Instigator / Pro

Massachusetts is the most prosperous and ideal Sate in the UNION


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I offer this as evidence the prestigious prosperity index ranked Massachusetts as the most prosperous state in Union , making it more fact than opinion

Round 1
"MASSACHUSETTS IS THE most prosperous state in the U.S., according to a report released Thursday by the Legatum Institute.
The London-based educational charity group's United States Prosperity Index ranked the states based on 11 main categories, including economic quality, personal freedom, education, health and natural environment. The institute received support from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
As a whole, America's prosperity, defined in the report as economic, institutional and social prosperity, has increased over the past decade, and the gap has narrowed between the state with the most prosperity (Massachusetts) and least prosperity (Mississippi). According to the authors, much of this improvement can be attributed to the country's economic growth following the economic recession." It is the Contention of the pro side that Massachusetts is the most successful state  in the Union and much of that success must be attributed to its liberal values and policies 
Prosperity isn't ideal.

Highest prices, people who are materialistic and business-oriented policy making all will hurt the poor on many levels, both social and economic.
Round 2
Well you have a point if you are dirt poor and a high school drop out maybe its better to stay in your trailer in arkansas  but lets for the heck of it compare the two states Massachusetts/GDP per capita


Massachusetts per-capita GDP was $65,545 in 2016.
Massachusetts GDP and Per-Capita GDP | Department of ... › gdp › massachusetts are you seriously going to say that this is a better place to live and raise your kids? About 240,000 results (0.75 seconds) 

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Arkansas/GDP per capita


Arkansas per-capita GDP was $36,368 in 2016. which is $14,209 lower than the US per-capita GDP. Real dollar values expressed in 2009 chained dollars. Arkansas per-capita GDP was $41,071 in 2016.
Arkansas GDP and Per-Capita GDP | Department of Numbers › gdp › arkansas
if you research by quality of life mass is at the top and ark is at the bottom
Pronunciation /ənd/ /(ə)n/ /and/ 
  • 1Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.
    ‘bread and butter’
    ‘they can read and write’
    ‘a hundred and fifty’
    More example sentences
    1. 1.1Used to connect two clauses when the second refers to something that happens after the first.

      ‘he turned round and walked out’
      More example sentences
    2. 1.2Used to connect two clauses, the second of which refers to something that results from the first.

      ‘there was a flash flood and by the next morning the town was under water’
      More example sentences
    3. 1.3Connecting two identical comparatives, to emphasize a progressive change.

      ‘getting better and better’
      More example sentences
    4. 1.4Connecting two identical words, implying great duration or great extent.

      ‘I cried and cried’
      More example sentences
    5. 1.5Used to connect two identical words to indicate that things of the same name or class have different qualities.

      ‘all human conduct is determined or caused—but there are causes and causes’
      More example sentences
    6. 1.6Used to connect two numbers to indicate that they are being added together.

      ‘six and four makes ten’
      More example sentences
    7. 1.7archaic Used to connect two numbers, implying succession.

      ‘a line of men marching two and two’
      More example sentences

Those are Oxford-approved Dictionary defintions of 'and' in its usual sense of being used (hence me referred to 1 and not definition 2 or 3). Even in other definitions, 'and' is explicitly different to 'or' in that when you have the word 'and' in a statement both the thing(s) before it and thing after it must be simultaneously true in order to affirm the statement as correct.


  • 1Satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
    ‘the swimming pool is ideal for a quick dip’
    ‘this is an ideal opportunity to save money’
    More example sentences
  • 2attributive Existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.
    ‘in an ideal world, we might have made a different decision’
    More example sentences
    1. 2.1Representing an abstract or hypothetical optimum.

      ‘mathematical modelling can determine theoretically ideal conditions’

At crime rate, whether you love crime or hate crime, Massacheusetts isn't ideal as it's a very mediocre State in crime handling.

"Table 08, Data Declaration - Crime in the United States 2010". Retrieved December 16, 2014.

At many other things, it also isn't ideal.

Happiness rankings leave 16 states superior to Massacheusetts, and 'physical happiness' or in other words health, are listed as what holds it back:

In fact the creator of this debate so vehemently talks about how money and standard of living are not the same thing as 'quality of life' yet in this thread he continually draws parallels between the two. Why?
Round 3
Con has decided to pick around the carcass throw some spaghetti against the wall machine guns some bullet points and see what sticks, Prosperity isnt one factor or two it is many factors "The Legatum Prosperity Index is an annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute, a division of the private investment firm Legatum. The ranking is based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, education, health, personal well-being, and quality of life. In the 2018 rankings, 149 countries were ranked, and Norway topped the list, followed by New Zealand and FinlandAfghanistan was on the last place. In 2013, twenty-seven of the top 30 countries were democracies.[1]   The Legatum Prosperity Index is an annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute, a division of the private investment firm Legatum. The ranking is based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, education, health, personal well-being, and quality of life. In the 2018 rankings, 149 countries were ranked, and Norway topped the list, followed by New Zealand and FinlandAfghanistan was on the last place. In 2013, twenty-seven of the top 30 countries were democracies.[1]

The 2018 Legatum Prosperity Index is based on 104 different variables analysed across 149 nations around the world. Source data includes Gallup World PollWorld Development IndicatorsInternational Telecommunication UnionFragile States IndexWorldwide Governance IndicatorsFreedom HouseWorld Health OrganisationWorld Values SurveyAmnesty International, Centre for Systemic Peace. The 104 variables are grouped into 9 sub-indexes, which are averaged using equal weights. The 9 sub-indexes are:
  • Economic Quality
  • Business Environment
  • Governance
  • Education
  • Health
  • Safety & Security
  • Personal Freedom
  • Social Capital
  • Natural Environment
For example, Personal Freedom includes freedom of speech and religion, national tolerance for immigrants and ethnic and racial minorities. The Social Capital sub-index includes the percentage of citizens who volunteer, give to charity, help strangers, and who feel they can rely on family and friends.
Oxford Analytica assisted in the early development of the Prosperity Index and has contributed to shaping the methodology. Today, the annual Index is produced and published by the Legatum Institute."   he Legatum Institute operates a transparent approach to its work on the Prosperity Index. To that end, the entire methodology of the Prosperity Index along with the data used to create it is available for free online at the institute's website. the state might not be the best in every aspect but overall when you add up all the factors Massachusetts is on top 

Pro's argument is 80% copy and pasted stuff from Wikipedia. The rest is unrelated to the resolution.