Instigator / Pro

Rap Battle


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After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Vader's avatar
30 debates / 78 votes
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
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Contender / Con

Anything goes. Statements or opinions expressed in the rap battle do not necessarily reflect the views of the participants.

Round 1
RationalMadman? RM puts the moron after the oxy 
I’m the best, hands down, all call me Mohammed Ali 
Got a bushi clique that’ll do RM like the laundry 
Fuck samurai, I’m in a Rising Sun plane going kami-kazi 
RM’s afraid of the Illuminati and the DDO Elite 
Because he got banned for posting pics of a fleshlight for his meat
I’m OP ‘till the P changes to the D 
Kill his soul slowly, when I let the metal free
Unlocking a doggy door, slide in RM’s house so lowkey 
Then blow the firearm so much the murder charge switch to arsony 
SupaDudz is the judge to be coming through, and although I do fuck with you 
I’m about to decapitate your motherfucking mentor right in front of you 
Cut his motherfucking head off, slide the stump under you
And set fire to his bungalow, funeral quartet like the Bungaloos 
I kill rappers, come trial my boys listenin’ behind fences like immigrants 
The verdict of innocence is imminent given the judges’ survival percentages 
If it isn’t in their interest to drop it their life flashes before them in images 
And instances, ‘till the screen blackens like when the intermission is 
But in the event you return after the break there is no differences 
Fight? There’s no impetus, kill you and stick my dick in funeral businesses
So you could lay in the casket next to the judge for your fucking ignorance 
And the judge'll be next to dead rapper RM, enclosed in wood but impotent
Fuck it, shit, he’s self proclaimed genius, his pride makes me nauseous
He thinks he’s infallible, honest? Or a superiority complex
And I do not stand alone, it makes us all want to vomit 
But he’s violent, be cautious, views impossible to digest 
Or process, he’s a reel rap proponent, Wayne hater, dumb motherfucker
A child who think’s he’s educated like the kid on the Carter cover
A Em, Webby, and Mind Tricks lover, if not them, then fuck them other suckers 
He’ll try a sucker punch in your upper cupboard if reeel rap shit wasn't uttered
But wait his passion for reel rap is a piece of a larger puzzle 
Because the people he assumes muzzle music with a mumble 
Are not just seeking to make music, rather to make it through the struggle 
Moving their mothers out of the neighborhood, and not having to shoot a couple 
Guns, or not having to sell drugs so cokeheads can shoot a couple 
Needles, or not having to pull up to a family’s house and shoot a couple 
So they make music to appeal to the public, singles, might do a couple 
So his bullshit bout real music would leave Euclid confuzzled, don’t go through the trouble
RM’s broken words and sentences are really just useless rubble 
Matching the words of a rich fucker in a gated community, 
Thinking that through his elitism he can speak with immunity 
You’re walking on a path that blazes your shoes, it seems cool to me 
So don’t try to be pursuing me; that’s not me, that’s your eulogy 


"Well-guarded vag" is the most blatant pun in this rap, it's a play on his name, the other puns are sometimes more subtle but if you pay attention I've tried hard to make them semi-blatant. Vag(ina) ~ pussy ~ cat.

Boba Fett was a bounty hunter in Star Wars.

Sad news across the screen; travesty to the nation,
The revered egyptian cat's missing, gaping hole up in the ancients,
Pussy fucked by dickhead's brain; intelligent and patient,
Cat calling him doggy gets the hard bite of this alsation, talk 'bout diggin your own grave, son,
I've earned every medal when it comes out, fast as fuck no hesitation,
You are a bronze-age feline, my name is Rat as bait, handing me a win so blatant, I'm grateful and in amazement.

Telling me that I fear the Elite is like saying sheep dogs fear sheep,
Every step of the way here, I've been keeping b(i)sh up on the toes of his feet,
While I aint an anarchist sheep, I am the baddest-ass freak, take on the devil and God at once sided with souls lacking sleep,
You think you know me or my story; think that this battle's a feat? I had a fleshlight until I met you, got well-guarded vag here, for weeks.

You're a poser, you aint getting close to bread, the most rating you raked in's old news; over-toasted, dead,
Talk in your profile 'bout how you boast to fear no ghost when you come close to threats but this is unrated, no rating for this Boba Fett,
If you come into battle ready to choke to death, dont be surprised when the quote on your profile ends up being the very rope to ya' neck,
I prefer Sun Tzu's wisdom, filled with potent zest, Virt got modded, I'm in the Hall of Fame; you're an irrelevant cat that's more a rodent pest.
Round 2
I apologize for the last second response. Was very busy with work and kinda had writer's block. 

R1 Clarifications 

I did not know that we could/should clarify the meanings of some of the lines in Round 1. I’ll do so here, and my clarifications for round 2 are below. RM can do the same thing with his bars. SupaDudz, don’t read this entire list - this should serve as a  reference point for confusing lines. 

RationalMadman? RM puts the moron after the oxy 

I’m saying that RationalMadman is an oxymoron , which is a series of words that contradict each other. “Rational” contradicts “Madman” which would be a person who does not think rationally. 

Since I implicate that RM is a moron, and the word oxymoron has moron in it, he puts the moron after the oxy (the beginning of the word)

I’m the best, hands down, all call me Mohammed Ali 

Mohammed Ali was a boxer who was famous for putting his hands down during matches and using other frowned-upon and unorthodox techniques. I put a play on the words “hands down” as in what Mohammed Ali did and also “hands down” as in no question. 

Got a bushi clique that’ll do RM like the laundry

Bushi is the Japanese word for samurai. Got a samurai gang. 

“Do” is slang for do “do a hit on” or kill/assasinate. The laundry is also something you “do”.

I’m in a Rising Sun plane going kami-kazi

The Rising Sun was the Japanese war flag from the Meiji Restoration to 1945 when Japan was defeated in WW2. Towards the end of the war, Japan was losing so they used a tactic called kamikaze which was where the Japanese fighter pilots flew their planes into enemy vehicles, ending their own lives in the process. 

DDO Elite
Because he got banned for posting pics of a flashlight for his meat

The DDO/DART Elite was a concept pioneered by my opponent, RationalMadman, which blamed Imabench and primary moderators of the DDO/DART for… something. 

RationalMadman was banned from DDO for posting images of a fleshlight (a sex toy). I suggest that he made up the DDO Elite concept due to him being banned. 

 I’m OP ‘till the P changes to the D 

OP is an anagram for “overpowered”, or too good. OD means to overdose, or die of a drug overdose. I’m saying that I’m too good until I overdose (“‘till I OD” is a common promise of dedication in rap music, as in “I’ll do X till I OD”. It makes more sense the more rap music you listen to, just in case it sounds bizare here. 

set the metal free

“Metal” is a slang word I use for “gun.” So basically shoot a gun. 

Unlocking a doggy door, slide in RM’s house so lowkey

This line actually went over RM’s head per his R1 verse. If there were to be a lock on a doggy door, it would be very low to the ground due to it being on a doggy door. So “lowkey” here means both unnoticeable or hard to notice and means a low key, like a key neccesary to unlock a doggy door. 

Then blow the firearm so much the murder charge switch to arsony

This is a play on the word firearm (gun), specifically the first part (fire). Arsony is a crime associated with setting something on fire. Typically, someone who shootsa firearm would be charged with murder.

I’m about to decapitate your motherfucking mentor right in front of you 

SupaDudz said here that RM would be proud of his improvement. I took this to mean that RM was his mentor in rapping

And set fire to his bungalow, funeral quartet like the Bungaloos 

A bungalow is a type of house. The Bungaloos was a kids TV show that had a quartet of kids in it. I’m saying that RM’s funeral will have a singing quartet.

I kill rappers, come trial my boys listenin’ behind fences like immigrants 

The US is seperated from Mexico by a fence, although a wall is being built. 

Fuck it, shit, he’s self proclaimed genius, his pride makes me nauseous, 
He thinks he’s infallible, honest? Or a superiority complex
And I do not stand alone, it makes us all want to vomit 
But he’s violent, be cautious, views impossible to digest
Or process

This is a play on the words relating to digestion. Nauseous, digest, vomit, process

A child who think’s he’s educated like the kid on the Carter cover

This is the kid I am referring to. Pretty self explanatory. 

So his bullshit bout real music would leave Euclid confuzzled

Euclid was a genius and an ancient Greek mathemetician. Confuzzled is a colloquial way of combining the words “confused” and “puzzled”

 R2 Rap

That shit flowed like 32° F, he probably flicked his pencil 
Off to the side, after which he inserted the “BOOM BAP DARKNESS INSTRUMENTAL”
bro what the fuck is with that weirdo on the cover is he insane 
And what the flying motherFUCK is “Pussy fucked by dickhead’s brain”?!
Submitted my 1st, went to sleep,  woke up to the immediate reply he scrawled 
Either his sweaty ass pulled an all-nighter or he didn’t even try at all 
The shit didn’t flow even with a beat to push your wheelchair, are you high or nah? 
So much persperation, need the whole of North Africa to dry him off
He said “Got a well guarded vag here for weeks”
That pun was so fucking weak I flicked a tick off when you speak 
Those bullshit medals get your dick off and keep up your heartbeat
You being the “baddest-ass freak” was the wierdest shit I had to read 
Have you spinning like a tip ball when the zebra’s finger flipped off 
Not afraid of a sheep? Rather a wolf in sheep’s clothing 
Get the sheep costume ripped off when the mouth gets to foaming 
Raise on the flagpole the banner of your 63rd defeat 
I never called you a doggy; but you really may be one of the loudest bitches 
That line didn’t go over your head; you couldn’t see it in your clouded vision
Alsation’s hard bite? The hard right’ll end it like German power schisms,
Then put RationalMadman on cable like where the router fits in
At his funeral his mother sees her son like the Earth without eclipses 
She tries to speak through teary eyes and the catch in her throat -  all that comes out: ellipses 
Armoredcat lets bullets out like a crowd of children when school’s out of commision 
You can’t absorb your losses, you reflect them off to judges like an outer prism 
for real you a fucking bitch and you bitch when you fucking lose debates
And now we maneuver straight into yet another of your stupid traits 
If I get a tick in my loss column, I’ll push my ratings up and recuperate 
You’ll just never improve to great and continue to self-exuberate
He makes cat jokes like it’s past a username - coulda been armoredape
You’ll never kill me take one of my lives, you’ll have to deal with the other eight 
And the armor and the karutas just serve as a backdrop for the blade 
Speed dial backup or back off, because I’ll erase your fucking face 
Close your casket or put a cast on 

R2 Clarifications 

That shit flowed like 32° F

32° Fahrenheit is the temperature at which water turns to ice. Water flows, ice doesn’t; what I am implying here is that RM’s rap doesn’t flow. 

he probably flicked his pencil 
Off to the side, after which he inserted the “BOOM BAP DARKNESS INSTRUMENTAL”

This is another joke about the flow of RM’s rap. The reason why the rap doesn’t flow on the beat is because he probably wrote the song before he created the beat. 

So much persperation, need the whole of North Africa to dry him off

North Africa is a really dry area of the world as it contains the Sahara desert. 

That pun was so fucking weak I flicked a tick off when you speak 

Ticks give you lyme disease, a disease characterized by an extreme level of weakness. 

Have you spinning like a tip ball when the zebra’s finger flipped off 

“Zebra” is slang for referee. In basketball, the referee throws up the basketball (the tip ball) and 2 players try to take it. 

That line didn’t go over your head; you couldn’t see it in your clouded vision

What I’m saying here is that the line I said went so far over RM’s head that it reached the clouds, which thus clouded his vision. This is a double entendre. 

Alsation’s hard bite? The hard right’ll end it like German power schisms,

The Nazis (who are on the hard right or far right of the political spectrum) took over Germany in a power schism with many other political parties, i.e. the Communist Party. 

You can’t absorb your losses, you reflect them off to judges like an outer prism 

Prisms are colorless, and thus they do not absorb any light, they only reflect it. 

You’ll never kill me take one of my lives, you’ll have to deal with the other eight 

This is a play on the “cats have nine lives” saying. 


Karutas were Japanese samurai armor.


What a hilarious miss of a precarious diss...
to admit I barely spent time on my Round 1 blitz,
If I am that good when I rush shit and refuse to sit and linger,
Imagine me when I spend time 'n' genuinely lift a finger,
I fucking dare you, pissant to try and compare with this in the same amount time as I do it; you'd fall flat, shit would be unfair, bruised bitch,
Don't pretend you're wolf in a sheep's outfit; you're a terrified pussy worried 'bout me in your territory, so you piss,
But the problem with the piss is the stink don't matter when it gets compared to the volatile diarrhea that I emit,
I am the shit and my fab'lous wit gets most pussies throbbing guess your a dried up kitty in a chastity belt, hit with a baton and I guess armoredcat has finally got a ring to it.

You literally type shit so violent that if the FBI showed up and took your computer you'd be put in an asylum,
I type shit twenty times more brutal without an explicitly violent remark; my bark is quiter than my bite, guess I'm a canine python,
You're more of feline bison, read to defend against a frontal attack but me I'm slick, you 'erase my face' I copy paste it in place of yours, fits right on,
You type a lot like you'll come be near me, hurt me 'til I scream like a siren, but my screams to supadudz's ears'll be the mythical definition of what 'siren' is, he'll like 'em,
And just when you think that I'm past the brink of insanity with no resistance left to syphon, you'll see my name's no oxymoron I'll smile as dudz break the door down, and your mindless guise of being a lion comes to an end for it's your mind not mine that need's rewiring,
You don't entertain and audience by saying you'll slit the throat of the one you're fighting, you simply do the 'slitting' with spit delivered so slick it hypnotises them, you steer the steed and the crowd bucks wild FUCK YES RIDE ON!

You think that you're better than me because you say you'll leave me dead,
I say that I'll come back and haunt you forever, boring right? Well so's the threat,
Get some fucking flow involved man, it's not just your content that's getting wrecked,
This is Noah's Ark and I'm Poseidon, you're clowning round with proud bluffs but puss let's get you wet,
You try actually calling yourself a funeral mass shooter and come back tell me I'm insane? Pathetic wretch.
Round 3
Thank you for the rap battle RM! It's been a lot of fun. 

R3 Clarifications

I talk mad shit, bitch, and you’re still hoarse like a carousel

Still hoarse as in can’t talk and also still horse as in a horse that doesn’t move, like one you’d see on a carousel. 

Rappers  better bear a cell before I’m ensnared in a prison barrack cell

Play on “cell”, like better have a cell phone, and also “cell” like a prison cell. Also there’s a rhyme scheme here, which has been put in italics. 

For these lines to go over your head, it’s at the height of a hammered nail 

Nails have heads, which are extremely flat and short

Fuck ice, I’m such a G.O.A.T around my neck hangs a pair of bells

Goat as in animal and GOAT as in Greatest of All Time. Goats typically have bells hung around their necks. 

I’m too pro ton, and neutralize you like a pair of cells 

Play on proton and neutron, like the components in a cell

On wax bars are so fire it’s like your iPhone was paired to hell

“On wax” is slang for on a beat. Fairly simple fire/hell play on words. “Paired” means connected to. 

 RM’s a tool so I’ll reverse engineer him like Ida, Ghidra 

Play on tool/engineer. Ida and Ghidra are what are called reverse engineering programs. 

All your cat jokes are reaches and yet you still can’t grasp a bar 

Play on reaches/grasp.

But implying that he has a flow is fake as fuck like the tree in palm tree 

Palm trees are actually plants and not trees I believe. 

Stop talking, leave red around your crew like flags of Nazis 

The Nazi flag has red outside and a swastika on the inside. 

There’s more space between RM’s rhymes than the distance between two alt keys 

I’m saying that RM’s raps don’t flow well because the rhymes are far apart. On many keyboards, the spacebar is between two Alt keys. 

The cat with 2 backs and 8 necks,

Reference to Shakespear’s “beast with 2 backs”

Off tape, leave battle rappers with hanged necks like J Epp 

Reference to Jeffery Epstein’s suicide.

And fuck you think that Em was doing back in ‘02, bitch?

Eminem was a very violent rapper back in his prime and rapped about many violent things. I am explaining to RM that many rappers that he likes and the entire battle rap scene use violence so he shouldn’t pretend I am the exception for this, or that it’s wrong to do it. I also say he knows nothing about battle rap despite him explaining how to do it. 

Put an arrow to his back like the beat when you loop it 
This is one of the lines that I'm very proud of. The YouTube loop simple is a loop with an arrow in the front facing the back.

Then freeze the 9 cicles of hell that Dante roamed and raise it

This is a reference to the Inferno in the Divine Comedy by Dante.

RM doesn’t want smoke like he hides it in his jacket when he vapes it 

One way some people hide the smoke from their vapes is to smoke it into their jacket. 

I’m fire, could burn my sheets like 451 they emaciated

Reference to Fahrenheit 451, a book in which the authoritarian government burns books. 

R3 Rap

I think it’s hilarious that you rush your trash bars and impair yourself 
Then dare me to go on the same quality-reducing parallel 
I plan shit out to kill my paper and your paper if it’s there as well 
The idea that the shit was good when he rushed it is a fairy tale, 
I talk mad shit, bitch, and you’re still hoarse like a carousel
Rappers  better bear a cell before I’m ensnared in a prison barrack cell
For these lines to go over your head, it’s at the height of a hammered nail 
Fuck ice, I’m such a G.O.A.T around my neck hangs a pair of bells
I’m too pro ton, and neutralize you like a pair of cells 
On wax bars are so fire it’s like your iPhone was paired to hell
also please stop fucking talking bout your volatile diarrhea
RM’s a tool so I’ll reverse engineer him like Ida, Ghidra 
All your cat jokes are reaches and yet you still can’t grasp a bar 
Mine would still hop over your misshapen cerebral cortex if they’re half as tall
That “got a ring to it” line was inspired by misused Aderral
Canine python makes sense, youre a bitch with no legs to be standin on 
He talks about my flow, with which he attempts to fault me 
But implying that he has a flow is fake as fuck like the tree in palm tree 
Stop talking, leave red around your crew like flags of Nazis 
There’s more space between RM’s rhymes  than the distance between two alt keys 
RM’s kissing SupaDudz’s ass like Dudz delivers his next paycheck, 
Either it’s ‘cause he’s the judge or he hasn’t voted against him in a debate yet 
The cat with 2 backs and 8 necks, keep the Magnum on safety like safe sex, 
Off tape, leave battle rappers with hanged necks like J Epp 
He’s offended that I used violence in my Round 2 shit 
So scared and bothered he dedicated half of his bars to it
But I don’t give a fuck that he called me a vag, pussy, bruised bitch 
Because I’m aware that rap breathes the essence of brutal shit
But he’d never listen to it if reeeel rappers didn’t do it 
You think battle rappers “ride bulls” and shit,  don’t talk violence? A few clips
And fuck you think that Em was doing back in ‘02, bitch?
Fuck that stupid, don’t try to act like you knew shit, 
Act like you could fucking educate me about rap music
Put an arrow to his back like a beat when you loop it 
That said I’ll leave you red like tulips and valentine cupids
My flow so solid it could fucking freeze Satan 
Then freeze the 9 circles of hell that Dante roamed and raise it
Until the clouds that bottom out the heavens are scorched and torched and flamin
Got a sword to rappers necks to commence organ invasions 
Could recapture the Escapists, put them back in initial places 
Destroy a rapper, burn the ashes, burn those ashes find a replacement 
RM doesn’t want smoke like he hides it in his jacket when he vapes it 
He bitches when he loses debates, ignores it but can’t escape it
Evasive to bullets, punches, bars, a monster walks on the pavement 
Cut RM’s vein valves like I fucking killed Gaben
I’m fire, could burn my sheets like 451 they emaciated
RM came to simply frame this victory that I painted


el gato is 'the cat' or just 'cat' in Spanish, it also has a pun referring to 'gat' in the context supplied.

Everyone's a real G when the gang's for pranksters,
Matter of fact is the answer to the matter at hand leaves this armored twat all but pantless,
If I can't 'grasp a bar', he can't even fathom the madness it would take to get as close to the hatching of the dragons I blast with,
Appreciate the immaculate pablo escobarbaric patterns in which my ejaculate splatter split that shatters this combat-addict's undervalues in his arrogance; profile-quoted Samurai's pathetic bad habit.

He lacks even an atom of talent when the mass is accurately measured and matched in comparison with my Arsenal I could 1vall his poor-performing garrison,
I actually cannot fathom why this baby shakes his rattle more at the sake of embarassment, I told him death threats are weak when I turn up to rap just a half-Round after but he's still oh so keen to keep at it, DART's rap battle Samaritan,
Thanks for passionate and adamant handing over of a free win, what? Oh there's a guy and you'll batter him? Oh, you'll kill him with the Magnum ice cream upon a horse's dick as you're galloping?
Go lick your magnum cone, el gato, use that tongue for less of the disparaging blabbering.