHO started randomly saying it at the same exact time also.

    What is the relationship between a global conspiraccy that controls the world and Satanism or Hollywood. Are you now claiming that George W Bush and Paul Giamatti worship Satan?

    It's my impression they secretly worship an owl. I am claiming they have a secret religion that they share though, and that I recognize quite a bit of the esoteric symbolism, many bits which are shared with satanism and luciferianism. 

    Not a conspiracy. Once one company makes a decision likely to garner bad publicity, like-minded companies tend to follow quickly behind hoping the front-runner will take the brunt.

    That's a good point actually.  I concede. 

    Such organizations are an essential structural element of democracies- the machines by which consensus is acheived
    This is what I have a problem with. I prefer a world of independent thinkers not organizations that are trying to manufacture consensus through social engineering or propaganda. 

    I would like to see a well informed public who only considers voting on policy issues they have personally spent a considerable amount of time studying. It's why I don't bitch about one issue voters. They mostly spend a ton of time studying one specific thing and become experts on it, meaning they are voting correctly in at least one regard. 

    Such dynamics likely explain the relationship between Ivy League schools and power without the need for any secrets or conspiracy and Skull & Bones is just as easily explained as a slice of that dynamic put under a microscope unnecessarily.
    That sounds very unfair and anti meritocric.

    Wow you have log books for a secret society?
    Keeping records is not very wise practice for a secret society
    I believe they keep secret minutes. Interviews with ex girlfriends by some researchers seem to document this and there are stories of participants getting butt naked being lowered into pits and telling each other their darkest secrets. A scary thing for future world leaders to have an organization with blackmail material on them. 

    It's a closed society but it doesn't mean there isn't any leaks, that's how we understand as much as we do about them. 

    It's my understanding also that the Bones movie did a pretty good job of representing the secret society well. So watching that might give you some insight