Instigator / Pro

God exists


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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One week
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Definition of God: A maximally great being. A maximally great being is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being that created the universe. If a being was greater than God then that being would be God.

do not commit these fallacies:
respond as quickly and effectively as possible
Do not offend anyone
I will be held up by the previously mentioned rules


I actually would have voted, however, I don't yet have permission to do so.

My first tied debate. I wonder why nobody voted?


Well, we will see what the new research at the Large Hadron Collider shows. LHC experts will work around the clock to progressively recommission the machine and safely ramp up the energy and intensity of the beams before delivering collisions to the experiments at a record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (13.6 TeV).

This third run of the LHC, called Run 3, will see the machine’s experiments collecting data from collisions not only at a record energy but also in unparalleled numbers. The ATLAS and CMS experiments can each expect to receive more collisions during this physics run than in the two previous physics runs combined, while LHCb, which underwent a complete revamp during the shutdown, can hope to see its collision count increase by a factor of three. Meanwhile, ALICE, a specialised detector for studying heavy-ion collisions, can expect a fifty times increase in the total number of recorded ion collisions, thanks to the recent completion of a major upgrade.

The unprecedented number of collisions will allow international teams of physicists at CERN and across the world to study the Higgs boson in great detail and put the Standard Model of particle physics and its various extensions to the most stringent tests yet.


Occam's razor and the existence of the "dark matter" throw string theory in the trash bin.

vote kids!


String theory suggests that the big bang was not the origin of the universe but simply the outcome of a preexisting state.
Philosophers, theologians and scientists have long debated whether time is eternal or finite—that is, whether the universe has always existed or whether it had a definite genesis. Einstein's general theory of relativity implies finiteness. An expanding universe must have begun at the big bang.
Yet general relativity ceases to be valid in the vicinity of the bang because quantum mechanics comes into play. The leading candidate for a full quantum theory of gravity—string theory—introduces a minimal quantum of length as a new fundamental constant of nature, making the very concept of a bangian genesis untenable.
The bang still took place, but it did not involve a moment of infinite density, and the universe may have predated it. The symmetries of string theory suggest that time did not have a beginning and will not have an end. The universe could have begun almost empty and built up to the bang, or it might even have gone through a cycle of death and rebirth.

Rush to the voting ballots!


You don't have to be, I'm not a master debater either, just a dude who wants to debate for fun and protect his opinions with the best he can(:


No thanks, I'm not a Master Debater.


would you like to challenge me to a debate.


I don't like having to spend all of a short debate on just 1 argument.


Why did you made two completely new arguments?

Fred Adams (2019) cautions against claims that the universe is extremely fine-tuned for life. According to him, the range of parameters for which the universe would have been habitable is quite considerable. In addition, as he sees it, the universe could have been more, rather than less, life-friendly. Notably, if the vacuum energy density had been smaller, the primordial fluctuations (quantified by Q) had been larger, the baryon-to-photon ratio had been larger, the strong force had been slightly stronger, and gravity slightly weaker, there might have been more opportunities for life to develop (Adams 2019: sect. 10.3). If Adams is right, our universe may just be garden-variety habitable rather than maximally life-supporting.

“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” ~Einstein 1929
"The word 'God' is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses;" - Einstein 1954

“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” ~Einstein

please excuse my bad grammar, I am rushed here

Albert Einstein 1954, "The word 'God' is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses; the Bible a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish,"

I may have made a mistake here in the comments, but it's hard to argue against the idea that God exists seeing as it is basically irrefutable

"Laurence Krauss has also tried to explain that a universe comes from nothing if there are pre existent quantum fluctuations. However these quantum fluctuations can only happen where there is time and space. And before the universe there was no time and space. Second of all pre existent timeless and spaceless quantum fluctuations are not a true nothing(a true nothing doesn't even have and are very similar to the necessary substance."

Quite intriguing

spelling fix here. When I said:

"(a true nothing doesn't even have and are very similar to the necessary substance."

I meant to say:

(a true nothing doesn't even have quantum fluctuations) and are very similar to the necessary substance."

hope you keep this in mind.


you too

Best of luck to you, my friend.