Instigator / Con

Homosexuality is Immoral


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

My opponent will be arguing that homosexuality is immoral. I will be arguing that it is not immoral. If you are planning to use quotes or statistics, do not forget to cite your sources.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

reason for decision
con defines immorality as something you do that harms other. This was impossible for con to meet because homosexual acts have harmed other people. given the definition all pro had to do was say homosexuality harms people in any way and that would be enough to win.

pro uses three points to support his claim. One being homosexual act cause aids and homo acts transfer them. his second point is people get aids from needles. the third point being the emotional pain from a wife finding out her husband is gay. Con does not object to the definition of immorality. Which was his downfall because he was unable to prove that homosexual acts do not cause harm to others and thus pro met the definition of immorality And con ignores the needle point. mostly focuses on the transferring aids thing.

pro says
"It has broken homes, devastated wives, confused children and has led to widespread AIDS all over the world

con says
AIDS is also spread by heterosexual sex, and by blood donations. Does that mean that heterosexual sex and blood donations are immoral? Furthermore, homosexuals can easily avoid getting AIDS during sex by simply using a condom. Homosexuality itself is not the cause of AIDS, unprotected sex with strangers is.

all pro had to do was prove it harmed people. he proved it harmed the wife's and children emotionally. con does not respond to the emotional pain. so pro proved it harms other was met.

same with the needle

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Pro provided one sufficient source. Although not being backed up by any arguments, I assume that the source that pertains to violence amongst homosexual couples was supposed to be a complement to his earlier point about leads to suffering. Then again, I can't be sure of this, so no points to Pro for not being clear in how it fits into his case and for not making an argument related to violence.

Pro brought up God (which is problematic given that it creates a 2nd burden on Pro) and the Bible, to which he argues that God's morality isn't arbitrary because he remains in the same state as he always has. This point is correctly deemed irrelevant by Con as he points out that it is an appeal to authority, one such authority that again, isn't proven to exist in the debate. Pro also argues that there are 3 laws in thr Old Testament that pertain to people: The moral, civil, and ceremonial laws. Since this debate is about homosexuality in general, proving that homosexuality is immoral by moral law (that applies to all people) would give the most impact to Pro's arguments. He says that God only wanted those in Israel to kill homosexuals, but this debate is not about Israel, it is about if homosexuality in any case is immoral. Pro does argue that God made AIDS incurable as a means of punishment for homosexuals, but doesn't substantiate this claim with anything, thus making it hollow. He later stated that God didn't set the standard of "homosexuals must be executed" to moral law, which is a concession that homosexuality is not ubiquitous in its immorality according to God.

Again, there was never any evidence for God's existence, with Pro's only argument for said existence being that the moral law exists. This is not supported by any evidence and doesn't help his case.

To add insult to injury, Pro only cited the Bible ONCE, and couldn't do so for his "God made AIDS incurable" claim, which was an important one.

I will again bring up the no-source link from Pro, which couldn't adequately corroborate that homosexuality is a choice, so that point falls flat.

Overall, Pro made a lot of claims that he couldn't support, when he tried to, he didn't bother making an argument for the source, and couldn't prove that God existed nor that it is universally immoral. Con, being the one to negate the resolution, didn't have to do much to knock Pro's case down as the arguments weren't supported anyway, and by arguing that God shouldn't be a model for morality (essentially implying that Pro made an appeal to authority fallacy) and that he doesn't exist, he secures the win for what was the crux of the debate.