Buddhism is the inversion of the correct Pagan ideology.

Author: RationalMadman


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Buddhism is a religion that has, from day one of me discovering it, to this very date fascinated me despite my family having inherent dislike for the philosophy and being angry at me for defending Buddhist monks among other things. My family generally has the idea that Buddhism is a religion of laziness and corruption that only is able to last due to others doing the work for the Buddhist. I won't go into specifics about my dad beyond that but it's understandable why his side of the family think this about Buddhists. 

As I grew I learned very much about the ideology and still today believe strongly in its methods and overall application but the core idea behind it is inverted. Buddhism aims to lead you to become nothing, to preserve things only so as to obstruct the rich and powerful and yet in practise Buddhism has always served the powerful by trying to be 'peaceful' and letting others hurt others around them remaining catatonic in the face of it.

Buddhism in many ways is what I call benevolent pyschopathy but the issue with this is that it ends up enabling the naturally gifted to brutally dominated the naturally cursed in an unfettered, Darwinistic manner. In being vegetarian and aiming to stop and hurt no one, you do end up somewhat helping the unfairly rich or unfairly powerful to continue on an upwards spiral of continual decimation of any who stand in their way. Buddhism is a good strategy to play it safe in life and end up happy at the sake of others but ultimately there's a core idea that I disagree with them on: not having ego and not being a hero.

You need to love yourself, you need to feel things... Deeply... Passionately. Otherwise why live at all? The Buddhist mentality would and has at times made me utterly suicidal. If you believe you're nothing, just a figment of reality happening by accident and aiming to just exist as is progressing towards nothing and being here for no purpose other than to eat, breathe and be a basic bitch then what the fuck are you alive for at all? Why not speed up the process and end it all? The enjoyment of life itself ends up contradicting the Buddhist ideology that says the reason you enjoy life is to aim to become nothing more than the moment here and now. If you're nothing more than the moment here and now, you can't then base everything on a greater philosophy that requires memory and strategy to maintain itself.

I believe strongly in ego and think we are taught to be humble because that benefits the powerful. If everyone is humble, aims to just live in their little corner assigned by the rich and ruthless, then no one changes anything and that lets them live in peace only so long as they ignore the agony and injustice at the hands of those around them. In the end, you can't be a proper Buddhist ever. If you sit by and do nothing, you're knowingly enabling the sadistic to be so, if you do act to stop them it requires ego, anger and passion which contradicts Buddhist philosophy at its core.

I understand why they choose to be cowards, it's a very calming way of life. I understand, really I do. That's why I aim to be only as calm as I need to be to fight another day. Stress has physical ailments as a result of it, you need to maintain a level of calm and zen and in that way I totally understand Buddhists and Taoists. Where I differ to the Buddhists is that the aim of this inner peace is to be the end in itself. Rather I believe it's the way to be smart and strong enough on the later times to fight smart and ruthlessly so as to stop a less smart but more unfair and ruthless group of leaders/tyrants.

That's my true belief.
Mopac's avatar
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Even though this is a topic about Buddhism, this quote from St. Paul the apostles letter to Corinth is very relevent 

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 

Really, they don't see it as being cowardly. Quite the contrary, they would probably look at you as if you are a slave to the vices and vanities of this world. 

It isn't too dissimilar to the Christian perspective.

Dispassion is something Buddhists and Christians habe in common.

Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God."

The eightfold path of Buddhism is a guideline to aid in heart purification. People who don't know better think that Buddhism is atheistic, but that isn't true at all.

In fact, it is written in the Pali Canon in Nibbāna Sutta — Parinibbana

"There is, monks, an unborn — unbecome — unmade — unfabricated. If there were not that unborn — unbecome — unmade — unfabricated, there would not be the case that escape from the born — become — made — fabricated would be discerned. But precisely because there is an unborn — unbecome — unmade — unfabricated, escape from the born — become — made — fabricated is discerned."

This, what Buddha is talking about is what we call God in Orthodox theology.

Likewise, in The Tao Te Ching, what it describes as "The Tao" is what we call God in Orthodox theology.

RationalMadman's avatar
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Buddhism doesn't give two shits about Jesus and thinks Jesus was a very heavily Karmic-debt-owing soul that had egomania beyond many humans who ever lived.

Don't even begin to compare Buddhism to Christianity, you will fall at every hurdle. 

The actual core idea of the two religions is so utterly opposite in itself in the first place. Buddhism thinks the aim is to cease to exist and be reborn at all, Christianity tells us to aim to live forever in active pleasure and reward. Buddhism says the 'bad outcome' is being reborn and having unlimited tries to achieve Nirvana (which is literally to no longer exist at all and stop being reborn) whereas Christianity says 'one chance or you're gone'. Buddhism would sooner sense a good person who hated Buddhist officials and Buddhism as a religion-by-name to its Nirvana than a crooked person serving it in name, Christianity is much murkier on this matter and holds doubting Jesus and the Christian God's supremacy as almost an equal sin to child abuse and many other things.
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I understand that this is what you understand these two traditions to be, but I don't really believe you get either.

And well, I certainly don't see in my faith what you ascribe to it.

I would also like to point out that the vast majority of English speaking Christians would be considered heretics by Orthodox standards.

38 days later

eventuality001's avatar
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Many people have great intentions and they propose great perspectives that they feel are attributed to their own personal religion and many  great ideas.

I noticed a very honorable message that even Muslims have proposed that explains the Quran and many Muslims are saying that Islam acts toward people with compassion and justice.  I found a message some time ago that a great Muslim individual had posted about - Qur'án 10:47. that says - To every nation is a messenger. When their messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged."
But I got to looking deeper and I began to read the previous and the following details surround this .. verse : 47 here says that it is only a promising of compassion and justice - only unto the Muslims who are believing upon Allah - and Muslims alone - who will receive justice and compassion. This compassion is not promised to those who do not believe in the Spiritual Prophecies, Revelations and Spiritual Claims Of Mohammad.
As it explains here - verse: 45. Those who denied the meeting with Allah will be the losers. -- and verse :52. It will be said to those who did wrong, “ Taste the torment of eternity. Will you be rewarded except for what you used to do ?”   -- and verse: 70. ..... then We will make them taste the severe punishment on account of their disbelief.   -  Does it seem that Allah is not promising compassion and justice to those who do not believe - Allah will severely punish them with torment and horrible pain. Simply because - someone does not believe - Allah.  ?

This compassion and justice. It is never given to people who do not accept Islam. - For - Non-Muslims - as Quran 29:54 clearly explains = Hell will engulf the disbelievers.   -   -  Also in Chapter 50: if we read further it says : 24. “ Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever who has fabricated another god with Allah and toss him into the intense agony.”  - as Quran 3:87. Unbelievers receive penalty upon them the falls the curse of Allah, and of the angels, and of all mankind. :88 Remaining in it eternally, without their punishment being eased from them, and without being reprieved.
Again I see that - those who do not believe in The Quran and Allah are going to be punished - Just for believing in another God who is not called by the name of " Allah "  for example  - If we study the history about a man  named " Bahá'u'lláh " whose home country was Tehran, Persia. We find that the Muslims throughout Persia were trying to capture Bahá'u'lláh and execute Him because He followed another " FAITH " than the Quran. Many of His friends and family were imprisoned, killed, assassinated and hunted down for almost a decade simply because " ALTHOUGH THEY BELIEVED = that Mohammad was a true Prophet - and they were Muslims too - they simply did not believe that He was the Last / Final Prophet. Nearly all of them were killed by Other Muslims because Islam does not allow any other faith but the rules and principals already laid down in Islamic Hadith and Law.

I realize that there are a lot of good times and bad times in all religions of the world - The Bible, The Quran, The Holy Hindu Vedas, The Buddhist Tripitaka - =  they all claim to have green pastures, butter and bread and milk and honey and the truth and facts.
Also, even in Satanism The Nine Satanic Statements even includes the line, " - - Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates! "

My question was what about other religions,   I asked myself  - for example Hinduism demands that Brahman is Truth and Reality. ...and The Vedas are the ultimate authority ..  

Even in Hinduism = heresy is defined by the presence of foreign merchants, new intellectual movements, and shifting balances of power among the many sects native to India. In other words, if You are of a lower class You are not allowed to become a higher class person. - - (priestly people), the Kshatriyas (also called Rajanyas, who were rulers, administrators, and warriors), the Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen, and farmers), and Shudras (laboring classes).

Even The Buddha mentions the word "heresy" in scripture: - Saying "Let us, then, surrender the heresies of worshiping God and praying to him; let us not lose ourselves in vain speculations of profitless subtleties." - the Buddha [Culla Vagga 6:2, Tipitaka] - - If one were to follow the path these heretical anti-Buddhist faiths they will never reach nirvana. Buddhists strongly consider Non-Buddhists and people of other races to be a great threat to the population. Buddhists in Buddhists government systems are very extreme nationalists and do not live in the faith that teaches love to the whole world as the earth being considered one country, and mankind its citizens. Buddhists see other races and religions as a threat to the unity and strength of their religion and nation.

In Buddhists Japan - foreigners as a whole are only 2% of the population, and the rest are Asian.

Muslims seem to have the same attitude. If You go to an Islamic Country and teach  -  that Mohammad was not the last and final prophet and suggest that You or another prophet is preceding Mohammad or even if you try to enter yourself into the Islamic government as a Non - Muslim person - You will not only be rejected - you will be punished and probably eventually killed or imprisoned for these and a great number of other blasphemies.
I honestly have seen no other governments and religions on the face of the entire earth - allow other races and religions to participate in the succession for the throne or higher political levels. Are The Christians In America  the ONLY SINGLE religion and government that even comes close to the truly great aspirations that many of other faiths aspire to.  ?
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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There is no pagan ideology. Pagan is just an umbrella term for a bunch of non Christian religions. 
Mopac's avatar
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Orthodox Christianity does not believe in coercive methods to get people to convert. Emphasis is on freewill.
In fact, we look down on the missionary activity of some churches that bribe natives with things like food and supplies in order to gain converts.

Of course, we can hardly be blamed for not wanting unbelievers as our priests and bishops!

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Our church supported a missionary school that brought people from Asia to the US for training then sent them home to start churches. He man who ran the place, Baptist, stated: Best way to spread the word of god to someone is in their own language with someone who knows the culture. He felt white people witnessing in non white/ English lands was silly.
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Historically, the Orthodox Church in America has been an immigrant church that has mostly kept to itself.

A few decades ago even, you would not have the type of written material available today in English. It is my hope that protestants in the US will start coming to Orthodoxy in droves.

Really, protestant pastors are becoming Orthodox in droves!

You have to start somewhere. 

I feel the same way for the most part as the guy who ran the missionary school you speak of.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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I certainly liked that someone who was Christian was training to run a church more than missionary work. I did vacation bible school. Turned me off to witnessing entirely. 
Mopac's avatar
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You can't be a good witness if you aren't actually a witness, you know.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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It is my hope that protestants in the US will start coming to Orthodoxy in droves.

What Orthodoxy really means is to get back to the Gospels leave behind religious authority (which INCLUDES yours) in favor of the pursuit of spirit, life and freedom and all things related to that. There is no group or organization that represents that, it is an individual empowerment and no institution can touch that truth. The Gospels are for the people, not religious authority. By dividing yourself from others using the excuse of some pipe dream you call "orthodox" you are putting your energy to the wrong outlet, welcome to religion Mopac.