Elements of Reality EPR

Author: ebuc


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Physical reality emerges from the dual invaginations of the quantumspace-time-tori. ....space(>*<)  i  (>*<)space....

*  * = bilateralconsciousness ergo physical reality of  sensorial experience,that, leads to human access to Meta-spacemind/intellect/concepts/ego/ i-identifier

.."experience precedes thought " I believe is the Fuller comment nSynergetics

The elements of physical reality {EPR } aretwo or more of quantum-space-time tori overlapping and interferingwith each other and vertexia { inferred 3D } occur when two nodalevents { inferred 2D } interfere with each other.

Quantumentanglement is no less than two of these quantum space-time tori,precessed to each other ex (--) is a poor representation of the 90degree precession to each other, ergo,

(>A<)(--)(--)(--)(--)(>B<)is quantum space-time entanglment via quantum space-time tori,between two elements of reality particles >A< and >B<

>< = tuned-in { dual invagination fromouter-G and inner-DEnergy geodesics } asour physical reality with biologic human female having the mostcomplex set of bilateral consciousness { *  * } and access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts/ego/..... i-identifier....

><  = triangulated structural integrity of3p...6...9...12...15...18{ see 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks } andlater on we find 36 in this sine-wave { /\/\/ } linear sequence ofnumbers associated with our elements of physical reality.

Ithink about something { occupied space finger } via my occupied spacebrain { reality }, ergo, I exist as an occupied space something {reality }, with access to Meta-space patterns, principles andphysical laws.

Platonic = Meta-space purity
i.e.there is no occupied space of  perfect spheres or polyhedra.Our finite, occupied space Universe is always tainted aka off-center.Paraphrasing B Fuller here.

....space(> *<i   (> * <)space......

i= ego { Metas-space } identifier

* * = bilateralconsciousness

>< = dual invagination ofspace-time torus

(  ) = outer Gravity geodesic

)(= inner Dark Energy geodesic

EPR = elements ofreality and Einstien-Podsky-Rosen
Go to 24:25 of thislink and listen to Leonard Susskind explain

Quantum space-timetorus in 2D lattice expression of a the 3D torus with: focus on thesemi-linear set of whole numbers, that, define sine-wave pattern as3p...6...9...12..15...18 etc

..1...........5p...7p.........11p....13p.............17p.......GravityOuter {><)inward
0..................6....................12.........................18...Reality Quanta-time

......2p....4............8..10.................14....16.............DEnergy Inner <)(> outward

Our finite, occupied space Universe's outer perimeter is always the outer geodesic (  ) set   of Gravity's  nodal events represented by 1..5p-7p...11p-13p...17p-19p...23p-(25) etc. A side note is that  Synergetics Operating System of Universe { 4-fold vector equilibrium } is has a primary set of 25 abstract great circles  (  ), and this abstract set of great circles ---and the 5-fold icosahedrons primary set of 31 GrC's--  is the located above 2D lattice is each quantum space-time torus tubes between the peaks of sine-wave pattern /\/\/\/

0..................6....................12.........................18...Reality Quanta-time
----------------abstract great circle-------------------

Experience as reality --via consciousness-- gives access to the Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts/i/ego and woman is themost complex biologic and most complex entity of Universe, barringscenarios aggregations two or more women, or woman and man etc. Physical reality is what we are tuned-into >*< via our bilateral existence { *  * }.

25  Meta-space { conceptually primary 2D } GreatCircles, via,
.....3, XYZ diametrically opposing squareopenings,
.....4 diametrically opposing triangleopenings,
.....6 diametrically opposing vertexia,
.....12diametrically opposing chords

I  believe each2D Great Circle is abstract center line of 3D vector i.e. a dualinvaginated { >< }, quantum-space-time toroidal tube { 3D }

Fullermentions how nature many times use this or that, plus one. I thinkthe comment is in Synergetics, but I havent found it last few timessearching.

4-fold 24 chords of almighty operationallysystemic VE, transposes/transforms via plus one, as 25 GrC's

5-fold30 chords of the almighty structural icos{20}hedron,transposes/transforms, via plus one, as 31 GrC's  --31 left-skew { via torquing of VE and 31 right-skew { via torquing of VE LINK  } total 62---

Thesetwo specifically he reference's as ability of Gravity to cohereUniverse as integral whole   Again, that is specificreference Ive not found last few searches. See my space-time tori'souter geodesic  set of nodal events { 1, 5p-7p, 11p-13p etc } isalways the outer most set of occupied space nodal events ofUniverse's boundary, with the macro-infinite, truly non-occupiedspace.

....space(>*<)  (>*<)space....
And finally to clarify the above, Universe is not a dynamic shape, rather, it is aggregate collection of overlapping and interfering quantum space-time tori operationally dynamic fluctutations, pulsations etc.

Many years before developing the space-time tori idea I came across this animated graphic that kinda-sorta represents the gravitation perimeter boundary of Universe, in some way or another.